Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Will the game be PvP orientated as a main?



  • I'll just contribute to this discussion with a statement that I would also wish Ashes to have less punishing mechanics that artificially attempt to moderate amount of attacks that will happen in game.

    Bounty system should be all that game has (stat degradation perhaps only for ganking lower level players because that would be fair in that case), but no stat degradation should be present for equal level attacks.

    Equal level attacks shouldn't be penalized in any way in my own opinion. Bounty system should be enough to handle this. And if people aren't lazy and wish attackers to be punished, they should utilize this bounty system that can also reward people who go after bounty targets.

    If people will be lazy to utilize the bounty system, then well.. it's their own problem.
  • Gothix said:
    I'll just contribute to this discussion with a statement that I would also wish Ashes to have less punishing mechanics that artificially attempt to moderate amount of attacks that will happen in game.

    Bounty system should be all that game has (stat degradation perhaps only for ganking lower level players because that would be fair in that case), but no stat degradation should be present for equal level attacks.

    Equal level attacks shouldn't be penalized in any way in my own opinion. Bounty system should be enough to handle this. And if people aren't lazy and wish attackers to be punished, they should utilize this bounty system that can also reward people who go after bounty targets.

    If people will be lazy to utilize the bounty system, then well.. it's their own problem.
    If people as you say "will be lazy" and want to pk "greens", well then it is THEIR problem and choice to suffer the consequences.  There will be much OW PvP to enjoy without having to kill greens.  There are situations where greens lose the status of being "green".  
  • ima get pvper flame trolled for this but..

    I think AoC is taking a page from old school DAOC where you could do non-pvp things to help pvp along( eg building a seige engine or re-enforcing you city walls etc), I mean you can siege someone elses city but if all you do is run around and gank people your going to be hoping you can sell those few resources you got griefing for enough to buy a decent sword.

    I think the make or break will be gearing and skills. If gear and skills apply across the board it will be a great game. Meaning the skills and gear you have for pvp and pve equally effectively for both. Give a pve tank a chance to use defensive skills to kill a pvp dps or a pvp glass cannon a chance to lower agro to work effectively in a pve group.

    if being a pvper means you must ally with non-pvpers to do anything bigger then ganking a couple newbs running a caravan or being a pve-er means you must ally with pvpers open new content that could benifit everyone and both have crafter allies to even get the gear to try it. it will be a great game.

    The nice part about the mix is that it shouldn't end up everquest 3 or arche ages of creation.
  • @Gothix

    I think the pvp community has shown in basically every game out there they will just run around killing anything does not present a threat to them, just to be asshats. So i totally like the method they are using to curb that.
  • ...let the trolling begin, again...
    Why are players so adamant that killing other players that don't fight back should not have the intended penalty associated with it?

    "It's an MMO..." Sure, that means there are lot's of others that will want to fight with/against you.

    "Oh, they're just being Care Bears...." Right, because wanting to kill a player that doesn't fight back is "normal."

    "Why should I be penalized because they don't want to fight back?" Well, you chose to kill them knowing there would be a penalty so...

    "The bounty is enough..." If you want to play cops & murderers join a guild at war with another or become a Highwayman.

    "There should be no loot drop if I am also killed..." Ok, so killing a player that doesn't want to fight and taking their hard-earned materials is fine, but you don't want the chance to lose yours?

    "Why are my stats lowered, I am not out to grief..." That is likely true, but some are and we can't pick and choose who the rules apply to.

    Do people not think this thought process is odd?

    I plan on PK'ing a few "Greenies" in the Alpha/Beta phase to test the corruption, as I expect others to do. Once the game officially "launches" I will have much better things to do, as I am sure most of you will too. :wink:
  • @Azathoth
    Great post, thanks for this. I love the succinct manner in which you summed up and debunked the arguments posted by those opposed to (and fearful of) the corruption system.
  • I'm certainly not a griefer. I am a PvX player that also loves PvP a lot. I don't want to run around the world getting my stats reduced because i killed few equal levels along the way (for any reason, be it for loot or any other reason).

    I do not plan to follow around same player and repeatedly grief him as I never do that. I also do not plan to gank lower players because there is absolutely no fun in that (for me at least).

    I only desire that I can engage equal level players without stat degradation, and if someone wants retribution on me, so be it but trough the bounty system.

    Let bounty hunters come after me and hunt, but not while my stats are 0 so they can 2 shot me. Let them have fair challenge for coming at me. To actually earn their reward.

    No stat degradation for equal level PvP, regardless of color.
  • Gothix said:
    Let bounty hunters come after me and hunt, but not while my stats are 0 so they can 2 shot me. Let them have fair challenge for coming at me. To actually earn their reward.

    No stat degradation for equal level PvP, regardless of color.
    I agree with this sorta. Personally I feel their shouldn't be a stat degradation but a debuff that reduced dmg done and increases dmg taken from green players stacking up to 100%. This way people looking for pvp will still have an even fight even if the player they want to fight is red. This still stops griefers from targeting non-combatants over and over but allows pvpers to fight each other. 

    I think I said it awhile ago but if I'm hunting the highest bounty on the server I don't want to 1 shot him. I feel fighting the best criminal with the highest bounty should still offer bounty hunters a challenge. and same red players should be able to fight other red players without stat reduction getting in the way.
  • @Rivest, I would almost 100% agree with the second part of your post. If there was a way the corruption penalties only applied when in combat with "greens" and greens that fought back and became purple I would be on board.

    Unfortunately this would allow a high level "grief-er" to fend off bounty hunters while still slaying "greens." Because, either the "Greens" don't fight back and die or they do fight back negating the corruption penalties for turning to a "purple."

    Please, someone give me a reason why they would kill a player that does not fight back?

    @Gothix said "No stat degradation for equal level PvP, regardless of color," but also said "I only desire that I can engage equal level players without stat degradation, and if someone wants retribution on me, so be it but trough the bounty system."

    To me, even if the players are the same level, if one is not fighting back I don't know how you would call that "equal."

    So I will add one more argument.
    "I don't want stat degradation because I want an equal fight..." Fine, find somebody that fights back. Unless you call a fight where only one person is hitting/kicking the other person a "fair" fight. I would call that abuse.
  • there will be major pvp events, whenever caravans are going they are mobile pvp hotspots as well as city sieges and guild castle sieges, all will be heavy pvp oriented, yes the lvling process will be pve with dungeons and endgame raids but as a whole the game with have a heavy pvp focus.
  • Azathoth said:
    @Rivest, I would almost 100% agree with the second part of your post. If there was a way the corruption penalties only applied when in combat with "greens" and greens that fought back and became purple I would be on board.

    Unfortunately this would allow a high level "grief-er" to fend off bounty hunters while still slaying "greens." Because, either the "Greens" don't fight back and die or they do fight back negating the corruption penalties for turning to a "purple."
    That's why I suggested a stacking debuff that reduced dmg to green players. If they choose to kill enough players they will eventually get 100% reduced damage against green players so sure they could run around spamming attacks against the green player but they wouldn't ever do dmg to them.

    A debuff could also flag for different types of combat so its only in effect when fighting a non-combatant. as soon as someone turns purple or are signed up for bounty hunting/red player the debuff would have no effect and it would be treated as if the player wasn't effected by a debuff at all.

    Also I should add I'm still all for the normal penalties for red players, item loss, xp loss, ect. just change the stat reduction to a dmg reduction against greens. This way the red player could still join in on raid night, or sieges even killing random mobs but they would be stopped from killing greens.
  • There is real pvp but, there will be just as much PVE. Don't compare with other games. Other games are like 20% pvp and 80% pve. That is why people are scared about Ashes being too pvp focused which is not true. People are scared because they are not used to 50% pvp 50% pve. This is a new concept.
  • Rivest said:

    Also I should add I'm still all for the normal penalties for red players, item loss, xp loss, ect. just change the stat reduction to a dmg reduction against greens. This way the red player could still join in on raid night, or sieges even killing random mobs but they would be stopped from killing greens.
    Here is the deal. It is a penalty for anti-social behaviour. It is meant to discourage and make such behaviour so onerous that you stop and think before doing it. "If I decide to gank these greens for shits and giggles while I am waiting on raid to start, maybe I don't want to do that because my performance will be impacted and my exp debt will be huge." The system they have in place will work just fine.
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