Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Bloopers to Share



  • Well, I better put mine down as well then.

    I was playing with my wife on guild wars 2, and we were just starting at already level20 just do a quest to level up. We came across this world event boss that we decided to fight (big mistake), and while we were killing it, I had a phone call from work, so I had to leave my PC without telling the wife. So I was AFK, and she was screaming down her mic at me to help while I was just standing there afk. To add insult to injury, my character sat down in the middle of the fight while the boss was killing everyone. When I got back from my phone call everyone was dead and I all could hear was footsteps from downstairs, and I quickly read the chat and I know I was in truble. Need less to say she was not impressed with that day  :*
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
  • I was an off-tank in a raid, and momentarily went right when @AutumnWillow  told me to go left. 

  • Cyreph said:
    I was an off-tank in a raid, and momentarily went right when @AutumnWillow  told me to go left. 

    Go right!

    Wait... right? My right or the boss's right?

    Never mind.
  • lexmax said:
    Cyreph said:
    I was an off-tank in a raid, and momentarily went right when @AutumnWillow  told me to go left. 

    Go right!

    Wait... right? My right or the boss's right?

    Never mind.
    Heh, thankfully we survived the battle. Aside from the frantic calls over voice chat "Cyreph, right... go right... go right, GO RIGHT!"

    Come to think of it... even till now he can't get the strategy straight.

    I was supposed to go left to tank the left turret on my own, he was supposed to go right to tank the right turret so the raid can can take down the tower quickly then come help me. 

    Come on @Cyreph, this ain't rocket science... LOL
  • lexmax said:
    Cyreph said:
    I was an off-tank in a raid, and momentarily went right when @AutumnWillow  told me to go left. 

    Go right!

    Wait... right? My right or the boss's right?

    Never mind.
    Heh, thankfully we survived the battle. Aside from the frantic calls over voice chat "Cyreph, right... go right... go right, GO RIGHT!"

    Come to think of it... even till now he can't get the strategy straight.

    I was supposed to go left to tank the left turret on my own, he was supposed to go right to tank the right turret so the raid can can take down the tower quickly then come help me. 

    Come on @Cyreph, this ain't rocket science... LOL
    Good thing we don't raid in the Hall of Mirrors!

                              ..............*Oh dear maybe I shouldn't say that!)
  • With all the commotion about the new and old backer incentives I thought it would be a good time to bring back some humor.  Grab some brew,  pull up a stool,  and sit by the fire with us and tell us a take of the   "funny blunders"  you experienced from previous games.!

  • With all the commotion about the new and old backer incentives I thought it would be a good time to bring back some humor.  Grab some brew,  pull up a stool,  and sit by the fire with us and tell us a take of the   "funny blunders"  you experienced from previous games.!

    please anything to make me laugh I need some new funny bones 
  • Please please donate some new funny bones to @nagash .  I would hate to see him fall apart!  If he did I'd have to hire a dwarf to sweep the hearth!
  • I have bones for days but it seems other people are missing some ^^
  • Ummm, my wife once unintentionally played about 20 levels of an online rpg (it might have been hellgate: London) without using a single skill and just basic attacks. 

    I only noticed when she told me how difficult the game was. 
  • How often have you  run into the "Just-One-More" monster in their travels?
    He usually arrives on a long dark night.  Your hunting party, tired, hungry undefeated staggering through the land, looking for a safe place to camp.  

    Someone suddenly points at a movement off in the distance and says "Shall we?"  
    You all look at each other, thinking, "but I am so tired but, but why not?  Another kill for the night, fame and gear to be had!

    You all charge with weapons drawn. The battle is fierce  and quickly over.  A chain reaction occurs as you all bid each other good night as the  Just-one-More marches over your bodies and stomps away,
  • Ummm, my wife once unintentionally played about 20 levels of an online rpg (it might have been hellgate: London) without using a single skill and just basic attacks. 

    I only noticed when she told me how difficult the game was. 
    In our house, I'm usually the one that gets told things like that by my wife!

    I resumed playing WoW briefly in MoP. I was doing one of the daily quests up in Townlong Steppes where you have to kill literally hundreds of mobs. These guys were nasty, huge HP pool, swarming in large groups. It took me about an hour to complete this thing. I did this for several days and got so pissed off with dying all the time, I asked my wife (the geared uber progression raider) to help me out.

    When she grouped with me and saw where I was, she laughed her ass off. I asked her what was so funny. She said, sweetie, you're supposed to take a flying mount from an NPC and drop bombs on these things. The quest is only supposed to take a couple of minutes!

    After laughing at my own stupidity and lack of properly reading the quest, I did as she suggested. The daily only took about two minutes! Then I thought, to myself, man I liked it better the other way! I didn't realise why at the time, but later on I thought, yeah things shouldn't be that easy to solo in a MMORPG. 

    I don't play WoW any more, but I really do look back fondly on the number of times I wiped to Hogger as a low level newbie. That one quest in Elwynn forest way back then got me into my first five man group. This lead to me seeking out a guild to level and do dungeons together. Ultimately that lead to me and my wife running our own progression guild back in Wrath.

    I don't quite know how I went from blooper to progression, but it kind of makes sense. These are the moments I'm looking forward to in Ashes.
  • lexmax said:

    I don't quite know how I went from blooper to progression, but it kind of makes sense. These are the moments I'm looking forward to in Ashes.
    Yes me too.  :)
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Given all I know about our grand undead friend, I thought this is quite fitting:

  • Most definitely!
  • Man, did I really post that here. It was supposed to go here
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    lexmax said:
    Man, did I really post that here. It was supposed to go here

    We all witnessed your forum blooper, so it' ironically fitting. ;)
  • When I first started playing WoW I was dragged into it by a person who bought me the game and then left about a week later when he found a girlfriend.  :p  So I'm all alone trying to figure out whats going on.  This is back when hunters still had a mana bar.  I'd been out questing a bit, around level 20-25 picked up a few pieces of gear, this isn't so bad right?

     Later on, I see people talking about doing deadmines in chat.  I had no idea what they were talking about but I was in the level range they were asking for, so I messaged them and said I wanted to go.   I followed my group blindly through the dungeon thinking I was doing pretty awesome, and then it was over.  

    As I'm leaving the dungeon area and the group, I get a tell from a guy I was in party with.  We meet up in Stormwind and he's looking over my gear and asking me why I've got so much intellect on a hunter.  I of course reply well I was using my shots and kept running out of mana so I figured I needed more mana.  Quite impressed with myself I told him that's not a problem anymore.  He went to the Auction House and bought me some more "hunter appropriate gear."  Him and I have been buddies over a decade now, and we're still playing games together.  I still think my hunter was way cuter in a dress.  :)

  • I want to go with a lore friendly name, but Derpy McScrubface is so fitting :grimace:
  • lexmax said:
    I want to go with a lore friendly name, but Derpy McScrubface is so fitting :grimace:
    You're drunk, man! Go home!

  • lexmax said:
    I want to go with a lore friendly name, but Derpy McScrubface is so fitting :grimace:
    You're drunk, man! Go home!

    Sad thing is, I am at home and I'm sober! :bawling:
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    I was dragged into WoW long ago by a friend of mine from GW, back when hunters still had mana bars.  He had nagged and nagged me to play and  snail mailed me the game.  So we play together for about a week and he finds a girlfriend and quits. :(

    So I'm on my own out exploring, doing a few quests...this isn't so bad.  I see a group advertising for Deadmines for my level range.  I haven't the foggiest idea what they're talking about but I'm curious so I send the leader a message.  We meet up and get started,  I'm completely lost but still think I'm doing awesome.  We finish the dungeon and we all split up. 

    As I'm walking away from the dungeon, I get a message from one of the guys in the group.  He asks me if I have a few minutes and could meet him in Stormwind.  I meet him there, and he's looking over my gear asking me why i have so much intelligence gear on.  I tell him that I was running out of mana for my shots, so I got more.  I, extremely impressed with myself, go on to brag about how that's not an issue anymore.  Needless to say, his next stop was the Auction House to get me some more "hunter appropriate" gear.  I still think my hunter was cuter in a dress.  ;)

    It's been more than 10 years and we're still friends and still playing games together.  He's actually going to be playing Ashes with me along with another friend of ours.

    P.S.- I'd like to think I've gotten a little better since then.
  • Ekimmu
    I think many  a blooper brought people together.  My long time friend and gaming partner, 20 yrs now,  was a tank and as a cleric with also the power to poison, guess what I did to him!  Yep over and over we both wondered why his health was going down instead of up.   

  • lexmax said:
    lexmax said:
    I want to go with a lore friendly name, but Derpy McScrubface is so fitting :grimace:
    You're drunk, man! Go home!

    Sad thing is, I am at home and I'm sober! :bawling:
    Maybe too much tea at the party today!
  • Bloopers make the world go round
                                     as we laugh instead of frown.
  • I feel it's time for me to tell another one. 

    True tale about my misadventures as a guild officer while playing Archeage during Alpha. I was in a guild and is up the ranks that had a strict "you need to be on Teamspeak if you are logged in" rule. The guild master would just boot people who were logged into the game but not TS.

    My good buddy never logged into TS. Ever. He was kicked from the guild repeatedly. I'd then reinvite him at night. A few days would pass and I'd hear over TS "Who is Krevas? Why are they not in TS?" And then see him be kicked.

    This went on for probably two weeks before the guild master pulls me aside and goes "why do you keep inviting this Krevas back in? He's not following the rules" to which I said "oh that's my second account" hoping he would just leave my poor social anxiety ridden friend alone. 

    Well a few days go by and my friend logs into our shared mumble server and goes "dude, the GM keeps messaging me about weird stuff. Like just pouring his heart out to me in game". I thought this was hilarious. This poor GM, thinking it was his "trusty" officer in an alt was apparently having these long one sided heart to heart with my friend.

    I didn't think it was funny after my friend started telling the GM he (or rather I) had a crush on him and wanted him to send me nudes. That made things very awkward in the next officer meeting...
  • Too funny!
  • I remember a new one.

    @AutumnWillow for quite a while played the space combat part of Star Wars: The Old Republic and didn't realise shields will regenerate when he stop spamming blasters.

    We were quite confused why he said that part was difficult.

    In fairness, that probably qualifies as rocket science.
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