Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Should PVP zones be in AoC?
I have no idea if this has been talked about before, but I think PVP zones should be included inside Ashes of Creation. It should contain the rarest materials and also the hardest Mobs but also should be on par with PVE farming zones. The area should be 1 Item Loot PVP, meaning you have a chance at losing 1 piece of gear or item that is equipped as well as materials that have been farmed there, open to free loot meaning if you killed someone those drops can be stolen by someone else, and combat tag meaning you cannot leave the area or logout unless your combat tag expires. I feel like this could be a good RvR factor inside Ashes of Creation because it's a high-risk high reward system that lets you grind the rarest materials that are used to craft and or repair the rarest equipment but risk losing that rare item or gear that you have. it also encourages PVP and those who really like to PVP can test their skills, those who like to PK can do it here. Also, making the material/mob respawn times Slower than the normal respawn timer just so it's not so overpowered. I believe it should be added inside the game whether it's the start or later down the road because I know people would want to farm these areas and people will have extra gear now that there is gear degradation. what do you guys think?
The whole map is a PVP and PVE zone.
I suggest watching this video.
Also, this is always a bad idea for a game like AoC
But, whether they'll pick up on the idea & implement it, is a different story.
And the mode that defines the rules is the corruption system.
Lineage did a good job at that, which is one of the games ashes draws inspiration from.
I think you underestimate the amount of people that played MMOs before WoW. These people are waiting for a game just like Ashes. If they get pve right in Ashes then it will be successful. The thing that other open world pvp games have missed in recent history is a good pve experience.
We don't want a separated experience. We want the risk. We want the rush of getting materials back to town.
@xQuinnx You don’t understand what target audience means. Target audience means who the game is designed for. The target audience for this game is a PvX crowd with a focus on PvP. Just because a lot of the new folks here are PvE players, it doesn’t mean that they are the target audience.
The game will do very well with it’s PvX focus and there were many such MMORPG players before WoW. Games like Albion Online are testament that a game can do really well even when it has a much higher PvP focus than AoC.
I’m sorry, but people like you are not welcome here. People like you is what caused New World’s 180 design change. The community has not and will not welcome people who push agendas like yours.
I don't know how a sandbox MMORPG like AoC could work without PvP.
If 80% of the players are here ONLY for PvE then they are waiting for the wrong game.
I don't know why they would come on a sandbox MMORPG with open dungeons/raids while themepark like WoW/FF14 give them what they need.
I don't think anyone who doesn't want to PvP is in the target audience of a open world game that allows PvP in over 90% of the map.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
I still like to know were pvp is a niche, if you think about it people don't have any pvp or pve/pvp mmorpg made with a big budget, sure you have small things like eve and albion online, and they survive with alot of players, if you enter in albion for example you will see every city crowded....
Big streamers like summit and co carnage and many youtubers are for years waiting for a pvp mmorpg with good pve for years
Anyone who loves MMOs and wants to see the world of Verra take shape is more than welcome here
I’ve seen people like that speak against a game’s vision and it’s lead to awful changes. I will speak up when they come looking to change AoC into something that it’s not trying to be.
I guess it’s your forums and you make the rules, but many of us will speak up when others come trying to change AoC away from what you guys set out to build.
Vman was a little bit rude but i understand his feeling, it s hard always someone trying to shape every mmorpg in another Themepark WOW... Look new world example, they stop following they "vision" to try pleasant everyone , now they have a mess in their hands.
"Fear leads to the dark side"
"Fear is the mind killer"
But you are totally right, people should play the game as its intended and not try to keep changing it when they aren't the ones actually putting in all the work. And carebear themepark games have definitely killed the mmo market.
In the 7-8 months I have been actively following and cheering this game on. The number one source of conflict I have seen on the Discord, Reddit, and forums is exactly what is "Our Vision" for Ashes.
To me personally it seems well documented. I have linked this page to many people when the vision of Ashes is called into question.
Still I can't help but think that because the Wiki is not official, but only compiled from official statements. Maybe I too may have some misconceptions about the vision Intrepid has for Ashes. I worry that I might only hear what I want to hear.
Perhaps a new tab on the fresh new website with an official outline of the vison Intrepid has for Ashes could help clear things up. Maybe something in a FAQ style. I know Ashes is trying to be a lot of things, and I love the ambition. Ashes just can't be everything at once.
Some of us need to be let down. Steven pretty much laid the hammer down on the discussion about DPS meters or addons. While I don't love that design choice, I do like that it cleared up that part of the Vision for Ashes. Concrete statements about the vision of the game go a long way in improving the community's expectations and discussions about the game. I hope to see more concreate statements as things fall into place.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
However, it would be cool to have areas in the game (outside the influence of a node for example) where you don't build corruption. BUT, that would depend entirely on how corruption is explained in terms of lore.
@Aaxc The way the game is designed would not support PvE server types. World bosses, resources etc. need to be contested through PvP for the game to work.
RP servers could work, but Intrepid has decided against it.
What's wrong with the standard pvx server?
When the hype around AoC will rise, this forum will be flooded by this type of players unfortunatly...
They'll whine to change the game into an another WoW/FF14 clone i can already feel the :
"Omg outdoor content wtf please add more instanced content"
"Omg remove PK are you insane ? I want to PvE ONLY"
"WTF i'm loosing ressource during caravan PvP"
"Why only 1% of the players can have flying mount give it to everyone"
"Leveling is too long & boring i don't care about it"
"I'm a casual this game take too much time rework it i can't catch-up with invested players what a shame !"
this will happen 100%