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instanced dungeons

ChicagoChicago Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
i like the fact that the dungeons in ashes of creation are open world, however i think they should have a cap of players that can enter each dungeon, a good example is anarchy online, they had a player cap of about 16-24 players per dungeon before a new ID was formed, or a new Layer

the problem with open world dungeons is, on paper it sounds fun, you can pvp for the chance of loot, etc etc, but in reality it will be chaos, with servers holding anywhere between 10-20,000 players at a given time people will just skip dungeons all together as competing against 500 other players for a chance of loot is just not worth it,

once the game matures and there becomes twink items dropping from certain bosses in certain dungeons this will be even worse, and i feel that a large part of the game will be just un obtainable by a vast majority of players,

i dont think dungeons instance locked like wow to a 5 man team is the way to go but maybe they should have a player cap, whats everyones thoughts


  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    edited August 2023
    Chicago wrote: »
    a large part of the game will be just un obtainable by a vast majority of players
    That is kind of the point :)

    3 parties per a dungeon that can support 20 parties is kinda silly. And considering Steven's preferences and likes, 20 parties would probably be on the lower end of dungeon size.

    Also, the world is huge. Say there's 3 huge top lvl dungeons (30 groups) per each metro. That's enough content for 1/3 of the entire active server population w/o any pvp at max lvl. Add to that any smaller dungeons at top lvl and a few big dungeon that have a few rooms of top lvl content - and you have yourself ~1/2 of the entire active population farming stuff w/o any pvp. So in theory, the entire other half can go fight for their right to pvp w/o too much chaos.

    Except those numbers would probably be insane because people don't just spend 100% of their in-game time in dungeons (well, majority doesn't).

    Open world dungeons are not just about the boss at the end, they are about a constant flow of mobs. So unless Intrepid do in fact decide to go the WoW route of dungeons (as one of their dev discussions implied) - this will most likely not be that big of an issue. And as for bosses - they would've always been "not for everyone" and Steven wants them that way.
  • ChicagoChicago Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    NiKr wrote: »
    That is kind of the point :)

    3 parties per a dungeon that can support 20 parties is kinda silly. And considering Steven's preferences and likes, 20 parties would probably be on the lower end of dungeon size.

    Also, the world is huge. Say there's 3 huge top lvl dungeons (30 groups) per each metro. That's enough content for 1/3 of the entire active server population w/o any pvp at max lvl. Add to that any smaller dungeons at top lvl and a few big dungeon that have a few rooms of top lvl content - and you have yourself ~1/2 of the entire active population farming stuff w/o any pvp. So in theory, the entire other half can go fight for their right to pvp w/o too much chaos.

    Except those numbers would probably be insane because people don't just spend 100% of their in-game time in dungeons (well, majority doesn't).

    Open world dungeons are not just about the boss at the end, they are about a constant flow of mobs. So unless Intrepid do in fact decide to go the WoW route of dungeons (as one of their dev discussions implicated) - this will most likely not be that big of an issue. And as for bosses - they would've always been "not for everyone" and Steven wants them that way.

    i guess we will have to see when we can test it in 2027 in A2 :)
  • TalentsTalents Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited August 2023
    I was gonna actually make an argument but seeing as you got a detail about Ashes wrong almost as soon as you started talking about it (10-20,000 players at a given time) I won't bother. At least read the wiki before suggesting changes to the game.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    NiKr wrote: »

    Open world dungeons are not just about the boss at the end, they are about a constant flow of mobs.
    Open world dungeons most certainly are about the boss at the end.

    It is only Korean games that are designed to keep players in their internet Cafe that design dungeons are the constant flow of base population.
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Talents wrote: »
    I was gonna actually make an argument but seeing as you got a detail about Ashes wrong almost as soon as you started talking about it (10-20,000 players at a given time) I won't bother. At least read the wiki before suggesting changes to the game.

  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    edited August 2023
    Noaani wrote: »
    Open world dungeons most certainly are about the boss at the end.

    It is only Korean games that are designed to keep players in their internet Cafe that design dungeons are the constant flow of base population.
    Yes, and we have a creative director who loved it that korean way (with his favorite dungeon being one from L2) and now a lead designer who pretty much created the design you're talking about. We'll see who wins out at the end.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    NiKr wrote: »
    Yes, and we have a creative director who loved it that korean way (with his favorite dungeon being one from L2) and now a lead designer who pretty much created the design you're talking about. We'll see who wins out at the end.

    Someone that played one type of dungeon that then never got any use outside of trying to manipulate players in to playing longer, vs someone that created the type of dungeon that became the defaco due to being objectively better and more enjoyable.

    I think we both know who should win.

    The only reason I'd be looking at this is to get an idea of if Ashes is still just an MMO for Steven, or if he actually wants it to be a successful product. It's the most clear cut situation I can see where these two aspects are diametrically opposed.
  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    Noaani wrote: »
    I think we both know who should win.
    I mean, I know who you want to win. But I'd prefer the L2 type of dungeons, because those are way more fun for me than "completable" corridors.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    NiKr wrote: »
    I mean, I know who you want to win. But I'd prefer the L2 type of dungeons, because those are way more fun for me than "completable" corridors.

    An open dungeon isn't "completable". Not until you have literally everything you want from it (including gold).
  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    Noaani wrote: »
    An open dungeon isn't "completable". Not until you have literally everything you want from it (including gold).
    Then I feel like I might've misunderstood what you said in the original response.

    If dungeons are all about the boss at the end, would it not mean that you've completed the run of that dungeon once you've killed the boss? And then the boss goes on respawn and you have no point in being in that dungeon any more, until the boss respawns? Is that not the case?
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    NiKr wrote: »
    Then I feel like I might've misunderstood what you said in the original response.

    If dungeons are all about the boss at the end, would it not mean that you've completed the run of that dungeon once you've killed the boss? And then the boss goes on respawn and you have no point in being in that dungeon any more, until the boss respawns? Is that not the case?

    Dungeons don't have "a" boss.

    My expectation is that any dungeon in Ashes will have around 15 actual bosses, and well over 100 smaller bosses.

    "The boss at the end" is probably better described as "the boss at the end of the path we are on right now".

    Even if there is only one boss in the dungeon, the other, smaller bosses should still be worth the time to go after.

    The reason having so many singular points (in both time and space - due to respawn timers) of interest in a large, winding, criss-crossing dungeon is so that players in dungeons will always be on the move - around very large parts of the dungeon - if not the whole dungeon itself.
  • DepravedDepraved Member, Alpha Two
    edited August 2023
    Chicago wrote: »
    i like the fact that the dungeons in ashes of creation are open world, however i think they should have a cap of players that can enter each dungeon, a good example is anarchy online, they had a player cap of about 16-24 players per dungeon before a new ID was formed, or a new Layer

    the problem with open world dungeons is, on paper it sounds fun, you can pvp for the chance of loot, etc etc, but in reality it will be chaos, with servers holding anywhere between 10-20,000 players at a given time people will just skip dungeons all together as competing against 500 other players for a chance of loot is just not worth it,

    once the game matures and there becomes twink items dropping from certain bosses in certain dungeons this will be even worse, and i feel that a large part of the game will be just un obtainable by a vast majority of players,

    i dont think dungeons instance locked like wow to a 5 man team is the way to go but maybe they should have a player cap, whats everyones thoughts

    you can have 10,000 players max online at the same time, and not all 10k will be trying to farmt he same dungeon 24/7 as there are more things to do. not everybody progresses at the same speed
    Noaani wrote: »
    Open world dungeons most certainly are about the boss at the end.

    It is only Korean games that are designed to keep players in their internet Cafe that design dungeons are the constant flow of base population.

    no, they are not. again, lack of imagination. in oepn world dungeons you can:
    • do repeatable quests killing mobs.
    • do one time quests killing mobs.
    • do repeatable quests killing bosses.
    • do one time quests killing bosses.
    • level up killing mobs
    • kill mobs for loot.
    • kill bosses for loot.
    • pvp to do those things.

    instead of going from the swamps, to the desert, to the forest out in the open, you just go from floor 1 to 2 to 3, etc.
    it also helps spread the player population, since now, you can fill a vertical space, not just horizontal.
  • Surely, zerg side wouldn't just fill the cap. Guys, the "cap" method is abusable. And in terms of AoC it is even P2W. Forget about it.
  • KilionKilion Member, Alpha Two
    I think the underlying assumption for this to be true is that dungeons will be very scarce and/or people will refuse to distrubute themselves more throughout the world when met with too much competition to still have fun.

    In the first case we will have to wait and see what happens in A2.
    In the latter case, players deliberately choose PvP over PvE.

    With that being said: I also think (as discussed previously in similar threats) that there is a point to be made for mechanics inside a dungeon to increase the hurdle of access for pursuing parties e.g. by using ancient mechanisms in temples to shut doors that were open before, break down barriers that hold back strong enemies or enable/repair traps that were previously disabled/turned off.
    Ultimately I think that it would be "better" to design ingame mechanics that explain why someone cannot just follow another party into a dungeon, rather than setting up external barriers like player caps.
    The answer is probably >>> HERE <<<
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited August 2023
    NiKr wrote: »
    Then I feel like I might've misunderstood what you said in the original response.

    If dungeons are all about the boss at the end, would it not mean that you've completed the run of that dungeon once you've killed the boss? And then the boss goes on respawn and you have no point in being in that dungeon any more, until the boss respawns? Is that not the case?
    Dungeons are not all about the boss at the end. Dungeons are about collecting the "loot" that allows you to outfit your group (including guilds) in the gear necessary to face the next level of challenge.

    Which is why "compleatable" is in quotes.
    Noaani is not talking just about completing on run of the dungeon.

    In NWO, it was commonly expected that the group would stay together long enough to repeat a dungeon by killing the bosss at least 4 times in rapid succession.

    Also, it's typically possible to farm the "trash" mobs that have respawned in the dungeon or near the dungeon while waiting for the boss to respawn.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Dygz wrote: »
    Dungeons are not all about the boss at the end. Dungeons are about collecting the "loot" that allows you to outfit your group (including guilds) in the gear necessary to face the next level of challenge.

    Which is why "compleatable" is in quotes.
    Noaani is not talking just about completing on run of the dungeon.

    In NWO, it was commonly expected that the group would stay together long enough to repeat a dungeon by killing the bosss at least 4 times in rapid succession.

    Also, it's typically possible to farm the "trash" mobs that have respawned in the dungeon or near the dungeon while waiting for the boss to respawn.
    I'm thinking more of a situation where a dungeon is large, and once you kill one boss in that dungeon your group then goes off after another boss.

    It's a similar end result in that the group isn't just there to run a dungeon, kill a boss and then leave - you don't "complete" the dungeon just by killing the boss.
  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    Noaani wrote: »
    The reason having so many singular points (in both time and space - due to respawn timers) of interest in a large, winding, criss-crossing dungeon is so that players in dungeons will always be on the move - around very large parts of the dungeon - if not the whole dungeon itself.
    Would those smaller bosses have respawn timers of just a few minutes? Cause from what you're describing I see more of a "we run around an empty dungeon for an hour in hopes of seeing a boss" kind of gameplay, rather than a "we farm a spot or two and spend our entire primetime engaged in combat".

    If bosses do respawn really fast then we're pretty much talking about the same thing. You just want each room to be of a higher quality, and I can definitely agree with that.
  • Chicago wrote: »
    i like the fact that the dungeons in ashes of creation are open world, however i think they should have a cap of players that can enter each dungeon, a good example is anarchy online, they had a player cap of about 16-24 players per dungeon before a new ID was formed, or a new Layer

    the problem with open world dungeons is, on paper it sounds fun, you can pvp for the chance of loot, etc etc, but in reality it will be chaos,

    I think a low / medium level instanced dungeon on the entire map would be interesting.
    High end dungeons, if they remain open world, chaos will not be high, especially if PvP does not trigger corruption. You will have to accept the order being enforced by the bigger and stronger guild.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    NiKr wrote: »
    "we farm a spot or two and spend our entire primetime engaged in combat".
    Do you realize how insanely boring that sounds to most people?

    Farming a spot, or location, is the worst gameplay I've seen in any game genre, honestly.

    I wouldn't want to put a time on what the respawn rate should be, it is determined by things like character movement speed, distance between bosses, number of encounters between bosses, etc. Boss respawn timers are one of those things that Intrepid can set up as levers to achieve a desired result.

    To me, that desired result is players being mobile in criss-crossing dungeons so that they encounter other groups (and often the same group) frequently.
  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    Noaani wrote: »
    Do you realize how insanely boring that sounds to most people?

    Farming a spot, or location, is the worst gameplay I've seen in any game genre, honestly.

    I wouldn't want to put a time on what the respawn rate should be, it is determined by things like character movement speed, distance between bosses, number of encounters between bosses, etc. Boss respawn timers are one of those things that Intrepid can set up as levers to achieve a desired result.

    To me, that desired result is players being mobile in criss-crossing dungeons so that they encounter other groups (and often the same group) frequently.
    See, this is my problem though. I see the "running around the entire place" content as boring as hell.

    Open world dungeons imply that there'll be a party for each boss as soon as that boss respawns. So unless bosses have, like, a 5 minute respawn - people will just spend their primetime in the game running around. That sounds like the most boring shit to me. There'll be no pvp, because there'd be no content to pvp for. There'd be no pve, because every boss has already been taken out by someone. There'd be no other content, because value of the potential boss is so much higher than any other activity that you'd still have to run around in hopes of coming across a freshly respawned boss.

    So please tell me that I'm wrong and that somehow there'll always be enough bosses to satisfy most parties in the game. And if you want bosses on a short respawn - just say so, because at that point we want the same thing.

    I want dungeons with mobs because that's a permanent source of pvx content. At any time of the day I'll know for damn sure that I can go to a dungeon and either find a mob to kill or a person to fight for that mob. And the same would be true for other people. That's "pvx content" for me.

    And then on top of that assured content there's always several bosses that would be respawning within the primetime window that my guild/party would want to get, so we'd go to their spawn locations several minutes before the earliest spawn time. But if we see that the location is filled with a ton of stronger people - we'll always have the mobs to fall back on. As I understand your preferred design, you'd just run towards a different boss' respawn point, correct?
  • DepravedDepraved Member, Alpha Two
    Noaani wrote: »
    Do you realize how insanely boring that sounds to most people?

    Farming a spot, or location, is the worst gameplay I've seen in any game genre, honestly.

    I wouldn't want to put a time on what the respawn rate should be, it is determined by things like character movement speed, distance between bosses, number of encounters between bosses, etc. Boss respawn timers are one of those things that Intrepid can set up as levers to achieve a desired result.

    To me, that desired result is players being mobile in criss-crossing dungeons so that they encounter other groups (and often the same group) frequently.

    running from A to B is the worst gameplay I've ever seen (one of the biggest complaints about NW aka running simulator). I love staying in one spot farming mobs. at least I get to use my character. not everybody likes questing. lots of people like grinding mobs.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited August 2023
    Farming mobs sounds like some kind of a combat sim, rather than an RPG.
    Doing stuff you like is not a grind.
  • AbaratAbarat Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited August 2023
    Noaani wrote: »

    The only reason I'd be looking at this is to get an idea of if Ashes is still just an MMO for Steven, or if he actually wants it to be a successful product. It's the most clear cut situation I can see where these two aspects are diametrically opposed.

    This makes you sound dim witted. The arrogance of some of the forum members is staggering to me.
  • CawwCaww Member, Alpha Two
    wide open access is best unless the system really can't handle the numbers
  • ChicagoChicago Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Talents wrote: »
    I was gonna actually make an argument but seeing as you got a detail about Ashes wrong almost as soon as you started talking about it (10-20,000 players at a given time) I won't bother. At least read the wiki before suggesting changes to the game.

    this is actually accurate mate lol
  • VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
    Just in case anyone *does* want a refresher, here is what has been said regarding server population on the wiki ;)
  • VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
    With that said, I'm curious @Chicago , what is your experience with open-world dungeons? My own is pretty somewhat, so it's always interesting hearing if others are similar to me in that sense, or if they have a lot of experience with open-world dungeons!

    @Roshen and I talk about this often, as he has a lot of open-world dungeon/raid experience in MMORPGs! :)
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    NiKr wrote: »
    Open world dungeons imply that there'll be a party for each boss as soon as that boss respawns.

    Only in a game with a low ratio of content to players.

    The only way people will spend their time in game "running around" is if Intrepid don't put in base population - which would be a mistake.

    What I will say is as someone that has played your ideal of dungeon (Archeage library), and the kind I am talking about (EQ2 PvP server), there is a reason I am excited about the prospect of one ideal, and consider the other to be the worst gameplay in have seen in any genre.

    Your assumption on how it will be played is only true if the design is wrong.

    Essentially, you are saying you want dungeons where players sit still and dare the same boring mobs over and over, with the only variation at all coming from potential PvP - but where everyone knows where your group is. It is the definition of boring, mundane predictable content.

    I am talking about a dungeon where people are having to fight their way around, looking for boss mobs. Each of these bosses will fight differently already providing more variation. On top of that, while fighting your way between dungeons you are constantly happening upon cross roads, where groups could come at you from any number of directions making PvP also more variable.

    That is how it worked in a game where the dungeons were just built for pure PvE rather than attempting to be backdrops for PvP. It was easily the best PvP group content I've ever played (some large scale PvP events beat it out, but aren't what dungeons are for).
  • DepravedDepraved Member, Alpha Two
    Dygz wrote: »
    Farming mobs sounds like some kind of a combat sim, rather than an RPG.
    Doing stuff you like is not a grind.

    I like combat, and I want to roleplay as the savior of the continent, and for that reason, I like slaying mobs. how dare you tell me that's not roleplaying? I'm going to roleplay as the witcher and kill all those monsters and you cant tell me I'm not roleplaying. shame on you.
  • DepravedDepraved Member, Alpha Two
    edited August 2023
    Noaani wrote: »

    I am talking about a dungeon where people are having to fight their way around, looking for boss mobs. Each of these bosses will fight differently already providing more variation. On top of that, while fighting your way between dungeons you are constantly happening upon cross roads, where groups could come at you from any number of directions making PvP also more variable.

    literally almost every dungeon in l2, and most (important) farming spots out in the open, unless you are in a really low pop server.

    also, nothing wrong with staying in one spot and killing mobs inside a dungeon. you do that out in the open, the only difference is the change of scenery. unless you are willing to say that running around for several hours talking to npc's and maybe killing 5 mobs per hour is more fun. at this point, you aren't even playing your character anymore.

    edit: happens a lot in ro as well, minus the pvp
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