Melee combat pvp gonna suck

The mage and now ranger have too many advantages where if you’re a melee you’ll get Rekt easily.


  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    After deep analysis of everything we've seen I have concluded that my opinion on your claim is a resounding

    Sorry, my native language is Erlang.
  • Azherae wrote: »
    After deep analysis of everything we've seen I have concluded that my opinion on your claim is a resounding


    I want to believe I’m wrong but it seems to me from other comments on different post I’ve seen most agree it will suck.
  • SolmyrSolmyr Member
    edited October 2022
    Too early to tell, we haven't seen anywhere close to the full range of abilities for melee classes. They could have excellent gap closers or insane dodge/block mechanics for all we know. Also remember the combat is going to be balanced around 8v8, not 1v1, so some classes will have an innate advantage over others. Kind of a rock-paper-scissors system.
  • Solmyr wrote: »
    Too early to tell, we haven't seen anywhere close to the full range of abilities for melee classes. They could have excellent gap closers or insane dodge/block mechanics for all we know. Also remember the combat is going to be balanced around 8v8, not 1v1, so some classes will have an innate advantage over others. Kind of a rock-paper-scissors system.

    Balanced around 8v8? Lmao most of the time you’ll be in a 1v1 in this game and like wow they’ll have arenas most likely.
  • Such an amazing conclusion, oh shit, the forum account is 12 hours old.

    Move along, next shitpost.
    🎶Galo é Galo o resto é bosta🎶
  • And how do we know that? What if the rouge comes out with a bunch of gapclosers and cc, while having burst dmg and stealth. Then the ranged classes will cry. My point is we have to see more from the classes before we discuss balance.
  • szelesbt wrote: »
    And how do we know that? What if the rouge comes out with a bunch of gapclosers and cc, while having burst dmg and stealth. Then the ranged classes will cry. My point is we have to see more from the classes before we discuss balance.

    I’m a warrior player so I won’t be stealthy rogue. And there’s no gap closers on the warriors and the mage and ranger have abilities to escape
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Are you sure?
    Insider information?
    So far we have level 10 skills at best.
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I've said before we haven't seen complexity yet. Without complexity we have no way to rate anything seen. Perhaps you can gap close whilst using active block or perhaps not. There's no way to tell until A2 or the devs show complex pve and pvp situations.
  • SongRuneSongRune Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited October 2022
    Meurum24 wrote: »
    szelesbt wrote: »
    And how do we know that? What if the rouge comes out with a bunch of gapclosers and cc, while having burst dmg and stealth. Then the ranged classes will cry. My point is we have to see more from the classes before we discuss balance.

    I’m a warrior player so I won’t be stealthy rogue. And there’s no gap closers on the warriors and the mage and ranger have abilities to escape

    Did you SEE the EPIC dash ability during the melee combat demo stream (before this last one)? Fighter isn't the class I'm worried about.

    More seriously, how will Cleric stack up?
  • SathragoSathrago Member
    edited October 2022
    I like to take these posts in an optimistic light, for every new "flowery" post about the game there are 5 new quiet players excited and waiting for more information or to play the game.
    Commissioned at
  • Melee combat pvp gonna suck
    Meurum24 wrote: »
    Lmao most of the time you’ll be in a 1v1 in this game ...
    Meurum24 wrote: »
    And there’s no gap closers on the warriors and the mage and ranger have abilities to escape

    Pretty bold claims for a game that's still in Alpha.

  • TalentsTalents Member, Intrepid Pack
    Meurum24 wrote: »
    szelesbt wrote: »
    And how do we know that? What if the rouge comes out with a bunch of gapclosers and cc, while having burst dmg and stealth. Then the ranged classes will cry. My point is we have to see more from the classes before we discuss balance.

    I’m a warrior player so I won’t be stealthy rogue. And there’s no gap closers on the warriors and the mage and ranger have abilities to escape

    Well there is no "Warrior" archetype in Ashes so I dunno where you're getting that from.
  • One of the only examples that we know of attributes is the fighter's charge ability. Idk about you but to me that sounds like a gapcloser ability, but maybe it's for blocking dmg :smile:
  • Meurum24 wrote: »
    I’m a warrior player so I won’t be stealthy rogue. And there’s no gap closers on the warriors and the mage and ranger have abilities to escape

    I'm a warrior player also, just fyi. And has it been stated somewhere that I missed that we won't have gap closers? I don't think the full tool kit for fighters has been shown. We really don't know what we will and won't have. It's hard to speculate on a game that is still under development and in an Alpha phase.

    You opinion is your opinion and that's fine. I just don't believe there is enough info out there to pass definitive judgement.

  • Meurum24 wrote: »
    Balanced around 8v8? Lmao most of the time you’ll be in a 1v1 in this game and like wow they’ll have arenas most likely.
    One of the main inspirations for the game is Lineage 2. And there you HAD to be in a group to be able to do any meaningful pvp. Solo pvp was utter trash. So if anything, I'd say that it's way more likely that we'll mainly see party vs party pvp rather than solo one.

    And arenas will just have RPS balancing, just as Solmyr said.
  • AsgerrAsgerr Member
    edited October 2022
    Meurum24 wrote: »
    szelesbt wrote: »
    And how do we know that? What if the rouge comes out with a bunch of gapclosers and cc, while having burst dmg and stealth. Then the ranged classes will cry. My point is we have to see more from the classes before we discuss balance.

    I’m a warrior player so I won’t be stealthy rogue. And there’s no gap closers on the warriors and the mage and ranger have abilities to escape

    Blatantly wrong (see video below), but keep telling us how you've already figured out the entirety of all combat interaction between all classes.

    Fighter/Fighter gameplay:

  • Hmm.. ok.
  • It's so sad to see that some people are really not ready to give "something different" a chance.
    I blame them for me still being single! :angry: (joke)
    Drinking refreshing snowflakes tears
  • The tank class on it's own has both a charge and a pull as well as a ranged attack all earned before level 10. These were announced back in February of last year and shown in full during the Alpha test.

    If anything, Rangers trying to kite are going to be in for a bad time.
    I want to play a fun game
  • Asgerr wrote: »
    Meurum24 wrote: »
    szelesbt wrote: »
    And how do we know that? What if the rouge comes out with a bunch of gapclosers and cc, while having burst dmg and stealth. Then the ranged classes will cry. My point is we have to see more from the classes before we discuss balance.

    I’m a warrior player so I won’t be stealthy rogue. And there’s no gap closers on the warriors and the mage and ranger have abilities to escape

    Blatantly wrong (see video below), but keep telling us how you've already figured out the entirety of all combat interaction between all classes.

    Fighter/Fighter gameplay:

    Affiliate Code:
  • Just pray they'll balance it well.
    Dark Knight
  • Meurum24 wrote: »
    The mage and now ranger have too many advantages where if you’re a melee you’ll get Rekt easily.

    While I appreciate a good ' bait thread', this is just boring. We saw a pre-alpha video that was prefaced by stating "EVERYTHING is subject to change, and this is not balanced, requires feedback, and is just a show of what the *direction* we want to go is"

    Founder and Guild Leader of -Providence-
  • Where do these trolls get the confidence to make such sweeping, ill-informed statements? There are dozens of ways in which Ranged DPS classes can be countered by Melee class types. Even basic reflect abilities can completely nullify ranged DPS. Good gap closers, CC effects, reflect, deflect and enrage mechanics can all be utilized.
  • akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    NiKr wrote: »
    Meurum24 wrote: »
    Balanced around 8v8? Lmao most of the time you’ll be in a 1v1 in this game and like wow they’ll have arenas most likely.
    One of the main inspirations for the game is Lineage 2. And there you HAD to be in a group to be able to do any meaningful pvp. Solo pvp was utter trash. So if anything, I'd say that it's way more likely that we'll mainly see party vs party pvp rather than solo one.

    And arenas will just have RPS balancing, just as Solmyr said.

    Quite true - in L2 there were cries of not being good at pve, pvp by some classes, but thing was when as a group players shone as everyone had a role:
    • ranged archer classes shone in outdoor pvp, and did poorly indoors
    • mage types seemed to do ok in both
    • tanks types could pull aggro in pvp, which made it harder for a ranger to aim on soft targets
    • fighter types were awesome in close combat indoor fights
    • support types were highly sought after for pvx, but fodder in all fights

    I think that is the direction AoC is going. There is not and will not be alot of balance likely between individual classes. So, yes in smaller pvp skirmishes some classes will be better suited. But same will be for parties, some classes will be more selectively valued and invited based on situation. The real balance comes through group play, not individual.
  • WHIT3ROS3 wrote: »
    Where do these trolls get the confidence to make such sweeping, ill-informed statements? There are dozens of ways in which Ranged DPS classes can be countered by Melee class types. Even basic reflect abilities can completely nullify ranged DPS. Good gap closers, CC effects, reflect, deflect and enrage mechanics can all be utilized.

    Some people just suck at MMORPG and they blame it on a developer
    Drinking refreshing snowflakes tears
  • HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Deadfool wrote: »
    It's so sad to see that some people are really not ready to give "something different" a chance.
    I blame them for me still being single! :angry: (joke)

    Damn this gave me a good chuckle.
    The world is beautiful whenever you're here. And all the emptiness inside disappears.
  • FuryBladeborneFuryBladeborne Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited October 2022
    What we want the Fighter warrior to do is to be able to cut through enemy lines, get to the support area of a raid perhaps and take out healers with some quick DPS burst damage... – Steven Sharif

    Stevens goal is the exact opposite of what you assume.

    Rush: Rush toward a target; and upon reaching the target, deal an amount damage with a chance to knock the target down.[4]
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