Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Comments like this make me mad as hell. I understand that opinions sometimes defer, but it always baffle me as to why people have to get personal, and even go to the extent of sending death threats to a person.
And putting a overly-endowed woman into a costume is not art, it's a fanservice. Get that weak argument out of here.
Lets get a bit real here. I get that most people are okay with whatever. I get that some people can get offended, I get that some people can be offended that people are offended. We have a really diverse group in this game. You cannot appease everyone. Especially if removing something makes one group angry, and adding back the same thing makes another group angry as well.
I for one, believe that choice is the key. Let there be a whole range of armor. Skimpy to fully loaded, male and female. Everyone gets to choose what they wear, and everyone tries not too be too offended with what other people are wearing or look like.
Here is a point that almost (disclaimer: didn't read a lot of the pages) everyone fail to address - body shapes. I for one do not really want the default shape of the male to be the paragon of man's bodybuilding and for the female's to be plucked from some pornstar.
If possible, I really hope that there will be a full choice of body shapes for all the races and genders. If I want to play a soft-bodied merchant/summoner/priest, being a herculean male really breaks immersion. If that isn't possible, I rather for all races and genders for something to be more moderate. But that's just me.
So, I have seen that different individuals have different opinions.
Some want there to be more focus on little to no revealing gear and backing it by saying it will be more immersive to the game. That revealing outfits just do not suit the battlefield and hence should not be available in that sense. And that's alright, although I 100% disagree with having a wide range of armour for female characters and ALL of them not showing any skin, to me that is plain boring. This game has been announced to be a high fantasy game and no lore has been revealed to say anything like "no women should show skin or wear heels".
On the other hand there are those individuals who would like the female armours to be like the "metal bikini's" you see in some games. This view is typically backed by saying that it makes the females more attractive. Well alright, you're completely entitled to this opinion. It is definitely not my style, and I would say there is clothing/armour that can be designed to make female characters look very attractive without making them show everything they have to offer...
What I am trying to say is that I am completely OK with both of those arguments.
There is, however, one thing that annoys the heck out of me. That is when people lay down their opinion about which style should be in the game, and that no other styles should be allowed. Every other person here has the same right as you to share their ideas. It has been confirmed that the game will have a High Fantasy, which means that more likely than not there WILL be a large variety of armour/clothing styles. If you cannot accept that, then that is your problem.
I am not pointing to anyone in particular at all, I just wanted to share my opinion on this matter.
Women are sexualized far too much in games, but that's the way things just are. I often play Male Characters to keep from being harassed and to enjoy that feeling of having that awesome Armor look.
I quit WoW about 5 months ago and started Witcher 3 and finished the main story a week ago.
Now THAT was a game worthy of Female Gamers. See guys...we can enjoy some Gaming Eyecandy for once and Geralt brought that to us.
I'm just hoping that in AoC....when we put on that huge Armor as the male counterparts, it covers the same areas as it does the Men.
If you force my Heavy Armor to look like a Bikini, I will find a different game.
Single Player Games are starting to get much better than MMOs. The Witcher 3 is a Prime example of that.
If you would really want equality, then you would just stfu and be equal, as everyone is. Only those so called SJW-s fight for some non existing "injustice".
In a game noone fucking cares whether you are man, woman, attack-helicopter or anything that you are.
You say you want equality yet you start by saying that you are women, what is it if not saying that "I'm a woman so my option matters?" No one fucking cares, from me you can be even a flower or the president of USA I still wouldn't give a slightest fuck.
Why does some groups think that they want to purposely "sexually objectivize" the women in games? The world doesn't work like that...
You know how does this world works?
Someone creates something in order to earn money.
They want to maximize the money making.
So in order to do that, they do things that many customer wants.
End of story.
They don't fucking care if you are a woman, man or anything. They will do what most users want, to maximize the profit, that's all. There aren't any injustice, or purposed attack again race/gender, that's just capitalism. Money matter, other things aren't.
If 80% of players would be fat ugly feminist, then you can be 100% sure that they would make a games based on their fantasies.
But the games are different. Usually like 80% of the players are straight males, and they are usually even single yet horny guys, so you see, there are a market demand, and the capitalist company react to it that's all.
It's pointless to mystifice it. As barbies designed to be attractive to the females, games are designed to be attractive to males, that's how the market works.
You want less sexualization in games? Fine, then just start playing games, and if you reach 50-50 female-male ration in games(with equal spending on it), then you will going to have equal standards.
But the limitless crying about some nonexisting thing only going to make look you ****, and will not going to solve anything. You can cry forever about they sexualize females and stuff, but it won't change shit, only going to create enemies...
Second: Sometimes less is more. And sometimes more is more. I don't mind some skin and I don't really care what outfits other people choose for their characters - as long as it doesn't break immersion. If the game has an asian/cartoonish style I don't mind those silly, impractical outfits that only consist of a couple chains and three small pieces of cloth. If it's a western european medieval style I'd rather have a bit more armor, although it always depends on the case. A dark elf witch may wear less cloth than a human warrior without breaking immersion or cohesion. The art style should fit the game and not cater to modern feminist politics.
In game, (unlike real life), you can actually choose your gender (there are two options) right at the start. I believe everyone should be free to choose either gender regardless of their gender in real life.
But it's complete lunacy to create a male character, then dress him like a female claiming to be a male who identifies as a female. (I'm surprised some SJW hasn't thought of this already)
Don't get me wrong, in real life you are free to identify as you wish, but you don't get to dictate how others identify you in game or in real life. If you are a male, I will refer to you as, "Sir," or, "He." Regardless of how you are dressed.
If legislation ever gets passed that requires everyone to identify an individual as they wish to be identified, that's the day I will identify as a Black, Native American, disabled single mother of ten, and I'll probably add several more identifiers to that. Whatever gives me the maximum amount of free government money taken from all the hardworking people's taxes. I might even go to the bank and identify as a millionaire. If the bank doesn't let me withdraw my millions, well they are violating the law by not playing along with my delusion right?
Im sure I'll get some pretty hateful responses to the above paragraph, from SJW's who place their own delusional lunacy above everyone else's freedom. And some will likely try to criticize that I got off topic. I also recognize that they are free to their opinions, and I am free to disagree. I did go off topic from the original post, but I am responding to other posters who seem to believe it is necessary to bring some of this political crap into the game. I sincerely hope that the Devs don't cater to progressive political ideology in their design of AOC. It will ruin the game.
Different strokes for different folks.
The political slant is trying to prevent that.
You do realize that politics and government are a major feature of Ashes, right?
Wardrobes are made to be full of costumes.
While good looking is subjective, there are nothing "badass" in this gear, it's just a random plate armor. And practical... wearing heavy plate without helmet is ****. There are no reason to cripple yourself by wearing a full plate if you keep your most important part defense less anyway.
Many people who again skimpy armor complains that they aren't practical, yet their example makes even less sense. Like protecting your legs, while leaving your head defense less? Even wearing nothing is more practical than that IMAO.
Either go FULL armor, or just a chest plate + leather/cloth armor for other parts or no armor at all. These are the only logical choices.
tl.dr running around in a plate that keeps your head defenseless have just as much sense than ruining around in plate bikini.
1. Insanity; Mental Disorder.
2. Extreme foolishness, or an instant of it.
So yeah, a man dressing like a woman can be considered lunacy. Even if he is just being foolish. You are, however, free to disagree with me, but that doesn't make my opinion invalid. As you said, different strokes for different folks. It works both ways.
I realize there will be a political aspect to the game, but I sincerely hope that things like the gender identity stupidity will not be part of it. And just to clarify what I mean by, "gender stupidity."
The belief that there are an infinite number of genders, or even just 80 something different genders. That's completely false and ridiculous. The belief that I have to play along with the delusions of someone who doesn't accept the gender they were born with. And that I should be legally bound under penalty of law to refer to a man as, "she," because he identifies as a woman. That's not only stupid, it's wrong, and is a violation of my rights. But SJW's out there have certainly advocated for that very thing.
Don't misunderstand me, if you are a man who wants to be a woman or identifies as a woman, have at it, but you can not and should not expect everyone else to pretend along with you. If some choose to pretend with you, then that's their choice, but it will be a choice. You don't have to look at this the way I do, but you cannot force me or anyone else to agree with you either, by law or otherwise.
Look, I don't mind hashing this stuff out on the forums. I'm just saying I hope the political system in AOC doesn't have ridiculous elements integrated into it like this gender identity crap. I honestly don't think there's much chance that the Devs will go out of their way to cater to the SJW's out there on the fringe that have extremist views about some of these issues though, but you brought up the AOC political system in response to my previous post on the issue. It's sad enough that we have to live with this stuff in real life.
Yeaaah!! If females don't like their armor being sexualized, the only armor they're going to be given is the burka! xD
Individuals can consider anything to be anything.
A man dressing like a woman is not objectively foolish - nor is a woman dressing like a man objectively foolish.
You are free to have whatever opinions you wish, regardless of how foolish those opinions might be. Sure.
Thread should be named "Sexualization of genders" and should represent both genders equally.
In this form this thread pictures men as "worse" gender and this is not OK.
Lets keep that gender equality up.
What's wrong with being a member of the SJW?
Do you not believe in equality?
What does your opinion on someone else's sex/gender-orientation/personal-style have to do with this game?
I do agree that sub-groups of some of the communities mentioned here do go looking to troll forums and force their will on others. That is wrong. However, it is also wrong to accuse someone of being in these groups b/c they want equality or to lump all people in these groups as the same type of person.
People be different yo! As long as they are not violating your freedoms and rights why should you be able to dictate how they act?
Also, the remarks made earlier about labeling ourselves, and choosing specific options to "maximize" payout by the government were hostile and offensive. There was no need for that to be mentioned to make a point. Why do you have to be offensive to make a point?
The progressives that I specifically pointed out who I personally believe are an extremist fringe that DO want to violate my rights by passing legislation that requires me to not only agree with their way of thinking, but also to make everyone lawfully bound to refer to them by their chosen gender identity.
I know guys that have dressed up in women's clothing as a joke before or at Halloween because it is funny. They typically look pretty damn foolish doing so. That's why they do it.
I referred to Mal in Serenity disguising himself as a woman to sneak into the Companions school also. It was clearly meant to be funny in the show as well, and Mal even mocks himself because he realizes he looks foolish.
You can say it's not objectively foolish for a man to dress in women's clothing, but it certainly appears foolish enough to have been used as a joke in so many instances for untold numbers of audience members to laugh at for so long I couldn't even begin to guess.
You guys are taking this way too seriously. No reason to get angry or rude just because we disagree. It's pretty silly.
People disagree on all sorts of issues for any number of reasons. I accept that you are free to your opinions, as I am free to mine. And freedom of speech certainly allows you to voice the opinion that my opinion is foolish, just as it allows me to tell you that your opinion is foolish.
You are also free to express the belief that my opinion is incorrect or somehow morally wrong, and I am free to express the same belief regarding your opinions.
Don't expect me to feel bad or to apologize for having certain expectations about how men and women dress. There is a reason why they are labeled as "Women's" clothing, and I'm pretty sure they are typically still found in the Women's section of the store. I guess all the clothing manufacturers and department store owners are just as guilty as I am of those expectations. Not to mention all the people out there that wear clothing that is traditionally considered appropriate. If I'm wrong then the majority of society is also wrong.
Still I'm not making any statements in an effort to dictate how anyone dresses or how they believe. Both of those things they are free to choose.
We don't have to agree, and I'm not even going to be offended by your opinion. The place where I draw the line is as I mentioned above, when those that have an alternative view of reality demand that I adopt their ideology. Even trying to dictate the very words that I am allowed to speak. Not going to happen, and I promise you, I am not alone in that.