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Pineapple pizza in AoC?



  • DepravedDepraved Member, Alpha Two
    alliances and wars have been formed thanks to pineapple pizza
  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two

  • Mag7spyMag7spy Member, Alpha Two
    When your thread dies and you bump it.
  • VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
    edited October 2023
    Ok but make it distinctly Verran pineapple pizza 🧐

    What would that look like?
  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited October 2023
    @Vaknar , so far the food animals and plants on the freeholds looked pretty earth-like for the most part, so maybe something like this to really underscore it's a pineapple pizza of creation. Perhaps make the flames into the Ashes flaming phoenix logo.

    I imagine the pineapple being hollowed out from the top and filled with rum, then lit up so the pineapple cooks from the inside while people eat the yummy pizza, and then the warm rum-roasted pineapple to finish the meal off.


    I would be totally ok with a different look for Verran pineapple though. It would be a perfect Niküan dish.

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  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Vaknar wrote: »
    Ok but make it distinctly Verran pineapple pizza 🧐

    What would that look like?

    You're making this thread too real tho, Vaknar. Don't legitimize them!

    Pineapple pizza conceptually sucks for a reason! Technically several reasons!

    I don't wanna have to take this half-seriously! Just give 'em the basic with smoked meat and grilled pineapple and slap some Verran names on the sources of the meat and pineapple and let it rock.

    Oh, I know... call it a Broken Clock Tart.
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • .
    Vaknar wrote: »
    Ok but make it distinctly Verran pineapple pizza 🧐

    What would that look like?
    I don't have a good feeling about this question, after seeing the horse with a beard in the last stream.
  • Because this thread I will try to see how a pineapple pizza is :smile:
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  • Should have pinneapple pizza in the game because it triggers people's reactions, apparently there's some people with inferior tastes out there who hate this delicacy
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • edited November 2023
    @Nerror needs to be more chimera to fit ashes... that pineapple needs to be crossed with at least 2-3 different fruit/flower inspirations :tongue:
  • Wowza90Wowza90 Member, Alpha Two
  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    All that picture shows is that the freezer full of yummy hawaiian pizza is almost empty from all the people buying it.
  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
    edited November 2023
    Rise up and be proud, enjoyers of pineapple with any food.

  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
    edited November 2023

  • I just realized that none of the races got the pineapple pizza option.
    And they locked the thread. :smiley:
  • SunScriptSunScript Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Ppl that overreact about pinapple on pizza live 90% of the time online on chats, and are completely unaware of cuisines, other than McDonalds.

    Here are a few more fruits found on hot dishes:

    I'm sorry, I can't let this obvious slander slide. Are we forgetting about the fruit that is central to entire dishes and cuisines just like that?


    I have taken the liberty of highlighting the relevant sections of the wikipedia page in red, out of respect for the fruit in question.
    Bow before the Emperor and your lives shall be spared. Refuse to bow and your lives shall be speared.
  • You know who likes pine apples on their pizza? Communists.
  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    JC31 wrote: »
    You know who likes pine apples on their pizza? Communists.

    I am pretty sure it's a capitalist invention :D Greek immigrant to Canada in 1954. The name Hawaiian came from the name on the can.

    But, I am sure many communists like pineapple on pizza as well. It is after all amazing, and it transcends culture, religion and politics.
  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
    edited October 2024
    Dedicated to all those who say that Pineapple Pizza should NOT exist.

    There is a very big room for your biggest pizzeria fears and that is called “art”
  • ShivaFangShivaFang Member, Alpha Two
    it depends. If we are talking Italian style flatbreads than no.
    If we are talking about American style with thicker crusts than sure.
  • AszkalonAszkalon Member, Alpha Two
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    This is 100% a troll post.

    He probably made this Topic because i mentioned Pine Apple Pizza in another Topic ... ... ... :mrgreen:
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
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