Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
You ninjaed me. I was referring to the dev quote I posted which is directly above yours.
You didn't compy-paste the entire document. You also didn't provide a link to the document so that other people could search it.
Instanced access points doesn't necessarily mean that you can repeat the same content.
But the disagreement isn't about whether there will be any instanced dungeons.
The devs have stated there will.
They have stated that it will be rare. Primarily when they wish to control the narrative.
The quote for that is in one of the earlier Livestream vids - which I will pull when I have a bit more time.
Defeating a boss several times defeats the dev philosophy of meaningful consequences.
We have a leaderboard to see how well the people in our party fared during the encounter - not to see which characters were best at defeating the same boss nor to defeat the same static boss repeatedly in order to improve our score(s).
We also don't know if you can unlock the same dungeon someplace else? Or if it only can be unlocked near one specific unique node.
Let's say it only can be that (unlocked near one specific unique node). I'd still doubt they would spend that much resources on developing it, just so you can only do it once, and also, why develope a leaderboard system, if they've want dungeons not to be repeatable? What's the point with having a leaderboard/scoreboard system then?
P.s. Eight man summoner group anyone?!
That doesn't mean that the leaderboards will typically include top times for speed runs of repeatable dungeons and raids.
And that doesn't mean that dungeons will commonly have repeatable boss fights so people can improve their scores.
Leaderboards are more about combat performance top kills, top heals, top DPS, and top deaths for the party for a specific encounter; rather than top times for speed runs of a repeatable dungeon/raid.
World raid bosses are different.
Those are the ones that are likely to be instanced and repeatable so that more people are able to participate in the end of that narrative rather than the boss being defeated once by whomever happens to be online at the time of the final fight.
Now we could keep going back and forth a thousand times discussing this and we both will see it differently. Easiest is to just wait and see in beta when we get to try out the systems. They could also change a lot of what we've both heard while it's being developed.
I actually did not take it the way you did during the stream when they referred to dungeons and leaderboards. I immediately thought of time runs and trying to do them over and over again to get to the top...but you are correct they did not specifically say that. I would find it hard to believe that the instance dungeons will not be repeated but i may just have that ingrained in me from years of doing raid instances over and over again for loot.
I am really interested to see if they do them differently and what they have in mind.
I still need to search for the quote where they mentioned instanced dungeons being for when they want to control the narrative.
And the one where they mention dungeons disappearing and respawning.
Then we can all review.
(But, Fornite starts soon, so I might be distracted this weekend.
I am only going on memory and there has been a lot of streaming so good luck in finding it.
Hopeful Fornite can hold your attention for the time being, i may try Citadel Forged with Fire beta this weekend. I need a game to play...
But, if you have a dev quote that proves me wrong, please share it.
The ones that are repeatable are the ones made so the devs can control the narrative.
I think we do know, but, let's see if I can find the dev quotes.
[58:42] Will there be a scoreboard for the fastest raids?
From the 2017-05-30 livestream:
[45:30] What plans are there for instanceable content? (Raids/Dungeons)
@Dygz to answer you:
We know dungeons get discovered by unlocking certain steps in a nodes development, we also know the node type will decide what content that dungeon could have (monster types, what wings will be open etc). So with that in mind wouldn't it be obvious that if the node delevels due to a siege that the dungeon could be lost? All so we can unlock new content?
At least that's how I have interpreted it from all the livestream and Q&A's I've read and watched. I do remember them saying content can be "lost" when a node delevels and new content can be "found" if you level a neighbouring node. I do not have a link for that now.
I am more concerned that they don't cave to the masses and institute some kind of instant port to content, thus opening the door to exploitable fast travel. Said dungeon instance is 4 nodes away through some hairy threats, but since my buddy is over there I can just port to him and avoid all that. Now that I'm here, screw doing the dungeon, lets go PK some of the people here since we are miles away from our normal stomping grounds. Oh...we are done? Let me log on to my alt I parked near the dungeon in our home area and summon us back.
Not having a group/raid finder should work fine, as long as the game is the success we all hope it is, and there are tons of people logged into your server. It promotes guild play, not being an asshole in various chat channels, and other benefits, bringing back the "community" in MMO play. While themepark games have gone the route of making you grind "reputation", in such a system your actions and how you interact with people becomes your actual reputation. Having trouble finding groups? Maybe you are on everyone's ignore list for your racist/misogynistic rant the other day in chat.
Steven rephrased the question to: Will there be scoreboards?
And Jeff's response answers yes to Steven's question.
Ashes of Creation Kickstarter Livestream May 30, 2017 mark 45:50
JEFFREY: When it comes to instancing, yeah, we do want a strong focus on the open world and we want people out in the open world playing but there is going to be instanced content and that content is going to be across pretty much all experience levels, so it's not just going to be relegated to just one or two separate low level dungeons. You're going to find plenty of that kind of content across all levels.
Perfect dev quote for us to review.
I would say that Jeffrey states that there is a strong focus one open world dungeons but there will also be instanced dungeons.
I still need to find the one I'm looking for.
Yeah he changed it sort of to "Will there be raid scoreboards". No idea if he just had trouble reading or changed it. But yeah, the information from that answer, was that we'll have scoreboards/leaderboards to incentivise us to do the dungeons for more than just the typical reasons, another fun way to do them. I really like that, now if they have changed their mind and will use scoreboards/leaderboards to show player performance we'll see. Personally I wouldn't mind. I like their version of a dungeon though, feels more dynamic.
QUESTION: What do you mean by open world?
STEVEN: No loading times between zones.
JEFFREY: Seamless, open world... there's nothing gating you.
STEVEN: Right.
QUESTION: So, all the zones are interconnected and you can run from one to the other... Will this open world be shared by all? Are we looking at a megaserver, like ESO? Are we looking at different instanced zones, shards? What's the tech like to support this open world?
STEVEN: We're looking at different servers that have their own unique populations and they're replicated worlds.
JEFFREY: We're not going to have a megaserver. We're looking at our population caps right now - not quite sure where they're going to fall. But, that's how we're going to be separating the population. We're probably going to be doing v... instancing only in certain dungeons...
STEVEN: When (where?) we want to have a greater narrative appeal and stuff like that.
JEFFERY: Right. And then in battlegrounds and things like that. Or -sorry- arenas and things like that. You probably won't see instancing too much anywhere else. What you see is going to be what you get.