Ashes of Creation on UE5?

KaelinTVKaelinTV Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
It's obvious AOC is still roughly around 3 years out from release. Hoping that the game will be upgraded and ported over to UE5. Probably take quite a bit of work, but man looking at the engines capabilities, as well as it's workflow optimization, would probably make it worthwhile in the long run, as it can actually decrease time to flesh out the world as well.

For those that haven't seen it yet, recently released UE5 features/toolset video.


  • Two thoughts on that. First, newer isn’t better than proven. Second, it all depends on what has to be rebuilt, sometimes from the ground up.
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I was told they will port to UE5 in the future. Main aim right now is to fix the current engine. The code will transfer between UE4 and UE5.
  • KaelinTVKaelinTV Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I would normally agree with that statement to a certain extent depending on a few factors. But the main difference here is this ain't just your basic engine upgrade. The Fundamentals of game creation are being changed to allow for high quality production at a faster pace. A lot of issues in making and merging the world environment has become more streamline. Allowing big studios to work more efficiently, and smaller studios to kick out high production quality with smaller staff.

    Overall, from what I've seen so far, definitely worth the consideration in upgrading the engine. Yes it will take some time to do, but will most likely shave off and save time in the long run of production. Time will tell however.
  • The asset streaming that UE5 has seems really really good for a mmo. The way UE5 breaks word maps into tiles is a total game-changer if it works as well as shown. It would also be amazing if they could make use of the real-time global illumination. If it's at all possible I assume they would make the switch to UE5
  • AsgerrAsgerr Member
    They are indeed updating their UE4 a number of times, and they did say they might update to UE5 post launch, depending on how the new engine works out in a case by case basis.
  • KaelinTVKaelinTV Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Here's hoping that is indeed the case. I can understand not wanting to mess up their current workflow and production schedule and stick with UE4 for now. But I would definitely be willing to sacrifice time between the next alpha and betas for an upgrade. But timing definitely not in that favor considering this is an early access about to pop off for UE5. If it was a full release, would make it more feasible if they decided to dive into a UE5 engine upgrade.

    Here's to hoping though, regardless, this looks IMMENSELY impressive.
  • HiddenDaggerInnHiddenDaggerInn Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    KaelinTV wrote: »
    It's obvious AOC is still roughly around 3 years out from release. Hoping that the game will be upgraded and ported over to UE5. Probably take quite a bit of work, but man looking at the engines capabilities, as well as it's workflow optimization, would probably make it worthwhile in the long run, as it can actually decrease time to flesh out the world as well.

    For those that haven't seen it yet, recently released UE5 features/toolset video.

    I think 3 years out is a pretty big assumption, you only know about what you see. They have tons of stuff waiting to be implemented that they needed to wait for the server stability issues to be fixed first which they have vastly improved them. When they're in the office again you should see contenet flowing. I would be willing to be Alpha 2 is before the end of the year. That will take the most time, as the beta's are usally very short.
  • KaelinTVKaelinTV Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited May 2021
    KaelinTV wrote: »
    It's obvious AOC is still roughly around 3 years out from release. Hoping that the game will be upgraded and ported over to UE5. Probably take quite a bit of work, but man looking at the engines capabilities, as well as it's workflow optimization, would probably make it worthwhile in the long run, as it can actually decrease time to flesh out the world as well.

    For those that haven't seen it yet, recently released UE5 features/toolset video.

    I think 3 years out is a pretty big assumption, you only know about what you see. They have tons of stuff waiting to be implemented that they needed to wait for the server stability issues to be fixed first which they have vastly improved them. When they're in the office again you should see contenet flowing. I would be willing to be Alpha 2 is before the end of the year. That will take the most time, as the beta's are usally very short.

    Definitely doubt seeing Alpha 2 by years end. We are still on systems testing. Heck, we are on Alpha Island. They are ramping up on the hiring which is good sign, they are now moving forward and into asset crunch mode. Stephen has already stated in interview that production workflow actually increased under the covid lockdown, as there are less distractions at work and social mingling. Who knows how much is really already made, and being thrown into the actual map we will be playing eventually. But if I had to put my money on it. I'd be guessing roughly two years at the absolute earliest, more feasible for three. That be my opinion though =P.
  • MaezrielMaezriel Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    If they were going to upgrade now would be the only time to do so and it could greatly speed up development while also extending the total lifespan of the game.

    We'll see what Intrepid has to say, but I'd not be against it.
    If I said something that you disagree w/ feel free to say so here.
  • Totally ignoring how much work they have put into building so far and how work it would be to change, nobody should make that big a leap this early in an engine release. Wait at least 6-12 months for a stable release of UE5. The first 6 months of any new software is bug fixes, so why inflict that on themselves by moving now?
    We don't want to have to deal with engine issues to complicate the testing.
  • VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    As cool as UE5 is they could make the game in UE3 and I would be happy. I choose systems and game play over graphics any day of the week. The only reason I would want them to go to UE5 is if it makes development easier for them. Otherwise, It is best that they stick with whatever environment they feel is best for the game.
    If I had more time, I would write a shorter post.
  • MarcetMarcet Member
    I don't care at all about the graphics, personally.
  • ConradConrad Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Vhaeyne wrote: »
    As cool as UE5 is they could make the game in UE3 and I would be happy. I choose systems and game play over graphics any day of the week. The only reason I would want them to go to UE5 is if it makes development easier for them. Otherwise, It is best that they stick with whatever environment they feel is best for the game.

    Believe me, you wouldn't want UE3...that is some real outdated stuff, not to mention various bugs that engine has.

    Overall however, I believe they should hold off to first 1.0 version of the engine so that it's stable then decide from there. Based on what Epic said, the UE4 projects should be transferable to UE5 so it could be as easily as just importing. If the features are indeed as UE5 was shown to have, it would probably best for the game if they used UE5...but that is only if the features are accurate to what was said.
  • akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Actually, if I read correctly, UE5 has some collaborative / multi-concurrent user elements to usage that UE4 doesn`t which has the potential to expedite concurrent work rather than the current segmented, sequential requirement. Might be something worth investigating.
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