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Magic inspiration



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    Disintegration-esque spells....



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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Veyrah wrote: »
    I'd like to see some magic circles and runes incorporated in the spells. That way you make the spells identifiable whilst casting (depending on cast time this could be a weakness to be exploited in PVP, which could mean some power budget elsewhere). It also just looks very cool, and I like it when the magic system is explained in a fantasy world. Good world building is understanding how magic works, the rules that are used for it. So a spell visuals could correspond to the runes of the element/spell type being cast.


    Yeah, I love the idea too. Something like effects from Sorceror from Aion mixed with Cleric effects from Aion would be my perfect caster.
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    Would be nice to see some movie magic in the spell casting...

    A means to indicate that a strong spell is being cast...some levitation, some people like runes..spin faster maybe..who blowing around as the power of the spell effects its surroundings...a variable scale of intensity...
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    We had levitation for mage didn't last long due to the silliness.
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    GalaturcGalaturc Member
    edited January 2023
    Veyrah wrote: »
    Good world building is understanding how magic works, the rules that are used for it. So a spell visuals could correspond to the runes of the element/spell type being cast.
    I'm all for color-coded magic runes and like that idea the most within this thread. I always felt unsatisfied with magic that is not based on semi-viable physics, I mean where do you get all that fire or ice magic that suddenly erupts from your hands or fingertips without harming the caster? Magical runes somewhat make sense in that, they become a gateway or a medium between a realm or dimension that source this vast energy or essence that is pouring from the caster, that otherwise does not exist in Verra.

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    Since we are on the topic of magic inspiration, I desire to hear the caster's loud incantations incorporated into the preparation and execution of each spell echoing as far as one can see these magic runes.

    I discuss this in another post, but this game currently lacks any vocalization from our characters during combat, be it a tank roaring for a taunt, a ranger exclaiming a "hup" when executing an acrobatic salto, or loud caster incantations (i.e, "you shall NOT pass" but using a mystic/foreign language).
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    TacquitoTacquito Member
    edited January 2023
    Galaturc wrote: »
    I always felt unsatisfied with magic that is not based on semi-viable physics, I mean where do you get all that fire or ice magic that suddenly erupts from your hands or fingertips without harming the caster?

    It's *magic* ?


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    GalaturcGalaturc Member
    edited January 2023
    mcnasty wrote: »

    It's *magic* ?


    I am ready to suspend the need for realism and immerse in the lore if some ground rules for the source of magic are sufficiently explained and visually and vocally supported within the game.

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    Neurath wrote: »
    We had levitation for mage didn't last long due to the silliness.

    Those early spell/abilities that they showed to everyone definitely didnt look ok... is that what the levitation looked like that you are referring to?
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Well...if it wasn't levitation I'm not sure what else to call it. There was also another levitation spell for Mage which was overpowered and removed because they flew over everyone's heads and couldn't be hit very easily.
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    IzilIzil Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Harry potters spell effects are best ive seen, not over the top visually, but feels powerfull
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Hogwarts Legacy was probably built in UE4 so its not out of the question for Ashes in UE5.1.
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    I really like a lot of the Magic abilities seen in Albion Online. When Steven was talking about Magical abilities and having a mix between AoE, Directional and Tab-based actions I thought of Albion.

    I do hope that they go for more subtle and slick animations and abilities rather than having too many super over-the-top ones.

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    maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited January 2023
    I'm a sucker for the vfx effects that have a delayed implosion+shockwave right before the real explosion:


    But these things have to be used sparingly, otherwise it gets a bit nauseating.

    Also - for channeling skills, I love the micro-flares that flash right before the main beam fires
    I wish I were deep and tragic
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    DarkTidesDarkTides Member
    edited January 2023

    @58min or so....little bit before... the Combat team is discussing the players ability to tune how much visual effects they see, based on the type of encounters, ie. if you're solo or with a friend or in a large raid...etc...

    This allows for some really awesome spell effects to be added to the game if thats the they can go all out on the visuals and you can dial it back to what you like....thats how I interpret this...however....that is entirely based on what they believe to be amazing visuals to begin they have to set the bar first.

    So anyone, like myself, requesting that they try to add some movie magic to their spells and abilities, well...that still depends on if they choose to do that or not...and if they do, it won't create "visual soup" such that you can't find your mouse cursor, since they give the player the option to reduce VFX...the hope anyways.
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    Gui10Gui10 Member
    edited January 2023
    Galaturc wrote: »
    I'm all for color-coded magic runes and like that idea the most within this thread. I always felt unsatisfied with magic that is not based on semi-viable physics, I mean where do you get all that fire or ice magic that suddenly erupts from your hands or fingertips without harming the caster?

    I mean.... at some point you have to stop asking certain questions and accept the fantasy... lol.
    How were Orcs made?? Why are there frost dragons? How can people go stealth.. that kind of nonsense...

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    Gui10 wrote: »
    I mean.... at some point you have to stop asking certain questions and accept the fantasy... lol.
    How were Orcs made?? Why are there frost dragons? How can people go stealth.. that kind of nonsense...
    Galaturc wrote: »
    I am ready to suspend the need for realism and immerse in the lore if some ground rules for the source of magic are sufficiently explained and visually and vocally supported within the game.
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    UboonUboon Member
    edited January 2023
    Neurath wrote: »
    We had levitation for mage didn't last long due to the silliness.

    I liked the levitation, but one of my first MMOs was Sage of Ryzom, where it was common. Although the animation there was levitate and curl up in to foetus, then open and explode the spell out....
    Around 9:15 in

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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Very similar to the mage fireball in that video. However, a lot of us are used to instant cast hand flicks for fireballs and the like.
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    Trenker wrote: »
    Neurath wrote: »
    We had levitation for mage didn't last long due to the silliness.

    I liked the levitation, but one of my first MMOs was Sage of Ryzom, where it was common. Although the animation there was levitate and curl up in to foetus, then open and explode the spell out....
    Around 9:15 in

    I think the issue might be that the levitation is coupled with a fast cast spell, which ends up looking goofy.

    The same problem exists with the way some spells were showcased for Ashes. Very bland approach to levitating during a spell cast. Should be reserved for stronger, longer casting or powerful long channeling spells, so the animation can take its time to build up and actually look cool.
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