Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Bloopers to Share
Our core 25 man raid group consisted of a few interesting people, notably the Frenchman who was obsessed with goats and would come into Ventrilo and launch into detail about his actual love of goats. We had a holy pally who had the most dysfunctional relationship with his girlfriend ever and then there was the 16 year old narcoleptic kid from Texas who would literally fall asleep in the middle of quests, raids and even just talking.
Being the guild leader, I had to deal with most of these people's ongoing drama. Solid players all of them, and we weeded out the real problems, but still MMORPGs attract some very quirky people. My "blooper" story isn't so much mine, but involved the holy pally mentioned before. We were in the middle of a raid, when this pally just says over Vent " hey guys, my girlfriend is having her baby". I thought, well no problem, we can sub in a new healer. After a few minutes of clearing trash, this guy still hasn't left group, so I figured he just went AFK and bailed, but I look over and he's healing away. I say,
"Dude, your gf is having your baby, don't you need to go? Is she not actually having it this very second?!"
To which he replied "Oh, well there's nothing I can do, she's got it handled" and he just kept right on playing WoW while is girlfriend delivered the baby on her own at the hospital.
After a few weeks this guy and his gf were pretty much in relationship melt down mode. I had to play relationship counselor, and at some point, i just said "Fuck this" and asked them both to leave the guild or break up.
They broke up.
I destroyed a family so I could have less drama in my raid team...
During the beta, the different servers were just named by number.
I played on Server 2, and during my time there I encountered a notorious PK'er (player killer) named Rip'N'Tell. For weeks, I saw server messages scroll by featuring the names of his victims. His very name began to strike fear into my heart. Finally, one day, I see that dreaded name floating over someone's head deep in the woods. There was a moment where we just stood there and looked at each other. Then he took a step towards me. I ran.
I ran and ran.
He chased me through zones, but I finally lost him in some sewers, I think.
Some time later, I had changed servers. One day someone asked in public chat, "Anyone from server 2?"
I replied that I was, and said the name of my character on that server.
He replied, "I'm Rip'N'Tell."
If I had been looking in a mirror, I think I would have seen the blood drain from my face.
And while he never did come after me on that server, I couldn't help but look over my shoulder ALL the time....
So even though this little tale is rather quaint by today's standards.... I still consider it a blunder revealing my server 2 identity. I would have enjoyed playing more if I had remained in ignorant bliss not knowing that dreaded PKer was around.
Oh yes, how soon we learned to keep our identities private back in those days! I got tired of pkers ruining young kids games in Diablo so I soon became a PKKer. Often I would play and help younger people. One day a Pker came in and killed this young fella several times. I logged out and got my decked out high level Archer and did him in. He cursed me every day till Sunday because I got him when ever I saw him. He even threatened to hack my account. I never did know or care what happened to him. lol
Sadly can't remember any bloopers related to MMO's, so thats gotta wait
@CylverRayne That's an awesome thing you did! If there is an Order of the Karma Knights, I think you'd be in it.
That actually reminds me of another blunder in my MMORPG history....
In the original EverQuest, in the first year of it's life, I played a High Elf wizard on Rallos Zek. (Rallos Zek was a PVP server) In retrospect, it was a rather brutal place, but I was still pretty green behind the elven ears back then and didn't know what I was doing most of the time. I only played on that server at all because I had friends on it.
However one of my favorite abilities as a wizard was that I could bind my respawn location wherever I wanted. One day I went in a little hut out in the Commonlands and bound my spawn point inside of it. I turn around, and someone attacks me, and kills me.
I respawn right there. My screen loads just in time for me to see the last hit, and I'm dead again. This goes on, over and over, my corpses piling up inside of this little hut.
It was madness, all I could do was load and die in a pile of nekkid elf boddies!
Finally, I just logged off and waited 20 minutes..... when I returned, I was alone with my pile of corpses. Thankfully, he had gotten bored of waiting for me to spawn and moved on.
From that day forward, I was VERY careful about using my bind location spell.... hah!
Those were the days!
Then all of a sudden Vent went dead and soon after WoW stopped responding. I'd DC'd!!! I plummeted from the height of triumph to utter disaster. A mixture of pure panic and desperation held me in its clutches as I frantically tried to reconnect.
By the time I got back online, LK was dead! Despite the guild doing absolutely no DPS at all, the NPC Tirion Fordring had killed him! I ended up with no achievement and I was also locked to the encounter. I literally broke down in tears on Vent.
The guild took pity on me and none of the raiders wore their Kingslayer title until I got the achieve on the next lockout.
This rollercoaster ride of emotion, fellowship, defeat and triumph really underscores why I love the MMO genre. I very much hope AoC is able to capture this kind of visceral experience. Of late MMOs seem to focus more on more immediate risks/rewards rather than these huge moments that require so much preparation, skill and teamwork to master.
Were you one of those who would fall asleep and run off a cliff?
hahahaha I can relate to that. In one game we learned never to auto follow a certain dwarf as he always got lost or ran over a clift!
Another time I asked to do a heroic dungeon... however, I don't know how it happened, but I said I needed to do a heroin. I still got my dungeon run in, after they laughed at the fact I said that so casually.
Moral of the story: Don't "rest your eyes", and keyboards make oddly comfortable pillows.
I played Archeage, paid into the Alpha and even in Alpha, the scammers were everywhere. I got scammed trying to buy a 16x16 farm a a streamer.
While she was on stream.
I didn't know this, so I realized I'd been had and demanded my money back or I'd get a GM (jokes on me, AA had probably the least active GM squad of all time and even if I caught one online, they'd probably just tell me I'm an idiot and be on their way).
I decided I would keep whispering this person, mailing them, even talking to their guild leader, just be a general annoyance until I got my money back.
Bad idea.
Her viewers brigaded me big time. I actually got death threats and warnings they had filed a "cyber police report". Yea, I know, the consequences will never be the same right?
It died down and we both went on our separate ways. I'd actually gone to her stream and watched the video if myself getting scammed and realized I was an idiot.
I'm pretty sure Twitch banned her for stripping on cam for donations not long after that. But I learned my lesson! Just walk away.
P.S. it was a full loot open world pvp game
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm had just launched. I was so hype. Dragons have always been a fascination of mine ever since I read "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole filled with worms and an oozy smell; nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing to sit down on or to eat- it was a hobbit hole and that means comfort" ((Ok I'll stop showing off))
Anyways, I had never raided before and I always wanted to. My family had talked about their raiding experiences from Wrath and other MMOs. Needless to say I was getting jealous and decided to try my hand at it. Found a guild recruiting in trade chat, hit them up and they welcomed me aboard. They fully understood I had no gear and no experience. What they didn't know was I was the truest form of a newbie scrub.
In order to get the guild raid ready, we started grinding dungeons as there were no longer instance or loot lockouts you could run them all day and eventually get your "starting" gear. Two of my future best friends, a married couple who I consider a brother and sister now, were in this group with me. She was a healer and he was dps ((I forget exact classes and specs because it was almost a decade ago)). At the time I was playing a Paladin, original class was a Mage, but that story is for another time...
So, there I am doing... well, what I thought was clearing the dungeon...when all of a sudden one of my friends started laughing their butt off. He told his wife "Look at his gear." and then she started laughing. At first, I thought they were laughing because I had only questing items so I explained, again, I was undergeared. "Dude, you know you can't do everything, right?" he asked me. Next obvious question of mine was asking him what he meant by that....
I had gear for all three specs: Tank, Healing and DPS. They asked me why I had random gear put on and I told them "Well, I just saw the green outweighed the red and figured it was an upgrade." The laughing lasted for a good 5 minutes. We almost failed to complete the dungeon because no one could stop laughing. Now, I expected I would get booted out of the guild and blocked by my new friends, but what they did next changed my view of them forever:
((This ends the blooper tale, underneath is just the aftermath I would like to share, feel free to keep reading!))
After the dungeon we sat in Vent and talked about what I wanted to do in the raid. I had mostly been running around with a shield and agility axe ((Anyone who knows anything about paladins, you now agility isn't even in their skill list)). After learning what the raid needed v.s. how I liked to play, I decided to become a holy paladin. We went back into the dungeon grind and I got my healing gear. They shared links with me to various websites that listed out specific builds for all the classes and specs, and I spent the next week learning my rotations and by the end of two weeks I was a decent healer.
The beginning of my raiding life was rocky, but with the help of life long friends I was able to get past my newbie ways and become a valued healer for the guild. This memory is embarrassing, but it is also an example why I love MMOs, or rather what MMOs should be. It's about the community. Helping that player who wants to do good and have fun, but doesn't know how. Now, this couple could have easily kicked me from the guild and told me to "Git Gud", but instead they took the time to talk with me and help me decide how I wanted to play out my fantasy life in that game. I'm currently trying to get them to play this game once it comes out, but for now I'll happily play with them in Overwatch until that time comes and when it does come, I hope to be able to show the kindness they did to me and make more life long friends!
Ok, gushy part is over. Keep listing your stories! I have loved every one of them thus far.
Vanguard was still young as I started playing as a Wood Elf. When reaching level 20 I started to explore the other continents ending up in Hathor Zhi, because someone told me an epic quest would start there.
However in the early Vanguard days, faction was still a thing. Hathor Zhi was home of the Dark Elves, my natural born enemies. I was KoS to every questgiver, guard etc.
Ok, no problem, I told myself. Let's grind that faction. So after killing mobs for 2 days straight, I ended up neutral to the people of Hathor Zhi and took all the quests in that area... only to find out I was trolled. There was no epic quest.
Since that day, I always double and triple check what random people say.
Gotta watch who your friends are! Ouch that friendly fire gets ya every time! lol