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AoC Livestreams in 2024.

With the final Livestream of 2023 and with Alpha 2 projected to appear in Q3 of 2024. It is looking like, if we keep the monthly Livestream schedule that we have had over the last number of years, we have a maximum of 9 Livestreams left before the launch of Alpha 2. (potentially only 6 or 7)

Does Intrepid intend to keep doing Monthly Livestreams at the end of each month once Alpha 2 has been launched? Do you think they should? Do you think they should change the schedule and format? What would you like to see (if anything) in regards to Intrepid livestreams once Alpha 2 has gone live?

Steven mentioned that January will see a PvP-focused showcase with some updates to the Mage. Leaving a handful of Monthly updates to showcase different outstanding aspects of the game.

The main areas I want to see covered are.

Combat - The more we see the better IMO. What we saw for the Ranger to be seen for as many Archetypes as possible.
Naval Content - Something, anything related to ships and aquatic content.
Animal Husbandry - How is this system coming along?
Node Progression - Seeing a Node progress from one stage to another (ideally multiple)
Map - I understand if they want to keep this under wraps until the launch of Alpha 2 so that people can get that first experience of seeing it in-game (or via stream)

What would you like to see over the first half of 2024?


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    DiamahtDiamaht Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One
    I would imagine they'll keep doing live streams permanently. Even after 1.0.

    Your list seems about right. I'd want to see:

    1) Animal Husbandry (and not just free hold mechanics, I want to see how we will be tracking, subduing and taming these creatures out in the wild)

    2) Naval gameplay

    3) Crafting (specifically what agency we have over outcomes)

    4) The other base archetypes

    5) A stream where they demonstrate how subclasses change the base class. (Preferably a base class we have already seen, so we can directly compare)

    The nice thing is, their steams are packed with info. We have to be one of the most well informed mmo communities out there.
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    I was interested in Naval Content until they said that they focus on one continent first. Now I am not sure if it is worth seeing the naval content before Alpha 2 hits. We can test it after Alpha 2 launches.

    They can show us in the monthly streams any information which needs feedback through the pinned threads:
    - more classes
    - animal husbandry
    Could be that close to Alpha 2 launch they will be busy with bug fixes, optimizing code and polishing a bit and some stream content will be harder to prepare.
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    While I am also highly interested in it, I still doubt that naval content will be available at the beginning of Alpha 2 which is why I also don't expect a livestream on it before Alpha 2 launches. As of now my expectation is that this will be the topic for a stream closer to the end of 2024 with a respective livestream in Q4 2024 - and then an expansion of the Alpha 2 to go overseas regions that will be added with the naval content implementation as well.

    What I am hoping to see is an update on taming and animal husbandry & mounts; the different trading systems that players can use to exchange goods; Node development plus housing and I'd also like to see something on how biome impact based on weather especially when it comes to access to special POIs.
    The answer is probably >>> HERE <<<
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    Raven016 wrote: »
    I was interested in Naval Content until they said that they focus on one continent first. Now I am not sure if it is worth seeing the naval content before Alpha 2 hits. We can test it after Alpha 2 launches.

    They can show us in the monthly streams any information which needs feedback through the pinned threads:
    - more classes
    - animal husbandry
    Could be that close to Alpha 2 launch they will be busy with bug fixes, optimizing code and polishing a bit and some stream content will be harder to prepare.

    Naval content will definitely be worth seeing. Water can still be a better way of traversing a single continent depending on the terrain and dangers going over land.
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    Will have to see the expense of naval ships.
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    I'd prefer if monthly streams after A2 start were just "reports" on the progress and giving out general tasks for testers for the next month.

    A2 supposedly has over 100k "testers". Discord is around 20k people, while Ashes YT gets ~60k views on videos. So I'd imagine that a higher % of those testers see the stream/YT video rather than hang around in discord. So if Intrepid wanted to give a task to as many testers as possible - I'd imagine monthly streams would be a good place to do it.

    Obviously they can have in-game announcements and notices, but videos can pull a bigger number in, because if, say, 30k people wanna test pvp and Intrepid say on stream "this next month we wanna test pvp" - those 30k people gonna log in and start fighting each other, while only a few k might've been logging in on a semi-daily basis before that stream.
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    WHIT3ROS3 wrote: »
    With the final Livestream of 2023 and with Alpha 2 projected to appear in Q3 of 2024. It is looking like, if we keep the monthly Livestream schedule that we have had over the last number of years, we have a maximum of 9 Livestreams left before the launch of Alpha 2. (potentially only 6 or 7)

    Does Intrepid intend to keep doing Monthly Livestreams at the end of each month once Alpha 2 has been launched? Do you think they should? Do you think they should change the schedule and format? What would you like to see (if anything) in regards to Intrepid livestreams once Alpha 2 has gone live?

    Steven mentioned that January will see a PvP-focused showcase with some updates to the Mage. Leaving a handful of Monthly updates to showcase different outstanding aspects of the game.

    The main areas I want to see covered are.

    Combat - The more we see the better IMO. What we saw for the Ranger to be seen for as many Archetypes as possible.
    Naval Content - Something, anything related to ships and aquatic content.
    Animal Husbandry - How is this system coming along?
    Node Progression - Seeing a Node progress from one stage to another (ideally multiple)
    Map - I understand if they want to keep this under wraps until the launch of Alpha 2 so that people can get that first experience of seeing it in-game (or via stream)

    What would you like to see over the first half of 2024?

    well, the game wont be ready until the end of a2, so they will keep doing the streams after a2 starts. not every one will be in a2, so they can keep showcasing to everybody what they have been working on. they are doing open development after all. and players who are in a2 will have an idea of whats coming as well.

    they will probably slow down after launch or change the format of what they do every month, and they will probably show us something before each major update or expansion.
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    Cyridius wrote: »
    Raven016 wrote: »
    I was interested in Naval Content until they said that they focus on one continent first. Now I am not sure if it is worth seeing the naval content before Alpha 2 hits. We can test it after Alpha 2 launches.

    They can show us in the monthly streams any information which needs feedback through the pinned threads:
    - more classes
    - animal husbandry
    Could be that close to Alpha 2 launch they will be busy with bug fixes, optimizing code and polishing a bit and some stream content will be harder to prepare.

    Naval content will definitely be worth seeing. Water can still be a better way of traversing a single continent depending on the terrain and dangers going over land.

    We will see how the caravan traverses a river as a raft in the next caravan PvP stream.
    Those rafts might be useful near the sea shore too. :smile:
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    VeeshanVeeshan Member
    edited December 2023
    Pvp one comfirmed next month and then you have rogue, bard, summoner, fighter so thats 5 of them, then you can have castle or node seiges, archtypes (secondary be another) naval warfare potentialy there quite a few thign they can do tbh still.

    i think scope creep actually happened with A2 tbh and they pushed it back a little it to include more which is why the summoner might be in at the start became a thing. i feel they decided it be best to have a larger world so i suspect we will see more biomes at A2 launch than what was started earlier

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    i really really really want to see the augments stream.

    about a year ago, steven said that the augment stream and the tank stream would be coming out soon. we got the tank stream 1 or 2 months after that, but we havent had the augments stream yet! >:
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    I really enjoyed this Ranger showcase and hope they continue with it for the other classes. It was very clear when they went over each skill and how the class works.
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    Secondary archetype / augments
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    Tacquito wrote: »
    Secondary archetype / augments

    No doubt. They shall arrive.
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    IronhopeIronhope Member
    edited December 2023
    1. Combat (we dont have a game if they dont deliver on combat. Even if they deliver well or even very well on everything else, if the combat is bad, unfun, we dont have a game. The game will flop). The more they show it, the more feedback they get on it and the more they polish it as result, the better.
    2. Nodes. Its basically the foundation of the game.
    3. Classes, secondary archetypes and talent trees.
    4. More maps, monsters and npcs in action. Frankly the monsters we've seen so far suck (feel out of place and clunky).
    5. Dungeons and raids. They're hard to get right, especially at the standard Intrepid is promissing and to get there they will need feedback starting asap.

    These would be my top 5.

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    Ironhope wrote: »
    4. More maps, monsters and npcs in action. Frankly the monsters we've seen so far suck (feel out of place and clunky).

    I didn't think about it until you said it... But yeah, giant spiders and large mushrooms in the winter biome? lol
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    arsnnarsnn Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One
    1. PvP (confirmed)
    2. Second node related stream (sort of confirmed)
    3. PvE/Dungeon (kinda a must show)
    4. Some archetype update
    5. Some new archetype
    6. Some manual crafting and life skill update (Steven hinted at that)
    7. Sieges
    8. A vertical slice of gameplay. Your 1 hour of AoC gameplay before A2 starts.

    I might be wrong on this one, but i think they mentioned the naval system wont be part of the start of a2.
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    Just confirming.

    Naval content will be introduced as an Alpha-2 update.[36][11][5]
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    Xeeg wrote: »
    Ironhope wrote: »
    4. More maps, monsters and npcs in action. Frankly the monsters we've seen so far suck (feel out of place and clunky).

    I didn't think about it until you said it... But yeah, giant spiders and large mushrooms in the winter biome? lol

    it wasnt a winter biome, like it wasnt a tundra, it was just winter. seasonal change :P

    plus verra isnt earth..maybe those spiders and shrooms evolved to thrive in cold environments xd
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    Tacquito wrote: »
    5. Some new archetype

    Unlikely, i think. It was stated the Game shall have " Eight " Archetypes/Classes during Release, right ?

    They would need to add more Archetypes either later in the Game - or with an Expansion.
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    Ironhope wrote: »
    Frankly the monsters we've seen so far suck (feel out of place and clunky).

    I don't feel this way at all! I think the spiders (with the peacocking, winter/summer state, and web rolling animation are really good) The Minotaurs look great and the Rock Golems from the Basic Melee Attack update were excellent (The rising from the ground and rolling animations). The Slate Wolves, Bears, Ravens, Mycellions (Shrooms), Bloomeria (Flowers), Zombies and Skeletons have all been really solid and I love that they have created proper death animations for them. The Harbinger was looking creepy AF and Tumok with his winding pathways is super cool.

    I do think that Verra needs to have an absolute shit-load of different Mobs and that it is important that theme and aesthetics are super important when placing them. As Depraved mentioned, this NOT a "Winter Biome" it is the Riverlands in Winter.

    I can kind of empathise with your "out of place comment" as It would have been cool to have "Ice-Cap Mushrooms" and Snow/Ice/Rock Golems rise out of the snow similar to the the Rock Golems we saw in the fighter update. Thematically relevant Mobs to the winter SEASON.

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    @WHIT3ROS3 I was going to say something similar about the season and mob theme. Goblins wearing more fur layered armours. Hairier minotaur's with their winter coats hahaha
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    All the high priority things have been listed I think, but one thing I'd like to see is a full size Underrealm Node. One you could look around at, and say " yeah, we could fit a Metro in here ".
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    @WHIT3ROS3 I was going to say something similar about the season and mob theme. Goblins wearing more fur layered armours. Hairier minotaur's with their winter coats hahaha

    Yeah, on that topic, it's something I would like to see in a future Livestream. The "NPC" team showcases and talks about the different NPCs they have created, are creating and will create for Verra. Their philosophy behind Mobs, their workflow and the design process.
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    @Cadac Chasms can be quite deep lol
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    If they have something important to show then by all means. Maybe a stream explaining changes... similar to a patch if it were. I see no reason to stop the streams.... as long as they bring value and are not just a time sink taking away hours of development. The hype was needed to get the info out there about ashes.... now many people know about ashes.... Monthly streams imo will not be as necessary.... but I certainly can see them still doing them monthly or doing it once a quarter.
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    ZilgzZilgz Member
    I am a big fan on keeping the streams going. Intrepid needs to continue transparent updates even if some players have access to play test. Eliminate any possible community divide between those with A2 vs without A2. Livestreams could provide more data/findings from A2 testing on certain topics. I also think using clips from those testing the game would be a great addition to the livestream updates.

    Topics I would prefer to see from February to July/September
    - Archetype Overviews of Fighter, Rogue, Bard, and Summoner. Tank could be thrown in there as well.
    - Secondary Archetype system
    - Naval
    - Character creator update (in Q3) with all available races
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    HeljyHeljy Member
    Can't wait to have an overview of Riverlands !
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    Heljy wrote: »
    Can't wait to have an overview of Riverlands !

    Have the majority of live streams this past year or so not been focused around riverlands?
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    ThokanThokan Member
    Heljy wrote: »
    Can't wait to have an overview of Riverlands !

    Have the majority of live streams this past year or so not been focused around riverlands?

    Have any of the live streams this past year been an overview of the riverlands?
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    HeljyHeljy Member
    Heljy wrote: »
    Can't wait to have an overview of Riverlands !

    Have the majority of live streams this past year or so not been focused around riverlands?

    Why can't I be sarcastic on the internet? T.T
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