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Money and Development Time



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    I have absolutely no problem with cosmetics and I like the way that Intrepid is doing their packs. These are buildings blocks that will be seen in the world of Verra. NPCs, Creatures, buildings etc. You are buying access to be able to wrap your in-game items in the same skin but fundamentally these packs are about supporting the construction of a vast and varied world.

    It's clear that Steven has deep pockets, but this also has to be a viable business. Intrepid has employed dozens of people at this point and is looking to expand pretty aggressively over the next couple of years. I have no doubt that Steven and Intrepid hope to offer quality employment to these people and others for many years to come. People frequently talk about how it has been 5+ years since the Kickstarter, but if you take a big step back this is a potentially multi-decade project.

    Realistically we have a further 2/3 years of development and testing. If we have a full Q1 2026 launch, that will just be the end of the beginning. I hope that consideration is being done so that post-launch sees, frequent and continual support. New cosmetics are fine and of course, there is the sub-fee, but I wonder if there are other monetisation strategies Intrepid could utilize, because frankly, I want them to have a lot of resources. I'm sold on the studio and their design philosophies of No P2W or Pay to convenience.
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    HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    WHIT3ROS3 wrote: »
    I have absolutely no problem with cosmetics and I like the way that Intrepid is doing their packs. These are buildings blocks that will be seen in the world of Verra. NPCs, Creatures, buildings etc. You are buying access to be able to wrap your in-game items in the same skin but fundamentally these packs are about supporting the construction of a vast and varied world.

    It's clear that Steven has deep pockets, but this also has to be a viable business. Intrepid has employed dozens of people at this point and is looking to expand pretty aggressively over the next couple of years. I have no doubt that Steven and Intrepid hope to offer quality employment to these people and others for many years to come. People frequently talk about how it has been 5+ years since the Kickstarter, but if you take a big step back this is a potentially multi-decade project.

    Realistically we have a further 2/3 years of development and testing. If we have a full Q1 2026 launch, that will just be the end of the beginning. I hope that consideration is being done so that post-launch sees, frequent and continual support. New cosmetics are fine and of course, there is the sub-fee, but I wonder if there are other monetisation strategies Intrepid could utilize, because frankly, I want them to have a lot of resources. I'm sold on the studio and their design philosophies of No P2W or Pay to convenience.

    Hell yeah gamer t4i0o1biyl6r.gif
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    ShadowVenShadowVen Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Talents wrote: »
    I know this is a bait post, but the
    There is no reason after 6 years a game should not be done
    is wrong. Tons of MMOs took more than 6 years. ESO took 7. Wildstar took 9. FF14 took way more than that if you include the revamp time from 1.0 > ARR. Throne and Liberty is planned to release this year after 12 years in development.

    Intrepid had 15-20 employees in 2017 when development properly started with some of those employees not even working on the game directly (e.g. community manager). They wanted 100 employees by the end of 2018 but didn't reach 100 employees until 2021. It's hard to look at development as properly starting because of how few employees they had until 2020.

    Normally, I don't agree much with @Talents but, I agree 100% on this.
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    DillanCrossDillanCross Member
    edited November 2023
    But yeah, it's frustrating that after six years, the game still isn't out. We all want to see it come alive ASAP. Bugs and polishing are part of the process, but it's important for developers to be as efficient as possible. I've seen that in my past jobs too. Money talks, right? If you're not comfortable with the release date or the progress being made, it's totally valid to hold off on buying the game. We should voice our concerns and expectations as consumers. Hopefully, the developers take that feedback seriously and work towards delivering a game that meets our expectations. UPD: sorry, didn't notice the thread was old, I was busy looking for the best side hustles. What updates have there been since then?
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    TaerrikTaerrik Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Not sure how military background is relevant, I was in the navy and I still don't understand how the 6 years spent translates to should be done. Being a researcher now I have even LESS understanding of that.

    Things take as long as they take. Intrepid is spending money and developing a game. Just throwing time and money at something doesn't make it magically appear, results take time. When doing something that has NEVER been done before, such as making a brand new game, from scratch, can't just say "Oh in xyz number of years, will be done."

    Things like that are empty promises. Intrepid are working, let them cook. We get actual progress shown to us every month.

    I also, like everyone, do want to have a playable game also, having been invested in this game since it came to my attention shortly after A1 went live. I am content to watch the updates and see the world take shape. I would very much like some kind of plan to see, like a Gantt chart, but that is against Intrepid's best interest to show us something like that.
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    People just have to realize that open development means we get to see how it's going and what's being build month over month, the downside of that is that we see it from the beginning.

    Old gamer rant incoming.... Back in my day, there was no open development and you would get cryptic websites or adverts for a game that wasn't out and you had never heard of or someone on a different game forum would say something like "I don't like this new patch, can't wait for X or Y to come out next year to give that a try" and you would look up what they were talking about because it was a game that was announced years ago or some closed beta from last year or something but was being developed behind closed doors. 6 years is an absolutely normal time frame for this game to be where it is at in terms of development when you look at what's happened over these few years (Covid, backend rework, etc.).

    I know it ain't easy but let them work, and give them the time to make the game good. If you don't like waiting, don't support them and come back when it's out.
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    First of all never assume that charity donations are done from the goodness of peoples hearts. Or done because it’s a worth cause. If that were truly the case you’d see people suing some more recently known BIG charities for the actual scams they are. Yet you seldom ever see things like that because usually charity donations are just about taxes, period. A lot of people give money at church that then usually is helping the local community inside and outside of the church but these types of donations can’t be written off.

    Yet you can donate to a charity that helps the homeless and yet they never build a house or shelter people and usually just feed people and you can write this off even though overall it’s not really doing anything constructive for these people and if homeless you could help someone get a PO Box and they could then get food stamps or EBT through the government which would be more helpful to them.

    So don’t look at a companies charitable donations because sometimes that can be used to simply cover up losses so you don’t end up in default.
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    Development Time for MMO’s

    New World - 6 years
    World of Warcraft- 5 years
    FFX - 10 years
    ESO - 7 years
    Guild Wars - 6 years

    Considering Ashes with absolute numerous videos of their development and changing from unreal engine 4 to unreal engine 5 for a better and longer lasting game

    Do some research
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    Nice necro
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