I wasn't interested in animal husbandry until I realised...

Imagine a modern world with no cars, trucks or vans, where motorbikes are the only sensible alternative to walking. Translate this to Ashes.
Fast mounts become a necessity to either evade PvP or to pursue a target. Even a tiny Land speed or water speed advantage can have a huge impact.

Suddenly I'm at least partially interested in Animal Husbandry!

How do you see land/water mounts (type 1) impacting the game?
How much diversity can be put into mounts?
I.e. can we have snails leaving a trail that causes a slow effect? Other abilities?


  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    McMackMuck wrote: »
    I.e. can we have snails leaving a trail that causes a slow effect?

    Thanls for that image. The cursed legged snails just got even weirder.

    I'd like a wall climbing abilities for lizards. Gotta escape vertically!
    Node coffers: Single Payer Capitalism in action
  • AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited February 2022
    I don't care as long as my brew bear can get my character nice and buzzed.
  • Atama wrote: »
    I don't care as long as my brew bear can get my character nice and buzzed.

    Please name your brew bear Winnie... :smiley:

  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited February 2022
    Animal husbandry will be hugely important for sure. It's not just about speed and combat stats on land, gliding and in water, but also the skills they have. If your mount can charge in and do some damage and knock someone flat, you already have a nice advantage in a fight.

    I wonder about one thing though. How is Intrepid going to limit breeding?

    For example, animal trainer A makes awesome water mounts. Animal trainer B makes awesome gliding mounts. Along comes animal trainer C who just focused on the most efficient way to skill up. Animal trainer C can't be arsed to breed their own awesome stock, so they just buy 2 each from A and B, breed them and start directly competing against A and B. Multiply that by 1000 trainers, and I see a lot of issues, at least if people expect to make a living doing animal husbandry.

    I would like to see a way to spay and neuter the mounts and pets before putting them up for sale. This way people who just want a mount/pet for use can buy them, and animal breeders don't have to worry about their genetic accomplishments being used by other breeders.
  • tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    If you are a successful breeder, only sell male mounts, never female. That way your customers cannot breed duplicates of what you sell. OH, and keep the best males for yourself, just sell the scrubs.
  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    tautau wrote: »
    If you are a successful breeder, only sell male mounts, never female. That way your customers cannot breed duplicates of what you sell. OH, and keep the best males for yourself, just sell the scrubs.

    Sure that will mitigate it some :)

    I prefer spaying and neutering, so you don't end up with a ton of females. I dunno, a lot depends on how many babies each can make. 2? 4? Infinite?
  • AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Samson wrote: »
    Atama wrote: »
    I don't care as long as my brew bear can get my character nice and buzzed.

    Please name your brew bear Winnie... :smiley:


    Winnie the Brew?

    I already named him a couple of years ago.


    "If we can name mounts I’d name him Beary Allen in hopes that he’d run faster."
  • SamsonSamson Member
    edited February 2022
    Atama wrote: »

    Winnie the Brew?

    I already named him a couple of years ago.


    "If we can name mounts I’d name him Beary Allen in hopes that he’d run faster."

    I was thinking of the 90s Winnie the Pooh theme song.... "Pooh Bear, Winnie the Pooh Bear...." :D So... Brew Bear, Winnie the Brew Bear... Anywho, just a thought.

  • The point where this system loses me is the fact that no mount, other than the one acquired by becoming a "mayor", has a lifespan. Because of that, we're all going to end up having a stable or two full of mounts, that we won't use even half of. All mounts should have a lifespan.
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I don't think a mount should have a lifespan, per se, but maybe some sort of meter or recharge on how they use their skills or full speed.

    And then as they get older, that meter takes longer and longer to recharge. That way, if you have an 'emotional attachment' to a mount, you can still ride it every so often effectively, as it gets older, but eventually you still need a new mount if you want to do long travel or combat stuff.

    Sure, lots of people will just put a mount out to pasture once they reach a point where the meter doesn't recharge fast enough to be 'useful', but at least it would give you the choice, while still giving a reason to get new mounts.
    Sorry, my native language is Erlang.
  • I've been wanting to be an Animal Husbandry....er (we need a proper name for this) since I heard about it. It sounds like great fun!
    This link may help you: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/

  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    daveywavey wrote: »
    I've been wanting to be an Animal Husbandry....er (we need a proper name for this) since I heard about it. It sounds like great fun!

    "Breeder". Perfectly scrumptious and neutral word.
  • Nerror wrote: »
    daveywavey wrote: »
    I've been wanting to be an Animal Husbandry....er (we need a proper name for this) since I heard about it. It sounds like great fun!

    "Breeder". Perfectly scrumptious and neutral word.

    This link may help you: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/

  • AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Yes, the name must be breeders.

  • We also know that some mounts will have skills that allow them to fight alongside you, and you can breed the potential mounts to get the attributes and skills that you desire, with the look that you crave.

    Overall animal husbandry, though not a skill I may look to pick up while playing the game, it will be a large part of the economy. And I look forward to seeing what names come up as the best mount farm in whatever server I land in.
  • Atama wrote: »
    Yes, the name must be breeders.


    As long as those sunglasses don't become a cosmetic...
    This link may help you: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/

  • Geophysical NinjaGeophysical Ninja Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Azherae wrote: »
    I don't think a mount should have a lifespan, per se, but maybe some sort of meter or recharge on how they use their skills or full speed.

    And then as they get older, that meter takes longer and longer to recharge. That way, if you have an 'emotional attachment' to a mount, you can still ride it every so often effectively, as it gets older, but eventually you still need a new mount if you want to do long travel or combat stuff.

    Sure, lots of people will just put a mount out to pasture once they reach a point where the meter doesn't recharge fast enough to be 'useful', but at least it would give you the choice, while still giving a reason to get new mounts.

    These types of systems tend to over complicate games and annoy the player base.
  • Happymeal2415Happymeal2415 Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Azherae wrote: »
    I don't think a mount should have a lifespan, per se, but maybe some sort of meter or recharge on how they use their skills or full speed.

    And then as they get older, that meter takes longer and longer to recharge. That way, if you have an 'emotional attachment' to a mount, you can still ride it every so often effectively, as it gets older, but eventually you still need a new mount if you want to do long travel or combat stuff.

    Sure, lots of people will just put a mount out to pasture once they reach a point where the meter doesn't recharge fast enough to be 'useful', but at least it would give you the choice, while still giving a reason to get new mounts.

    I like this idea.
  • Atama wrote: »
    I don't care as long as my brew bear can get my character nice and buzzed.
    where’s the straw used to drink while riding? 🤪
  • AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Infexious1 wrote: »
    Atama wrote: »
    I don't care as long as my brew bear can get my character nice and buzzed.
    where’s the straw used to drink while riding? 🤪

    Maybe my Ren'kai will be big enough to wear the bear on his head, and attach drinking straws.

    "You've seen the beer hat, now witness the bear hat!"
  • Azherae wrote: »
    I don't think a mount should have a lifespan, per se, but maybe some sort of meter or recharge on how they use their skills or full speed.

    And then as they get older, that meter takes longer and longer to recharge. That way, if you have an 'emotional attachment' to a mount, you can still ride it every so often effectively, as it gets older, but eventually you still need a new mount if you want to do long travel or combat stuff.

    Sure, lots of people will just put a mount out to pasture once they reach a point where the meter doesn't recharge fast enough to be 'useful', but at least it would give you the choice, while still giving a reason to get new mounts.

    What about people who get emotionally attached to gear, what then? It shouldn't degrade? This argument I'm putting forth is a bit snarky, but where does the emotional attachment allowance begin and end?

    If I can lose my gear, home and progression, why can't I lose my mount due to life-span? Is it so the store mounts can't be called Pay-to-Win? Because if that's the only reason, it's a horrible one.
  • AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited February 2022
    Merek wrote: »
    Azherae wrote: »
    I don't think a mount should have a lifespan, per se, but maybe some sort of meter or recharge on how they use their skills or full speed.

    And then as they get older, that meter takes longer and longer to recharge. That way, if you have an 'emotional attachment' to a mount, you can still ride it every so often effectively, as it gets older, but eventually you still need a new mount if you want to do long travel or combat stuff.

    Sure, lots of people will just put a mount out to pasture once they reach a point where the meter doesn't recharge fast enough to be 'useful', but at least it would give you the choice, while still giving a reason to get new mounts.

    What about people who get emotionally attached to gear, what then? It shouldn't degrade? This argument I'm putting forth is a bit snarky, but where does the emotional attachment allowance begin and end?

    If I can lose my gear, home and progression, why can't I lose my mount due to life-span? Is it so the store mounts can't be called Pay-to-Win? Because if that's the only reason, it's a horrible one.

    You can't. Items only degrade until they are temporarily unable to be used, at which time the item needs to be repaired before it can be equipped again. Repairing an item requires expending some measure of the same kind of materials used to make it in the first place, so you may have to weigh whether it makes more sense to fix it or replace it. That's especially true if the replacement is somehow better than the broken item.

    The only way a person will permanently lose gear is if they are heavily corrupted and drop it in combat.

    In a similar fashion, mounts can be harmed until they are "killed", at which time you have to wait until it can be revived. Though that doesn't cost anything but time usually. Potions can be used to speed that up, and some mounts that are killed off too quickly within a certain time frame might require additional materials to be revived.

    Also, you can't lose your home. It can be destroyed and looted (where you lose resources) but it is just packed up until you deploy it again elsewhere.

    The idea of this game isn't permadeath, and full item loss. It's that item degradation and death force you to expend resources. You also don't ever lose character progression, you just incur debt which will slow down further progression. You're not going to die and go back a level or anything, but it will take longer to reach the next level due to the XP debt.
  • GeronimoGeronimo Member
    edited February 2022
    Merek wrote: »
    The point where this system loses me is the fact that no mount, other than the one acquired by becoming a "mayor", has a lifespan. Because of that, we're all going to end up having a stable or two full of mounts, that we won't use even half of. All mounts should have a lifespan.

    I agree that this is a problem. But not just from the standpoint of the zoo that all player's will require but also because Animal Husbandry AKA: Breeder and also the Taming profession will be way less relevant than some other crafting profession that deals with items that do degrade.

    Basically we need a mount sink, so as not to deviate from this thread I am going to post separately about it.
  • AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    As posted in your other thread, Steven confirmed some time back that there are already mount sinks. Mounts can be killed and getting them back quickly or without debuffs can require material expenditures.
  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    It would be a way to keep animal husbandry with long-term significance if people have to get replacement parts for their mounts. New heart, spleen, or hind leg for example. Find a matching donor mount and Frankenstein that shit up!
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Nerror wrote: »
    Find a matching donor mount and Frankenstein that shit up!

    Patchwork stitches.
  • AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Nerror wrote: »
    It would be a way to keep animal husbandry with long-term significance if people have to get replacement parts for their mounts. New heart, spleen, or hind leg for example. Find a matching donor mount and Frankenstein that shit up!
    I had to go to the Toshi Station node for a new power converter for my horse.
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