Next Livestream + Q&A Submission - Friday, May 31, 2024 at 11am Pacific



  • Will your own profession have any effect (besides a social one) on which tradable recipes and blueprints you obtain?
  • If the environment changes, how dramatic will gathering change when a Node upgrades, and how soon after will the environment start to change?

    This would incentivize more competition for not only upgrading a node, but the location of the chosen node to be upgraded. Assuming specific node biomes would be spawning specific items.
    For instance upgrading a node in The Riverlands to Node level 2 would spawn different rare or epic gatherables than say, the Desert Biome to level 2.
    Hoping there will be a larger reward that could be obtained after each upgrade, even if only for a short time after the upgrade.
  • SengardenSengarden Member
    Can we get a little clarification on the operation of player-run brick-and-mortar businesses? For example, will there be brick-and-mortar restaurants/taverns in nodes, or only on freeholds? Will food need to be prepared by the owner as it’s ordered, or do menu items simply need to be batched and stored in an ice chest for an NPC employee to serve later? Are there any benefits for the player owner to actually be there running things? Thanks
  • DanteSyxDanteSyx Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited May 26
    How many objectives you must complete in order to win a Node war? for instance is everything combat based or will you implement other non combat objectives for players to win.
  • Will we hear some of Bear McCreary's music at the Alpha 2 launch, or will this be implemented in a later update?
  • savndorsavndor Member
    Hey Steven,
    I have recently seen the Unreal Engine 5.4 video on youtube and it talks about character movement.
    Is this something that Ashes of Creation would benefit from? And if so, would make use of it?

    Much love to the team at Intrepid <3
  • Are there plans for any class or archetype abilities that allow a player to create clones or illusions of themselves for the purpose of misdirection or trickery?
  • Will the Siege Engines have different looking designs depending on which race chose to create them, or which race has the highest influence?
  • When it comes to player collison, will there be a hierarchy of who can push who out of the way example Tanks have the most vs clerics have least? Or will it be equal for all characters regardless of archetype or race. Also would there be gear or abilities that change it?
  • CadacCadac Member
    By what means can Mayors conduct diplomacy with other Mayors?
  • SpittfyreSpittfyre Member
    edited May 28
    Will solo/small party playstyles be viable in the open world, or will you be dependent on constantly finding players to group with? As someone with limited time to play I'm worried of being unable to progress through a vast majority of content without spending a lot of that time looking for a party
  • NeurotoxinNeurotoxin Member, Alpha One
    Are node wars meant to be rare acts, should they be very frequent and expected, or will all of that be determined by how hostile or goal-oriented the server's players are in a given area?
  • YikanYikan Member
    The wiki mentions several things about Combat Pets, in particular, that "Power is delegated to the pet when it is summoned and returned to the player immediately when the pet despawns" and that "Combat pets may not be able to be summoned in certain dungeons, instances or other spaces". Do these statements still hold true and can you share any new developments with regard to combat pets? Like, do they have their own skill tree, share the unversal skill tree, or don't have skill points at all?
  • divherdivher Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited May 28
    What is the current design philosophy on how much control summoners will have over their summons, such as precise movement and positioning? Will we be able to pre-position summons to line up abilities or body block players or mobs, or will most pet movement be centered around attacking your current target/following who you command them to attack?
  • kanersenkanersen Member
    edited May 28
    The summoner is supposed to be a 'gap-filler' class in party composition. In terms of gap-filling the roles of main tank or a main healer - has there been any further consideration given to enable summoners to act in this capacity while allowing for players to choose from additional class fantasies to fulfill the scarce resource roles of main tank and main healer through the Brood Warden and Necromancer?
  • Frost01Frost01 Member
    Is the plan for this game's rating still aimed at being T-rated? (Please yes!)
  • ArunteliArunteli Member
    For the A2 launch, are nodes still planned to proceed up to level 5 and will they have racial influences present?
  • DoctorBurnsDoctorBurns Member
    edited May 28
    Can you speak a little more to the process of becoming a vassal node? Is it involuntary? Do the benefits outweigh not being a vassal?
  • mutuhhmutuhh Member
    During normal play and especially node wars where positioning is vital, will there be player collision?
  • The_HippoThe_Hippo Member
    What types of benefits will there be for people acting as Mercenaries for either side of a node war?
  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    If summon abilities are activated by the summoner not the summon, does the wand proc cool down work on those abilities?
    Node coffers: Single Payer Capitalism in action
  • MacAranMacAran Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    After a server launch, and the stabilization of various city state alliances, will there be any mechanics that will encourage new guilds to attempt to carve out a new territory for themselves without being crushed by the current in power city states 10 times their size?
  • When will we get to see some good secondary augment examples?
    Before? During? Or not until after A2?
  • More and more MMOs, although they start with open world pvp elements, they shift into a more casual experience with instanced content, dailies and pvp mostly on events. Do you believe it is something that is driven from the "customers" so it could potentially happen to ashes as well ?
  • CaronzinCaronzin Member
    netrimos wrote: »
    on node wars. To what extent will logistics and supply lines be integrated into node wars? It would be cool if attackers had to run caravans of supplies to the surrounding area prior to the start of the siege to encourage little skirmishes before the actual battle takes place.
    -T0Mb- wrote: »
    Can players choose their starting weapon or does every archetype have their own predetermined starting weapon?

  • bubinskibubinski Member
    I see a lot of negative comments on the many social platforms lately about how long the game is taking and certain aspects of the look and gameplay. Steven always assures us that this is just alpha gameplay, and it will be better at launch, but that only goes so far with internet trolls and such. Do you have any plan creating a more hopeful future for game development in your marketing plan? I have the foresight to see this games very high potential and understand that the development process takes time and lots of hard work by the developers. Some folks don't.
  • MackArrelMackArrel Member
    Hello Steven,
    Could you please explain why the number of guild members is limited to 300? What issues would arise on the server if this number were increased?
    Thank you very much for your response.
  • VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    Hello again, glorious Ashes of Creation community! Thank you to everyone who stopped by and shared a question with us for this month’s stream. Q&A submissions are now closed, and we’ll see you at 11AM Pacific on Friday for our livestream!
  • SleepyKeeSleepyKee Member
    Howdy! For the roleplay community, can we look forward to any QOL additions that are catered to them specifically? For example, things like a toggled flag beside your name that denotes you as an RPer, or the ability to have inspect-able character bios.
    [ RP nerd & Dog mom ♥ Always down to hear a good story. ]
  • AszkalonAszkalon Member
    OsFur wrote: »
    Hi Steven,

    With Unreal Engine 5, will you be able to implement climbing mechanics?

    Apparently be it either via Grappling-Hook, or possible other Mechanics - a few Classes like for Example Rogues(?) will have Skills to climb a Nodes Walls, if it has any. Probably not a Palisade with Spikes for Top/Tip-Ends, but actual Walls with a Guards Walkway on them, or so.
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
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