Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Pancake butts

This is honestly my main issue with all the male models so far (the Dünir are close to ok actually). They have no butts! They are flat as pancakes almost. Even with butt sliders, the baseline is simply too flat. All the characters are so far shown as fit, but the butt doesn't match at all.
The same could be said for the.. uhm.. frontal bits, but let's keep it to the butt for now
I mean, compare Flatty McFlatbutt here:

With these fit Kaelar looking dudes.

Those butts should be baseline, or close to baseline. Then we can tweak with sliders from there.
The same could be said for the.. uhm.. frontal bits, but let's keep it to the butt for now

I mean, compare Flatty McFlatbutt here:

With these fit Kaelar looking dudes.

Those butts should be baseline, or close to baseline. Then we can tweak with sliders from there.
I'll... be sure to get this feedback to the developers as fast as humanly possible.
Please do! I am actually being serious about the flatness of the butts.
My butt is no pancake!
All good. We still love you, Pancake. 🤗
I believe the plan is to have sliders - including a butt slider
As for an absolute dump truck as the baseline.. I'm not so sure of!
If you haven't already, please make sure to leave this feedback on the main Kaelar feedback request thread as well!
I think I did
From the look of it, going for the classical ideal mesomorphic build represented, there simply needs to be more muscle. The calves are realistic, though the quads and hamstrings are too small. As noted, the glutes need to be fuller and encase more of the hip.
You could, conceivably, make the forearms a tad larger because of the grip strength needed for both bows and melee weapons.
A good reference for a warrior of this body type would be an aesthetic bodybuilder or an Olympic athlete.
Overall, it looks good, just my unsolicited feedback.
Steven said in the January Livestream that he was impressed with the most recent version of the character generation UI, @Nerror.
Your thread here might be jumping the gun a bit ... since it's possible these issues are already fixed. But at least there's some good humor in it.
Bottom Line: The "flat ass" sliders might now be working as intended for Alpha-2.
Just my 2 cents, if you need more muscle than that dude up there to use a sword, you need more sword training.
Even short battles, when the other person is trying to kill you, can be pretty exhausting. There's a reason grooms and squires started so young. It's hard to build that kind of deep muscle over a short period of time.
This is especially true given that both commoners and nobles had much more common health problems that we do not, aside from a lower level of nutrition, medicine and sanitation services. It's rather remarkable how strong they were given disease, parasites and famine.
Strength is actually more useful pound for pound with bows. The bigger your strength, the bigger the bows (or pull) one can handle. An english longbow, or even many recurve bows, are more than the average man can handle.
All that being said, it's possible that the actual artwork simply needs a bit more curve to accentuate the visual look of the muscle. I actually really like the way the models look overall.
Regardless, many of the interviews mentioned that we will have sliders for everything, so it's kind of a moot point. I do, however, agree with the OP that the base mass is a little lacking for a professional soldier.
To each their own, I suppose.
Well, when I say ‘my 2 cents’ it’s more like ‘in my experience.’
Interesting, what are you trained in? I’m guessing some school of WMA from the HEMA reference.