Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Yeah... you're literally missing the *entire* point of the problem dude.
If the BIG HUGE ZERG guilds cant do it.. how the heck are the smaller guilds supposed to do any of it? You say "Oh they can spend the 4k gold on gear!"
.... Ive spent maybe .. MAYBE.. 20 gold on enchants/gear. (130 INT, 335 Spell Power Mage btw) Level 20 gear is currently garbage tier, as level 10 gear far outshines it once enchanted. Level 10 gear is dirt cheap.. only a few "uber" drops prevent going Super Saiyan at 400+ spellpower.. which can easily be farmed up.
4,000 gold could equip/enchant.. jfc.. the entirety of Absolute Pirates.
Or it can get 1 guild, 1 level of 1 skill in 1 talent tree.
Whats the small guild of 20 people gonna do with the extra 3600 gold? Throw it at people in PVP? Cause this aint Octopath Traveler bro. Money cant be used as a weapon.
Meanwhile.. My guild of 400 fully enchanted fully geared sweatcovered neckbeard chads that went "waste of time." and skipped it.. are still sweatcovered neckbeard gigachads. Your only hope of countering/surviving? Hope you got 4,000 gold saved up for that ONE skill point broseph.. and it better be a DOOZY of a skillpoint.... and you and yer 19 friends better be running it around the clock to get it. Cause the Chads are coming now. Not 6 months from now. Think.
I guess the most basic question is.. "Who does this system, as it sits now, HELP?" The answer is "nobody."
There is no balance there, there is no equality or equivalency there either. The WHOLE Problem is EVERYONE says the tree "Isnt worth the investment."
You're trying to say its a good thing because... reasons?
The problem that you're not getting is.. it doesnt help ANYONE.. nevermind big or small guilds.. NOBODY is doing this. Nobody.
Your math ... it aint mathing homie. The scale is so lopsided its effecting the rotational axis of the Earth itself.
Facts, someone please check on that person and let us know they are ok!
Thanks for your feedback, we'll think about it and maybe in 9 months get back to you.
Agree 100% with this. the hardcore aspect is fine but the fact that if it keeps going this way anybody that isnt invested into this game now and for the first 6months of this game, anyone after that wont want to play cause they will never catch up. The system are scuffed and need fixing. Like there is no way id suggest AoC to my friends cause its just TO much BS and WAY to grindy for anyone but welfare bludgers and retired people. No normal working person has enough time in there day. FIX THIS GAME STEVEN
I would propose the following changes to the system now:
1. Leave the XP goal alone but give us more ways to earn XP as mentioned above
2. Reduce the xp earn the MORE members in the guild. The math should be around 30% or so. That way, smaller guilds can keep up a bit better and it makes it rewarding. If a guild stays small to level or zergs out to level, the relative time sink should be within that 30% marker. If a guild expands, i actually think it should be additive to your XP as well. Meaning that if you are 10 members deep and then jump up to 50, the xp of your guild leveling requirements should jump as well, even if it "unlevels" you. This prevents an abuse of the system and makes expansion of members an impactful decision. "Aka, sure, we will lose buffs in the short term to expand our numbers, knowing we could earn them back".
3. The skils need to be more guild oriented as well. How about a skill that lets you overlay the location of guild members on the minimap? Increase the storage capacity for guild members by x% (or guild bank). Or, guild could use the skill points to build up a large burst of a buff for crafting. Spend 5 skill points, grant 5000 rating to someone for a very important crafting item for the guild. A "guild flag" that could be planted to boost the stats of members in the ZOI.
overall, I like it is hard, just want to see more ways to earn xp and some more guild centric buffs.
I dont know what you mean by "hardcore enough" but i hope you dont mean leveling 1-25. The actual problem is its trivial todo. Actual "hardcore" players got their first 25 before Christmas and spend a "day" making another lvl 25 alt every weekend. Even us with out the ability to talk in Leetspeak and double up our meds to stay uo long hours are max lvl in a few days.
This high exp gain drastically skews our view of all other progression systems. Node progression/development seems close to right me only limited by population lack of nodes in realized potential. I agree guild exp or the means to gain that exp is low, but every other system is giving 2-10 times the amount of exp it should.
I believe its so far off there is no more need to test any "progression system" Might as well just set everyone to max everything and BiS gear. Then give us a weekend to test in that server state/environment and Wipe the alpha servers once your ready to adjust the other Experience/Progression systems.
Lmfao I thought I was the only one that noticed this, also 5% power? The very top geared players ATM have 450 ish power, so + 22 power lol, I would rather the extra 5% HP in the middle path anyway, also the 5% power is the last talent so by the time small guilds even achieve this miniscule upgrade, the game will be 11 years old
Furthermore... To even achieve this 5% power it would cost at current times somewhere between 50-100,000 gold lmao, the entire guild could just use that money for full legendary + 10 gear and get a better boost in power anyway, I have said it before, the devs NEED to play their own game, not on GM accounts, not with insta legendary gear, it's so obvious that they don't because they are so out of touch with reality when implementing these changes
All I have seen and heard of the system is.
- Takes so long to level large/zerg guilds can only complete
- Large/zergs are much safer to run the caravans required making it basically large guilds exclusive or do the long method
- once Large/zerg guilds have leveled they get direct stat increases to yet again increase the gap from small guilds
This current system puts small/ medium guilds at such a wide disadvantage in every possible way.
This game I've been following for years and yes A1, PreA2,PTR, A2
And been looking forward to that wish of what Steven said small guilds can make stand strong and for 4 years been waiting for any system to actually help the smaller group.
Not a single system yet has this everything is just best throwing as many players at it as possible.
Agree with this fully
Blown past falling sands…
I want to add the while I like the idea of guild levels and a skill tree, member cap should not be tied to this system. Guilds should just have max members when being made. Having to have members wait in place holder guilds while the main guild levels feels horrible. Also, I feel that MMOs should make forming social groups easier not harder. The reasoning that limiting Guild size some how limits zerg size or power is nonsense. If the power side of the tree is strong enough to make a difference bigger guild will just stay broken up, and if it is not that strong it does not help smaller guilds fight bigger ones. Even a guild limit as low as 50 has done nothing to stop large guilds. its just makes the system worse. Guild size limits do nothing to stop zergs and only make in game socialization a hassle .