Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Invintory management

ChicagoChicago Member, Alpha One, Adventurer, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
im curious what everyones thoughts on this is? personally i hate it, its a cool concept on paper but its usually just a pain in the ass/hassle to actually manage something like this, intrepid if you do go with this route please do it properly, nobody wants to be deleting items because some minerals take up 50% of your bag space, i think making bags progressive is a better option sort of like wow classic, make them not easy to come by to upgrade your bag space


  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    It's a convenient method to gimp open world gatherers and boost freehold gatherers. I prefer it to weight though.
  • ChicagoChicago Member, Alpha One, Adventurer, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Neurath wrote: »
    It's a convenient method to gimp open world gatherers and boost freehold gatherers. I prefer it to weight though.

    for sure mate, its definitley something i would like to test during alpha 2, but depending how it is implemented would be huge
  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    I like it as a way to limit people's love to pick up everything they see. If your bag can only hold, say, 5 different item stacks - you'll think twice before picking up some random flow on your way to gathering the thing you wanted to gather.

    And with rocks providing some additional random mats, there'd be a high chance that you'd need to sacrifice some other material to pick up the new shiny thing. Or, alternatively, you'll just get your mule to carry all that shit, but I hope that'll bring some of its own risk/reward stuff with it.
  • Mag7spyMag7spy Member, Alpha Two
    I like the concept, reminds me of PoE and old diablo games with inventory management (which it being fine just gathered and process materials).

    It keeps your gear separated on what will drop on death and make it very clear, making it easier to read what is important, etc. While giving plenty of ways like they talked on stream to add features and crafting around those limits with special types of bags. Ie bag for holding wood that lets to have larger stacks and such.

    So I'm kind of a fan of the concept they are going with it. It solves the issue if you have other gear you are bringing with you and such, and not reducing your inventory size do to carry tons of mats as it has its own inventory system.

    If we look to diablo as a quick example people hate how gems take up your slots and such. So they are already tackling a potential issue players would have complained about in the future with limited space.
  • VeeshanVeeshan Member, Alpha Two
    I think it great, it alot like runescape gathering and i think that probaly has the best system for resources and this is especialy true when it comes to AoC where PvP can happen and materials drops on death so it forces people to bank regularly it reduces the chance of a dumb person walking around with hours of gathering work only to loose a chunk of it from a PK :P
    This method also adds logisitics to transporting resources aswell hence promotes caravan system so you can carry bulk amount.

  • KorelaKorela Member
    PvX, where "X" stands for UI :p
  • BotagarBotagar Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Chicago wrote: »
    ...nobody wants to be deleting items because some minerals take up 50% of your bag space, ...
    This is the point. We cant all be walking resource hoovers as much as it pains me to admit.
    A mineral that takes up 50% of your bag space is probably something quite valuable.
    This is a psuedo weight limit with stack size limitations.
  • FantmxFantmx Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Seems like a convenient way to separate out what you drop upon death and the bags that reduce what you drop.

    I've never been a fan of these systems but it's not a deal breaker for me.
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited July 2023
    NiKr wrote: »
    I like it as a way to limit people's love to pick up everything they see. If your bag can only hold, say, 5 different item stacks - you'll think twice before picking up some random flow on your way to gathering the thing you wanted to gather.

    No, you won't, or rather, not everyone will.

    Some people will harvest the thing just to discard it to deny others the resource spot and manipulate the supply of a thing.

    Remember that Econ players are definitely worse than Gankers since the former can keep you down systematically and Steven is building the game more and more towards that style.

    EDIT: Just remember all those people Arya_Yeshe talks about and hates on and consider that if you build your game the wrong way, Arya becomes right.
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    Azherae wrote: »
    EDIT: Just remember all those people Arya_Yeshe talks about and hates on and consider that if you build your game the wrong way, Arya becomes right.
    Oh, for sure, but those people have not relation to how the inventory system is built. Shits will be shits either way. But a random casual player who just wants to maximize their gameplay time value won't go for that extra flower, because picking it up is a waste of time in the race against the very people you mentioned.

    If your goal for the day is "pick up 3 different rocks" and you have just enough space for them - picking up anything else is a waste of time and space, because someone else might be going for the same rocks w/o picking anything else up.
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited July 2023
    NiKr wrote: »
    Azherae wrote: »
    EDIT: Just remember all those people Arya_Yeshe talks about and hates on and consider that if you build your game the wrong way, Arya becomes right.
    Oh, for sure, but those people have not relation to how the inventory system is built. Shits will be shits either way. But a random casual player who just wants to maximize their gameplay time value won't go for that extra flower, because picking it up is a waste of time in the race against the very people you mentioned.

    If your goal for the day is "pick up 3 different rocks" and you have just enough space for them - picking up anything else is a waste of time and space, because someone else might be going for the same rocks w/o picking anything else up.

    Of the options for an inventory management system, this is the option least likely to result in the thing you are referring to in a PvX game.

    Think about the benefit of being seen picking up worthless items when you already have worthwhile ones with 'bandits' around that somehow didn't see you get the worthwhile one.

    EDIT: Specifically, a front-loaded limitation causes people to play differently than things like 'I am overloaded on weight' or 'I have actual stacks of stuff to manage and decide on' in a game that uses Tools to gather.

    But I doubt I can explain this in less than 3 hours anyway. Intrepid should just do whatever they like, it's all consistent at least.
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • CawwCaww Member, Alpha Two
    edited July 2023
    the "rubrics cube" (tetris) approach doesn't have any appeal, seems like a time sink without purpose, unless they develop an algorithm that will automatically use the most efficient manner of placement
  • prymortalprymortal Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Neurath wrote: »
    It's a convenient method to gimp open world gatherers and boost freehold gatherers. I prefer it to weight though.

    Gimps leveling too & promotes Bot use without question!

    If people didn't under "It's a PVX game" this image might help.
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