Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
All Kickstarter rewards to be offered on website now! (I am not amused)
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My God man, grow up. I swear people will bitch about anything and everything.
Why did I post that? Because, OP, I think they'd feel the same way about your like/dislike or approval/disapproval of their choice. Me? I got into KS because my husband and I believe in the scope and goal of this game; the bennies are nice, but not necessary. I believe we would have joined KS without the bennies, but having them made us push our amount of what we could donate (being a two-gamer household means it's a bit more expensive for us) as high as we could. I'm ecstatic that this may give us another month to come up with yet more funds to contribute to something we believe so strongly in.
In short, I'm ... sorry? ... you feel this animosity, but it's a choice to view it as you view it. You could just be grateful that there will be yet more people diving in, and contributing to more game for us.
If you're mad that they are choosing to open up for people who couldn't pay through kickstarter... you're limiting people who are interested in the game, as well as limiting the funding for the game. It's a crowdfund for a reason.
If it's an issue of "kickstarter exclusive", then I haven't seen anything as of yet that indicates that they will be offering the exact same rewards. Until it is announced, there's no reason to be so upset.
I am sure the folks who maybe pledged when they couldn't neccisarily afford to, due to the kickstarter dealine, will feel the most delighted by the fact that no one was told about the addition website crowd funding, before hand.
More goals get added we get more rewards yeah but the release date will get pushed back. if there to many things offered this game wont be out till 2030. like some big funded space game .
Also then you got the words Kickstarter exclusives offering these for a extra month will piss alot of people off, because it will feel like a kick in the D. What is to stop them from adding p2W if Kickstarter exclusives get posted on site not 2min afther KS closed?
Also why wait a month you knew KS was creditcard only? it should have been offered right off the bat or made public long before KS closed hell they even posted in the comment section of KS that when it closed Alpha keys raffel would be KS backer only. that just feels like a bait and switch now.
There's no need to make a different set of cosmetics either and complicate things. That's just getting into the whole "pay to be special" thing which is the ugly cousin of P2W.
Let people take the opportunity to back the game and get the rewards. Great MMOs are about great communities and that starts by being inclusive. We want to have a good time gaming with other gamers so let's invite them.
The KS reward should stay exclusive. Backer reward can extend to new website backers if they choose to continue the campaign> old backers will get new rewards and new backers will get old rewards. The new package rewards however should be completely different than those on KS (where it mention exclusive).
Why? I'm not angry, but I understand that people should adhere to a higher principle. People pledge under KS with limited information on the game, they took a bigger risk. People who are pledging under this new website will have an additional month of information to base their pledge on. Thus, the new rewards should reflect the change in risk vs reward.
Where I disagree with OP is he is under the idea that the rewards will be the same. Steven said in his Q&A from his very own mouth, the rewards will be "new". So I highly doubt they will break their promise on exclusive reward as they are offering "new" rewards to the website backers. Of course, we won't know for certain until we see it with our eyes but as of now, I would place my chips on different rewards.
Thinfoil hat man approves and let's throw in jelousy hero.
Remember kids, no preorders.
Let's assume we have a platform (KS) that only accepts credit cards. Then, let's further assume that I wish to contribute to this game because I hope like Hades it's going to be as much fun as I think it is. But wait! For whatever reason, I don't have access to a credit card of my own!
Ye Gods! Stop the presses! Hold the horses! What? You mean you're denying ME the right to participate in this???
Actually, they're not. At least in the US it's not only possible but terribly easy to go trade in cash for a one-off credit/debit card thingamajiggy.
Wait, what? I have choices? Stop the presses! Hold the horses again! (Just be very sure they're held somewhere that, when they poop, we don't have to step in it)
Bottom line? There have always been options for most of us. For some, who're unable to participate due to country/etc? I'm quite pleased they're now being given the option to participate! Further, if they're given rewards for this? Yay!
It's ever-so-easy to try to dictate after the fact what "should" have been done, how it "should" have been done, what "should" or "should not" have been predicted. Don't get me started on the fallacy of using the word "should," let's just get down to the nitty-gritty facts. Those are that for whatever reason, things weren't seen, weren't done, were done, and exist as they are. The only way to go from this point is forward, and I commend IS for offering the opportunity further afield in order to 1) grow their community even more and 2) offer more options to those who had few, or none.
Stop griping, get over it, move forward. Oh, did I say that out loud?
People are upset because they feel they're losing bragging rights. Really, they're not; I mean, I'll always be "Backer #2027," so on and so forth. But it's the whole elitist mentality; I "should" have this and that and so on and so forth, because that's what I paid for.
No consideration for the other person; yet it's that consideration for the other person that, ultimately, builds a strong and thriving community.
It's the difference between "Me" and "We."
It's not like they will extend this indefinitely. It's time limited and a chance for those community members who whished to show support together with everyone else, can actually do this.
I appreciate very much this decision.
From what I'm getting here and from the quote too, is it's a new list of rewards as is anyways. I think it's great for everyone who couldn't support via KS to have a chance for stuff and it only helps further the end goal of the project.
If it's the "I 'should' have this and that ... " comment then perhaps an expansion on that statement is due. Here's the expansion:
What exactly did you pay for? Me? I happily contributed to a game I believe in, and with that, I got some cool skins and Alpha 2 access. I'm hopeful my hubs and I will be able to grow that a bit ... because we'd like to give more to this game we believe in and hope for. Cool stuff with it? Ok, yeah, that's great. I'll take it, no worries. But where did I say people shouldn't get "what they paid for"? What I said is more along the lines of the fixation on the item. "I paid for early access and cool skins and a title and so on and so forth, and that should be withheld from people who couldn't for whatever reason donate earlier."
I'm not entirely sure they're giving the same stuff, to begin with. But further? That fixation, that mentality, is what I was speaking against, not the "shouldn't get what I paid for."
That help?
That aside, I agree that this whole conversation might be a little premature since we don't yet know what will be offered. I'm just explaining why some people might get upset if "exclusives" are not actually exclusive.
That help?
It is not about getting exclusive items. It's about promises not being kept.
I know that a majority of players here are okay with extending the funding campaign. But people have to understand that there are still some people, 30% - 10% even 1% of people who pledge based on promises.
What happen to respecting people enough where they deserve having a full consensual contract between seller and buyer? Do you take lightly their enthusiasm and money that they put up under false promises? Because it's not your money, you are okay with them being misled?
Forget the whole exclusive stuff. If the KS said you get a free t-shirt if you pledge, and then at the end of the KS, they said there's no t-shirt. How would you feel? Again, it's not an issue of exclusivity but an issue of promises being kept. Even if 99.9% of backers are okay with promises not being kept, I still would respect that 0.1% of backers that want a refund.
I think Steven is intelligent and sincere, and that he highly values the AoC community. Let's see what he has for a plan . . .