Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Duping on all servers - WIPE pls?

novercalisnovercalis Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
An arguement for why you should wipe DEV

1) most players who did not dupe are going to feel left behind and not bother with alpha, thus you're losing data.

2) most people not gonna bother to pvp since the dupers managed to secure BiS stuff from it or faster mounts, making others not want to ever participate and thus you're losing data gathering from it as well

3) the focus of A1 is server and stability overall prior before Phase 2 launch on Dec 20th which will be a new wave of players.
Let's put it to the test now with wave 1 and wave 2 on a wipe before dec 20th. More data to collect.

See how servers organically respond to the past month of patches, since there is no plunder quests, bunch of quest fixes, players having an understanding of nodes/building progression now - it would be provide a whole new data for you guys as well. Re-visiting and having more eyes on players now interacting with questing and events.

How or where will the playerbase move to grind, which work server will be under load during the initial 10 level stage.

I don't see the negatives for the DEVS perspective. I am sure many on the player side will find "negatives" because their pixels will be gone before they even get to use it - boo hoo, ty for exploiting, let's patch it n wipe.

I think it's very beneficial to have multiple wipes tbh. I believe once we enter beta, to maybe have 1 wipe in between b4 launch but until then, having multi wipes is fine. It also allows playerbase to try different classes from scratch as well w/o feeling "left behind". There are also a lot of net postives for the playerbase if they look for it and think bigger picture.

so, we can haz a wipe please?
{UPK} United Player Killer - All your loot belongs to us.


  • NatharielNathariel Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    you wrong, they don't need wipe on the server, maybe you don't know but there are the PTR where we take wipe most of the week and sometime also more time for week so the information for the stability with the wipe they already have each week. The server they need to test all the other mechanic of the game.
    LA MANO NERA - Gilda Italiana - Sei pronto ad unirti all'Ordine della Mano Nera? Questa può essere la tua occasione
  • novercalisnovercalis Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    i have no idea what u just said, other than word salad.
    {UPK} United Player Killer - All your loot belongs to us.
  • FinnleyFinnley Member, Alpha Two
    edited November 2024
    They will wipe in December anyway, dont think it would be good to wipe now aswell unless they tweak the XP rates extremely, like 10x XP or something.
  • boredmuseboredmuse Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Enjoy getting destroyed by duped legendary weapons till the 20th
  • Its_MeIts_Me Member, Alpha Two
    I doubt they will wipe servers with the next phase being only a few weekends away and I highly doubt they will put in the time and effort to remove the duped items from the game as this would be a huge undertaking for an alpha.

  • NatharielNathariel Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    novercalis wrote: »
    i have no idea what u just said, other than word salad.

    I try to explain in easy world. Intrepid studio has a second server name PTR that they turn on during the week to make all the test they need and what. All the people that had access to the pre-alpha 2 can enter in the PTR and help the developer to make test. We take wipe of the pg all the week, if they need they lvl up the pg to make the test they need. The server you play during the weekend is use to test the long mechaning like craft, pvp in end game, gathering , build of the node.
    LA MANO NERA - Gilda Italiana - Sei pronto ad unirti all'Ordine della Mano Nera? Questa può essere la tua occasione
  • ShabooeyShabooey Member, Alpha Two
    edited November 2024
    Its_Me wrote: »
    I doubt they will wipe servers with the next phase being only a few weekends away and I highly doubt they will put in the time and effort to remove the duped items from the game as this would be a huge undertaking for an alpha.

    I agree with this take. I'd also say that those people who have duped to gain an "advantage" in phase one of an Alpha test are pathetic and should be banned. If they've put in a bug report for the duping bug or exploit or whatever it is, then they should be fine as it's good these things are found before launch. But if you knew about it and took advantage of it then sit out the rest of the testing.
  • DolyemDolyem Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Honestly a wipe wouldn't be terrible. All I would want them to keep is the node buildings of each server, seeing as those take a lot of time to complete (though I wouldn't be surprised if some of these were accelerated with duping). It's a shame people feel the need to exploit as opposed to just finding the issue, reporting it, then moving on. Instead they feel the need to max out their character and that messes with the data.
  • nanfoodlenanfoodle Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Its sad its messed up the servers. Myself, I would rather no wipe and deal with the mess. People who did not partake would like the chance to play the game. Let the people play their unbalanced chars. I am gonna keep teaming with my guild and playing my Bard thats only has one item worth mentioning. A green con cape lol
  • Uncommon SenseUncommon Sense Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Other looking bugs whats the point of advancing characters with a wipe on the 20thdec...

    Players found a dupe...ok that's a bug. If it carries over after the wipe...then we have a major issue
  • 0tee0tee Member, Alpha Two
    edited November 2024
    How should they behave towards people exploiting such things in alpha? I think they should look up if these players bug reported the dupe and if not straight up ban them from alpha access. If they reported the dupe but still used it they should get the same treatment (maybe only a month?). Why? because there is no way these players are here to help the game get better. You don´t want this kind of behavior in the finished game, so why allow it at this point?

    If it were up to me they should have the same procedure for players exploiting bugged mobs (insta spawn and don´t fight back). It should be made clear to the players that it's about finding these things and not exploiting them.
  • Uncommon SenseUncommon Sense Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Players exploiting a bug should be put on notice sure...
    But it is an Alpha test, so its kinda good it happened now.

    I personally not putting any more time into the alpha until the wipe...So if you're still playing i would try to break the game as much possible now
  • kadimirkadimir Member, Alpha Two
    Simple solution: strip characters who are obviously geared by duping. extremely prolific offenders get to sit next weekend out.

    and YES, they should be punished. It's not about how solo-self found players experience is altered, it straight up ruins all sorts of data collection.

    Mobs too easy? they seem like it when lvl 25's are pulling a million and blasting them down effortlessly decked out in legendary crafted gear. Then when they fix the dupe mobs are way harder as a consequence.

    All these servers stuck in the stone age with no crafting tables? Well must not be a problem because plenty of servers have the tables now, looks like only a day or so of effort went into it, must be easy enough! Except I know for a fact that my server had 0 before the dupe exploit and now we have almost all of them, meaning the system is NOT working correctly - but seems to be working okay because we managed to get them after all.

    Even pvp - it will skew the numbers when it comes to people willing to go PvPing, because now they have an easy way to print gear replacements.

    Actual data was tainted across the board, from economy, to difficulty, to participation in systems - im sure people are going to try to make comments about class balance when they run into a player decked out in legendaries 1v4ing them effortlessly.
    PvP focused: TERA / Wildstar / Aion
    PvE focused: WoW / FFXIV / Lineage II
    Sandbox: Ultima Online / Darkfall / Mortal Online
    Big Influence: SNES Fighting games / Starcraft / Diablo II / Smite
  • 0tee0tee Member, Alpha Two
    edited November 2024
    Players exploiting a bug should be put on notice sure...
    But it is an Alpha test, so its kinda good it happened now.

    I personally not putting any more time into the alpha until the wipe...So if you're still playing i would try to break the game as much possible now

    But for me there is a difference in finding and exploiting the bug (a little) for testing and abusing the exploit until you have the money cap on your character. how is abusing an exploit to the maximum good for an alpha game? They want to gather information in the alpha for the finished game, but if the alpha has a different experience because of allowing people abusing exploits, they are collecting false data that will affect the game.
  • VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I support a wipe.

    At the very least, exploiters should be removed from the phase.

    Failing to punish exploiters now risks damaging Intrepid's reputation.
    This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
  • HellsGeneralHellsGeneral Member, Alpha Two
    The purpose of this Alpha is for testing specific systems. Many of the systems are not online or not working as intended, so asking for a fair competition wipe is kind of pointless. The purpose of buying the Alpha is to help test and shape the future path of the game. Performing a wipe now would deter more players than keeping the current worlds going. One possible solution would be to suspend the exploiters of the duplication bug for a phase, which would remove the need for a wipe.
  • DolyemDolyem Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited November 2024
    The purpose of this Alpha is for testing specific systems. Many of the systems are not online or not working as intended, so asking for a fair competition wipe is kind of pointless. The purpose of buying the Alpha is to help test and shape the future path of the game. Performing a wipe now would deter more players than keeping the current worlds going. One possible solution would be to suspend the exploiters of the duplication bug for a phase, which would remove the need for a wipe.

    Not really concerned about fair. More concerned about providing actual feedback. Im level 25 and pretty substantially geared. I start out every weekend expecting a wipe for whatever reason there may be one needed. Seems completely reasonable to wipe a server clean after a substantial bug has been overly abused(as long as they fix it first), that way data can be more accurately collected. A wipe will happen december 20th regardless, so I don't see an issue with a wipe happening now either.
  • Uncommon SenseUncommon Sense Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I agree bug exploiters should be put on notice. (as I stated before)

    I'm fine with a wipe now, but I'm also ok if they let it run out till the 20th.

    It's going to go hell in hand basket before the wipe anyway.

    I'd be inclined to say that Intrepid rolls forward the planned wipe on the 20th ASAP. and let the server persists untill the next game breaking bug is found.

    Any content like the Rouge or new races just be updated with patches...
  • VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    The purpose of this Alpha is for testing specific systems. Many of the systems are not online or not working as intended, so asking for a fair competition wipe is kind of pointless. The purpose of buying the Alpha is to help test and shape the future path of the game. Performing a wipe now would deter more players than keeping the current worlds going. One possible solution would be to suspend the exploiters of the duplication bug for a phase, which would remove the need for a wipe.

    To me its not about fair competition now. It's about fair competition later. Setting the expectation of fair.

    In my opinion the game is going to be better if people do not think they can push boundaries and get away with breaking rules or the game.

    The exploits people are doing are on purpose and are pushing boundaries.

    I don't enjoy sitting back while Intrepid does nothing about it. It's a very Blizzard move.

    This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
  • ModestVanityModestVanity Member, Alpha Two
    edited November 2024
    There is a difference between discovering a bug, replicating it to determine how it happens and confirming then reporting and continually exploiting said bugs to gain an advantage and skew data. Those who took advantage of the errors in the system 100% knew what they were doing, shared how to do it and then tried to play Robin Hood with the community.

    Actions have consequences. So either the duplicated items and currency need to be removed from the participants, the participants need to be removed (temporarily, permanently - that's up to Steven, et al.) or a wipe - but no consequences, speaks louder than any other response.
    Voice like a razor, sharp and wise.
  • XefiporXefipor Member, Alpha Two
    It's an Alpha server, and we will have a wipe on Dec 20th. Soooo... who cares.
  • MorduneMordune Member, Alpha Two
    edited November 2024
    In the monthly development updates Margaret has stated directly that one of the situations that would cause a wipe was duping. Will intrepid be true to their word or not? Every game I have ever played has been soft on exploiters, in a effort to keep the masses happy. I would for once like to see a company hold to the integrity of the game and just do the right thing instead of being held hostage by a small hardcore mass of exploiters who play the game.

    I'm not a fan of banning in a testing phase, problems need to be found in order to be fixed. I am a huge fan of accountability and doing nothing would absolutely send the wrong message to the testers, to the public and to future exploiters.

    It's a testing phase, we expect wipes and various bumps in the road; But more importantly, we expect the integrity of the game to be protected and upheld as was promised by Steven himself.

    If nothing is done, these last weeks will be ruled by those who exploited. Videos of people with duped gear/mounts/resources dominating those who have chosen the fair path. I encourage Steven and Intrepid to be better than other studios and developers have been, be true to the statements made. We are only 1/2 through this phase of testing (2 weeks in for some) and there is a lot of work that can yet be done. A message from the studio is needed and a standard of integrity needs to be set, wipe the severs.
  • VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Xefipor wrote: »
    It's an Alpha server, and we will have a wipe on Dec 20th. Soooo... who cares.

    OP, me, most of the people in this thread...

    People care.
    This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
  • MorduneMordune Member, Alpha Two
    edited November 2024
    Xefipor wrote: »
    It's an Alpha server, and we will have a wipe on Dec 20th. Soooo... who cares.

    I care, that's why I spent the money, that's why I spend the time to test the game. My time and efforts to improve the game are just as valuable as those who have exploited. By doing nothing that is not the message being sent.

    You are argue why does it matter, it's an Alpha. I would argue that is exactly why is does matter. Integrity of the game is not a some time obligation, it's a core philosophy.
  • FippyFippy Member, Alpha Two
    Granted, I don't know anything about game development, but I'm sure things like raising the gold cap like they did last weekend allows them to just look at who has gold at the level cap and investigate what that player was up to.

    God knows they're watching their player heat map because GM Jacob has been spending a LOT of time at a certain location people are using to AFK level, and he personally smote a few people doing it. They are gonna make it "different" soon, so whether or not the exploiter is reporting it as a bug, no doubt its being logged as a bug by other players and its still being worked on.
  • nanfoodlenanfoodle Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    If they wipe at every hickup you will lose allot of testers.
  • MayhemTxMayhemTx Member, Alpha Two
    I don't care about the duping at its point of the game - just another test for them to learn from.

    BUT - I still want to test more than server stability. I would also like to test Crafting and at this point, the only ones to get to do that are the dupers/MEGA guilds - So either change the XP on Crafting or resource requirements or resource abundance - Especially COPPER.

    Let us TEST - even with 15 guys supporting me, getting one craft like Arcane Engineering to Apprentice is way too much work maybe even improbable by the 20th and a reset. The only people learning from Phase 1 are the MEGA Guilds.

    I have nothing against MEGA guilds - I have seen them before in tons of other games since UO but this is testing - let us test

    Semper Fi
  • novercalisnovercalis Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    nanfoodle wrote: »
    If they wipe at every hickup you will lose allot of testers.

    that's ok. Most of them arent even testing. bye.

    {UPK} United Player Killer - All your loot belongs to us.
  • novercalisnovercalis Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    MayhemuXa wrote: »
    I don't care about the duping at its point of the game - just another test for them to learn from.

    BUT - I still want to test more than server stability. I would also like to test Crafting and at this point, the only ones to get to do that are the dupers/MEGA guilds - So either change the XP on Crafting or resource requirements or resource abundance - Especially COPPER.

    Let us TEST - even with 15 guys supporting me, getting one craft like Arcane Engineering to Apprentice is way too much work maybe even improbable by the 20th and a reset. The only people learning from Phase 1 are the MEGA Guilds.

    I have nothing against MEGA guilds - I have seen them before in tons of other games since UO but this is testing - let us test

    Semper Fi

    yes and no.
    the issue is - all data going forward is tainted data by dupers.

    I'd actually would like to know, organically how long building takes with efficient mayors and non efficient mayors. We thought we knew the streamer server was the crafting server, but they were the ones to have found the bug first and used to get all their shit up. anythign they wanted to test/craft is also pointless since it was all made by duped legendaries
    {UPK} United Player Killer - All your loot belongs to us.
  • nanfoodlenanfoodle Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    novercalis wrote: »
    nanfoodle wrote: »
    If they wipe at every hickup you will lose allot of testers.

    that's ok. Most of them arent even testing. bye.

    Ahh I see the people don't matter point of view. Ya that's fair.
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