DPS Meter Megathread



  • Texas wrote: »
    that way if a raid is failing due to dps its upto the raid leader to actually find out why not just boot said lowest person or berate them
    So it'd be nice to have a tool that can parse the combat log to find out where things are going wrong.....

    It's pretty clear a lot of the people posting on this thread don't have any clue what they are talking about.

    what id like more than just a simple dps meter is a full log breaking shiz down, just like how you can log in a wow raid and its posted and has every break down possible. only say this because for example i can parse 100% of the time and do my absolute best dps but i can also be standing in / ignoring all the mechanics of a fight. have this as an option would be alot more worthwhile than a simple dps meter since it allows you to see whos bad and whos just not performing to the fullest of their class
  • TaerrikTaerrik Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited June 23

    what id like more than just a simple dps meter is a full log breaking shiz down, just like how you can log in a wow raid and its posted and has every break down possible. only say this because for example i can parse 100% of the time and do my absolute best dps but i can also be standing in / ignoring all the mechanics of a fight. have this as an option would be alot more worthwhile than a simple dps meter since it allows you to see whos bad and whos just not performing to the fullest of their class

    They mentioned we will be getting a combat log, but were light on the details, and also it will be personal only.

    Personal only doesn't really cut it, since other jobs will debuff enemy defenses, or buff your own attacks. A personal only log will not give you the data you need to adjust for these affects. Plus if you are a job that is applying these affects, then you need to know the measurement of the others so you can see how much you actually bring to the table for the folks doing more damage in the 10s your buffs are applied or whatever.

    If the provided personal log is detailed enough. At a minimum as detailed as fflogs. Then I expect the only third party tool that will be developed will be one for us to be able to upload our personal logs to a sort of group encounter log, letting raid teams link logs together.

    Since most people, even ff14 players, don't use the website to its full potential anyway, by which I mean they just look at the final dps number... Here is what I mean by as detailed as.

    You can open up any uploaded encounter, and see a timeline of precisely when people start/finish casts, what abilities are used when, what debuffs/buffs are on boss/players at what time, and all the skills/spells affected by those buffs/debuffs. Not just for damage, but for healing, shielding, and mitigations as well. It helps to plan out for the team on where players should be using burst phases based on boss mechanics, and where the team should be using mitigation/shielding abilities. FF14 encounters are 'on rails', the same thing every time with limited variation. I expect ashes to be different, however still getting log data is useful for technically minded players.

    This honestly gives::
    a) Players that want privacy about their logs to maintain privacy,
    b) Raids a way to measure and improve performance
    c) Theory crafters a way to pour over build data in real scenarios that matter.
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