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Well requested a refund on my Alpha 2 package



  • NemesesNemeses Member
    edited September 13
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    I can see why this persons post have all been toxic on the forums now lmao. If you are looking for attention you are wasting your time.

    Mate anything said against this game, you think is toxic, said to you before, you the worst kind of fanboi.

    Please point out where I’ve said toxic things, I may have questioned things, and repeated facts, that’s not toxic.

    You honestly are like a 5 year old child, who favourite toy is been messed with.

    Your last forum post was asking how much money people spent, and trying to make a weird argument they make more money than other mmorpgs that are released.

    No one here is a fanboy, you just are missing a brain. This is why you have a brain rot take on people that think your point is child-level silly needing to beg for attention. All you have done recently is have some stupid takes calling people fanboys.

    If you are negative towards the game and bring actual points I have nothing against that. But when your method is calling people fanboys and making post like these begging for attention, its just toxic. You bring nothing of substance to any kind of conversation.

    No, you are a fanboi, I kind of ignore your posts as you toxic, and just into personal insults

    I do believe this game has pocketed millions already, gives me a real Star Citizen vibe

    The rest of you post about brain rot, and having no brain is so childish, I will just ignore it.

    Spams people on fan boys on the forums, says other people are just into personal assaults. Makes a forum post begging for attention, spreads misinformation saying this game is making tons of money like star citizen.

    This is the pattern with ones like you, spreading misinformation, being toxic and then you can't take criticism, you are whining and complaining about getting the same energy you are giving.

    Its like you are a child not getting your way and full on throwing a temper tantrum, you are trying to whine so hard you want everyone to see you are getting a refund, and wanting to try to yell the game is a scam as loud as you can for attention. Its funny how you mention children,. you you are doing exactly what a child would be doing when they are mad.

    Except ive never said any of those things. As I said, you behave like a 5 year old who toy was messed with, saw the same response to chicargo (name was something like that) you can’t argue a point, so all you do is insult, a keyboard warrior 😂😂

    Except for saying you a fanboi, which you clearly are, I’ve passed zero insults, unlike you who carries out personal insults, anytime someone says something negative about thus game.


    You are on record calling people fanbois, your vibe is pretty toxic from hat I've seen recently, I'm not going to baby you since you want to just run your mouth saying people are fanboys to try to discreit what is being said.


    You do indeed say these things, i can tell you are here just trying to explode and made a big as deal as possible.

    People can say negative things about the game but trying to flat out lie is a different story. Your negative things is trying to say the game is a scam (they are pocketing money) / and calling everyone that doesn't agree with you fanboys.

    I'm simply just calling out someone acting like a child online, since you are bringing any real criticism on the game, and even if you were you prob call someone a fanboy unless they agree with you. That is far as the limit of your debating skills go sadly o:)

    Not people, you.

    Although there are others. If I was bothered I could go and copy and paste you personal attacks on others, where, as per normal, you have no idea how to carry out a discussion, so you revert to insults.

    Let’s be clear, you are a toxic fanboi
    The Immortals
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  • Nemeses wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    I never said, I would not play the game, just don’t want to put any money in until I see it out.

    Guess I was never comfortable with a lot of things said by Steven etc, and went down the rabbit hole a bit on Reddit, while a lot of it is the normal rubbish, there were quite a few factual things, that moved me a bit to far down the uncomfortable road.

    One thing, that I’ve thought, for 8 years, this game should be almost ready, if not ready, it just smacks of no vision, no clear leadership.

    You've thought that a game in development for 8 years should have been almost ready for 8 years?

    Dont be ridiculous.

    That's what you said. Learn to communicate your thoughts more clearly if that isn't what you meant.

    No it’s how you chose to read it.

    Nope. That is actually what you said. Word for word what you said:
    "One thing, that I’ve thought, for 8 years, this game should be almost ready"

    Ignoring the overuse of commas, that statement says that you've thought the game should be almost ready for 8 years.

    For 8 years development was clearly the intent, unless you want to see it differed, so you can have a whine

    I mean, it was not even a tiny step to work it out.

    Lol you wanna try that again with something coherent?

    No Im sure you can find someone to explain the typos to you, and then help you figure it out.

    Typos aren't the issue. The issue is that was just nonsense.

    Funny you say typos was not the issue, yet it’s all you cried about, I’ve yet to see you post, anything that shows I’ve spoken nonsense.
    The Immortals
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  • ChaliuxChaliux Member
    edited September 13
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Bought this Friday, but last 2 days I’ve found out so much about this company and Steven in particular, I just don’t trust them to deliver a decent game, or any game

    I’ve always had serious doubts, but now I downright do not trust anything he said.

    Company has/had two liens for not paying tax. Lied about why they stopped selling cosmetics, the battle Royale fiasco…just to many red flags l will give them till Monday then do a PayPal forced refund if needed.

    You see the stories about him and AA…

    Do not buy an unfinished product or game in general. That's has nothing to do with Steven or intrepid, that's just a general recommendation. Once the job is done, the work is done, the result is of good quality - then you buy it.
    If you invest in something, you should get ALL information (especially the financial ones - because it's your money) and as this is not the case for some individuals or small companys that aren't forced to publish their books and financial statements and reports and don't have to reach promised goals or dare timelines. Everything is wihtout obligation and without getting consequences - for the one getting the money, the other side must face all the consequences.

    Saying this I've to state clearly that I'm convinced that this is no scam and beside some topics I like Ashes and still have hope that several features - in the end (not nowadays) will work smoothly together - but I'm just not running towards a person or a development team because I really don't care if that is Kevin, Steven or Donald doing it. It's all about the game and content in it, nothing more. And I'm investing my money only at a point of time where I get result of quality at this time, not 10 years later. Did that the last decades, will do that all the upcoming decades.
  • Chaliux wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Bought this Friday, but last 2 days I’ve found out so much about this company and Steven in particular, I just don’t trust them to deliver a decent game, or any game

    I’ve always had serious doubts, but now I downright do not trust anything he said.

    Company has/had two liens for not paying tax. Lied about why they stopped selling cosmetics, the battle Royale fiasco…just to many red flags l will give them till Monday then do a PayPal forced refund if needed.

    You see the stories about him and AA…

    Do not buy an unfinished product or game in general. That's has nothing to do with Steven or intrepid, that's just a general recommendation. Once the job is done, the work is done, the result is of good quality - then you buy it.
    If you invest in something, you should get ALL information (especially the financial ones - because it's your money) and as this is not the case for some individuals or small companys that aren't forced to publish their books and financial statements and reports and don't have to reach promised goals or dare timelines. Everything is wihtout obligation and without getting consequences - for the one getting the money.

    Agree with this 100%.

    The difference here is a) Steven has promised a lot, and already failed to deliver on a few.

    The company has 2 liens on it, plus it’s being sued.

    I believe that’s why cosmetic were stopped
    The Immortals
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  • Mag7spyMag7spy Member, Alpha Two
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    I can see why this persons post have all been toxic on the forums now lmao. If you are looking for attention you are wasting your time.

    Mate anything said against this game, you think is toxic, said to you before, you the worst kind of fanboi.

    Please point out where I’ve said toxic things, I may have questioned things, and repeated facts, that’s not toxic.

    You honestly are like a 5 year old child, who favourite toy is been messed with.

    Your last forum post was asking how much money people spent, and trying to make a weird argument they make more money than other mmorpgs that are released.

    No one here is a fanboy, you just are missing a brain. This is why you have a brain rot take on people that think your point is child-level silly needing to beg for attention. All you have done recently is have some stupid takes calling people fanboys.

    If you are negative towards the game and bring actual points I have nothing against that. But when your method is calling people fanboys and making post like these begging for attention, its just toxic. You bring nothing of substance to any kind of conversation.

    No, you are a fanboi, I kind of ignore your posts as you toxic, and just into personal insults

    I do believe this game has pocketed millions already, gives me a real Star Citizen vibe

    The rest of you post about brain rot, and having no brain is so childish, I will just ignore it.

    Spams people on fan boys on the forums, says other people are just into personal assaults. Makes a forum post begging for attention, spreads misinformation saying this game is making tons of money like star citizen.

    This is the pattern with ones like you, spreading misinformation, being toxic and then you can't take criticism, you are whining and complaining about getting the same energy you are giving.

    Its like you are a child not getting your way and full on throwing a temper tantrum, you are trying to whine so hard you want everyone to see you are getting a refund, and wanting to try to yell the game is a scam as loud as you can for attention. Its funny how you mention children,. you you are doing exactly what a child would be doing when they are mad.

    Except ive never said any of those things. As I said, you behave like a 5 year old who toy was messed with, saw the same response to chicargo (name was something like that) you can’t argue a point, so all you do is insult, a keyboard warrior 😂😂

    Except for saying you a fanboi, which you clearly are, I’ve passed zero insults, unlike you who carries out personal insults, anytime someone says something negative about thus game.


    You are on record calling people fanbois, your vibe is pretty toxic from hat I've seen recently, I'm not going to baby you since you want to just run your mouth saying people are fanboys to try to discreit what is being said.


    You do indeed say these things, i can tell you are here just trying to explode and made a big as deal as possible.

    People can say negative things about the game but trying to flat out lie is a different story. Your negative things is trying to say the game is a scam (they are pocketing money) / and calling everyone that doesn't agree with you fanboys.

    I'm simply just calling out someone acting like a child online, since you are bringing any real criticism on the game, and even if you were you prob call someone a fanboy unless they agree with you. That is far as the limit of your debating skills go sadly o:)

    Not people, you.

    Although there are others. If I was bothered I could go and copy and paste you personal attacks on others, where, as per normal, you have no idea how to carry out a discussion so, you revert to insults

    Let’s be clear, you are a toxic fanboi

    This isn't the first time you've been throwing around the term 'fanboy,' and it's ironic that you accuse others of being emotionally charged or acting like children when your posts are filled with the same energy. Rather than engaging in a substantive discussion, you're trying to discredit any criticism or disagreement by labeling people as 'fanboys.' Whether you’ve done it once, twice, or a dozen times, it’s still a weak argument.

    You’ve even referenced other threads where misinformation was being spread, the fact use used Reddit to guide your thoughts—hardly the most reliable source for factual information. I countered that misinformation in the other thread, just like I’m doing here, and if someone posts something toxic, I'm going to call it out. This thread is no different; it brings nothing but emotionally charged complaints without any solid basis.

    The real issue here is that you take any disagreement as a personal attack. If you’re comfortable calling others children, then you should be prepared to hear the same in return, except in this case, I’ll back up why you’re acting like one: instead of presenting real arguments or solutions, you're just here to complain and attack anyone who doesn't share your negativity.

    If you really want a discussion about the game’s development, let’s have it. But if all you’re going to do is belittle others and throw around accusations without evidence, then it’s clear you're not interested in a constructive conversation o:)
  • Mag7spyMag7spy Member, Alpha Two
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Chaliux wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Bought this Friday, but last 2 days I’ve found out so much about this company and Steven in particular, I just don’t trust them to deliver a decent game, or any game

    I’ve always had serious doubts, but now I downright do not trust anything he said.

    Company has/had two liens for not paying tax. Lied about why they stopped selling cosmetics, the battle Royale fiasco…just to many red flags l will give them till Monday then do a PayPal forced refund if needed.

    You see the stories about him and AA…

    Do not buy an unfinished product or game in general. That's has nothing to do with Steven or intrepid, that's just a general recommendation. Once the job is done, the work is done, the result is of good quality - then you buy it.
    If you invest in something, you should get ALL information (especially the financial ones - because it's your money) and as this is not the case for some individuals or small companys that aren't forced to publish their books and financial statements and reports and don't have to reach promised goals or dare timelines. Everything is wihtout obligation and without getting consequences - for the one getting the money.

    Agree with this 100%.

    The difference here is a) Steven has promised a lot, and already failed to deliver on a few.

    The company has 2 liens on it, plus it’s being sued.

    I believe that’s why cosmetic were stopped

    Who is the one that sued them?
  • NemesesNemeses Member
    edited September 13
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Chaliux wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Bought this Friday, but last 2 days I’ve found out so much about this company and Steven in particular, I just don’t trust them to deliver a decent game, or any game

    I’ve always had serious doubts, but now I downright do not trust anything he said.

    Company has/had two liens for not paying tax. Lied about why they stopped selling cosmetics, the battle Royale fiasco…just to many red flags l will give them till Monday then do a PayPal forced refund if needed.

    You see the stories about him and AA…

    Do not buy an unfinished product or game in general. That's has nothing to do with Steven or intrepid, that's just a general recommendation. Once the job is done, the work is done, the result is of good quality - then you buy it.
    If you invest in something, you should get ALL information (especially the financial ones - because it's your money) and as this is not the case for some individuals or small companys that aren't forced to publish their books and financial statements and reports and don't have to reach promised goals or dare timelines. Everything is wihtout obligation and without getting consequences - for the one getting the money.

    Agree with this 100%.

    The difference here is a) Steven has promised a lot, and already failed to deliver on a few.

    The company has 2 liens on it, plus it’s being sued.

    I believe that’s why cosmetic were stopped

    Who is the one that sued them?

    Go look, or is that beyond you, I found it, so, you spend the time to find it, though doubt you will, you rather whine that I’ve not shown it to you.

    Should add, I ignored your previous post, and this will be my final reply to you.
    Just not worth bothering with toxic fanbois, they will only ever see what they want.
    The Immortals
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  • Mag7spyMag7spy Member, Alpha Two
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Chaliux wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Bought this Friday, but last 2 days I’ve found out so much about this company and Steven in particular, I just don’t trust them to deliver a decent game, or any game

    I’ve always had serious doubts, but now I downright do not trust anything he said.

    Company has/had two liens for not paying tax. Lied about why they stopped selling cosmetics, the battle Royale fiasco…just to many red flags l will give them till Monday then do a PayPal forced refund if needed.

    You see the stories about him and AA…

    Do not buy an unfinished product or game in general. That's has nothing to do with Steven or intrepid, that's just a general recommendation. Once the job is done, the work is done, the result is of good quality - then you buy it.
    If you invest in something, you should get ALL information (especially the financial ones - because it's your money) and as this is not the case for some individuals or small companys that aren't forced to publish their books and financial statements and reports and don't have to reach promised goals or dare timelines. Everything is wihtout obligation and without getting consequences - for the one getting the money.

    Agree with this 100%.

    The difference here is a) Steven has promised a lot, and already failed to deliver on a few.

    The company has 2 liens on it, plus it’s being sued.

    I believe that’s why cosmetic were stopped

    Who is the one that sued them?

    Go look.

    This is what I mean when i said you aren't here to bring anything of substance to the conversation.
  • ChaliuxChaliux Member
    edited September 13
    Nemeses wrote: »
    The difference here is a) Steven has promised a lot, and already failed to deliver on a few.
    He can talk and promise the entire day, some courageous fans (I'm not calling them cultists or fanboys) from doubtful other MMOs will follow whatever he says and promises and soothe the topic if not delivered.

    There are no consequences.
    So don't buy unfinished stuff, never.
    Provide feedback, to viral marketing to friends and family, perhaps test for the company (for free!), but don't buy unfinished stuff.

  • Chaliux wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    The difference here is a) Steven has promised a lot, and already failed to deliver on a few.
    He can talk and promise the entire day, some courageous fans (I'm not calling them cultists or fanboys) from doubtful other MMOs will follow whatever he says and promises and soothe the topic if not delivered.

    There are no consequences.
    So don't buy unfinished stuff, never.
    Provide feedback, to viral marketing to friends and family, perhaps test for the company (for free!), but don't buy unfinished stuff.

    Yeah, can’t argue this point, I should not have, but gave in.

    Well my refund being processed, so I’m only down about £4.
    A pint 😳

    The Immortals
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  • Should add for clarity sake, the people suing Intrepid, won their case, it’s now closed

    Intrepid had to settle all amounts owed, plus 50k on top, not including legal fees.
    The Immortals
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  • CaerylCaeryl Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Caeryl wrote: »
    Provide the receipts then before you leave if they're that serious

    Receipts of what?

    Plus I never said I was leaving, I will still play the game, I just prefer not to put any money into it.

    It's the new age slang for 'proof'. So do you have proof of any of this?
  • patrick68794patrick68794 Member, Alpha Two
    edited September 13
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    I never said, I would not play the game, just don’t want to put any money in until I see it out.

    Guess I was never comfortable with a lot of things said by Steven etc, and went down the rabbit hole a bit on Reddit, while a lot of it is the normal rubbish, there were quite a few factual things, that moved me a bit to far down the uncomfortable road.

    One thing, that I’ve thought, for 8 years, this game should be almost ready, if not ready, it just smacks of no vision, no clear leadership.

    You've thought that a game in development for 8 years should have been almost ready for 8 years?

    Dont be ridiculous.

    That's what you said. Learn to communicate your thoughts more clearly if that isn't what you meant.

    No it’s how you chose to read it.

    Nope. That is actually what you said. Word for word what you said:
    "One thing, that I’ve thought, for 8 years, this game should be almost ready"

    Ignoring the overuse of commas, that statement says that you've thought the game should be almost ready for 8 years.

    For 8 years development was clearly the intent, unless you want to see it differed, so you can have a whine

    I mean, it was not even a tiny step to work it out.

    Lol you wanna try that again with something coherent?

    No Im sure you can find someone to explain the typos to you, and then help you figure it out.

    Typos aren't the issue. The issue is that was just nonsense.

    Funny you say typos was not the issue, yet it’s all you cried about, I’ve yet to see you post, anything that shows I’ve spoken nonsense.

    My original post was a direct response to you not being able to express your thoughts clearly because what you actually said and what you meant were clearly not the same lol at this point I'm not surprised you didn't understand that.
  • Caeryl wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Caeryl wrote: »
    Provide the receipts then before you leave if they're that serious

    Receipts of what?

    Plus I never said I was leaving, I will still play the game, I just prefer not to put any money into it.

    It's the new age slang for 'proof'. So do you have proof of any of this?

    What proof that I got a refund, or are you suggesting, that I never bought the alpha 2 package in the first place.

    The Immortals
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  • unknownsystemerrorunknownsystemerror Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
  • AszkalonAszkalon Member, Alpha Two
    Diamaht wrote: »
    Can I have your stuff?

    HA HA HA HA HA HAH !! :D

    I am a tiny little bit sad for Nemeses, though. It was foreseeable that People will feel betrayed, disappointed, suspicious and like they might get tricked.
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
  • CaerylCaeryl Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Caeryl wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Caeryl wrote: »
    Provide the receipts then before you leave if they're that serious

    Receipts of what?

    Plus I never said I was leaving, I will still play the game, I just prefer not to put any money into it.

    It's the new age slang for 'proof'. So do you have proof of any of this?

    What proof that I got a refund, or are you suggesting, that I never bought the alpha 2 package in the first place.


    Proof of any of your claims of wrongdoing on their part, obviously
  • KingDDDKingDDD Member, Alpha Two
    edited September 14
    Nemeses wrote: »
    P0GG0 wrote: »
    game development is not an exact science. sometimes things dont go ur way.

    I agree, but 8 years in, and we seen very little l the dragon they showed was the same they showed 3 years ago. With zero improvements.

    Some thing just does not feel right. I honestly wish I’m wrong, but time will tell, do think a game will be released, it’s just what will it be.

    Dragon is in the video 10mins in. How is this even remotely.simlar outside of some a animations and the model?

    Steven is a used car salesman for sure, but you can't deny there's progress made.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Company has/had two liens for not paying tax. Lied about why they stopped selling cosmetics, the battle Royale fiasco…just to many red flags l will give them till Monday then do a PayPal forced refund if needed.

    You see the stories about him and AA…

    So, some actual information on this would be good.

    If all you know is what someone on Reddit said, then all you know is what someone on Reddit said.

    I'm not necessarily saying any of this is incorrect (especially the stories about Steven - I wrote some of them myself). I'm saying that if you are going to act on it, be sure its accurate information.

    If it is accurate information, feel free to post it here.
  • NemesesNemeses Member
    edited September 14
    Noaani wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Company has/had two liens for not paying tax. Lied about why they stopped selling cosmetics, the battle Royale fiasco…just to many red flags l will give them till Monday then do a PayPal forced refund if needed.

    You see the stories about him and AA…

    So, some actual information on this would be good.

    If all you know is what someone on Reddit said, then all you know is what someone on Reddit said.

    I'm not necessarily saying any of this is incorrect (especially the stories about Steven - I wrote some of them myself). I'm saying that if you are going to act on it, be sure its accurate information.

    If it is accurate information, feel free to post it here.

    No, I read loads on Reddit then went to have a little search, everything Ive said is 100% accurate and true, all this information is freely available, just go search

    2 liens for not paying tax, last one was for 24k
    Got sued, they put up some bullshit reasons, and I mean they were very weak, they lost the case and had to pay.

    I believe, though not 100% sure, that they are being sued again… time will prove that either way.

    One other thing, company seems to have a lot of loans, funny that for a supposedly self funded mmo.

    Removed all the links, as decided not to post this shit here, if people want to know, go search, if you don’t, just carry on having a pop.

    If you do look, make sure you check out the health drink.😡😡😡

    Will not post in this thread again, unless it’s something significant.
    The Immortals
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  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Nemeses wrote: »
    One other thing, company seems to have a lot of loans, funny that for a supposedly self funded mmo.

    No, people with money do not use loans in the same way people without money use them.

    People without money use them because they don't have the money for the things they want/need. People with money use them to get the things they want/need without taking that money they have out of the investments that it is currently in.

    As an example, if I have $10,000 in an investment scheme that is paying out 8%pa, and I want to purchase something for $10,000, if I can get a loan for that $10,000 at 4% interest, that is what I would do.

    Sure, I have the money, but that money is making me more money than the loan would cost.

    To be honest, not paying their payments is also kind of a thing people with money do. Look at Elon Musk after he took over Twitter - he stopped paying rent on most of the buildings they were renting because, well, because he could.

    I'm not specifically defending Intrepid/Steven here, I'm just saying these things you are talking about aren't exactly a smoking gun.
  • edited September 14
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Company has/had two liens for not paying tax.
    Corporate tax avoidance?!? Dear God, this is an outrage! /s

    I assume the OP ran into this 3 years old thread on and failed to provide the source:

    The figure stated there for 2021 was $50 000. I'm not sure you could even hire a part time cleaner for that money in California.

    @Nemeses Look I get it, you don't like such news being associated with a project you supported. That is a measure of your appetite for risk. See you later.
  • FlankerFlanker Member, Alpha Two
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Bought this Friday, but last 2 days I’ve found out so much about this company and Steven in particular, I just don’t trust them to deliver a decent game, or any game

    I’ve always had serious doubts, but now I downright do not trust anything he said.

    Company has/had two liens for not paying tax. Lied about why they stopped selling cosmetics, the battle Royale fiasco…just to many red flags l will give them till Monday then do a PayPal forced refund if needed.

    You see the stories about him and AA…
    Your account was created on Jan, 20, 2022, so you knew about the Ashes for at least 968 days. Miraculously, you found some "serious evidence" specifically within these 2 days after you presumably bought the key. Let that sink
  • CaerylCaeryl Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Nemeses wrote: »
    Company has/had two liens for not paying tax.
    Corporate tax avoidance?!? Dear God, this is an outrage! /s

    I assume the OP ran into this 3 years old thread on and failed to provide the source:

    The figure stated there for 2021 was $50 000. I'm not sure you could even hire a part time cleaner for that money in California.

    @/Nemeses Look I get it, you don't like such news being associated with a project you supported. That is a measure of your appetite for risk. See you later.

    There's links to the actual case files referenced in that thread and from that, it says both the complaint and cross-complaint were dismissed with prejudice. (Aka neither party were granted what they asked for and they cannot bring the case back to court)

    Can't read the docs without signing up for it, but I wouldn't call that hard evidence of scammy wrongdoing on its own.
  • scottstone7scottstone7 Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited September 14
    This post got me curious, as I haven’t investigated things since I backed the Kickstarter. I went ahead and did a basic dive into available information, again just a basic dive so I probably didn’t weed out all the skeletons. I didn’t find anything currently relevant or in process that would flag any serious concerns to me personally. Everything I found was just basic corporation loops and shenanigans. You will not find any corporation in the modern world that has not, is not, or will not deal with the same issues at some point. They do crop up more commonly with newer companies, doesn’t matter if it is a completely brand-new company, a new branch of a parent company, or a new company under someone that already has one or more other different companies. It’s part of the sorry state of the bureaucratic system.
    “You have an awesome idea? You say it will make money? Here, fill out these forms in triplicate so I can use them to find ways that you will either owe me money or I’ll have some form of control over your idea.”

    Case in point, and an amusing one at that. Looks like it took 3 years for them to get their trademark approved. I found out with a document from 2019, there are more but it’s the only one I read, in the document the “Trademark Trial and Appeal Board” a.k.a. bureaucratic system denied the Intrepid Studios logo a registration. It’s a fairly long winded 19-page debacle of legalese. I mean if the first thing at the top of the page is immediate denial of legitimacy and refusal to adhere to what is written within. That’s just….Wow… Gotta love that system. What a joke, here I’ll copy it over for you guys.


    I can summarize the document for you, less than one page too.

    “We(Trademark Trial And Appeal Board) feel that the stupid peasants cannot understand or comprehend without our guiding hand. As such we(Trademark Trial And Appeal Board) deny you(Intrepid Stuidos) the right to use your chosen name, Intrepid Stuidos, and your chosen original trademark on the grounds that Intrepid Pictures already exists. The names sound to similar and the text font on the logo’s are too similar, the stupid peasants will be too confused to know what they are purchasing."

    What it boils down to is the asshats at TTAB wanted a kickback, or are getting a kickback from someone else, most likely Intrepid Pictures or an affiliate. Given that the exact logo that was declined in said document is indeed the current logo up on the site and pretty much everywhere else, I’d say that said asshats either got the kickback or stopped getting it from someone else. Typical day bureaucratic meat grinder.
  • ApokApok Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    This post got me curious, as I haven’t investigated things since I backed the Kickstarter. I went ahead and did a basic dive into available information, again just a basic dive so I probably didn’t weed out all the skeletons. I didn’t find anything currently relevant or in process that would flag any serious concerns to me personally. Everything I found was just basic corporation loops and shenanigans. You will not find any corporation in the modern world that has not, is not, or will not deal with the same issues at some point. They do crop up more commonly with newer companies, doesn’t matter if it is a completely brand-new company, a new branch of a parent company, or a new company under someone that already has one or more other different companies. It’s part of the sorry state of the bureaucratic system.
    “You have an awesome idea? You say it will make money? Here, fill out these forms in triplicate so I can use them to find ways that you will either owe me money or I’ll have some form of control over your idea.”

    Case in point, and an amusing one at that. Looks like it took 3 years for them to get their trademark approved. I found out with a document from 2019, there are more but it’s the only one I read, in the document the “Trademark Trial and Appeal Board” a.k.a. bureaucratic system denied the Intrepid Studios logo a registration. It’s a fairly long winded 19-page debacle of legalese. I mean if the first thing at the top of the page is immediate denial of legitimacy and refusal to adhere to what is written within. That’s just….Wow… Gotta love that system. What a joke, here I’ll copy it over for you guys.


    I can summarize the document for you, less than one page too.

    “We(Trademark Trial And Appeal Board) feel that the stupid peasants cannot understand or comprehend without our guiding hand. As such we(Trademark Trial And Appeal Board) deny you(Intrepid Stuidos) the right to use your chosen name, Intrepid Stuidos, and your chosen original trademark on the grounds that Intrepid Pictures already exists. The names sound to similar and the text font on the logo’s are too similar, the stupid peasants will be too confused to know what they are purchasing."

    What it boils down to is the asshats at TTAB wanted a kickback, or are getting a kickback from someone else, most likely Intrepid Pictures or an affiliate. Given that the exact logo that was declined in said document is indeed the current logo up on the site and pretty much everywhere else, I’d say that said asshats either got the kickback or stopped getting it from someone else. Typical day bureaucratic meat grinder.

    thanks I was curious about this too but I was too lazy to look into it cause I figured if there were any real issues people would be all over it besides some random shitposting on the forums
  • DiamahtDiamaht Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited September 14
    An open Alpha starts in 45 days. 45 days. Does that count as progress?

    Everything is going to be ok.
  • ShadonSolShadonSol Moderator, Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Following active development isn't for everyone and that's ok. There's no need to contribute money at this stage if you don't feel confident about the advertised product.
    Happy to hear that you were able to make use of the refund period and got your money back!
    The first phase of Alpha 2 starts in October, which will allow everyone to stream/upload their gameplay for others to watch. Hope to see you coming back for the release, when AoC will be a "game" and not a "testing phase" :)

    Regarding the lien claims, this is Steven's response:

    I'm closing this thread as this discussion isn't going anywhere productive.
This discussion has been closed.