Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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What if a corrupter goes into Town?

will they be attack? chase out? no NPCs will interact will them? anything??? please do tell what you guys think might happen if a corrupter went in to a certain area..


  • Would you want to socialize with a murdering psychopath? 
    (Rhetorical question, don't answer that.) ;)

    Though we don't have all the details yet, I suspect it won't be as strict as NPC guards killing you on sight, because this isn't a faction based game in the traditional sense. 

    However, it makes sense that you put yourself at more risk by entering more populated areas. 

  • Bounty hunter or not. He is red to everyone around him. And red is ded. That's what will happen to him if he enters a town i guess :P
  • The cities are supposed to have NPC guards to protect against PvP combat.
    I'm wondering if citizens have to vote for those guards.

    NPC interaction should be based on the corruption score, so that it may be okay for a kind of accidental PK. CS 10 makes the NPCs suspicious. CS 20 makes NPCs fearful and hostile.

    But, anyone can kill a corrupted without gaining corruption, so a city doesn't sound like a wise place to go if you want to avoid being kiled.
    Great place to go if you want to be killed.
  • I think CPs ((Corrupt Players)) should still be able to interact in a city and not have to worry that guards will see them as a KOS target. I'd prefer CPs be left for the community to deal with.

     How awesome would it be if a CP was sitting in a tavern, minding his own business then all of a sudden a Bounty Hunter sits across from him and they stare at each other like the popular showdowns in action movies "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way..."

    I'd also like to see some funny Godfather moments come into play. CP, again, sitting in a tavern and all of a sudden 5 members of a guild surround him and the guild leader sits across from the CP "I welcomed you into my city, give you a seat at my table, and this is how you repay me? tsk, tsk. Let's go for a ride."
  • Just guessing that the city guards might aggro them. 
  • Dygz said:
    The cities are supposed to have NPC guards to protect against PvP combat.
    I'm wondering if citizens have to vote for those guards.

    NPC interaction should be based on the corruption score, so that it may be okay for a kind of accidental PK. CS 10 makes the NPCs suspicious. CS 20 makes NPCs fearful and hostile.

    But, anyone can kill a corrupted without gaining corruption, so a city doesn't sound like a wise place to go if you want to avoid being kiled.
    Great place to go if you want to be killed.
    what worries me is that CP cant enter the town because they might get murder by 100 players just because he has a red name. that would be too brutal..
  • Dygz said:
    The cities are supposed to have NPC guards to protect against PvP combat.
    I'm wondering if citizens have to vote for those guards.

    NPC interaction should be based on the corruption score, so that it may be okay for a kind of accidental PK. CS 10 makes the NPCs suspicious. CS 20 makes NPCs fearful and hostile.

    But, anyone can kill a corrupted without gaining corruption, so a city doesn't sound like a wise place to go if you want to avoid being kiled.
    Great place to go if you want to be killed.
    what worries me is that CP cant enter the town because they might get murder by 100 players just because he has a red name. that would be too brutal..
  • From my past experience with MMOs that have a corruption/karma system entering a town as a red will trigger guards to KOS you. key word here is "On Sight" if you do not aggro the guards your in the clear which made way for a lot sneaking around. The thing with this system (and I know we don't have all the details yet) is that there needs to be content for players that choose to go this route in the game. Like I have mentioned in other posts, you can't allow players to PK if they choose to do so and not have some motive behind it, or not create an alternative way to play the game while corrupt. One alternative could be to make a certain node/region that is strictly neutral and will not attack reds, or better yet have it dictated by the governing body controlling that node. If the leaders decide its okay than so be it. While some leaders could enforce the NPC guards to KOS any red that enters. Another alternative could be allowing reds to go to the ocean as a pirate or live in the under realm free of any repercussions. They could also enforce a jail system for reds for when killed in PvP they receive there debuffs/negative XP and have to stand trial within the node they were killed provided that the leaders of that node had set up such a system.
  • what worries me is that CP cant enter the town because they might get murder by 100 players just because he has a red name. that would be too brutal..
    I'd trust that the majority of the population would probably understand that you were attempting to be peaceful and not disturb you unless you picked a fight with them, or had killed them before, or... you know were renowned generally as a douche. 

    Having said that, if the pvpers end up clustering around one specific server, it seems only logical that they all just call a general truce in the towns...
  • Hopefully leaders of a node can set policies like this, so that if they want a corrupt city for some reason its possible :) Not saying I approve of that idea, but choices are always ncie ;)
  • I like the idea of corruptions lvls. Cos it can happen that you attack someone by mistake or by accident( well if we have tab targeting it will be hard to attack by accident).
    But are you getting corruption when you hit someone or when you kill other player? 

    What about if you hit other player you will became orange and red when kill, then when you are orange you can still go to town/city without risk, but guards will be watching you. 
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    what worries me is that CP cant enter the town because they might get murder by 100 players just because he has a red name. that would be too brutal..
    That is exactly the intention of corruption. If you choose to kill a player who does not fight back, you are accepting the corruption.

    On this, the team has pretty much said "This is the intent of this mechanic, and it's not one we're willing to change." The goal is to dissuade players from PK. If you feel that you must PK, then you must also accept the corruption, and being shown on a map as a red, corrupted player.

    As @Dygz is fond of pointing out, it's their whole risk concept. Don't wanna be corrupted? Don't PK non-combatants.

    Incidentally, the mechanics of corruption are as follows:

    • Flagged player approaches unflagged player
    • Flagged player initiates combat on unflagged player
    • Unflagged player does not fight back
    • Flagged player kills unflagged player anyway
    • Flagged player becomes corrupted and becomes a red dot on the map, available for anyone to hunt down and kill
    So, again, if you don't kill an unflagged non-combatant, no corruption. Simple. The mechanic is to enforce a high level of inconvenience/annoyance on players who choose to slaughter non-combatants, rather than engage in PvP with other flagged PvP players.

  • To me it makes perfect sense for either guards to freely kill any corrupted player, or for guards to look the other way while citizens kill said corrupted player.
  • Fully agree with @Isende comment, you chose to kill someone, you accept the consequences which need to be severe enough so we don't just have everyone killing each other when ever they come in contact, as i feel that would detract from the game and the point of specified pvp events they have placed in the game such as the caravans and sieges.
  • What if... And bear with me, what if when you go into a town with corruption, the guards will capture you and throw you in jail. Where you will have to make Mana potion in the toilet and trade underpants as currency.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    The corruption system is basically a upgraded version of Lineage 2. In L2 if you went corrupt and then tried to enter a town the guards would attack and most likely kill you.

    It did however have a small run down town that corrupt players could use the warehouse at.
  • Personally I think it would be best that they had certain hues around them so that theyre harder to detect... I want a challenge if they come into my city...
  • AeonAuron said:
    Bounty hunter or not. He is red to everyone around him. And red is ded. That's what will happen to him if he enters a town i guess :P
    Red, dead and no redemption. Sounds good to me. I'm hoping the guards/NPCs will be part of the mechanic which makes PK undesirable. I'd prefer the NPCs hit harder and have small hp rather than humongous HP and hit like a paper towel.
  • Kratz said:
    AeonAuron said:
    Bounty hunter or not. He is red to everyone around him. And red is ded. That's what will happen to him if he enters a town i guess :P
    Red, dead and no redemption. Sounds good to me. I'm hoping the guards/NPCs will be part of the mechanic which makes PK undesirable. I'd prefer the NPCs hit harder and have small hp rather than humongous HP and hit like a paper towel.
    I agree especially on the last part, because you think that guards would have all the basic equipment and power to do their job and kill a person.. my only issue is if a player turns purple.. do the guards start following them? I would personally hate that, not only could you not help protecting yourself.. people will start thinking you went out and attacked somebody..
  • Kratz said:
    AeonAuron said:
    Bounty hunter or not. He is red to everyone around him. And red is ded. That's what will happen to him if he enters a town i guess :P
    Red, dead and no redemption. Sounds good to me. I'm hoping the guards/NPCs will be part of the mechanic which makes PK undesirable. I'd prefer the NPCs hit harder and have small hp rather than humongous HP and hit like a paper towel.
    I second all of this ! or would that be a third all this IDK but whatever....
  • Dygz said:
    The cities are supposed to have NPC guards to protect against PvP combat.
    I'm wondering if citizens have to vote for those guards.

    NPC interaction should be based on the corruption score, so that it may be okay for a kind of accidental PK. CS 10 makes the NPCs suspicious. CS 20 makes NPCs fearful and hostile.

    But, anyone can kill a corrupted without gaining corruption, so a city doesn't sound like a wise place to go if you want to avoid being kiled.
    Great place to go if you want to be killed.
    what worries me is that CP cant enter the town because they might get murder by 100 players just because he has a red name. that would be too brutal..
    I love it.

    I am now going to be the first "neutral" tavern in the city, which accepts everybody, including the most corrupted and the most holy players around!

    Of course, if you shank somebody while they're getting a drink, everybody will be encouraged to kill him for making him spill somebody's beer!  If they can get away with it, more power to them.
  • Caelron said:
    Dygz said:
    The cities are supposed to have NPC guards to protect against PvP combat.
    I'm wondering if citizens have to vote for those guards.

    NPC interaction should be based on the corruption score, so that it may be okay for a kind of accidental PK. CS 10 makes the NPCs suspicious. CS 20 makes NPCs fearful and hostile.

    But, anyone can kill a corrupted without gaining corruption, so a city doesn't sound like a wise place to go if you want to avoid being kiled.
    Great place to go if you want to be killed.
    what worries me is that CP cant enter the town because they might get murder by 100 players just because he has a red name. that would be too brutal..
    I love it.

    I am now going to be the first "neutral" tavern in the city, which accepts everybody, including the most corrupted and the most holy players around!

    Of course, if you shank somebody while they're getting a drink, everybody will be encouraged to kill him for making him spill somebody's beer!  If they can get away with it, more power to them.
    It may have been in jest, but it would be quite fun if players themselves could set the rules for specific, limited-area locations, so you really could have 'the bad part of town', where killing greens doesn't net any corruption and reds are not automatically targets. You'd have only yourself to blame if you wandered into one of THOSE areas as a non-com and expected to be able to mind your own business peacefully. Other areas could be especially anti-red instead with extra bounties and auto-attacking guards (in-game gated communities!). Players could declare specific attitudes within their own public properties such as inns. The appearance could take into account the local attitude (so red-friendly locations would look grungy, for example). Plus it would allow in-game assassins guilds to have safe-houses.
  • Karthos said:
    What if... And bear with me, what if when you go into a town with corruption, the guards will capture you and throw you in jail. Where you will have to make Mana potion in the toilet and trade underpants as currency.

    You been hitting the ale too much!
  • bounty hunter can get them and try them up like in dead red redemption them they go to jail losing money and some equipment . might be cool 
  • It may have been in jest, but it would be quite fun if players themselves could set the rules for specific, limited-area locations, so you really could have 'the bad part of town', where killing greens doesn't net any corruption and reds are not automatically targets. You'd have only yourself to blame if you wandered into one of THOSE areas as a non-com and expected to be able to mind your own business peacefully. Other areas could be especially anti-red instead with extra bounties and auto-attacking guards (in-game gated communities!). Players could declare specific attitudes within their own public properties such as inns. The appearance could take into account the local attitude (so red-friendly locations would look grungy, for example). Plus it would allow in-game assassins guilds to have safe-houses.
    Hmm, nice idea, suggest it to devs to include in the city management stuff!

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