All Kickstarter rewards to be offered on website now! (I am not amused)

"Along with many of you, I watched as the project on Kickstarter counted down in seconds to end a history making month. Because of your support and dedication to Ashes, we have achieved the highest funding on Kickstarter that an MMO has ever achieved, and landed 7th of all video games. That is AMAZING! Because of the high amount of members that requested alternate payment methods that Kickstarter did not offer, I have decided that during the month of June I will extend our crowdsourcing through our website for those of you who were unable to purchase packages through Kickstarter. All backers from Kickstarter will benefit from this additional month of funding with some pretty awesome backer goals and rewards, which we will be releasing today. We will have the ability for Kickstarter pledges to be upgraded as well.
I cannot adequately express my personal gratitude that your support means. The past 17 months have been a lot of hard work for everyone on my team. And to see the validation of our effort emboldens us to get Ashes done right. Ashes is my baby, and I pledge to you, that this project will make each of you proud.
This community has our undying love and respect.
Thank You All

This was posted to the discord and while I am absolutely sure this will make some happy, I am not amused by it.  I pledged to the kickstarter for kickstarter rewards and exclusives in order to help fund the create of the game.  If I had known in advance that this would not have been the case and Intrepid would have taken this angle of "website funding" I would not have pledged what I did.  I have been down this road with multiple games and learned my lesson on it and I really do not want any part of it if I can help it.

Intrepid knew well beforehand that they were going to do this and I am absolutely disappointed they lied to me about the kickstarter exclusive funding.  I am very angry about this and temped to ask for my money to be returned because of it.


  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Personally, I would withhold judgement on this, until we see exactly what, and how, the "extended crowd sourcing" is handled.  It may include everything that was in the original KS plan, or it may only have additional rewards, different from those we've already seen.

    Either way, it doesn't really matter to me.  I was planning on pledging, regardless. If others want to get in on the action, albeit at a later date, why deny them?  I too like to feel special, but I'm not a curmudgeon, spitefully hoarding because I don't want anyone to have what I've got.  

    It's quite possible that Steven decided to start the crowd sourcing on KS, because of it's high visibility, then dependent on how it did, decided to move it to Intrepid's own webpage.  If this gets more people on board, garnering more capital to work with, to make the game true quality, I'm all for it.  

    As long as the game is delivered with all that was promised, and is fun, I'm good.  That's the main thing, right?
  • Honestly, this excites me more than irritates me.  I can't wait to see what the new stretch goals will be!  Though I do think if they didn't intend for some of the items to be KS exclusive, they shouldn't have labeled them as such, I have no problem with others getting the rewards.  It will be a chance for those that weren't able to back the game to jump in with alternate payment methods and still get the cool stuff, and it will serve to advance the games scope by adding more features.

    Personally, I chose the Braver of Worlds package for the lifetime subscription.  The digital items and titles are fun to have, but are basically just nice additions.  Having rare appearance items in game isn't too imperative to my gameplay.  I'm getting what I want out of it, and I'm glad others will be able to partake now.
  • freespiryt said:
    It's quite possible that Steven decided to start the crowd sourcing on KS, because of it's high visibility, then dependent on how it did, decided to move it to Intrepid's own webpage.  If this gets more people on board, garnering more capital to work with, to make the game true quality, I'm all for it. 

    Then this is what should have been stated instead of "after the fact".  Like I said above many KS games have gone down this route afterward and I do not want any part it, if it turns out to be true.
  • As far as I'm concerned, I've gotten what I want out of my pledge so if others can too now then surely that's not a bad thing. I'd prefer the KS period was extended rather than KS exclusive stuff showing up in some ingame store in a year's time(so to speak).
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    WOW , give them a chance they are trying to help out people who couldn't get in on the KS hype because of the limited payment option KS has. I see no issue with that....
  • You are also forgetting that Kickstarter ONLY allowed card transactions. What about those in countries that Kickstarter does not allow access to? What about countries that have limited credit/debit card balances? 
    Also do not forget that there are those that could not pay through kickstarter, can through other means like bank transfer, paypal etc and now have a means to be able to give their pledge and their backing for a game that holds and shows so much promise with inspiring developers.

    I find no negativity with the decision, other the contrary really. More money from more backers means more money being put through for marketing, hiring new employees to make the game being made faster and better with more thought and creativity being spread. It means being able to afford new equipment and programs for the staff (which you would of seen and heard when Steven talked about in the latest stream video) which was being set up.

    It means being able to be comfortable in an financial state and move forward without stressing over financial problems. (This is coming from a $400 backer as well)

    Exciting times ahead!
  • I see no issue with it, as the main purpose(I believe) was all those people who wanted to pledge, but due to their payment forms from their country, Kickstarter wouldn't allow it.
    I do get why people would be annoyed over this, but hey I pledged what I pledged and got the rewards I got. If others want to throw their money into this game and get rewards, why stop them? The more funding, the better(I feel) the development of this game can go!

    Plus, it doesn't hurt that now I'll have two more paychecks come in and give me more time to think about upgrading my pledge and still get those rewards :P 
  • Personally, I would withhold judgement on this, until we see exactly what, and how, the "extended crowd sourcing" is handled.  It may include everything that was in the original KS plan, or it may only have additional rewards, different from those we've already seen.

    Either way, it doesn't really matter to me.  I was planning on pledging, regardless. If others want to get in on the action, albeit at a later date, why deny them?  I too like to feel special, but I'm not a curmudgeon, spitefully hoarding because I don't want anyone to have what I've got.  

    It's quite possible that Steven decided to start the crowd sourcing on KS, because of it's high visibility, then dependent on how it did, decided to move it to Intrepid's own webpage.  If this gets more people on board, garnering more capital to work with, to make the game true quality, I'm all for it.  

    As long as the game is delivered with all that was promised, and is fun, I'm good.  That's the main thing, right?
    I couldn't agree more. I am more interested in a greatly developed and thought out game then I am in personal gratification receiving  a title  or trinket.  This project is going to take mega bucks to come together and if this helps so be it.  If they make if easier for more people to contribute through installments of such that is a plus also.  Should they receive what others have who jumped on board in the allotted time?  Maybe not but all said and done I think in the end most of us want a great game!
  • I believe this method will have slightly different rewards than the kickstarter. It doesn't mean that people supporting through this new avenue will gain original kickstarter backer perks (aside from possibly the obvious game-changing/adding ones like underrealm etc), but rather that they now have an option to buy in to new post-kickstarter perks (ones which per his wording appear to also be granted to people who were in the kickstarter). So it seems like a win win for the kickstarter people who get the original AND new sourcing rewards, while just a win for people were unable to buy in to the kickstarter but get to back via the new system and get some other cool rewards.

    Then again, as that's just my speculation, we will have to wait until the full details are disclosed for further scrutiny.
  • I mean we reached the goal of the Kickstarter which is great, but I feel (and some do the devs it seems) some people who wanted to back the game lost the opportunity to do so. I had friends who wanted to get the warrior of old pack but because the could not use Kickstarter the lost out. I think it's a great idea for people to back this game as they would have done so in the first place if the payment methods were there. the fault is not with the devs but with the method they used to fund the game that made it so only a number of people could back this great game. 
  • Timmy said:
    You are also forgetting that Kickstarter ONLY allowed card transactions. What about those in countries that Kickstarter does not allow access to? What about countries that have limited credit/debit card balances?

    Again this was known before the kickstarter launched (it is how KS works) and if they planed to cut and paste the rewards afterwords this should have been told to everyone!

    They successfully ran a KS campaign, then decided to offer those same exclusive rewards on their website (which has much less accountability) to everyone for a month.  At best this is pushing the boundaries of their campaign promises regardless of the reasons.

    I am sorry some people could not pledge during the KS due to where they live, but that is how KS works and it is the platform intrepid chose to use.  If they intended to offer the same rewards (making them non-KS exclusive) they should have stated what was going on instead of pushing the "kickstater exclusive" wagon.
  • They aren't offering the same rewards.
  • Hatchet said:
     then decided to offer those same exclusive rewards on their website
    Sorry, where are you getting that impression from?  I read his statement and it says no such thing.
  • I don't mind. I do however think that they should've said so earlier.
  • I'm fine with them extending crowdfunding through their site, I was hoping they would so that in a couple months after we close on our house, I can put some extra money aside and upgrade me and the wife to lifetime subscriptions. But there are things I'm not happy about. These are some points I'd think should come into consideration:

    #1 Anyone who missed the Kickstarter should NOT get access to the "Kickstarter Exclusive" rewards. Come up with some new rewards that everyone gets access to based on the continued crowdfunding, but leave the Kickstarter rewards exclusive as they should be, at least the aesthetic rewards. Things like lifetime subscriptions and such, sure keep those available, but the special pets/effects/skins/mounts etc should remain with the Kickstarter backers.

    #2 Allowing Kickstarter backers to upgrade their pledges after-the-fact seems fine to me, they were there at the beginning and some, myself included, could likely put more money towards higher pledges over time. Kickstarter Backers having access to upgrade seems just fine to me.

    #3 Please please PLEASE do not Feature Creep! More Backer Goals is fine for aesthetics, but don't bring in more big Content features after-the-fact. We don't want another Star Citizen.
  • Hatchet said:
    I am sorry some people could not pledge during the KS due to where they live, but that is how KS works and it is the platform intrepid chose to use.  If they intended to offer the same rewards (making them non-KS exclusive) they should have stated what was going on instead of pushing the "kickstarter exclusive" wagon.
    See, I feel that it was..."poor choice of words" here from them because like you said..exclusive means restriction to said group, area etc. I have a feeling that the new pledges will not be the same as the KS pledges, that they will be slightly different. It has been confirmed that the lifetime sub was exclusive only to the KS so only time will tell if this is correct.

    I still feel that I.S is doing good here with allowing people who couldn't use KS, can have their pledge. It shows that I.S actually cares about it's community and are willing to get involved with the people and to help wherever they can. I respect that.
  • I have mixed feelings about this. Yes I would like KS exclusives to stay exclusive. They have not ever said they wouldn't and in the livestream yesterday Steven did say the rewards will be different from KS exclusives.

    I am going to wait until after the actual rewards are announced to give any judgement. I have put my faith into this game by backing with a lifetime subscription. I fully believe the team at Intrepid will make decisions that will be best for the community.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    I have very mixed feelings about this, but will withhold my drawn out speech until I've gathered more facts and seen it. 
  • Even in the Stream, Steven was talking about another way for people without credit cards that could help fund the game and he said the rewards would be different.
  • So if I am following you correctly, you are upset because Intrepid has decided to pretty much extend the Kickstarter through their own site which allows some who wanted to back but could not because of KS restrictions to do so? That people will have to pay just like you did in order to get possibly different rewards, but you feel so entitled to be the only one with that "special feeling" that it may cost your backing?

    I mean, if that's you're biggest problem today then consider yourself blessed, friend. Steven has made it clear that he wishes to help out the supporters of his game, and if that means through more rewarded funding options...seems like an obvious choice from a fan-service and business perspective. But that's just me.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Not trying to be rude but I'm sick of people complaining about everything and anything possible.  Extending the crowdfunding is going to only help improve the game and give us more awesome stretch goals that we as the players will benefit from.  Honestly,  kickstarter exclusives are neat but why should we be the only ones entitled to anything if someone is willing to invest into the game the same as us?  If people are willing to invest as much as I am then give them the same rewards as me.  Nobody wants to hear grown men complain about not being unique enough because others could possibly get the same kickstarter exclusives now.  This is just silly to complain about and makes me sad this is how people in MMOs have come to act.
  • Its fair, only if they keep the prices where the packs where at. Cause alot of people dont have a credit card.

    They have a normal bank card.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    I honestly don't feel like it's an issue of it being carried over. Most of us here wanted nothing more. 

    I think the issue lies in the communication. I'm personally upset that this wasn't announced BEFORE the kickstarter ended. We were told that if we didn't pay now, we'd miss out so I'm sure people had to sacrifice other things to afford it. Now those who didn't have to, receive the same. (This is a n assumption, we will see when it goes live) 

    I'm just glad that you will be able to upgrade from your KS pledge. If that wasn't a thing, I'd be livid
  • I think the only thing that would upset me about this is if they added more cheaper versions of the packages (like adding more $400 Braver of World packages). I missed some of those myself and in the end had to select a higher package.

  • Hatchet said:

    This was posted to the discord and while I am absolutely sure this will make some happy, I am not amused by it.  I pledged to the kickstarter for kickstarter rewards and exclusives in order to help fund the create of the game.
    Because the Kickstarter was basicly extended with their own means to include different payment options, here you are denying people to do the same simply because other countries do not tend to use credit cards, and the "debit card" option didn't include at least 3 companies.

    I can only laught at you for this petty behaviour.
  • Not sure I understand the problem. I don't see how this is a negative thing. Are those of us who pledged via Kickstarter cheated out of something? Do we lose anything? Do we not still get everything promised?

    Shouldn't we be glad for those who are able to now benefit in some way?

  • Sylphrena said:
    I think the only thing that would upset me about this is if they added more cheaper versions of the packages (like adding more $400 Braver of World packages). I missed some of those myself and in the end had to select a higher package.
    I get this part of it. I was randomly lucky to be able to get last minute Warrior of Old cheaper one but I would hope going forward cheaper early bird things are essentially just no longer available even if they have some "available".
  • Grisu said:
    Because the Kickstarter was basicly extended with their own means to include different payment options, here you are denying people to do the same simply because other countries do not tend to use credit cards, and the "debit card" option didn't include at least 3 companies.

    I can only laught at you for this petty behaviour.

    You can laugh all you like, Intrepid chose to use the KS system knowing the limitations then decided to stay mum on copy/pasting rewards to the website until a couple minutes after the campaign ended.

    If they had done the right thing and told everyone upfront what was going to happen I would have had no problem and adjusted my pledge accordingly.  They did not do that and it gives the impression they did not do so on purpose.
  • I'm one of the people who don't have a credit card I'm happy about this anouncement. It was quite disappointing when the kickstarter website told me that I can't use paypal or my bank account to get my early bird founder package. I like the concept of this game and want to support it (by coin and by taking part in the alpha / beta).

    And if you really fear to see too many people with those kickstarter exclusive pets, don't worry, I will most likely not use them anyway.
  • Hatchet said:
    Grisu said:
    Because the Kickstarter was basicly extended with their own means to include different payment options, here you are denying people to do the same simply because other countries do not tend to use credit cards, and the "debit card" option didn't include at least 3 companies.

    I can only laught at you for this petty behaviour.

    You can laugh all you like, Intrepid chose to use the KS system knowing the limitations then decided to stay mum on copy/pasting rewards to the website until a couple minutes after the campaign ended.

    If they had done the right thing and told everyone upfront what was going to happen I would have had no problem and adjusted my pledge accordingly.  They did not do that and it gives the impression they did not do so on purpose.
    Again no one said they are copy/pasting rewards. Steven said the opposite in the livestream.
This discussion has been closed.