Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Thread should be closed and only moderators to post in the end.
@Liz_Vermillion (question), @BaldorDarkfire (question), @Dawmery (question), @Roofian (question), @Pshields (question), @BraydenS (question), @Aniion (question), @akabear (question 1, 2), @ace1234 (question), @Kaoztrophe (question), @Miguel_D (question), @Pawkets (question), @ghostxx (question) - Please only post one question next time as requested, and if you only posted one question, please try to make it more clear and direct if possible - that way it's more likely to be picked!
@Cygnus (question) - It looks like you've found your answer!
@PlasticLemons (question) - While some instanced content is for story reasons, not all of it is. While instances are not intended to be places that can be farmed repeatedly, that doesn’t mean that players will go into a specific instance just one time.
@Lyon (question) - We’ve occasionally shown armor and weapons on previous livestreams. Stats shown on equipment has not gone through a full balance pass, and specific stats shown on equipment during previous streams may change.
@KalMos (question) - Currently the plan is for a character to only be able to master one of the three Artisan classes (Gathering, Processing, or Crafting). From their Artisan class, players can only master up to two professions. Things like this are subject to change during testing with players.
@Yenn0war (question) - We have no plans at this time to add survival elements like this to Ashes of Creation. Characters will not need to eat food to stay alive.
@Shellbelle2 (question) - Yes, players will be able to collect cosmetic pets! You can find out more about what we’ve shared regarding pets in the wiki here:
@TheFilthyCasualTV (question) - Ashes of Creation will not be pay-to-win, and players will not be able to purchase currency to be used in the player market.
@Niya (question) - Quests become available through a variety of different ways, and some of these ways will be more hidden than others.
@Jonoo (question) - Not all items in-game will be craftable.
@Peregrinum (question) - The current plan for Freeholds is to have a combined maximum total of six buildings, which can be artisan and/or business buildings, that can be placed in addition to the house building. Artisan buildings are required to be placed on Freehold plots to unlock the placement of processing stations. Each processing profession has four processing stations unique to that profession, that unlock as players progress through their artisan building tech trees.
@AuroraPhoenyx (question) - Once Alpha Two begins we have no plans for this to be under NDA. If there is no NDA, players can stream freely.
@Imoxator (question) - We use a few different machines for recording and livestreaming
@HOME (question) - The team is hard at work on the Rogue Archetype! We'll have more to share as soon as it's ready
@CyberAesir (question) - Each race has its own starting area. Players may choose their starting gateway regardless of their choice of race. You can learn more about starting areas and many other game systems here, on the wiki!
@Vortemis (question) - Crafting in Ashes of Creation is recipe (blueprint, schematic) based, not RNG based. You can learn more about crafting here, on the wiki!
@Hardhit (question) - Certain gatherables may only appear in some locations, during some seasons, or even during certain story-arcs. These resources could be acquired through traveling, or trade, for example
@DougBug27 (question) - I highly recommend checking out the wiki, where you can find the answers to your questions and many more! You can learn more about stats here:
@Ghostgg (question) - Combat pets generally have a horizontal progression, not a vertical one. Unlike Summoner summons, combat pets do not increase a player's power, but instead require a sacrifice from the player. Combat pets will be levelable and will have gear available to them. Combat pets will incorporate some of their owner's power in a way that keeps the power progression horizontal. You can learn more about combat pets here, on the wiki!
@Frost01 (question) - We'll have more information to share regarding Augments as we progress further in development! For now, you can read more about Augments here, on the wiki!
@Veeshan (question) - You can read more about Enchantments here, on the wiki!
@Keypi (question) - Intrepid Studios is made up of many industry professionals and years of MMORPG, live service, and general gaming experience. We continue to work on making Ashes of Creation the best possible MMORPG that we can. The livestreams are a great way to stay in touch with what we're working on and implementing into the game
@Schwann36 (question) - Some systems and features will be rolled out after the initial launch of Alpha Two. We'll have more details to share in the future, as we get closer to the launch of Alpha Two
@Reflet (question) - This stream should give you an idea of the full-cycle crafting process
@daveywavey (question) - We'll have more information to share regarding scheduled maintenance and downtime are we progress further in development
@killergermel (question) - If you're referring to processing stations, then the answer is yes! You can read more about processing stations here, on the wiki!
@Rattie (question) - We plan on sharing a more detailed list of weapons in the future
@Depraved (question) - We want the Bard Archetype to have a solid place in Ashes of Creation. You can expect them and their kit to play an important role in many aspects of gameplay!
@kiochina (question) - Steven appeared to have answered this question for ya in Discord! The link can be found here:
@Liniker (question), @Tryol (question), @Contagio (question), @Roubi (question), @FatalSyndicate (question), @RazThemun (question) - We don't currently have a list of what Alpha Two will launch with to share at this time. When such a list is ready to share, we'll share it!
@SkylarckTheBotanist (question) - We'll have more information to share regarding the Tulnar and their architectural influences as we progress further in development
@NiKr (question) - Minimum and recommended system requirements from our most recent test can be found here:
Currently, we have not projected any changes to our system requirements. If we have any changes we’ll let you all know.
@SonicXplosion (question), @Leonerdo (question), @Gaul_ (question), @Castai (question), @Cadac (question), @Babayugah (question), @Soluna (question), @George_Black (question), @MackArrel (question), @Raven016 (question), @Tyranthraxus (question), @SoggyBandaid (question), @Azherae (question), @Happymeal2415 (question), @Solvryn (question), @Talents (question) - Your questions were ones we hoped to have gotten to on stream but didn't quite have the time. We'd love it if you come by next month for the next development update livestream to ask them again!
@NyceGaming (question), @Nerror (question), @Lashing (question), @Neurotoxin (question), @OldKat (question), @Moulwxtos (question), @RowniSciponi (question), @Tyger Blue Eyes (question), @Fantmx (question), @Drunkninja (question) - Congratulations! Your questions were answered by Steven and Margaret on the livestream! Be sure to check out the VoD on YouTube in case you missed it live!
Be sure to thoroughly read the page of the subject you're wanting to learn more about, and don't forget about those citations
📺What part of the stream were you most interested in?