Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

What You Want To AOC

As we all know, Alpha 2 is due out next year. We’ve had a lot of great showcases detailing this highly ambitious MMO. I’m personally very happy with what I’ve seen and haven’t been so excited for a game perhaps ever.
With that being said, we basically get one instance of gameplay per month with goals of showcasing specific systems, features, or archetypes. CROSS POSTED WITH REDDIT FOR MORE RESPONSES
LEADING UP TO A2 (as in recently or post A1) , what is one thing you’re wanting to see soon? Example: A specific archetype, a specific mechanic, naval content, stock market, augment/skill trees, etc etc.
I’m hoping to use this as I means if gathering data/feedback if the community and perhaps this could be used to Intrepid as well. Also, apologies for the Punny Title; I’m a dad.
Thank you,
- Nyce


  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Fighter and dual swords (ok.. weapons..)
  • ninjathecollectorninjathecollector Member, Alpha Two
    i need my CC NOW
  • CROW3CROW3 Member, Alpha Two
    Corruption system.
  • NyceGamingNyceGaming Member, Alpha Two
    CROW3 wrote: »
    Corruption system.
    A demonstration of this would be fun. Maybe they’ll discuss in the planned PvP stream
  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Preferably I want to see Summoner, but I can settle for combat pets.

    Basically, I want to see where they are at with pet pathing and pet AI, and I want to have most of A2 to really let us test, break and fine tune pet related combat, because that is pretty much going to make or break the summoner archetype, which is my current favourite.
  • Nova_terraNova_terra Member, Alpha Two
    I really want to see a deep dive of how skills/weapons intersect. I understand it is a bit of a buffet but seeing how wide/deep the system is planning on going will go very far with getting people excited and invested in developing their character.
  • AszkalonAszkalon Member, Alpha Two
    The List of what i personally would love to see Ashes of Creation have either at Release or in the Future after that,

    are a few things that i know from a few other MMO's -> plus of Course the Confirmation that all nice Features function that the Developers of Ashes want to be functioning well in the Game and are Fun.

    - Node Wars. Castle-Sieges, City-Sieges, Caravan-Plays,

    - "Maybe" kinda Vampires and/or Werewolves as a "State to attain" similar like in the Elderscrolls or so - some neat little Extra-Features Players can later on attain in the Future, to make their Characters a bit more unique.

    - The many Variations of Classes being expanded over Time -> so that they DO* actually feel a little bit more like full Classes for the Players. That would be very, very cool.
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
  • VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
    edited November 2023


    I'd also be curious to hear, in addition to what you're looking forward to most, which livestreams this year have been your favorite, and why? c:
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Vaknar wrote: »


    I'd also be curious to hear, in addition to what you're looking forward to most, which livestreams this year have been your favorite, and why? c:

    Class showcases
    Mountainous biome at UE5 reveal
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Vaknar wrote: »


    I'd also be curious to hear, in addition to what you're looking forward to most, which livestreams this year have been your favorite, and why? c:

    My favourite livestreams have been Carphin and The Ranger basic attack video. I'm most looking forward to Bard and Summoner videos. The reason is because I want to make a Song Warden and an Enchanter at some point. Will be good to get some idea of the basics.
  • ShabooeyShabooey Member, Alpha Two
    I'd like to see some PvP with the corruption system in use and some action combat to see how that is progressing.
  • - As an avid rogue player, Rogue gameplay.
    - Some showcases of mass PvP. Specially siege weapons or siege vehicles.
    - I have no idea how raids and dungeons work in owPvP MMOs. So a small dungeon run which is contested at entrance or at boss or however it is suppose to work in the game. At the moment all I know is that I will end up saying "game is hard" while attempting it. Which is why I am hooked.
    - Maybe corruption system as well. I think as long as penalties are harsh enough, it will serve its intended purpose. Not everyone is gonna have the time or friends willing to help that one dude game the system. Sure there will be griefing but it will be there either way. Cant do away with human nature.

    I loved the caravan showcase. Pretty exciting stuff. Tbh I didnt see any other video but I am sure they were wonderful.
    "Suffer in silence"
  • AkkadimAkkadim Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Game release
  • KilionKilion Member, Alpha Two
    Showcases I hope to see before the A2 launches:

    • Artisan Stream - Starting with a group that purchases their gathering equipment in a village, goes out into the world and gets all sorts of ingredients for: A sword, a leather chestpiece, a healing potion and a large rabbit to breed more mounts. Something that finally draws the red thread from start to finish through the artisan process with stat allocation on gear specifically (and maybe show an example of a world event caused by overstraining the resources of an area?)
    • Archetype streams - We are still missing the Rouge, Bard and Summoner completely, but I'd hope to see a deeper dive into the Ranger and Fighter too. I think the covers on the Tank, the Mage and Cleric were sufficient for the purpose of introducing the archetypes before A2.
    • Dungeon Stream - I'd love to see three things specifically in this: 1) the contribution system when fighting a boss and another group intercepting. 2) dungeon events and 3) changes through Node promotion in the vicinity

    "Honorable mentions"
    I know that Naval gameplay will be pushed further down the road, so I did not put it on the list above, but I hope that by the end of 2024 we get a sort of "big stream" that shows us a coastal node, ship mechanics, maybe an underwater region, sea mounts and maybe an example of coastal node specific PvP.

    Similar thing with Augmentations, I expect that later during the Alpha 2 probably by the end of 2024 as well. But I am very excited for this system and it's implication for the Rock-Paper-Scissors Balance of combat.

    @Vaknar Showcases I enjoyed most this year:
    • The "Meet the Devs" Stream (Dec 2022) - deserves mentioning here because I really liked the explanations on methodolgy in the design process, especially from the departments that tend to be less in focus during a development process (like the environment team)
    • The Archetype livestreams - Especially after the reshoot of the Tank Showcase I was really impressed with the class designs, really helped understand what those archetypes are about.
    • World Event - That system just is amazing and though the example in the livestream was a very simple one, I really enjoyed the explanation and implications around it especially in conjunction with my highlight so far:
    • The story arc system - This thing in tandem with the dynamic event system is just fantastic. I can't wait for this and what I love most about it: It puts a stop to the mindless guide following of other MMOs because by the time someone has written about a quest, it might (I dare say it: "SHOULD") be gone and be replaced by something else.

    Reflecting back on the year I have to say I am quite satisfied with the progress, it's great that we are finally getting ready for Alpha 2 and most things have been on point.
    The answer is probably >>> HERE <<<
  • SunboySunboy Member
    edited November 2023
    Hope they talk a whole stream about servers. Pros. Cons. Why. How. When. Ifs. Buts.

    Much love ❤️
  • TheDarkSorcererTheDarkSorcerer Member, Alpha Two
    edited November 2023
    I'm curious to see more mage gameplay. I always play magic characters in MMO's and I wasn't a huge fan of the direction of the mage. I just hope the subclasses gives more variety in spells, so we're not forced into playing an elementalist mage.
  • Vaknar wrote: »


    I'd also be curious to hear, in addition to what you're looking forward to most, which livestreams this year have been your favorite, and why? c:

    I know it can be hard to show actual progress with certain core features visually because of things accomplished on the back end but I do like it when we are presented with things such as archetypes and abilities to theory craft about within the community. I expect to see archetypes and augments to start making an appearance every month or so in alpha 2 as they'll need to be in for the beta phases and balancing. From there actual "classes" (archetype + archetype).

    The one thing I would prefer to see over all though is a revisit to node sieges with new node types, scaling battle scenarios associated with node tier as they're implemented. Give the fan base a realistic visual of the progress made on the game. This will be able to showcase player count, performance, objectives, siege weapon updates.

    Tier 3 node siege of potentially each node type with appropriate player count, tier 4, tier 5 and tier 6 when that milestone is hit.

    Maybe throw in a monster coin event for fun too :smile:
  • I want to see whatever they are doing to launch Alpha 2.
  • MionikoiMionikoi Member, Alpha Two
    Personally, I would love it if they walked back on there not being a climbing system for Ashes. I would love to be able to have the ability to climb up on top of sheer mountain cliffs and statues, just to be able to get on top of the thing. Or simple things like a keep tower, a city wall, or building. Maybe it could be an expansion. But getting on top of things is apart of exploring for me, and I like the idea of unconventional parkour.

    Personally, the less invisible walls to stop me from getting on top of a thing and a place, the better.

    Next, I would love to be able to make an in game player map, and for that map to have value and meaning. Maybe as a scribe I could make a living as an in game cartographer. I would love to just be paid to go to places, find things, and see places. When I get tired? Go home, relax, and tell people about what I saw.

    Or that time me and my body guards almost died because we happened on a dragon nest.

    Does Ashes HAVE to be about combat for everyone? I mean, it can be a dangerous world and apart of being an adventurer might be having to fight our way out of a sticky situation. But, going to places and seeing things. That's enough for me.
    MY Own NIckle Co-operates with an EYE. -Mīonikoī.
  • Mionikoi wrote: »
    Personally, I would love it if they walked back on there not being a climbing system for Ashes. I would love to be able to have the ability to climb up on top of sheer mountain cliffs and statues, just to be able to get on top of the thing. Or simple things like a keep tower, a city wall, or building. Maybe it could be an expansion. But getting on top of things is apart of exploring for me, and I like the idea of unconventional parkour.

    Personally, the less invisible walls to stop me from getting on top of a thing and a place, the better.

    Next, I would love to be able to make an in game player map, and for that map to have value and meaning. Maybe as a scribe I could make a living as an in game cartographer. I would love to just be paid to go to places, find things, and see places. When I get tired? Go home, relax, and tell people about what I saw.

    Or that time me and my body guards almost died because we happened on a dragon nest.

    Does Ashes HAVE to be about combat for everyone? I mean, it can be a dangerous world and apart of being an adventurer might be having to fight our way out of a sticky situation. But, going to places and seeing things. That's enough for me.

    I didn't know they decided to not do that... That does make it feel less dimensional of a game especially for boss encounters/dungeons.

    They could make it so certain surfaces are essentially more impossible to climb or deplete your climbing resource much faster so you cant go far on it. Maybe in nodes have a no climbing law to prevent stupid game breaking things from occurring.

    Could also have it so a tool slot is required for it where the climbing spikes dull over time as well.
  • Would love to see more biomes, racial architecture, and armour sets other than those for cosmetics or humans in the Riverlands
  • Blood_RavenBlood_Raven Member, Alpha Two
    Seeing PvP, flagging, corruption in both open world and a dungeon would be awesome.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited November 2023
    Vaknar wrote: »


    I'd also be curious to hear, in addition to what you're looking forward to most, which livestreams this year have been your favorite, and why? c:

    My favorites were system showcases with gameplay, like the node stream, caravans, freeholds, story arc, weather etc I feel like those really delivered and surpassed expectations and gave a boost of confidence in the project,

    I couldn't enjoy the archetype/combat streams as much as I'd like to because they are all shown in tab-target mode perspective, ever since the first ranger stream there isn't even a mention of the hybrid mode with steven or another dev swapping between tab and action camera, this is a piece of feedback I'd like to give and hopefully when we get to the next archetypes/combat showcases we get to see both camera modes being used

    Looking forward for a pvp and corruption system showcase as well,

    Something I'm curious about is why we haven't seen gameplay with dunir, nikua, renkai and vaelune or gameplay in any other biome other than the riverlands in almost 3 years now, I wonder if those will be there at the start of A2 so looking forward for finding that out
    Recrutamento aberto - Nosso Site: Clique aqui
  • Ganking and baiting people into fights, would be cool seeing what can be done if 10 people jump on 1 solo guy. Can he run? Can he deflect? What is the level difference between them that will make the fight possible?

    Ganking is an extreme way of really testing pvp, controled enviroments like arena are not a true test
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • SirChancelotSirChancelot Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I'm still waiting to see some of the augment system in action
  • ChocometeorChocometeor Member, Alpha Two
    I want to see the ROGUE/Assassin please i dont know why but i kinda thought thats going to be the next class that will be shown to us and now im waiting for it every month.

    And i want to see News to the Character creator tool we once saw a stream where they showed it with a Vek but i want to see the updates to now with another race customizations.
  • MionikoiMionikoi Member, Alpha Two
    I have one more request. Voiced bards singing in taverns and streets.

    on Topal Bay
    Gonfalon Galliard

    It would be awesome!
    MY Own NIckle Co-operates with an EYE. -Mīonikoī.
  • NyceGamingNyceGaming Member, Alpha Two
    Mionikoi wrote: »
    I have one more request. Voiced bards singing in taverns and streets.

    on Topal Bay
    Gonfalon Galliard

    It would be awesome!

    Underrated request here. I love the idea of voices bards even if the quest npcs aren’t voice acted. They give an immersive feel. I literally always seemed out the bards upon entering a new town in the elder scrolls online. Was about idk just 13 or so songs? But each npc sang it differently of course being different characters so it’s just like covers and a nice touch.
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