Alpha Package cosmetic switch

Lord MathisLord Mathis Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
Hey I bought the 500$ alpha package just so I could get in on the alpha. I honestly don’t care for the cosmetics. Is there a way to just switch to the different cosmetic items when it rotates or am I locked into the ones I got?


  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    You would have to refund and repurchase if you get lucky on the next set of cosmetics. However, the shop currently has a bug so I wouldn't risk it. There is no way to swap cosmetics but you could just purchase new cosmetics you like too. Refund window is currently 90 days.
  • ThexBlackxKnightThexBlackxKnight Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Hey I bought the 500$ alpha package just so I could get in on the alpha. I honestly don’t care for the cosmetics. Is there a way to just switch to the different cosmetic items when it rotates or am I locked into the ones I got?

    if they offer a different cosmetics package that you like at the same price I really dont see why they wouldn't switch for you. Just talk to them when that happens.
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