12 mythological Giant guardians who keep watch over a raid dungeon

MrDorixMrDorix Member
edited January 2021 in General Discussion

I am a hyped student from Belgium and I have seen this new project Ashes of Creation.
It really is an insanely complete and awesome MMO!
Since it's such a great MMO, I thought of an idea and wanted to share it with you guys.
I thought of insanely huge giants who can reach the clouds with their heads.

So the idea is to have a Giant sit on a throne in front of a mountain and between his/her legs there is a big gate that leads to a raid dungeon. To open the gate you have to defeat the Giant with the help of hundreds of players. You can only go inside the dungeon once you defeat the Giant. If you defeat the Giant, the throne will be empty and you will see the remains of his/her body for a whole month. After a month another giant is summoned by the mountain to become the new guardian. For example, the first giant was a male Giant who fights with an axe, the second is a female Giant who fights with a bow. And every month there is a different Giant, which means 12 giants for a whole year. However when a Giant is summoned, it cannot be attacked during the first week. Only after the first week, players can come together to defeat the Giant.

I hope you will like this idea and hopefully it will implemented in Ashes of Creation.

Kind regards from Belgium.



  • It'd be a good way to get people working together to unlock content.
    This link may help you: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/

  • It would be a cool idea ! There are certains concerns for me however.

    On one hand, seeing as dungeons spawn based on node development, there might be an extra layer of complexity to adding this event in the game. Or perhaps not. I'm not a programmer.

    The other is that it would be odd to require a raid sized group to unlock what would be an 8 player instanced dungeon. The power scaling and progression would feel backwards.

    Now if this were some some sort of Door Boos for an endgame raid that would develop over years allowing us to find out more about the lore of this world, I feel it might be cooler. Think of it as a collaborative effort to reach a final goal. Like the Survey Corps in Attack on Titan, or the race to reach the center of the galaxy in No Man's Sky.

    And with the world feeling as alive as it does, imagine the repercussions into our in game society: new gathering areas, for gatherers, more story for RPers, more monsters for PvErs, better loot for everyone and better gear manufacturing. Even perhaps a change in some in game mechanics.
  • Asgerr wrote: »
    It would be a cool idea ! There are certains concerns for me however.

    On one hand, seeing as dungeons spawn based on node development, there might be an extra layer of complexity to adding this event in the game. Or perhaps not. I'm not a programmer.

    The other is that it would be odd to require a raid sized group to unlock what would be an 8 player instanced dungeon. The power scaling and progression would feel backwards.

    Now if this were some some sort of Door Boos for an endgame raid that would develop over years allowing us to find out more about the lore of this world, I feel it might be cooler. Think of it as a collaborative effort to reach a final goal. Like the Survey Corps in Attack on Titan, or the race to reach the center of the galaxy in No Man's Sky.

    And with the world feeling as alive as it does, imagine the repercussions into our in game society: new gathering areas, for gatherers, more story for RPers, more monsters for PvErs, better loot for everyone and better gear manufacturing. Even perhaps a change in some in game mechanics.

    You said it all, my friend! : D
    However, this is just an idea I wanted to share. The developers are free to adapt the idea as desired.
    Indeed, it can be great to add this as end game content to learn more about the world of Ashes of Creation.
  • LycancoffeeLycancoffee Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Even if they just find inspiration from your idea, your suggestion is creative and cool.
  • I think this is a great idea that can be used for like some of the end dungeons in the game.
    Gotta be seen if this fits in the entire story of Ashes but for sure a really good idea!
  • maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I like this idea too! :)
    I wish I were deep and tragic
  • JamationJamation Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    It's a cool and interesting idea, but I'm certain they have a lot of content already planned for the initial launch!

    I also feel that having a permanent raid structure set on a monthly schedule would sort of go against the idea of node development interaction.
    Perhaps there will be permanent dungeon-esque things, but I don't know how I'd feel about it being presented in this fashion. I think most world type bosses will end up needing this kind of cooperation in the end so I don't know if I'd like it being a guard to a dungeon. If that were the case I feel like the dungeon itself would also require even more than the initial group that killed the guard. Asgerr's idea about it temporarily open a new area is intriguing though.

    I also am not sure why there would need to be a week where it couldn't be attacked. If it's there, it should be able to be killed. Otherwise the dungeon wouldn't be able to be accessed for an entire week with no real reason for it.
  • Jamation wrote: »
    It's a cool and interesting idea, but I'm certain they have a lot of content already planned for the initial launch!

    I also feel that having a permanent raid structure set on a monthly schedule would sort of go against the idea of node development interaction.
    Perhaps there will be permanent dungeon-esque things, but I don't know how I'd feel about it being presented in this fashion. I think most world type bosses will end up needing this kind of cooperation in the end so I don't know if I'd like it being a guard to a dungeon. If that were the case I feel like the dungeon itself would also require even more than the initial group that killed the guard. Asgerr's idea about it temporarily open a new area is intriguing though.

    I also am not sure why there would need to be a week where it couldn't be attacked. If it's there, it should be able to be killed. Otherwise the dungeon wouldn't be able to be accessed for an entire week with no real reason for it.

    I understand were you're coming from but the reason why I suggested a week to kill the Giant guardian is so that you can contemplate the guardian for a week. Because if the Giant is killable since day one, he'll be killed on the spot and there will never be a Guardian guarding the gate.

    But this is only an idea, the devs are free to change it to there liking.
  • Players are used to free access to new content. I like the idea of a server earning it.
  • True, It might be cool to earn this content true node advancements.
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