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Would you care if exclusive cosmetics became available in game?



  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2018
    Can't offer these items again; that's what exclusive means.  There will be other equally cool stuff available but NOT the items that were offered and sold as a part of the Kickstarter, Summer Backer, or limited time programs.

    If Intrepid turned around and offered those items later they would be making a mockery of these programs.

  • dont like the poll options. lol. so ill add my own. Yes i would love exclusive skins for limited time sales and never to be sold again. I am a costume, skin collector, and what makes this hobby of mine in video games is just the amount of unique costumes at ones disposal. There will be marketplace costumes that are being sold 24/7, there will be seasonal costumes, that come out every season of every year, and there are the costumes or skins that appear once and only once for a limited time, say a sale is going on, and it will be up for 2 weeks, no excuse for anyone who wants it to not gather $10 and pick it up, i know many have different things to worry about than a costume. But not only will this put more value to a collector, it will also put more money in the game as many people would love to buy it before it disappears for ever, or unless they have a end of the year, or anniversary sales of every costume ever released. but you are limited to buying only 2 limited edition costumes out of the 40 that were released. idk, just my two cents. 
  • Your options for this poll are insulting.. that being said I got the fire and ice package because it's not going to be making a second rotation.. it's a marketing strategy and it works, offer an item for limited time and people on the fence will purchase. You want the item? Buy it.. you missed the item? Well that's how it goes keep an eye out for the next cool purchase. 
    I will also in a heart beat buy up any other elemental skins.. looking at you @IntrepidStudios
  • This poll is very poorly constructed.

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2018
    The idea of exclusive cosmetics is, that people who believed in the game when it was only a thought, and still backed the project should get something that shows, that they were there from the beginning, and really believed that Intrepid will create something awesome. The exclusive Kickstarter cosmetics show that. And it should stay that way.

    Furthermore, Intrepid won't be opening up exclusive cosmetics.
    Sure there will probably be variations like Shoklen said, but the exclusive cosmetic should remain exclusive.
    Plus there will be other cosmetic items that will look awesome, that is the other way besides subscription what can bring in big money for game development.

    Plus the choices you gave the voter are rather self-serving. You gave 1 Yes, and 3 No. And you composed "Yes" as if people chose it they kind of become a**holes.
    That was an a** move from you actually.
  • I said yes because then it's not exclusive.

    Speaking of the monthly store items, is this something that will continue after the game launches? Will there be monthly store updates or only once every few months?  I'm thinking it will continue, with some items always being in stock, or being in stock longer than one month. 
  • Poll should have been, Would you prefer there is NO exclusive cosmetics?  yes or no?

    To which of coarse I would respond NO!  People buy or earn exclusive stuff because it is exclusive.  
    Jahlon said:
    This poll is very poorly constructed.

    Never made one before, I just cant believe people would choose having content removed, purely so no one has what they have, not allowing anyone else to buy things they missed for reason I cant fathom.
    it makes them less money as they have less cosmetics to sell and it kills people like me who love to collect.

    nagash said:
    HorseMan said:
    I think having cosmetic value tied to longevity and dedication is a big plus in MMOs, especially ones that intertwine heavily with the community and peer-to-peer collaboration. It's cosmetics. It's supposed to look unique, defining, and yes it's a fashion statement. With so many people in MMO's the need for diverse looks is pretty underrated, obviously seen with this poll
    Someone with sense. 
    I wish people could understand how it's better never to remove content. 
    yeah I mean it's not like people spent money on these as they where advertised as exclusive 

  • I guess by the same logic all cosmetics achieved through killing a rare mob, world boss or other such world event should just be given to every one on the server I guess, not just those who preformed the feat.

    sarcasm off.
  • Varkun said:
    I guess by the same logic all cosmetics achieved through killing a rare mob, world boss or other such world event should just be given to every one on the server I guess, not just those who preformed the feat.

    sarcasm off.

    Nope, said nothing of the sort, no one should be handed anything.
    I merely don't want to miss out on content, I want to earn or buy it.
  • The wording for this poll is hilariously biased to say the least, I'm all for exclusivity for something as trivial as cosmetics, it's not game changing and it allows others to have some unique stuff.
  • Kratz said:
    I don't care who has what I have, but if something was sold as exclusive, it should remain so. It really is simple lol.
    Too many people lack  education and understanding of the definition of exclusive.
    Then you have those who want what others have at no monetary cost to themselves.
    Of course then you have those that crawl out from under the rocks just to irritate others.    
  • LOL at the OP, creating a biased poll that blows up in his/her face.  The overwhelming majority of voters want Intrepid to live up to their promises, big surprise.  Oops Grimseethe, the failure must sting a bit here.
  • Atama said:
    LOL at the OP, creating a biased poll that blows up in his/her face.  The overwhelming majority of voters want Intrepid to live up to their promises, big surprise.  Oops Grimseethe, the failure must sting a bit here.

    Just makes me kinda sad that people have this mindset.
    There is no reason why people shouldn't be able be able to buy these cosmetics at some point.
    No one would care, if people got the same as them, they just refuse to think ahead.
  • Atama said:
    LOL at the OP, creating a biased poll that blows up in his/her face.  The overwhelming majority of voters want Intrepid to live up to their promises, big surprise.  Oops Grimseethe, the failure must sting a bit here.

    Just makes me kinda sad that people have this mindset.
    There is no reason why people shouldn't be able be able to buy these cosmetics at some point.
    No one would care, if people got the same as them, they just refuse to think ahead.
    You say that no one would care, but going by the poll results people obviously do care. Just get over the fact that exclusivity exists and that almost every game has it, if you really want to bash the entire concept then go on the forums of 99% of games and tell the communities over there how deplorable the devs are for even considering the idea...
  • Atama said:
    LOL at the OP, creating a biased poll that blows up in his/her face.  The overwhelming majority of voters want Intrepid to live up to their promises, big surprise.  Oops Grimseethe, the failure must sting a bit here.

    Just makes me kinda sad that people have this mindset.
    There is no reason why people shouldn't be able be able to buy these cosmetics at some point.
    No one would care, if people got the same as them, they just refuse to think ahead.
    First, you make a very biased poll to frame the people who want items to be exclusive as petty or selfish and now when you have the data from the poll you still don't see that you are wrong and still blame us.
  • Those options are silly, either way, it was communicated that they are backer exlusive things so I threat them as such.
    I'm not a fan of this practice, but that's not the topic.

    Just when the game is going live I hope they stay true to the "ingameshop will only be colourvariation exclusives of ingame obtainable stuff, or things that don't fit in the world per say like holiday skins" not an exact quote, but approximately and in it's content sound.
  • Even though I would like to get some exclusive costimc that didn't manage to get, thise are exclusive item and so I would like to see them being earn atain
    Jahlon said:
    This poll is very poorly constructed.

    Never made one before, I just cant believe people would choose having content removed, purely so no one has what they have, not allowing anyone else to buy things they missed for reason I cant fathom.
    it makes them less money as they have less cosmetics to sell and it kills people like me who love to collect.

    Here is the thing with a poll, you have to account for both answers that support your position and answers that do not.

    Your poll is clearly directed towards the people who have already purchased exclusive cosmetics, so you need to craft it something like this

    Would you care if your exclusive cosmetics became available in game?

    Now, if you wanted to get more detail out of the answer you could go

    Yes - I purchased them as exclusive and they should say exclusive
    Yes - No reason given
    No - It wouldn't bother me
    No - Everyone should be able to earn them
    No - But they shouldn't become available until a certain amount of time has passed
    No - No Reason Given

    Basically, your poll isn't a poll, its just a clever way to say you are unhappy about the situation with the exclusive cosmetics and you are trying to have something to back up your opinion, however, your data gathering was poor thus your results are irrelevant. 

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited October 2018
    Meh, I feel as though exclusive content is fine to offer up again, as long as it is absurdly difficult/unlikely to get. As long as it retains its value as incredibly rare, being “exclusive” seems unnecessary. I missed out on the December-February 2018 preorder pack simply from not being involved in the game or community and haven’t found a package since that I wanted as much. I may not have been there at the time, but we aren’t always where we should be when we should be there.

    Perhaps something like a lifetime subscription should be essentially impossible to acquire, but a cosmetic that was missed due to timing should not be held to that standard, in my opinion. I’d be willing to pay for it, even if I had to pay more than my predecessors to do so.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited October 2018
    Atama said:
    LOL at the OP, creating a biased poll that blows up in his/her face.  The overwhelming majority of voters want Intrepid to live up to their promises, big surprise.  Oops Grimseethe, the failure must sting a bit here.

    Just makes me kinda sad that people have this mindset.
    There is no reason why people shouldn't be able be able to buy these cosmetics at some point.
    No one would care, if people got the same as them, they just refuse to think ahead.
    No one would care if they had the same item? Are you kidding? That's the exact reason why companies monitize costumes... I don't wanna see 5000 mes running around.... That's why I'll get exclusives for a stupid high price.

    Edit: I also feel the same way about content... I'm a firm believer that not everyone should have the skillset to perform everything in the game, there should be plenty locked behind extremely challenging content that few will be able to achieve .
  • Sikuba said:
    Meh, I feel as though exclusive content is fine to offer up again, as long as it is absurdly difficult/unlikely to get. As long as it retains its value as incredibly rare, being “exclusive” seems unnecessary. I missed out on the December-February 2018 preorder pack simply from not being involved in the game or community and haven’t found a package since that I wanted as much. I may not have been there at the time, but we aren’t always where we should be when we should be there.

    Perhaps something like a lifetime subscription should be essentially impossibly to acquire, but a cosmetic that was missed due to timing should not be held to that standard, in my opinion. I’d be willing to pay for it, even if I had to pay more than my predecessors to do so.

    Exactly!!!! damn can you imagine if players like us where the majority, games would be so much better.
    We don't think in black and white.
  • Atama said:
    LOL at the OP, creating a biased poll that blows up in his/her face.  The overwhelming majority of voters want Intrepid to live up to their promises, big surprise.  Oops Grimseethe, the failure must sting a bit here.

    Just makes me kinda sad that people have this mindset.
    There is no reason why people shouldn't be able be able to buy these cosmetics at some point.
    No one would care, if people got the same as them, they just refuse to think ahead.
    No one would care if they had the same item? Are you kidding? That's the exact reason why companies monitize costumes... I don't wanna see 5000 mes running around.... That's why I'll get exclusives for a stupid high price.

    Edit: I also feel the same way about content... I'm a firm believer that not everyone should have the skillset to perform everything in the game, there should be plenty locked behind extremely challenging content that few will be able to achieve .

    Look at any MMO now, no one ever looks the same.
    That is not an argument.
    Even cata wow when transmog were released, no one looked the same.
    It called fashion, its the reason ever human usually wears different clothes.
  • Jahlon said:
    Jahlon said:
    This poll is very poorly constructed.

    Never made one before, I just cant believe people would choose having content removed, purely so no one has what they have, not allowing anyone else to buy things they missed for reason I cant fathom.
    it makes them less money as they have less cosmetics to sell and it kills people like me who love to collect.

    Here is the thing with a poll, you have to account for both answers that support your position and answers that do not.

    Your poll is clearly directed towards the people who have already purchased exclusive cosmetics, so you need to craft it something like this

    Would you care if your exclusive cosmetics became available in game?

    Now, if you wanted to get more detail out of the answer you could go

    Yes - I purchased them as exclusive and they should say exclusive
    Yes - No reason given
    No - It wouldn't bother me
    No - Everyone should be able to earn them
    No - But they shouldn't become available until a certain amount of time has passed
    No - No Reason Given

    Basically, your poll isn't a poll, its just a clever way to say you are unhappy about the situation with the exclusive cosmetics and you are trying to have something to back up your opinion, however, your data gathering was poor thus your results are irrelevant. 

    I thought people would see sense having read it.
    Sadly I don't think that has happened.
    Majority of you still think in black and white.
  • Sikuba said:
    Meh, I feel as though exclusive content is fine to offer up again, as long as it is absurdly difficult/unlikely to get. As long as it retains its value as incredibly rare, being “exclusive” seems unnecessary. I missed out on the December-February 2018 preorder pack simply from not being involved in the game or community and haven’t found a package since that I wanted as much. I may not have been there at the time, but we aren’t always where we should be when we should be there.

    Perhaps something like a lifetime subscription should be essentially impossibly to acquire, but a cosmetic that was missed due to timing should not be held to that standard, in my opinion. I’d be willing to pay for it, even if I had to pay more than my predecessors to do so.

    Exactly!!!! damn can you imagine if players like us where the majority, games would be so much better.
    We don't think in black and white.
    Well thank god we live in the real world were laws help keep companies to their words
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited October 2018
    If they break their word on this, they could bend on anything including the features the game is being sold on. They said its available for the month only, so it should be available for the month only.

    Honestly the game touts plenty of content that's going to exclude those without much time or ability to min/max with utmost efficiency. Top tier raids, castle sieges, ruling castles/nodes.
  • Jahlon said:
    Jahlon said:
    This poll is very poorly constructed.

    Never made one before, I just cant believe people would choose having content removed, purely so no one has what they have, not allowing anyone else to buy things they missed for reason I cant fathom.
    it makes them less money as they have less cosmetics to sell and it kills people like me who love to collect.

    Here is the thing with a poll, you have to account for both answers that support your position and answers that do not.

    Your poll is clearly directed towards the people who have already purchased exclusive cosmetics, so you need to craft it something like this

    Would you care if your exclusive cosmetics became available in game?

    Now, if you wanted to get more detail out of the answer you could go

    Yes - I purchased them as exclusive and they should say exclusive
    Yes - No reason given
    No - It wouldn't bother me
    No - Everyone should be able to earn them
    No - But they shouldn't become available until a certain amount of time has passed
    No - No Reason Given

    Basically, your poll isn't a poll, its just a clever way to say you are unhappy about the situation with the exclusive cosmetics and you are trying to have something to back up your opinion, however, your data gathering was poor thus your results are irrelevant. 

    I thought people would see sense having read it.
    Sadly I don't think that has happened.
    Majority of you still think in black and white.
    This is where you are wrong, I see shades of green, like you Envy at my awesome exclusive Cloak from the May pack that also happens to be green.

    Now I might be seeing red from your anger at the nice corsair ship skin that you missed out on from the Pax deal.

    Screw black and white and shades of gray, I see multitudes of color.
  • I honestly don't care if the same or similar model is obtained in game.

    They've said that not all the coolest looking cosmetics will be available in the shop and some are only obtained in game.
  • Jahlon said:
    Jahlon said:
    This poll is very poorly constructed.

    Never made one before, I just cant believe people would choose having content removed, purely so no one has what they have, not allowing anyone else to buy things they missed for reason I cant fathom.
    it makes them less money as they have less cosmetics to sell and it kills people like me who love to collect.

    Here is the thing with a poll, you have to account for both answers that support your position and answers that do not.

    Your poll is clearly directed towards the people who have already purchased exclusive cosmetics, so you need to craft it something like this

    Would you care if your exclusive cosmetics became available in game?

    Now, if you wanted to get more detail out of the answer you could go

    Yes - I purchased them as exclusive and they should say exclusive
    Yes - No reason given
    No - It wouldn't bother me
    No - Everyone should be able to earn them
    No - But they shouldn't become available until a certain amount of time has passed
    No - No Reason Given

    Basically, your poll isn't a poll, its just a clever way to say you are unhappy about the situation with the exclusive cosmetics and you are trying to have something to back up your opinion, however, your data gathering was poor thus your results are irrelevant. 

    I thought people would see sense having read it.
    Sadly I don't think that has happened.
    Majority of you still think in black and white.
    Yeah we think black and white and not the guys who thinks that exclusivity = 100% bad
  • Exclusive Cosmetics serve as symbol of what you've done or participated in.  Once the event that awarded that content has passed, the items available from that event should be removed forever.
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