Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
What does the community think about XP Debt?

After your Alpha 1 experience, what do you think about the XP Debt?
NA | Pirate | Hardcore PvP | Corrupt | PvX
I also feel that strong consequences are important in a game with open world PvP.
Tuning is something that can be done over the next few years. I would once again like to encourage the DEVs to use caution when listening to feedback about death penalty tuning. Just because I worry that most players would not ask to make the game harder.
I don't want XP debt to be so brutal that no one would want to play the game. I also don't want it to be so forgiving that it might as well not exist. I am sure there are many solutions that strike a fine balance, and I am hopeful that we get there. If we are not already there.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
It's one of those things that could be tuned. Steven mentioned the exp debt figures were "janked". I had one death that was ~15% and another that was close to 50%.
Even when I got hit with 50% debt, it didn't take that long to work off.
If this is true, the XP debt will be a tad more harsh than what you are experiencing in Alpha 1.
I'm going to watch the news lots of fun stuff happening on planet earth.
I like ur black flag rec74
It's a good choice and make even the leveling part important/dangerous + it add a risk/reward to this part of the game.
Handing in a quest cleared the debt for me, so yes, quest XP counts.
Also, I am fine with XP debt. Some tweaking required perhaps, but death should sting a little.
Also, if going red increases your Exp. Debt than I think not fighting back should too. That way it would encourage people to go purple a bit more.
Former WoW Player | 30Y | Female | PvP/Dungeon/Raid
I see what you are saying. I actually thought the debt was referring to corruption until I watched a video and they discussed XP debt, as I do not think I have played an MMO that has had it before.
Thanks btw on the Flag
Aren't we all sinners?
Much love ❤️
Black Sails Discord
I would like to see some of the following as bullet points in the design of those consequences.
- <Level 10 = no death penalty
- >Level 10 Carry capacity limits implemented where you lose no items that are not "over" your capacity. This could raise with level gain. This could even be a skill to increase your max allowed capacity.
- 1st Death = XP debt of about half of it's current level.
- 1st death = "Resurrection Sickness" de-buff which will significantly increase your XP debt accumulation if you have subsequent deaths with-in a 15(?) minute time frame.
- Greatly reduced Death penalties if you are rezzed by a party member.
- Moderately reduced penalties if you wait for the timer to expire before resurrecting.
- Specific quest chains designed to help reduce XP debt.
P.V.P.Keep it simple with a flat %. No need to clog up the system with special rules or anything silly. Punish someone for dying and make the game harder.
What would be cool is XP debt removal from certain religions or freeholds. I also believe there should be an xp debt cap. Off the top of my head 25% of your current lvls exp seems nice and punishing.
What I am curious about is what happens to this exp debt system once you reach lvl 50? No way you could drop down to lvl 49 as this would be insane to implement. It would still make sense if there were endless levels to be gained but this isn't something they want in the game if I remember correctly.
Last I heard you can't de-level from experience debt. I believe the cap is 100% Experience Debt after multiple deaths yet I haven't played the MMO yet.
Exp debt is supposed to make you weaker and impact drop chances which is how it will affect you at max level. Wiki: Player Death
So long as it does not become a "git gut" mechanic for new players.
Other than that, i find it cool!
AND i think it should have a part to play at end game so it's not just a "slow down leveling" or "anti-risk" mechanic.
EDIT: It does in fact affect max level.
Oh daaaamn. Yeah I will be pvping and punishing as many people as possible who are not in my node as a citizen haha. I don't want to spawn camp anyone but it was very much possible in the alpha. I am hoping the respawn point can be chosen by the player. Closest 3-5 spawn points would be awesome if the punishment is this harsh.
I saw someone on Shol server this last alpha test had a Experience debt greater than -400%.
Black Sails Discord