Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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Omg Armor Design



  • Do you know that feeling when you play a new game and you get that fantasy vibe going on and you run into someone with a pair of sunglasses, leather jacket, top hat or maid costume and drives past you on a motorbike? This can ruin the game for me.
  • Omca said:
    Do you know that feeling when you play a new game and you get that fantasy vibe going on and you run into someone with a pair of sunglasses, leather jacket, top hat or maid costume and drives past you on a motorbike? This can ruin the game for me.
    I know the feeling my friend, i know it too well...
  • There is a place for "ornate" armor.  History is littered with ceremonial armor; but then there are the "field" varieties.

    I prefer that armor where form follows function. It simply makes for better design. You can add awesome details with attachments, lighting effects, engraving and gemstones and combining materials.   All of them may add great character.

    When, like mentioned above you get pauldrons which limit you to a 20 degree forward field of view it just becomes comical and ridiculous to me.

    I never want to see the anime crap you see in someone's earlier signature.  Nothing sais I'm going to protect my soft squishie bits like a top hat and tails; or the aforementioned french maid outfit.
  • Pogybait said:
    There is a place for "ornate" armor.  History is littered with ceremonial armor; but then there are the "field" varieties.

    I prefer that armor where form follows function. It simply makes for better design. You can add awesome details with attachments, lighting effects, engraving and gemstones and combining materials.   All of them may add great character.

    When, like mentioned above you get pauldrons which limit you to a 20 degree forward field of view it just becomes comical and ridiculous to me.

    I never want to see the anime crap you see in someone's earlier signature.  Nothing sais I'm going to protect my soft squishie bits like a top hat and tails; or the aforementioned french maid outfit.
    nothing says armour like good old flack armour ^^
  • Euch to fantasy, immersion breaking clothing.

    I'm of the opinion that clothing at all levels should feel and look good and add to your character.

    Yes, 'end' level armor should be awesome without being ridiculous, it should be able to show your skill, but heck, judo manages to convey skill and ability with only coloured belts. 

    Size and quantity, doesn't always mean quality.

    I just hope that eventually there is a little more evidence of armor designs that combine (currently earth) non-typical different materials.

    Design using multiple media is cutting edge and innovative, and whilst humans crafting developed one way, I really think it unrealistic to expect ALL races to have developed the same exact skills. 

    Sadly I still get the feeling that Ashes is stuck in the 'earth centric' rut.

    There are plenty of 'out there' designers, which is why it disappointed me to see a typical, non-practical tudor style dress for the females.

    Why would someone travel across the void, only to restrict their breathing and movement?

    I just hope that this attachment to 'earth' history was just a one off, a rare 'special event' piece, not something worn by every single npc.

    And why on earth would a dwarvish lass choose to wear one?

    I hope that if they make such a ridiculous leap as this, then there is at least a nod to why in in game lore.

    So far, the majority of the armor I've seen is a mimic / echo of western earth history.

    Given that they have managed to bring ingenuity, imagination and class to other areas, mounts for instance, I can only hope that the current staid and boring 'same old, same old' thought patterns are to attract in those less imaginative players.

    I'm not talking outlandish, but there is a world of difference between the armor that the samurai and the knights templar came up with.

    Two different, viable solutions to the same problem. 

  • @Megs
    I agree with you on most of this.

    I just don´t understand the part: "...mimic / echo of western earth history"
    Maybe i just don´t understand your point there?

    Kaelar Humans: Yes normal western (european-middle-ages) earth history
    Vaelune Humans: More like persian empire
    Empyrian: High-Elves with influence from roman empire
    Py´Rai: something like Wood Elves (maybe a bit of indigenous influence)
    Ren´Kai: Orcs with japanese influence
    Vek: occultist Orcs with mayan influence
    Dünir: sturdy mountain Dwarves 
    Niküa:  island dwarves with oceanian influence
    Tulnar: unknown
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2018
    Sorry there... my brain came up with the complete thought and failed to express it well. 

    I wasn't thinking design influences as much as actual item construction.
    So for instance, the ancient Chinese* created (as far as I know off the top of my head) 'heavy' armour by using a construction of lacquered plates. 

    Now please forgive me, I've been out of the loop for about a year so may have missed them, but almost every 'heavy armour' chest piece I've seen so far appear to have been constructed in the European, one main piece style.

    I really would be happy to be shown to be wrong on this.  :)

    *edited. Japanese not Chinese
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited November 2018
    All would be required is the cosmetic toggles where we can hide specific pieces of armour or show specific pieces of armour. Customisation is key alongside choices. One size wont fit all.
  • Armor/Clothing is a big thing for many players . Some want diversity and some want immersive functional armor . Im for diversity as long as it fits the overall artstyle/theme of the world . In this case middle aged magic phantasy . 

    @Ranged That looks just awesome .

    Also like simplistic armor/clothing . Well at least in relation to the mainstream way of fancy, glowing armors where everyone in endgame looks like sauron . Always seen this as a little bit childisch . 

     Also dont like the artstyle of apocalypse armor . The details all for themself are fine and look good . But man they are so overloaded .  
  • Megs said:
    Sorry there... my brain came up with the complete thought and failed to express it well. 

    I wasn't thinking design influences as much as actual item construction.
    So for instance, the ancient Japanese created (as far as I know off the top of my head) 'heavy' armour by using a construction of lacquered plates. 

    Now please forgive me, I've been out of the loop for about a year so may have missed them, but almost every 'heavy armour' chest piece I've seen so far appear to have been constructed in the European, one main piece style.

    I really would be happy to be shown to be wrong on this.  :)
    I sadly fear that i can´t prove that you´re wrong.

    But i also think that it is to early to assume that the whole game is going in that direction.

    Apart from some Kaelan heavy armor we have only seen one Empyrian heavy armor.
    So as far as i known we have only seen 2 out of 9 race styles.
    And for each of these 2 styles we have only seen one gearset in one tier. 

    Even with pessimistic assumptions we probably have seen less than 1% of the armor that will be in game.

    Therefore i don´t think we have seen enough to judge yet. 

  • @Augentier and

    Definitely agree, there is at least plenty of time. *huge grin*
    Much like a lot of things, these can always be worked on (if necessary) post launch 

    ...And clothing should always be one of those bits that we see rolling out on an pingpong basis.

    For pingpong read ongoing. There are just some times when I can't bring myself to correct predictive text.

    It's going to be one of those days. :smiley:
  • I really want a skin like this:

    Its a fkn ethereal skelleton pirate. What would you need more?!?
  • Damokles said:
    I really want a skin like this:

    Its a fkn ethereal skelleton pirate. What would you need more?!?
    A vampire leather armor/corset for me please.
  • Damokles said:
    I really want a skin like this:

    Its a fkn ethereal skelleton pirate. What would you need more?!?
    A vampire leather armor/corset for me please.

  • nagash said:
    Damokles said:
    I really want a skin like this:

    Its a fkn ethereal skelleton pirate. What would you need more?!?
    A vampire leather armor/corset for me please.

    Wowah, those are gorgeous! Definitely do want... 
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited December 2018
    Let's keep conjuring copyrighted material. I'm sure Intrepid want to get copyright infringements and infractions. Nothing else quite like a Hype train for Ashes based on other games.
  • Abasole said:
    Let's keep conjuring copyrighted material. I'm sure Intrepid want to get copyright infringements and infractions. Nothing else quite like a Hype train for Ashes based on other games.
    not sure what's wrong with showing off armour you like. ashes will have there own gear and style but its just nice for the community to show what they like.
  • This is for OP. We should have pretty cool armour given the cosmetics we've already seen and the intention of the Devs.

    Gear will have appearance slots (Transmutation/Transmog/cosmetic slots) that are used to copy the appearance of an item (in some cases).[2][3]

    • Cosmetic slots can be toggled on or off.[5]
    • Helmet display can be toggled on and off.[9]
    • Particle effects are used to denote the importance and rarity of some weapons.[10]

    I'm more of the mind that it wouldn't really serve a purpose to have bikini plate armor, just in like reality, if you're going to have armor, it should be protective. I think from a fashion statement is enjoyable for some people, but it's a kind of an immersive issue.[6] – Steven Sharif

    We're going for kind of a more realistic look; not necessarily realistic setting, but we want our characters to have weight and kind of feel like they're there.[6] – Jeffrey Bard

  • I just have to throw in that the new in-game plate armour looks pretty nice already (even though it is still in the precursor stile)
  • nagash said:
    Damokles said:
    I really want a skin like this:

    Its a fkn ethereal skelleton pirate. What would you need more?!?
    A vampire leather armor/corset for me please.

    Ah your fashion sense is quite good nagash I will give you that 'w'
  • I have my moments ^^
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