Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
What other things do you see hidden in a mine?
It is said if you dig to deep, your might awaken something in the mine. We know it can be a dragon. But what other things do you see hidden in a mine? Be is good or bad.
I know one thing I would love to have happen, there must be rare ores in a few mines, and to the reason why you digging deep in the 1st place. That would account for why you take a chance of awakening things deep within the mines.
But for not so rare ores, maybe the risk wouldn't be there, at least nothing major.
So what do you guys see happening with mines as a whole?
- 1000 angry Tulnar that didn't have a meal in a long time
- passage into Blackfathom Deeps, with original WoW graphics on another side (and server too)
- cookies, because finding cookies is always awesome
- a caravan that @Shunex lost while he was drunk driving, and forgot where he left it
- ...
Love it love it love it ^^
- ore (common or rare)
- goblins
- rare funghus used for various alchemy or cooking recipes
- old abandoned shafts with treasure chests
- maybe some ancient knowledge
- a lot of skeletons sitting under somehow still burning torches
Pffft...and here I thought we were friends...well...just to show you how forgiving I am...I'll let you toss me first
however i also like the idea of actively keep mining a node till it collapses with the last extraction being a bit extra with possible rare ores.
and if mines or really mines as underground caves and stuff .... i hope while you progress in the gather profession you are able to use other extraction ways! Like blowing op a new tunnel section with lots of ores to pickup
that map leads to a sunken boat adventure far far away;
inside that boat, there is a key you need to find under the many bodies of skeletons you've just killed;
that key, is the key to open a gate at the end of an epic dungeon;
that gate leads to...
[spoiler]the initial mine
Edit: I assume Divinity is a thing because the portals and some stones have a blue version of corruption on them.
Rock golems,
Giant serpents lair,
Spider infested cave,
Sex dungeon,
Rare expensive Fossils,
Saitama, fighting The Subterranean King.