Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Kick Starter and Summer Rewards..
Hello, I've just recently herd of the game and made account on the website. I learned through a video from the team on their account that kick starter is no longer an option? I would love to receive the rewards from kick starter. I actually found this game through a "Top 10 MMO" dedicated you tube account and not from the creators or advertising(if any) at all. I don't wanna say it's unfair but I feel like I am missing out. I think it would be fair for those who couldn't donate on kick starter to get the same rewards they should've got although couldn't since they didn't have the required payment options. And for those who already donated on kick starter, they would get the new summer rewards as well.
This discussion has been closed.
Weapon/Armor/Horse backers skins, Dye set, puppy/kitten pets, etc... it says Backer only. So I thought that If i become a backer now I would get those rewards too. After alot of research I heard that those are only rewards to those who participated in the kickstarter a month ago... Why shouldnt I get those rewards too? I have just donated 400$ and for us ( wife and myself ) that is a LOT of money. I would feel left out if I didnt get the same rewards as the others...
We both decided to take the big risk and buy 2 founder packages ( one for each ). Thats 300$ US, but we're from canada and we had to pay 400$ canadian currency, which is ALOT for us.
We decided to become backers after viewing the rewards on this website:
- All backers receive a Kitten or Puppy pet
- All backers receive Unique Weapon Skins with Particle Effect
- All backers receive a Unique Armor skin set
- All backers receive a water mount
- All backers receive a unique set of dye colors
- All backers receive a unique mount armor set
- All backers receive variant skill FX set
I was like woah, if im a backer I will have access to all those rewards?! Im in! ( my wifey too ). So we became backers and spent 300$ US together.
Now im told that I will not get those rewards, those rewards are not for backers but ONLY for the kickstarter backers... I did not know of this... and I do not think its fair to be honest... Why shouldnt I get those rewards too after paying so much money... Is there any way to refund that money? I would honestly feel very sad to do so, but I feel betrayed. In 2-3 years when the game is released I'll see all those other players with their backers rewards while, even though im a '' backer '' too, I wont have those rewards.
The crowdfunding rewards and goals are different things (in KS as well as the Summer funding campaign).
The rewards, listed on the right hand side of the page are what you get when you pledge that amount. For example, if you pledged $150 each in the summer campaign, you will be entitled to all of these
The goals (on the left hand side) are the ones that have to be unlocked. There is still time for the summer funding goals to unlock! So all I can suggest is to spread the word and help unlock them for everyone
The Summer Backing project isn't for any monetary gain so hasn't been advertised in the same manner as KS
Im not sure how to refund because I've not refunded but I'm sure there is a way
In that sense you're one of the lucky players
I hope this clarifies things and I'll go ahead and close this thread! Thanks again