Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
- The term " Endgame " will not exists in this MMO. Rather, it will be a core-concept that'll be focused throughout the entirety of the MMO
In other words, Intrepid Devs have already thought it out. Endgame is always something Players experience at the end of a game .... more commonly seen in ThemePark MMOs. Instead, the " endgame " experience will be integral & interconnected within the core of the game itself and *so much* moreThus, given a better overall MMO experience - how it was supposed to be
EDIT: Mr. Jeffery Bard said something (similar) to this in a Pre-Alpha LiveStream. Think it was sometime in May ? Not too sure. But I am certain that this was said before
Thats a very narrow-minded perspective of " endgame ". if you think endgame = raids ,,, then i feel bad for you and hope you see why the term won't fit. But i guess i can't blame you
If you want this to be better, then you got to stop comparing it to how other MMOs did their thing ... otherwise its going to be another clone
I realize that the sense we won't know how to open raids, and which nodes will open it, that raiders will probably do things such as dungeons, node leveling, and other parts of the game until some server unlocks a raid.
To be clear that is not what I want. I also have many things I want to do in this game. This thread isn't about those things. This thread is for 6-7 months down the line will there be stuff to do other than farm materials and PvP. The reason many people consider WoW 'The King' is because it is the most successful MMORPG in the history of the genre, not taking anything from what WoW has done is a mistake. MMOs improve by 'stealing' other ideas from other MMOs, WoW has done FFXIV has done, ArcheAge did it. It is just part of this industry. I bring up what many gamers do, and that is what is fun for them. Not everyone cares about how they look, or the lore behind the game. Not comparing MMOs is like saying don't listen to history, and to be cliché, 'Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.'
While I love end game raiding I don’t really think it’s a good idea for everyone. I hate being forced into pointless pvp like the pvpers hate being forced in to raids. Neither of us cares to be forced into farming gold for gear either(think archeage trade runs). So while I would love to see end game raids I love to see options more. I can raid / adventure for my gear/stuff . Someone else can pvp for theirs and someone else can mine,farm,craft and gold farm for theirs. So no end game please I like to see a game world where players are not forced to support others play styles to advance.
As for your idea of George Santayana quote that is wrong and historians all generally agree history never repeats as the context is always different. Hilarious when the U.S Army ask for lessons learned to compare Vietnam and Afghanistan, but they have different contexts because of the different time periods.
For the mmo comparison is a bit silly to be used as history considering that mmo's are flavors. Wildstar tried to focus heavy into the pve and Eve Online pvp which are the extremes of both ends of the spectrum and it depends on what you like. Others have said it well, that everyone perception of what their end game is going to be different and this studio is making the right call of offering variety to all players.
This game is going to be way more fluid/dynamic.
We need to get away from the Themepark end game grind. That is driving many players out of the MMORPG genera all together because it ends up being nothing more than a treadmill. Players today see this and are tired of it.
So we need to find a middle ground between Raiding and Grinding for gear as PVE content and PVE content that you do for another purpose. For example in UO (Which I started playing i n 1998) I used my bard to control the Shadow Wyrm room or took and provoked Blood Elementals to fight Balrons. I didnt do this for the gear these monsters dropped. I did it for the gold. I did sell the items that these monsters dropped but that was so I could get gold so I could have a larger house, or so I could buy materials for my crafter. The Sole focus was not on Gear Progression, it was on what else can I do in the world.
I think that's where Ashes has to go because the Raiding Gear Treadmill is now to the point that bores people to death. If I want to raid I would be playing FFXIV right now, I dont. I would rather play an MMORPG that gives me dozens of Dungeons both instanced and open world that I can play the content for goal, or crafting mats, or items that I can sell for gold. I do not want to spend hundreds of hours grinding gear, nor do I want to spend a few hours grinding stones to buy gear.
In other words there will be events for you to be in not just well I completed top tier dungeoun so I am done with this expansion.
I am worried about the number of available dungeons (instanced or otherwise), and the size and number of raid encounters available for PvE focused players. I'm a player that has no issue in smacking some other players heads if there's something in it for me (Archeage), although you won't find me in an honor farm like World of Warcraft. So I think AoC's philosophy there is spot on.
The dungeon art (sneakpeeks) have been drool worthy. I really am begging for as many dungeons as possible, because let's face it, outside a good bit of RP, the dungeon delves are always the best for any serious RPG'er. Steven even mentioned realm specific times (speed of clear) /achievements (server firsts) and other traceable data he would like to be in the game - I assume in something similar to what WoW does with it's M+ system. Although ofc, not that whole key nonsense. Just a real dungeon delve with a whole lot of stuff to kill, and a whole lot of bosses. I know most MMOs have moved on to the 4-5 man dungeons, with like a 10-30 minute clear time. I would love to see some more meat in dungeons, with longer time commitment involved, especially as eight of us have had to form and trek our a$$es all the way to the instance.
Raids, we know there will be some, but we have no idea the scope (trash mobs/story background) and boss numbers per instance that would be available. It's also a weird dynamic, because a lot of content will be locked from just the natural growth of the world. Which in turn would force players to engage in conflict to open up new stuff. Although that content will not be seen by many for a long time.
AoC is a VERY ambitious project, and only time will tell how much we'll see at release. I just hope that the transparency and community involvement continues so that the game continues to grow with it's players input. I also hope, that many, many players join in through all those growing pains. A game of this magnitude will take many years and continual updates to appease any player base.
I believe the team has the direction and expertise to deliver, but I'm not without trepidation.
There will be plenty of PvE content throughout the world, it will be mashed alongside meaningful PvP - and random gankfests/griefing will be deterred. Through things such as the corruption mechanic.
Corruption also doesn't cause you to lose any exp until you are killed. However it is on a higher multiplier than remaining green.
Combatant (purple) is your baseline exp loss
Non combatant (green) is x2
Corrupted (red) I believe is x4.
None of this is final and will need review and testing. The pvp in ashes has been closely compared to the karma system in lineage.