Next Livestream + Q&A Submission - Friday, May 31, 2024 at 11am Pacific



  • We've been able to see a good handful of the races of Verra in game, but we've still have yet to see the Vaelune, Dünir, and Niküa (I know the Tulnar are still being worked on). Will these races be available at the start of A2 or in future updates?
  • TopWombatTopWombat Member
    Can you please explain the reason why nodes can't declare war on their parent or vassal nodes?
  • SuperbiusSuperbius Member
    edited May 24
    First question here too!

    I'd like to ask if there are plans for tamed mobs to serve as livestock. For example, could spiders produce silk and treants provide fruit? I believe this could add to the functionality of taming more exotic mobs beyond just the typical ones as mounts or pets, as well as a provide a greater variety of farming produce. What are your thoughts on this?
  • Hello, Steven

    What is happening with the action combat? I only see tab target. The community needs to see combat action.
  • Menda GoodbodyMenda Goodbody Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One
    One simple question....

    Can you make sure ALL keys can be remapped? I want to be able to play the game with the keys I am used to using.

    Thank you.
  • As a PvE player, what is the outcome of fighting an NPC and another player decides to troll you by dealing damage to you and letting the NPC kill you. Does that player become corrupted for dealing damage to you before you die or is it based off of final blow?
  • LeonerdoLeonerdo Member
    Since Metropolises will likely be surrounded by multiple layers of vassals, will node wars between two metros mostly manifest in the bordering vassal nodes? Or will there be systems that incentivize players to invade further into the heart of an opposing Metro-vassal network?

    (Not sure if I should refer to those as nations or city-states or something else...)
  • We know that the animal husbandry system will follow the mendelian inheritance from the Feb 2022 Livestream, could you elaborate on the number of gamete pairs the Pets, Mounts, Livestocks and Beasts of Burden will have?
  • akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    To what extent can the interior layout or resources of a castle be modified by the defending clan to their benefit?
  • LeukaelLeukael Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited May 24
    Can you provide any updates on racial and religious augments? (Examples appreciated if possible.) Will we be presented with that information at character creation since that choice is locked in then?
  • TenguruTenguru Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Besides the Tulnar (much love my fellow earth kin), did the 4 "Divine Races" split into the 8 playable races before or after The Fall?
    I'll tend to the flame, you can worship the ashes.
  • furynatirfurynatir Member
    Hello Steven and the Ashes Team

    My question is about bards. I know that the Bard has a variety of musical instruments that he can use. But another powerful tool and weapon a bard has is his voice. In many fantasy franchices, voices, and songs in general have power. Would the bard have something similar to that? i am not sure if he could "equip" a voice perhaps? The instruments are something that help to channel that internal bard power but i dont see them as something that a bard would be helpless without.
  • PshieldsPshields Member
    Other than buffs, what benefits will cooking have? Could say a mayor initiate an event for people to contribute cooked food for a festival that gives a timed buff for that nodes citizens? or perhaps food meant to be used in animal husbandry that would help the process?
  • VoeltzVoeltz Member
    Why are Cooking and Alchemy considered Processing Professions and not Crafting when they produce completed products? Aren't you concerned about groups being able to grow, process, and craft everything without leaving their Freehold?
  • ContortzzContortzz Member
    3 to pick from

    In one of your streams discussing server caps you mentioned 8-10k players per shard, this may have been a miss speak or I miss heard but are the servers going to have multiple instances of players, if so how many per instance and how many instances per server or will each server have 8k~ players in the same singular instance of that server?

    When can A2 players expect to get there hands on the character creator as this was previously mentioned to hit before A2?

    How fleshed out will guild management systems be on the launch of A2?

    The Casual Conspiracy - MMO exploration meets relaxed camaraderie! Embracing discovery and fostering a welcoming atmosphere. From casual enthusiasts to hardcore veterans
  • Ace1234Ace1234 Member
    How relevant will knowledge/deduction be across the various systems and will you try to minimize the more tedious methods players will use to gather data/knowledge? For example, interesting data gathering like needing to observe specific enemy mechanics and transfer that knowledge to progress in a different area vs. tedious data gathering like grinding to find out the effects of a skill you might want to use.
  • GoalidGoalid Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    At the start of Alpha 2, will players be able to duel with whatever party, or even raid, compositions against each other? And can we duel anywhere in the world of Verra with no penalty of death?

  • CastaiCastai Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Of taunts, heals, and damage done of equal output performed on enemy mobs, will they all generally be a 1:1:1 ratio of threat generation? or will one of those three be slightly better or worse than the other two at producing hate? ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • AqualutumAqualutum Member
    Hi Steven et all,

    I raised this question another forum post but I did not see any official Intrepid team response. Are there any plans or already a work in progress for franchising the Verra/Ashes world? I.E. lore novels and ashes playing cards / other merch.

    I saw the mug in the last stream, my question is more around the playing cards, DnD memorabilia, lore novels, and boardgame(s) etc.

    - Aqua the lesser
  • SorcresSorcres Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    This is more inside question but I am curious how you are approaching Class development. Are you focusing firstly on one class before moving on another or are you working on all (8) of them at the same time. Both is ok for me, I am just curious how it works.

    Maybe I am wrong but I believe you are going one by one but maybe collecting some ideas for others. Summoner looks untouched now that why I am curious if he is waiting in the row before you jump on it.
  • FalkathFalkath Member
    edited May 25
    Will there be a score board detailing the most active participants achievements during the node war ? Things like players killed/revived, damage dealt and received, healings done and received, objectives points done...
  • IustinusShivaIustinusShiva Member
    edited May 25
    Are we going to see any augments (eg Racial or secondaries) at the start of A2 or are they coming in a later update?
  • MionikoiMionikoi Member
    What will decorating player housing be like? Will it be prefabricated? Limited placement options? Or will we have something like an X and Y axis placer?
    MY Own NIckle Co-operates with an EYE. -Mīonikoī.
  • DontfrownDontfrown Member
    At the beginning of Alpha 2 release which Artisan Classes will be available to the players.
  • Individuated SoulIndividuated Soul Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Will you consider removing stat dampening from the pvp system? With all the other penalties that exists to curb griefing, what makes this necessary?
  • Hello Steven,
    we have heard a lot about at least some of the benefits of being a node's citizen. My question is - will there be any benefits in adopting the nomadic playstyle, as an individual and/or as a group/guild? And if so, what will they be?
  • OzijakOzijak Member
    Gday gamers, have you started working with Bear McCreary yet? I remember reading his music would be in A2. Love your work!! <3
  • ApokApok Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    do you have any contingency plans for when one city becomes fully developed and the other is just beaten down into the dirt repeatedly
  • MissionCreepMissionCreep Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Would it be possible to push out all the races earlier for testing if you focused on only doing one sex, then finishing the other later.

    That is to say, being "gender locked" only during alpha so that we can at least see the races.
  • How many battlegrounds will there be and what will the size of each one be? Battlegrounds were one of my favorite things in WoW and I personally prefer larger scale combat, so arenas are not really my thing.

    Capture the flag, control points, and all that stuff was fun
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