Will you play AoC if the combat sucks(for you personally)?

So with all the features announced that sound great one of the biggest unknowns about the game is the combat. I am wondering how many people are superficial like me and would not play the game if the combat sucks for them. Just imagine everything you do not like in a combat system and tell me honestly if the promised features are enough to keep you in the game if that turns out to be the combat system it goes with. For me personally - no, while I can tolerate some features I dislike if the combat is a total lackluster then I am not playing Ashes of Creation. I would really love to back this game on kickstarter but the combat unknown is the one thing stopping me. How many of you are like me?


  • The wombat will not suck as this is what most players will be doing 80% of their time.

    The topic was brought up in one of the livestreams and we were told that the wombat important to the devs :3
  • @Kodon this is not the question I am asking.
  • <blockquote><div class="d4p-bbp-quote-title"><a href="https://www.ashesofcreation.com/forums/topic/poll-will-you-play-aoc-if-the-combat-sucksfor-you-personally/#post-25728">Kodon wrote:</a></div>The wombat will not suck as this is what most players will be doing 80% of their time.

    The topic was brought up in one of the livestreams and we were told that the wombat important to the devs :3


    I definitely hope they have a cool wombat. Those things are pretty sweet.
  • I definitely hope they have a good wombat, Kodon. Wombats are cool.
  • I think combat is one of the things that makes or breaks a game, so I bet they'll put a lot of focus into it.
    If combat isnt smooth and fun many people will complain. I mean... almost every in-game activity includes combat :P

    But to answer your question -> no matter how cool ideas the game may have, if combat sucks, I won't play it.
  • I'm versatile, and not particular. If combat system is something i'm not used to, then I will adapt to it. For me to quit a game, especially one like this, would have to be way more than one reason, especially like combat. I'm a big time Retro RPGer. Grew up playing UO and EQ1, FFXI, So I have no problem adapting to New styles.
  • We didnt see combat video and we cant say nothing about combat but combat cant be that bad to make you quit playing game or even play game at all.
  • As a direct answer to your question, for me it would largely depend on the quality of everything else the game has to offer. If the gathering/crafting and everything else was exceptionally good while the combat "sucked" then I'd probably play the game for all those other activities. Honestly though, 1st of all I highly doubt they will make the combat "suck" to begin with. I say this because they have stated that they know combat is important and they are doing everything they can do make it good. 2nd, if it turned out not to be good and people complained, I am sure they would try to fix it.
  • @haki on the contrary, for me it is the thing that makes or breaks a game - I would play a crappy looking game with repetitive content and no story if the combat is great but I would not play a huge, wonderfully looking game with great lore and diverse environments and huge world if the combat is crappy.
  • There is a difference between, awesome, good, playable, bad and down right unforgivable.
    If its above the playable stage, and everything else works well, I would probably stay.
    So although it would be nice for it to be the best thing since ever, I could live with some compromises.

    You are never going to please everyone because everyone has their own wishlist of the perfect playstyle.
    What is good for one person is bad for another.
  • @haki on the contrary, for me it is the thing that makes or breaks a game - I would play a crappy looking game with repetitive content and no story if the combat is great but I would not play a huge, wonderfully looking game with great lore and diverse environments and huge world if the combat is crappy.

    To anyone else - it is a hypothetical, stop trying to persuade me that the combat will be great because of the work they are going to put into it because they know how important it is and so on.
  • @haki on the contrary, for me it is the thing that makes or breaks a game - I would play a crappy looking game with repetitive content and no story if the combat is great but I would not play a huge, wonderfully looking game with great lore and diverse environments and huge world if the combat is crappy.

    To anyone else - it is a hypothetical, stop trying to persuade me that the combat will be great because of the work they are going to put into it because they know how important it is and so on.

    @Rune_Relic I am talking playable but everything you dislike.
  • What i am saying is, they need to remove everything that all people agree are bad.
    Not necessarily implement what individual people think are good.
  • The forum is quite buggy today... so, here goes another try:

    haki, on the contrary, for me it is the thing that makes or breaks a game - I would play a crappy looking game with repetitive content and no story if the combat is great but I would not play a huge, wonderfully looking game with great lore and diverse environments and huge world if the combat is crappy.

    Rune_Relic, I am talking playable but everything you dislike. I am aware you cannot please everyone which is why I'm asking the question.

    To anyone else - it is a hypothetical, stop trying to persuade me that the combat will be great because of the work they are going to put into it because they know how important it is and so on.
  • haki, I would play a game with good combat and bad everything else rather than a game with perfect everything else and crappy combat.

    Rune_Relic, I know that they cannot please everybody, hence the question in the topic.

    To anyone else - do not try to convince me that the combat is going to be great because the devs will put so much work into it that it cannot possibly be bad because they know how important the combat is. It is a hypothetical question. Do not take it as a bash against the game you are hyped with.
  • Just like Rune_Relic says, depends on how bad the combat is but I am easily satisfied so for me combat would not quickly break the game.

    @Elveone, what kind of combat do you like?
  • Combat is very low on my totem pole when it comes to RPGs.
    If all the other Ashes features were implemented well, I could be just as happy leveling without combat as I was when I did that in WoW. Probably even happier in Ashes.

    If they can keep combat close to what they've shown us so far, I'll be happy with the combat mechanics.
    The combat mechanics for Pantheon looks atrocious. I haven't been particularly interested in that game at all, but... I recently looked at combat footage was all, "Oh, hell naw! That's exactly like vanilla EQ with updated graphics.!!"

    If the PvP combat is too hardcore for my casual behind, I won't play Ashes.
  • If combat was not enjoyable i would not play. It is the single most important system for me
  • @Laxive, different kinds but for games where you control a single character I like dark soulsy or spectacle fighter combat - combat where decisions matter because there are times when you cannot move out of the way because you are committed to your action but you can react to the enemy action if you see it coming and have not foolishly overcommited to dealing heavy damage.
  • I will at the very least give it a go.
  • I am almost always playing as a crafter, trader, and a diplomat. If that part of the game is pretty good I am almost always hooked. If the combat is atrocious in the way of really buggy, unresponsive, exploitable and not fixed I will still probably drop it. The exceptions being that I can get to a place past much need to PVE anymore, there are guildies still very active, and the PVP is... passable.
  • I agree with Rune_Relic. It will depend on how bad the combat is, and how good the rest of the game is.
  • I have to believe if they can get everything else right they'll be willing to fix combat if it has a bad start.
  • Gonna have to invested too much not to xD I would play it anyway even if the combat did suck but I think the combat will be good. The pre-alpha gameplay doesn't disappoint so far. I like the spider demon event boss and its free roam feel. Makes the idea of a safe zone questionable. My only concern atm is deciding on race and class D:
  • @EuanG I've been wondering about that too, maybe we should request the devs to make or release a closer definitions of what the classes are planned to be like (since Race will have an effect on the Class, it might not be so simple (My raw guess would be Humans = Better Clerics / Elves = Better Ranger/Rogue / Orcs = Better Tank-Fighter / Dwarves = Better Support? Idk). If we all get together and ask for it, they will likely give us more info about the classes.
  • If I want to play a game that the sole focus is on combat I will go play Street Fighter. An RPG Combat is a part of the game but its more about tactical and group play.
  • I can't really imagine a combat system that had so much suckatude that it would make me not play it. Now there are older games that I remember fondly that I can't go back to due to how outdated the engine is. They seem so slow compared to the combat in modern games.
  • A BIG FAT NO . combat is what 99% of what you're going to do the whole game lmao.
  • If combat is playable and something I can adapt to, I will still continue to play. There are too many things outside combat in AoC that I like, so combat has to be really unplayable and unadaptable for me to not play. In combat, I am usually a support class, and what I really care for is how the support class works. I care more for strategy in combat in how to support the team. To be honest, I don't care for too much action combat with little strategy.
  • the combat looks very good! so i have nothing to worrie about!
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