Corruption Discussion



  • Vortigern said:

    After playing Rust for so many years, I don't care if I lose a piece of my gear while I'm corrupt. But I will be disappointed if they follow the RNG improvement route such as BDO. Makes for a sad day.
    They have already stated at least twice that there will be no RNG to crafting improvement. There may be some on enchantments, but was described as light, and nothing like "game we won't mention" system.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    Vortigern said:
    After playing Rust for so many years, I don't care if I lose a piece of my gear while I'm corrupt. But I will be disappointed if they follow the RNG improvement route such as BDO. Makes for a sad day.
    In rust making equipment wasnt so hard , in mmorpg loosing equipment piece is loosing tons of hours and money. And rust has full loot system for everyone ,there is no penalty for killing other player lol. Imagine to your self penalties in rust for killing other player, for example if you killed a guy you become visible to everyone on the map and doing no damage to the enemy players, and you can not open doors and get into your base. 
  • Vortigern said:
    Isende said:
    tsutsu said:
    yeah guys if you dont like it just dont pvp !!!!! 
    Uncertain whom you are speaking to here. The "carebears" who want gankers/griefers to deal with the consequences of their actions? Or the gankers/griefers who don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions?
    You're quite antagonistic aren't you? I assume @tsutsu was talking to everyone.
    Asking a question for clarification is being antatgonistic? Huh. Not in the world I come from. No, I was simply trying to understand who was being called out. The sentence doesn't make sense if you apply it to both parties.

  • Isende said:
    Vortigern said:
    Isende said:
    tsutsu said:
    yeah guys if you dont like it just dont pvp !!!!! 
    Uncertain whom you are speaking to here. The "carebears" who want gankers/griefers to deal with the consequences of their actions? Or the gankers/griefers who don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions?
    You're quite antagonistic aren't you? I assume @tsutsu was talking to everyone.
    Asking a question for clarification is being antatgonistic? Huh. Not in the world I come from. No, I was simply trying to understand who was being called out. The sentence doesn't make sense if you apply it to both parties.

    You jumped down their throat, essentially questioning which "side" they're on. We're all here to further the game as a whole.

    Eleanc said:
    Vortigern said:
    After playing Rust for so many years, I don't care if I lose a piece of my gear while I'm corrupt. But I will be disappointed if they follow the RNG improvement route such as BDO. Makes for a sad day.
    In rust making equipment wasnt so hard , in mmorpg loosing equipment piece is loosing tons of hours and money. And rust has full loot system for everyone ,there is no penalty for killing other player lol. Imagine to your self penalties in rust for killing other player, for example if you killed a guy you become visible to everyone on the map and doing no damage to the enemy players, and you can not open doors and get into your base. 
    I know, it's balanced in its own way. But if the Gear Economy in AoC isn't blown out of proportion we should all be fine.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    It seems to me that the problem with the system isbits not fully fleshed out.  Here are some ideas i came up with. That may give more meaning to open world pvp than just blood lust.

    ·increase the karma reduction for player 5 levels lower than you that jumps every 5 levels.  So 10 gives double 15 double that and so on.

    · lower the karma reduction to very low for anyone at your level

    ·points of glory or some kind of bragging rights for killing someone 5+ levels than you.

    ·1v2+ pvp encounters give growing karma reduction depending on the number of combatants over an equal number. 

    ·each character is linked to a main account.  Karma would change independent of each other but would be linked.  Guildmates and friends would also be noted on each players account.  

    · Characters, alt, guilds, and friends all link to player accounts all friendly players would not effect your karma score. Also a minimum amount of time these characters are linked to your account 4 months or so so people can´t just unfriend and game the system.

    ·no stat loss for having high negative karma instead you are open to more interactions from player characters ex. Rogues can steal from you. As well as possibly dropping equipped items. 

    ·high negative karma score opens the option to gain quests from intelligent corrupt creatures and access to their camps.

    ·corruption only particle effects for abilities

    ·optional jails that can be built in nodes to reduce negative karma.  Perhaps a bonus if you turn yourself in.

    ·bandit camps/towns so players have a place to go when wanted by bounty hunters

    For the record im not much into pvp but the idea of a bunch of pk guilds banding together to take over the world which makes average guilds band together to fight just sounds cool. 
  • Here are some of my ideas on how we can maybe fix open world pvp.  The systems as they are seem pretty good but are currently in my opinion not fleshed out enough.
    As far as I can tell they want this game to give people options on what they do and everything to have some kind of meaning.

    1. mismatched numbers in combat gives high amount of karma loss 1v2 etc.

    2. Each character is linked to the main account along with the friends and guilds of each character.  Guildmates, friends, and alts of friendly accounts do not effect your karma.

    3. Bandit camps/Towns as well as the option to make jails in town nodes.  Bonus reduction to karma for turning yourself in.

    4.  Having a high amount of negative karma opens the option to get quests from intelligent corrupted creatures.

    5. Guild Karma that can be effected by guild members actions.

    6.  Instead of stat lost for having high negative karma it should open up new interactions such as a rogue being able to steal from a wanted person.

    7.  corruption specific spell particle effects 

  • Florn said:
    Here are some of my ideas on how we can maybe fix open world pvp.  

    How you fix something that is not broken? Now i guess these karma points are from some other game (BDO maybe?). I dont see why to complicate the system with karma points or other reputation systems if we have this simple, clear and most likely workable corruption system. No need to complicate things if its not truely needed. This upcoming corruption system looks pretty solid on paper and fullfills it purpose and if it will need some tweaking, its easy to do after proper testing. 
  • Florn said:
    Here are some of my ideas on how we can maybe fix open world pvp.  The systems as they are seem pretty good but are currently in my opinion not fleshed out enough.
    As far as I can tell they want this game to give people options on what they do and everything to have some kind of meaning.

    1. mismatched numbers in combat gives high amount of karma loss 1v2 etc.

    2. Each character is linked to the main account along with the friends and guilds of each character.  Guildmates, friends, and alts of friendly accounts do not effect your karma.

    3. Bandit camps/Towns as well as the option to make jails in town nodes.  Bonus reduction to karma for turning yourself in.

    4.  Having a high amount of negative karma opens the option to get quests from intelligent corrupted creatures.

    5. Guild Karma that can be effected by guild members actions.

    6.  Instead of stat lost for having high negative karma it should open up new interactions such as a rogue being able to steal from a wanted person.

    7.  corruption specific spell particle effects 

    Very good actually , however carebears would not like it @Ferryman @Isende @UnknownSystemError  @Annatar .
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    Annatar said:
    Not really.  AoC has an open world PvP system.  You may not like the system, but it is there.  You are trying to make the system 'easier' than it currently is, you know, safer for you.  And trying to make the game easier and safer for you is a sort of carebear thing to do.
    *Trying to release the game potential with free open world PvP*

    Carebears: No the system is good as it now, we dont want free open world PvP we want to play another maple story! No pvp, use the chat to resolve all of your problems, no need to be aggressive, relax lets the game play itself , no one needs interesting games those day just look at the market. If you want to make the game with no permaban for PvP you are a carebear.

     *But the game would have an open world system, no instanced dungeons , great locations to fight with people. I always liked to attack big group of well geared people and kill them all using landscape and abilities of the class. Open world PvP can not be compared to arenas and duels , it is not the same experience ! Where is the player freedom ?*
    Carebears: You are a griefier , we dont want to fight anyone, just give us our 2 hours of gameplay every day without any conflicts , hardcore PvE is enough for good gameplay! If you want freedom go play other game!
     *If are can kill a hardcore boss why cant you deal with players?*

    Carebears: Shut up grifier!

    (If not to mention what carebears really do when they play an mmorpg, making a character of all the races and all the classes , lvling them up for a pretty high lvl but no max, trying to equip all of them . Crafting some thing not for money but for fun , pointless. Making a farm to grow food and and animals)
  • Florn said:
    Here are some of my ideas on how we can maybe fix open world pvp.  The systems as they are seem pretty good but are currently in my opinion not fleshed out enough.
    As far as I can tell they want this game to give people options on what they do and everything to have some kind of meaning.

    1. mismatched numbers in combat gives high amount of karma loss 1v2 etc.

    2. Each character is linked to the main account along with the friends and guilds of each character.  Guildmates, friends, and alts of friendly accounts do not effect your karma.

    3. Bandit camps/Towns as well as the option to make jails in town nodes.  Bonus reduction to karma for turning yourself in.

    4.  Having a high amount of negative karma opens the option to get quests from intelligent corrupted creatures.

    5. Guild Karma that can be effected by guild members actions.

    6.  Instead of stat lost for having high negative karma it should open up new interactions such as a rogue being able to steal from a wanted person.

    7.  corruption specific spell particle effects 

    I don't like number 2, that's my biggest gripe with Korean MMO's. I want a Character to be separate from my account. I disliked having my "Family" name (BDO) Displayed above or under my Character name. 3 and 4 are fine, but I'm not aware of AoC having a karma system. (I'm honestly not that up to date with the game.) 5, supposedly corruption will spread within groups, not confirmed. 6, there wont be any theft based abilities in the game. 7, uh, not sure. I'm indifferent.
  • Annatar said:
    AoC is still a long way out from being released and if the PvP/Corrupion system looks like it is too much of an impediment to your preferred style of play then perhaps AoC is not the game for you.  There are a number of other titles on the horizon that may be of more interest you (Crowfall, Camelot Unchained etc.) that are heavily focused on PvP/RvR.  
    Another offer to leave ashes of creation to carebears. You got 20+ mmorpg to play not enough for you? Crowfall, Camelot Unchained- indie projects like albion, 85% that they will fail, even if they are not , those are just small indie projects. Where are the real mmorpg? Do I really need to search for an mmorpg genre in games like rust lol?
  • I have a new point of view to this topic and why its important to keep the corruption system as it is right now. Now lS devs intend clearly is to create beautiful world with lots of meaningful places and secrets to find. World worth to explore. One problem with punishing OWPvP systems is that players does not have a chance to actually explore and enjoy the world itself. That is simply because you are in full alert mode all the time. People are just rushing to gather resources, then escape as soon as possible when others are trying to catch them. The surrounding world will loose it meaningfulness in this kind of cases. AoCs current system creates some feel of danger and some open world conflicts, but not like you have to run all the time for your life. Even the main reason for current system is to prevent mindless ganking and murdering, i think this pov is at least one of the reason at backround.   

  • Carebears feel the flagging rules are too harsh, so they cry about how unfair it is and demand them to be changed over and over and over again. Meanwhile, real PvPers chew refreshing PK gum

    not paid advertising, but happy to accept offers ;)
  • @Eleanc

    The problem with some of your ideas ( while well thought out )  defeat the purpose of the system. So in "the game that shall not be named"we currently have a system where killing your own faction results in crime points and jail time. it does NOTHING to deter the behavior which is the point of the system right ?

    So if we can gain anything for the time and money we spent playing that game we can come away with the fact that jail time does not work. 

    There is no way to limit / nerf/ lessen the effect of karma that would do anything less then encourage pointless ganking.

    Next your going to what drive a caravan close enough to newbs you can gank them ?

  • Try to remember the only way you can get karma is ganking people ( meaning attacking greens) who either unable or unwilling to fight back. If you just dont go randomly attacking greens no problem. I am sure you can find someone willing to put up a fight but again i gather that's not what your after.

  • Vortigern said:

    You jumped down their throat, essentially questioning which "side" they're on. We're all here to further the game as a whole.

    Sorry, I'll not be held accountable for your misunderstanding of a simple question. All I did was ask which group they were applying their statement to.


  • Eleanc said:
    Annatar said:
    AoC is still a long way out from being released and if the PvP/Corrupion system looks like it is too much of an impediment to your preferred style of play then perhaps AoC is not the game for you.  There are a number of other titles on the horizon that may be of more interest you (Crowfall, Camelot Unchained etc.) that are heavily focused on PvP/RvR.  
    Another offer to leave ashes of creation to carebears. You got 20+ mmorpg to play not enough for you? Crowfall, Camelot Unchained- indie projects like albion, 85% that they will fail, even if they are not , those are just small indie projects. Where are the real mmorpg? Do I really need to search for an mmorpg genre in games like rust lol?
    It must be nice to live in a world with so many different ways of seeing things. "Look, Ma, they said the sky was blue, but it's really more of a cyan. What the heck, they insist on calling it blue! Can't they see that it's really CYAN! CAREBEARS! Waugh! They want to have their sky and call it blue, too!"

    In reality, not a single one of us has asked that there be no OWPvP. What we've done is hop on board a game that has promised us to give real penalties to gankers and griefers. Keep in mind -- that is what brought many of us on board. So, you see, it's not like we're sitting here asking IS to change what they already set out to do, but that we're wholeheartedly standing behind their decision to do what they've said they will.

    Hate to say it, darlin', but you're not really standing in a good spot on this one. Spout all the supposedly detrimental names you want -- trust me, I've been called some I doubt you'd even understand -- but get over yourself, spout facts, leave the rhetoric behind, and understand that IS developed this system in order to deter people from playing it who prefer ganking and griefing.


    We didn't design the system, but we sure hopped on board when we saw it!
  • Isende said:

    We didn't design the system, but we sure hopped on board when we saw it!
    Indeed!  And that's only a small bit of why the majority of us hopped on board!  
  • Isende said:
    Eleanc said:
    Annatar said:
    AoC is still a long way out from being released and if the PvP/Corrupion system looks like it is too much of an impediment to your preferred style of play then perhaps AoC is not the game for you.  There are a number of other titles on the horizon that may be of more interest you (Crowfall, Camelot Unchained etc.) that are heavily focused on PvP/RvR.  
    Another offer to leave ashes of creation to carebears. You got 20+ mmorpg to play not enough for you? Crowfall, Camelot Unchained- indie projects like albion, 85% that they will fail, even if they are not , those are just small indie projects. Where are the real mmorpg? Do I really need to search for an mmorpg genre in games like rust lol?
    In reality, not a single one of us has asked that there be no OWPvP. What we've done is hop on board a game that has promised us to give real penalties to gankers and griefers. Keep in mind -- that is what brought many of us on board. So, you see, it's not like we're sitting here asking IS to change what they already set out to do, but that we're wholeheartedly standing behind their decision to do what they've said they will.
    This is important point here. Most of us are not asking changes to current mechanics and we are just standing behind those already made ones. IS does not want their game to focus ganking and their vision of meaningful PvP conflicts is one of the biggest reasons i am here. I hope IS keeps flagging system simple and punishing to green player gankers. That is something this game does not need. 
  • Kadin said:
    Try to remember the only way you can get karma is ganking people ( meaning attacking greens) who either unable or unwilling to fight back. If you just dont go randomly attacking greens no problem. I am sure you can find someone willing to put up a fight but again i gather that's not what your after.

    Apologies for the necro.

    So, I realize that you were trying to be dismissive of the other points, but the fact is it's not as simple as "people who want real open world pvp are just griefers/gankers".

    Real open world pvp without harsh penalties offers an entirely different experience. Yes there are griefers, but it's so much more than that. It's the thrill of knowing that not every fight is fair and having to be extremely wary of any stranger you meet out in the open. In a true OWPvP game every player on the server is an active participant in it

    There is almost no point in calling AoC an OWPvP game because if you actually participate in the OWPvP then you are harshly penalized for it. Unless of course you only participate against others who have flagged themselves as PvP ready (ie: it's not an Open World PvP game).

  • Yes I agree - I'd prefer a corruption system that doesn't render your PvP abilities useless. I am not a die hard ganker myself, but I am a big fan of freedom in open world PvP - besides, I get enough of strict rules in the real world!
  • I trust the developers to do the job in a functional manner. Penalties weigh more than reward in the end, so players will naturally hate the system that do player-kill and hopefully the game remains functional.
  • Holy Necro, Batman.
  • The only worrisome thought I have is the thought of a dominating PK guild getting established early in the beginning whilst all the gatherers and artisans try to build their node successfully only to have it completely demolished. Hopefully there is something in place to deter this?
  • Perseus01 said:
    The only worrisome thought I have is the thought of a dominating PK guild getting established early in the beginning whilst all the gatherers and artisans try to build their node successfully only to have it completely demolished. Hopefully there is something in place to deter this?

    If the players would rather focus on crafting rather than ensuring they can defend themselves then they deserve to get absolutely demolished.

    Ensuring that you get established and can protect yourself should be the first thing that groups do whether they want to PvP or PvE.

    Putting all your time into crafting without being safe is just plain silly.
  • I see your point, but in order for Intrepid to have a successful launch, shouldn't they keep in mind all the individuals that have pretty much paid their way to success. Don't make it like we're f***ing discovering America here. If they want to make their "lore" successful then they should keep in mind the other players who have already settled in REAL life, not the game.
  • The sad part would be the "Troll" wave of America come out in the creation of this game, for example you not replying to my comment in faith of the game's success but rather the downfall. So guilds like the bastards over yonder will take over because they know whats coming and just leave the rest of us sadistic-agnostic bastards to the wasteland of
  • I would also like to incline to the fact that people should be wary of this, if not then certain doom may intel. ;) (avatar)
  • Rosco said:
    Holy Necro, Batman.
    you called
  • I just read this thread in its entirety, and the only thoughts that come to mind are as follows:

    Eliminate corruption cleansing via death. At the start of a new server day have corruption decrease a fixed amount.

    The jail idea isn't bad. Maybe make a feature of high level religion nodes be cleansing, where the character is on lockdown until corruption-free, and make it decrease at a faster rate.

    Make every character have its own corruption, no account sharing in this regard.

    Make corruption visible, either by model or by having a visible debuff indication.

    And probably most controversially, don't inflict the corruption PvP penalty until the character dies.
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