Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha 2 queues = SCAM?!?!?!?

OK im going off on a tangent but seriously this just freaks me out.
A year ago there were supposed to be 100k already on board for alpha 2. Now we have expected launch at 9k users?
We ain't going to get the dropoff you normally get, because its weekends only. The CCU to registered users ratio is going to be much higher than typical games for the first 3 months. Easily going to be 50k people on Oct 25th prime time trying to log in. Probably the same on Saturday Oct 26th... Maybe 30k on Sunday... But hell ain't 9k wtf?!
Then next weekend probably same thing because everyone still hyped. Could be 3-4 weekends with 30k+ users throughout 50% of the playable time.
Like maybe by February 2025 they drop down to 9k concurrent, or april or something. And I would think that is minimum users.
They said that they would whip up new realms. But shouldn't they have started with at least 10-15?
They have already said that queues will be a thing for the actual game launch, but in this case we are paying some fair cash to "test" the game, and we may just be stuck in queues the whole time.
Can you imagine the sucker that spends $120 for 7 weeks of Alpha 1 Wave 1 and is stuck in a queue EVERY WEEKEND? LOL
That would be a total scam.
A year ago there were supposed to be 100k already on board for alpha 2. Now we have expected launch at 9k users?
We ain't going to get the dropoff you normally get, because its weekends only. The CCU to registered users ratio is going to be much higher than typical games for the first 3 months. Easily going to be 50k people on Oct 25th prime time trying to log in. Probably the same on Saturday Oct 26th... Maybe 30k on Sunday... But hell ain't 9k wtf?!
Then next weekend probably same thing because everyone still hyped. Could be 3-4 weekends with 30k+ users throughout 50% of the playable time.
Like maybe by February 2025 they drop down to 9k concurrent, or april or something. And I would think that is minimum users.
They said that they would whip up new realms. But shouldn't they have started with at least 10-15?
They have already said that queues will be a thing for the actual game launch, but in this case we are paying some fair cash to "test" the game, and we may just be stuck in queues the whole time.
Can you imagine the sucker that spends $120 for 7 weeks of Alpha 1 Wave 1 and is stuck in a queue EVERY WEEKEND? LOL
That would be a total scam.
Still, if you pay $120 for 7 weekends of Alpha 1 Wave 1 and you literally cannot even play because the game is purposefully throttled, that is some messed up shit imo.
Oh shit maybe I misunderstood it. So its $120 for all 3 waves?
Yes, they clarify it later in a stream, that if you buy 120 dollars key, you wont have to buy the other keys for phase 2 and phase 3.
It's 120$ for all three phases. In other words, 120$ for ALL A2 access until launch (Betas not included)
yeah but you can have passion for the project and still not want to waste weekends upon weekends waiting in queues to play and taking naps or doing other things lol just to get in... That just sucks.
More than fine. I think that just means getting alpha two isn’t in your best interests. Doesn’t need to be for everyone. I’m not talking about you in general. I personally would assume the standard for someone willing to wait that long will be much higher than someone who isn’t willing to wait through queues, something that has plagued even normal releases.
You are paying for access at that point. not to just use that part of the alpha. You have access to all future alpha phases from where you purchased your key.
Yeah but much of the logic of "realm wipes" and stuff isn't the same for alpha 2. I'm sure ALL of the testers would rather have some realm wipes and mergers than wait in queues for the alpha 2. We are expecting these to get wiped already, we just want to be a part of it.
Yeah, but guaranteed everyone playing this alpha 2 doesnt care at all about realm mergers or wipes. We just want to play. Queues make no sense and are purely a negative experience.
Yes. You misunderstood/didn't listen/didn't watch.
Again you’re paying to test an MMORPG not play one. If your only goal is “Yeah, but guaranteed everyone playing this alpha 2 doesnt care at all about realm mergers or wipes. We just want to play. Queues make no sense and are purely a negative experience.” Then this IS NOT FOR YOU AND YOU SHOULD NOT SPEND 120 bucks. You probably shouldn’t even spend the 100.
Notice the key word “playing”?
This test it to make sure the game is actually ready to let people with those intentions in.
for both West Europe - and North America ?
When i remember correctly - it was aimed that a single Server can "house" 9000 Players at the Release of the Game.
Means if the Servers "could" do that at the Start of Alpha Two - > which they likey can not - > we would have 27.000 People for West Europe who can test the "Game",
and 27.000 People for North America.
This brings up to a juicy 54.000 People for the whole Servers of the Start of Alpha Two. So jeah not even half the Testers when it is correct that i heard around the End of 2023,
that already around +123.000 People or so bought Access for Alpha Two and the Beta - to serve as Testers.
But fred' not, my Friends who will also try to log in for +10 Hours only to then get a Disconnect and everything will be in vain, (LOL)
apparently it is also said that they will plan to add additional Servers sooner or later. But i wonder how many People they will really want to test the Game all the time.
And what do i hear now ? They want People to test it "only" on Weekends ? This makes Sense as this gives dedicated Testers more time : but at the same time it makes me crack a snicker - because People waited for an Eternity for Alpha Two, only to be stuck on long Ques on Weekends and all the time in between the Weekends it means they are waiting for the Weekend again.
Love it that Sir Steven said it is not an Early Access, but truly a Job. However it also sounds like they want to keep programming the Game Five Days a Week -> and have People test it only Two Days a Week.
I can not possibly buy enough Popcorn to wait for the Shitstorms if that is true.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
So how do people test when they are waiting in queues? Your whole argument attacked a straw man and produced my exact point.
If you watched todays stream on twitch you would learn that they plan on consistently increasing CCU the longer the tests go on and things are working out well. They’ve told people for years not to buy the packs with expectations to play the game or anything. If you’re buying a pack you’re buying it with intentions of TESTING when the chance comes and that means dealing with all the cons of play tests. Especially in one of the most COMPLEX genres of the gaming industry.
If people are upset about anything then that’s because they made impulsive decisions.
How are they going to test if they have unlimited slots and the servers are down because they’re being overloaded. Stop being entitled and ignoring that anyone willing to be upset for the reasons you give are only upset because they seen a 5 second clip. And for some reason decided to spend 250$ to get an alpha key. Completely ignoring the years of being told not to buy a pack with the intentions of playing a game. But instead to buy one with the full intentions of being a TESTER, yes I know you want to keep ignoring that but yes it’s to test, of a game that IS NOT complete. That means dealing with ALL the cons of testing something, something that if you did not see today’s stream was made clear is NOT a game, but the alpha to a game.
I’m sorry but your whole argument ignores the reality of the issue. You want to play a game and you think because you paid 250 dollars to play a game or 100-120. You’re simply entitled to it. Like what? It’s your own fault for ignoring the years of being told not to buy a pack.
Btw if you watched today’s stream you’d learn that they plan on consistently increasing numbers throughout the test. Congratulation for being upset about something that has been an issue on every game of the genre since its creation.
It's 3k+ concurrent on 6 total servers. That is 18k+ concurrent. Server sizes will be larger. They said they will spin up more servers if needed. I think they will have to spin up more servers but I also expect long queues. All in all, I'm guessing it will be a typical MMO launch day. By weekend 2 or 3 it will settle in.
Side you really think they want to sell these passes just for people to sit around and not help them test? Like...really?
That said, I think there might be some calculus in this decision. Phase 1 only has limited content (Riverlands plus some Tropics/Desert). 3k players is 1/3 of the intended final concurrent population. The land area present at the start of A2 is not 1/3 of the total end land area. So the population is going to be too large for the starting area.
You might think that the obvious solution is to just add more servers, but if they do that then we end up with the reverse situation over time. As A2 progresses, more content will be added, but the server population is only expected to decrease, so we end up with less players than intended for the area. So long term it might be better to limit the number of servers in order to maintain the appropriate number of players for the area that will eventually be developed. Then again, people might just leave because they can't get in.
Not sure what the winning answer is here, but I'm sure IS put a lot of thought into it.
Yeah but honestly if they had 0 queue / high merge risk servers i would play on those. If they got to spin some more up and then merge players that opt in that would be easy enough.
Then also they get tests on how far they can ramp up the users. If by some miracle everything fires up and runs without a hitch at 3000. They can then say ok, let's open up the que and load in another 500 - 1000 and see what happens.
Even logging in and waiting in a queue is helping the test.
They get to test how quickly and efficiently they can spin up a new realm. How quickly the network and communication services can begin logging players to a new realm created on the fly. And then on the other side of that they get tests on how to and what impacts are when servers merge.
I am not sure what to expect with merges early in alpha. I would expect more of a server landscape and realm number reset when there is a wipe. To start this all over and iterate on those tests again.
With it being weekend only, I'm not even going to download it.
I'll look at testing when it's either persistent, or at least weeks long.
and again with that key you get access to all 3 phases which will be easily over 6 months.
You're paying to TEST, I repeat, TEST the game. NOT play the game. I repeat, NOT play the game.
Being in a queue is also TESTING the game.
Lol if you pay to "test" the game and you are only stuck in queue that's still lame bro. You are not going to convince me that we should be happy to queue test the game for multiple prime time weekends.