DUELS 1vs1 2vs2 3vs3 - (Plz add them at the very beginning of PHASE 1 of A2)



  • Really hope we're getting duels at some point during Phase 1. Duels are not only a great duel to test out bugs & interactions in an isolated combat scenario, but it's also an awesome filler in between content releases.
    At the end of the day, it's night.
  • Apok wrote: »
    why are you so anti duals, it's such an easy system to implement it's probably already been built into the game
    As I've been saying. I'm against it being added into Phases 1 and 2. And as I already said, if it was so damn easy to add it - it would've been in those phases. If they wanted people testing 1v1 pvp in those phases - it would've been in those phases.

    But it's obvious that at least one of those things is not true, which is why Steven said duels are not planned for first 2 phases. But yall people want your god damn 1v1 fun so much that you're willing to put even more work onto already crunched devs just to satify you.

    And as I've been yelling this entire time - YOU ALREADY HAVE A SYSTEM THAT LETS YOU TEST 1V1. Intrepid could've easily disabled flagging (let alone wars) in phase 1, or even 2 as well. But no, it's in. So use it for your 1v1 testing.
  • ApokApok Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Apok wrote: »
    why are you so anti duals, it's such an easy system to implement it's probably already been built into the game
    As I've been saying. I'm against it being added into Phases 1 and 2. And as I already said, if it was so damn easy to add it - it would've been in those phases. If they wanted people testing 1v1 pvp in those phases - it would've been in those phases.

    But it's obvious that at least one of those things is not true, which is why Steven said duels are not planned for first 2 phases. But yall people want your god damn 1v1 fun so much that you're willing to put even more work onto already crunched devs just to satify you.

    And as I've been yelling this entire time - YOU ALREADY HAVE A SYSTEM THAT LETS YOU TEST 1V1. Intrepid could've easily disabled flagging (let alone wars) in phase 1, or even 2 as well. But no, it's in. So use it for your 1v1 testing.

    ahh I see so you're already doing the fanboy "I speak for the devs" thing. umm things change all the time so get over it if people want to ask for it. things change, just like the alpha 2 date
  • Apok wrote: »
    ahh I see so you're already doing the fanboy "I speak for the devs" thing. umm things change all the time so get over it if people want to ask for it. things change, just like the alpha 2 date
    I'm sure everyone would be super happy if Intrepid said "we're delaying A2 by another 2 months, cause some people, who think this is a game that they can 1v1 in, want a duel function in a testing phase that won't even have servers up most of the time" :o

    How hard is it to wait 6 months for a feature that you can already experience w/o devs putting extra work in, on top of their already crunch-times?

    I might be speaking for the devs, but yall are entitled for all the wrong reasons. We will already have pvp, but yall are yelling "noooo, not like thaaat! I can be attacked if I'm not dueeeling. And I can't test the game like thaaaat :'( "
  • Suppose duels come into play when the arenas are established. Until then head to the lawless territory.
  • ApokApok Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    kinda foolish to think it would take 2 months, seems like they could just copy what tech they're already using, UI for clicking on someone? well just add a duel to it. the PvP aspect would just be linked to parties/alliances using the tech they already have for enabling team pvp for stuff like sieges. all they would have to add in is all downed players res after the duel is over and you're good to go. being linked to party status you'll have everything from 1v1 to max alliance size
  • Ayeveegaming1Ayeveegaming1 Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I think you can duel, just fight each other, but that is not what is intended in phase one. We are trying to break the servers and stress test and stuff. Its not a playable game really. Pvp will go through many different phases through alpha and beta. I totally can understand the rush from players, as pvp is what the game really is based on. I just do not think that is the focus of phase 1. If we all just do what they ask, we can speed through these phases faster, and get to our goals faster. Let's concentrate on what they ask is what I am asking for as well.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Apok wrote: »
    kinda foolish to think it would take 2 months, seems like they could just copy what tech they're already using

    Be super honest with yourself for a second here.

    If it was that easy, why would Intrepid not simply add it in now? Why would they go to the trouble of telling us when we should expect it?

    Are you assuming they have no reason, as opposed to assuming you simply don't know their reason?
  • Noaani wrote: »
    Are you assuming they have no reason, as opposed to assuming you simply don't know their reason?
    And Steven is even saying "likely will be" here

    So dueling is so fucking far on the list of things they wanna test, that it's not even likely to have it right at phase 3 release. Yet we've got professional game devs here saying "oh, let me do it, it's so easy B) "
  • I think 3-v-3 makes more sense than 1-v-1 given their rock-paper-scissors design. So when they do roll out 1-v-1 you probably won’t like it unless it’s same Archetype 1-v-1.
  • I think 3-v-3 makes more sense than 1-v-1 given their rock-paper-scissors design. So when they do roll out 1-v-1 you probably won’t like it unless it’s same Archetype 1-v-1.

    There’s a reason 3v3 is the most popular
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