Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
I was trying to be polite about it, guess it didn't come across that way
Trust me I'm a lot nicer when people can hear my tone of voice
Bit harsh to label someone insufferable over five comments
Wow, so I never said anything about being a "griefer" or "troll" and I don't know what you mean by "big bad PKer" unless you are referring to some fictional boogeyman. And you're right, that sounds potentially ****, but I wasn't the one that said it either
As far as "ruining" MMO's. Since I am not making them, have not been asked for direct input, or otherwise personally funded one all by myself, it seems like developers/publishers catering to the crowd that will make them the most money would be at fault. Maybe that's where they have gone wrong, maybe Ashes not doing that will help them.
I also like how you intentionally tried to make this sound like a one horse pony MMO. I suppose you would like "Open World PvP MMO" only. That's great, and I hope that game is made for you and the others that would prefer it. Not everyone does. That doesn't ruin games, it just gives us diverse gaming options
Enjoy the diversity and play something different once!
That's what all the non-PvP craft/gather types are going to try.
Great post by the way.
I am hoping that the corruption systems curtails that type of behavior. I am not against PvP and would like to give it a go in Ashes.
I have tried games that actively advertise "end game" content that encourages PvP. I was unfortunately bored before making it to the level required to start "the real game."
Its a game guys, you got beat up by a better player DEAL with it.. Adapt and overcome.
More quotes for you to take back to the secret PK lair:
To me, your point sounds like, "If you are going to hunt/kill a rabbit then you should be okay with being hunted/killed by another player?"
Personally I am not seeing the logic.
There is no sense in relating this to creatures than can/will fight back when attacked, even if severely out-matched by a superior opponent. The act of fighting back removes the term "murder" from the situation.
If you want to kill an avatar that is not fighting back there is no risk without corruption. You intentionally hunted/killed someone that didn't want to be hunted/killed, so now there is encouragement for bounty hunters to hunt/kill you. Risk has been restored to the situation.
This is a very good post.
1. Flag system - stay unflagged until you want to pvp and then have the option to turn it on.
2. Open pvp zones where no pve activity occurs. That way as soon as you enter that zone you became flagged.
You will be murdering human NPCs also. You do in all MMOs.
Again, either way, the developers used the term to indicate killing "greens" so I don't see the hang-up in this conversation. We're not engaging philosophically to determine a common definition prior to debate, it's already been done for this particular argument (at least here in Ashes).
Drama is what every game needs,no fun if everything is A-OK,am I right?
Once we get to experience exactly what the flagging system is like in practice we will have a much better idea if peoples concerns are justified or not. Alpha0 is under NDA so it may be sometime before we gain a better understanding, all concerns are valid but we just need to wait.
People will know their characters are temporary, so they will test stuff out even getting corrupted.
So while under Alpha and Beta it may appear there are more purple characters, and that people ARE attacking and getting corrupted, I vouch you on release it WILL be different.
People will not be getting corrupted, and ruining their chars, and they WILL be staying green while grinding. Alpha and Beta will not be able to show you that.
Also I bet those people that are anti PvP, will be attacking people around in Alpha and Beta deliberately all the time, "showing to Intrepid" how there are too many attacks, and will be claiming punishment is too small, and keep attacking. Just to try to make things appear different then what they are.
When release happens, they gonna stay green. Mark my words.
I really like this topic, PvP is a crucial part because emotions tend to boil faster in PvP than in PvE. The developers might know this, too
As for my "Real" character at release, rather or not I fight back will come down to how I feel, what I am doing, and how much the original "provoking" attack devastates me.