Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Rush or enjoy . Be honest
One thing that bothers me everytime i play a new mmo is that i feel kind of a progress presure. This feeling comes a little if i play alone and is very strong if i play with friends cause it seems to me that all what people care in a mmo is endgame content. When i played eso first time solo i spent like 30 hours in the first zone to look at everything and talk to the npc's and just to get that feeling of immersion i love. Soon as i join other players dungeons and raids get on the board and they take me in a group and try to rush all content fast as possibke to get my stats up. My solution so far is that i make 1 char to be my roleplay char and others to be fast usefull in raids. To be fair most times mmo leveling content these days is totaly boring and exchangeable and in that case its just normal to rush it. But there are some mmo's that offer good storys.
Now if ashes of the creation is like its told to be every story will be diffrent and i will miss something as a roleplayer everytime i rush content with one of my characters. So if i join a guild right at the start they have to be aweare that i will take my time reading all dialogues and sometimes just enjoy the view.
Now i would rly like to know if someone has similar feelings and how you will play your first character in ashes of creation ?
Now if ashes of the creation is like its told to be every story will be diffrent and i will miss something as a roleplayer everytime i rush content with one of my characters. So if i join a guild right at the start they have to be aweare that i will take my time reading all dialogues and sometimes just enjoy the view.
Now i would rly like to know if someone has similar feelings and how you will play your first character in ashes of creation ?
Even in dungeons I will stop to take in the sights and look in every corner and open every crate.
If the group wants to be healed then they'll have to wait for me. But more often than not I will only be playing with people of a similar mindset. If someone wants to rush then by all means do so, I will happily be pottering around in their dust.
On that note I saw some people throw out the “level 30 unlock secondaries in a level 50 cap world” assumption based off of Steven saying something similar, and I hope that gets reconsidered to a lower level. That is going to be a goal point of progression, and I can see a higher unlock level causing people to rush to that level
Also as I gather materials I like to level my crafting and with ashes this will result in needing some alts and interaction with other players unlike crafting in most other mmo's out there. I like nothing more than being able to craft my own gear as I level and as stated above that will require alts to achieve.
The following things have never had a level associated with them;
Node Progression
Sure, some people will want to max skills for their use and others to be ahead of the curve, but that's all it gets you here.
I see no need to rush through levels. I do agree with @HumblePuffin in that the cross-level goal (30 or otherwise) should be lower. Imo no more than half-way to the level cap. A lot of people are stoked about cross class skills and abilities and they will see that as a goal to hurry to.
I would like to play an adventurer/craftsman, but waiting until level 30 before I can start focusing on crafting could seem like a grind.
I love the idea that the world is the main character in this story. Going threw it and learning what its been through, seeing what’s happening to it in the moment, and guessing in which direction its going to go. You miss so much if you just rush threw a book like clues, gathering, beautiful views, achievement, new enemies, epic loot, and just taking in the world.
With that all said I understand some people that don’t want to or just can’t take it slow and like to rush threw everything. For instants because ashes is a $15 subsection based game some people fell like they have to get there moneys worth out of the time they play others fell that to be the best you have to get to the finish line first.
Plus sometimes when you rush you just kind of burn yourself out on the whole experience that much faster. A “the flame that burns Twice as bright burns half as long” kind of situation.
If the NPCs are interesting, then I might stop and listen. I mainly want to level up but I always like a good story.
So yeah, this is how Pooka does things.
I've had to accept my days as a 'hardcore gamer' are gone
I normally take my time. I love exploring, talking to npc's (initially anyway), enjoy the game. However, a lot will depend on the PvP aspect, developing nodes, raiding, etc. It might be necessary to level up quickly in order to build a solid foundation or simply to survive. So, we shall see.
Then, by the time the game goes live, I can level fairly quickly and stop to enjoy my favorite items.
There is no point taking my time if my caravans get looted or I keep getting ganked because this will hinder my progress with things such as crafting.
Lastly if the narrative is not immersive then I would be inclined to just brush past it and not pay much attention to it. I hope this will not be the case but the truth is there is a lot of things to consider before you could really answer this question with any sort of conviction until you see environment in which you have to interact with.
I will take my sweet time, I will take in the lore as it is presented in the game, read the quests. It'll be the first time, you cannot replicate that, so I am going to take my time enjoying it. Subsequent character may or may not be rushed, depending on the quality of the content.
Also very important words i think ^^
Not the first time, and hopefully I won't want to on any alts. I only rush when the quests or scenery get repetitive and as a concecuence of that, boring.
The way I see it, that should not happen on a changing, community driven world such as Ashes is supposed to shape up to be.
Three of those hours will be socializing/lore/roleplaying
The rest will be progression, quests, exploring, crafting.
A bit here bit there.
But I always end up quitting a game once I get to the finish line of it.
GAmes that have a finish line, just end up dying for me.
MMOs are supposed to be games you can continue to play for a long time, where rushing doesn't determine your success, but time does.
A person can reach level cap or softcap for exp within a week of starting a game...
But they might be stuck there for a few weeks.
By the time they progress any farther, everyone taking their time is caught up.
What was the point of them doing it first/doing it fast? Literally nothing.
Now you have some that rush it for knowledge which is admirable. They teach others what they learn, but you have a lot of MMO players that rush it to rush the game.
To see if it was fun.
They don't savor it, they devour it.
What I care most about is a compelling story - I don't care about the game aspects of an RPG, I care about living out an evolving story in a fantasy world.
Sometimes I spend two or more hours just swimming around continents to uncover the fog of war and see strange new lands and creatures.
Sometimes I feel rushed if I have to complete side quests before I'm high enough level to complete a quest I received days earlier and I really want to experience more of that main story line.
If I'm playing a Druid in EQ, I might speed through to get Spirit of the Wind because I don't feel like a Druid without Spirit of the WInd.
If I'm playing a Druid in WoW, I might speed through to get Cat Form because I don't feel like a Druid without Cat Form.
I imagine in Ashes, I might want to speed through to achieve my sub-class.
Or maybe there will be other forms of augments available that will appease me enough that I won't feel pressured to rush to sub-class.
I imagine I might want to rush to get a Temple or Scholar's Academy or Thieve's Guild built.
But, mostly I just want to always have things to accomplish - preferably that will have meaningful impact on the story and locale.
The draw and pressure to rush is real, every time I have done it in the past, I have regretted it.
I want to enjoy the journey and take everything in along the way, my days of trying to rush progression has been gone for quite a while now.
I'm a Explorer not a Endgamer.
Once I've achieved my desired goals, I usually settle into a more relaxed regime, go explore or experience at things I may have missed, or overlooked, after a while if content dips, I'll go catch up on some games I haven't had time to play due to the infectiousness of the grind consuming my soul.
For me, its not a question of rushing or relaxed approach to a game, they are just two separate stages, and for me, one usually appears before the other.