Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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What's the level cap?



  • lexmax said:
    Dear @Kratz, whatever I said to offend you was totally unintentional! But now the fire's lit, I'll run with it :smirk:
    Certainly no offence taken my friend. I thought maybe you were having a dig at me for going to bed, and displaying a lack of stamina which we Dwarves are renowned for! .......(maybe not)
  • Going to the garage sale looking for grinders to pass out.  
  • Guess everyone answered this already.
  • As far as i know they havent even confirmed traditional leveling system yet, much less a cap
  • An alternative leveling system would be nice, but if they do go with a Lvl 50 cap, I hope that your exp still goes somewhere past max level in some sort of prestige system (e.g. Elder gems in Wildstar, skill point trees in EQ / ESO, paragon levels D3, etc.).

    When I played vanilla WoW, I remember slaughtering armies of monsters after reaching max level and then feeling sad that the exp went nowhere.
  • I was reading that the level cap is over 9000
  • @TrueNoir
    Where did you read that?
  • TrueNoir said:
    I was reading that the level cap is over 9000

    It's over 9000!  *Crushes scouter*
    There's no way that can be right! 
  • I don't think the number matter. Level cap could be level 2 or level 2200. Some games have tons of levels and you level fast. Others have few levels and you level slow heck.. mini ding? 

    Anyhow, It seems to me the max level concept  should be outdated. 
  • Malric said:
    Why don't we remove levels and just have skill progression or class progression?
    I agree, there is probably a better way to make this game without using a classic level system.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    TrueNoir said:
    I was reading that the level cap is over 9000
    Something like the total level from Runescape or Directive score from Planetside 2? Eh. I don't enjoy the generic level setup of MMO's at all. It'd be more entertaining to see a players name and no indication of how strong they are level wise except their armor or weapons may give it away.
  • In-game numbers don't mean anything until we have something to compare them to. Even if we knew that max level will be, say, level 50 - what difference does it make? We wouldn't know how quickly you gain a level, how much stats do you gain (if any), how each stat affects your performance, etc.
  • What is level if someone's abilities are hampered by stubborness and the inability to think for themselves and adapt to new or surprise situations?  Watch out for the little guy!  He might be hiding behind you or in your pocket.  
  • I've been doing a LOT of research, and my conclusion is

  • lets hope for none

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Hopefully there is something past cap. Like you still get xp from pve/pvp or crafting but wont get any stats. Just a show off :)
  • Sozia said:
    mini ding? 

    Anyhow, It seems to me the max level concept  should be outdated. 
    Mini ding... what memories and what cursing around because you lost a ton of exp dying that you'll require a ton of time to gain back.

    I don't know... I think that the experience in the Elder Scrolls games taught that a secondaryly relevant level system, where the advancement is focused on skill leveling and not player leveling, is entirely possible and fun, though it would take you to virtually master every possible skill, making the class system pointless, unless you have limited skill on the basis of your archetype. 

    However the sense of progression and empowering that gives you a system, such as that of levelling, is good.

    I hope that the loss of experience/levels, if present, will be limited. It can be really frustrating, expecially in a PVP world were you end up dying oftenly. It could be balanced bya very fast and easy levelling but it's a thing that would put off the fun and the challenge of it.

    Nevertheless, if there will be a levelling system, we already know the answer, the only answer... 42
  • TrueNoir said:
    I was reading that the level cap is over 9000
    Aaaaaaaaand you just went super ashyan
  • @Solarion @TrueNoir it is actually 8000 but somehow in translation it got changed to 9000 but nice reference made me chuckle
  • nagash said:
    I would love to have a system like Runescape (don't hate me) as in that every level could be learned but only combat skills increased your level that we it still reflects you combat level and all your pve skills are not added to your total level 


    Ah another fan of the finer things in life I see. Leveling in RS was so terrifying yet disgustingly rewarding

  • @Solarion @TrueNoir it is actually 8000 but somehow in translation it got changed to 9000 but nice reference made me chuckle
    I know lol. I'm actually Japanese (not joking)  :D
    They changed it to 9000 in some of the western dubs because 8000 didn't fit the animation as well and plus nine thousand sounds nicer in English, whereas 八千以上 sounds better than 九千以上 at least imo
  • lexmax said:
    I've been doing a LOT of research, and my conclusion is

    I'm gonna counter offer you the number 42. Or was that the meaning of life, the universe and everything... I'm sorry I get these mixed up sometimes!
  • @Solarion Teach me some basic Japanese so I don't have to read while I watch anime please. =< As much at least...
  • I hope there's no hard cap... Just a soft cap and anything above is just to show off :)
  • After 15 years of gaming, ive experienced all kind of level caps, soft and hard, low and high etc.. What crossed my mind is a different unique system that mixes the soft and the hard cap. For example, levels would be mere addition to show where you are standing in the community with your gear/skills/status etc 


    There are skills that require more usage to be leveled to their max potential, once you reach the skill levels, lets say Fireball (requires 500 uses) to reach lvl 2 fireball, lvl 2 fireball does extra dmg, makes it AoE, lvl 3 fireball gives DoT AoE (small dmg) lvl 4 Fireball decreases cool down and improves cast time etc .. lets say Fireball has max 8 lvls , and there would be only a certain number of skills you could max in a range. 

    What is a range?  

    I, II, III, IV, V, VI .. those would be ranges, and instead of levels, you would carry a range of levels, and the range would include the above mentioned skill level you posses, AND other life skills/citizenship status or overall power you have as a player,  Range I gives you this and that type of quests/missions/leveling(learning curve) to advance to range II, once you completed and learned/leveled all what is in range I, you unlock range II which you gives you automatically more skills, and to level those new skills as well, in combination with older leveled skills, give you more life quests and space to upgrade those etc. 

    Ranges would also define PvP Balance, Raid Balance etc . For example? 

    You cannot enter this raid due to low Range level - Now what this means? If you are in a II-IV range raid, and you see someone is rangre III, you basically know what skills the person has, whats maxed out what not and so on, so basically you are more secure with whom you would be going into the raid. 

    Range can include armor/weapon requirements which includes skills as well, for example, you cannot have fireball lvl 8 unless you upgrade your weapon to legendary or something ,because superior weapon does not provide enough energy and magic in order to create such massive and big fireball. 

    PvP and GvG would also be much easier in ranges, where of if you are range 2, and someone range 4,  and lets say there is a que for PvP scaling I-II pvp range II-III, III-IV, IV-V and so on, so you may know what person has from his skill, but just perhaps that person did not max out fireball, maybe he had maxed out  Ice Shards, which leaves you a little bit more defensive to attack just because you assume range 2 has only one particular set of skills maxed out. 

    Lets say we reach some sort of a cap, range IX or X,  there would be a massive pool of skills and their variations to be used, and being range X we automatically know that you are geared up well because you cant have range X skills with Range IX weapon(for example) 

    Sorry for the long post, this came to my mind just recently as a system of leveling to be used.. as we are too used to lvl 1-90, 1-250 , soft cap, hard cap etc .. I believe ranging system like one i mentioned as a draft, or anything similar would give players much more feeling of accomplishment, would feel more rewarding and powerful and easier for devs to section out gameplay per range of the players. 
  • Solarion said:
    I know lol. I'm actually Japanese (not joking)  :D
    They changed it to 9000 in some of the western dubs because 8000 didn't fit the animation as well and plus nine thousand sounds nicer in English, whereas 八千以上 sounds better than 九千以上 at least imo
    Now that actually makes a lot of sense

    @Bannith your not the only one who would like to learn more Japanese(日本語 "Nihon-go") perhaps when we get an off topic section we can discuss learning it further?

  • nagash said:
    I would love to have a system like Runescape   


  • Now that actually makes a lot of sense

    @Bannith your not the only one who would like to learn more Japanese(日本語 "Nihon-go") perhaps when we get an off topic section we can discuss learning it further?

    Ah. If we are lucky enough for @Solarion to be willing and us actually learning. =P
  • @Bannith; @Ninja Shadow
    Haha. 考えておきます (I'll think about it)。Either way, I'm sure we'll have good discussions in the off-topic forums  B)

    Regarding the original topic, if they go with a Level 50 cap (which was the number tentatively thrown out there by Steven), what kind of prestige system would you like to see? 

    As I posted earlier, I like the idea of additional skill trees opening up like in Everquest and ESO (I haven't played ESO but from videos it seems like they have a similar system) or paragon levels in D3. I'd also be okay with acquiring some sort of material each level like the Elder Gems in Wildstar.

    I felt GW2 was lackluster in that you could still level after Lvl 80 but all you got was a skill point that wasn't really useful unless you were going to craft a Legendary item. I haven't played the expansions, so maybe it's changed. But, of course, the worst system in a MMO is when you stop getting exp at a level cap and the exp goes nowhere. 
  • advanced branching specializations after cap? Tbh we still would have to avoid power creep. I'd rather not have a bunch of players running around with practical godlike power picking on anyone and anything they want. Simply because the mechanics made them so overpowered that a dragon dies from looking at them.
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