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    Or when you merry and have a child it will be a mix between the 2 characters and you can create that as a new character xD or a plain stupid npc that walks around
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    Fleelix said:
    Or when you merry and have a child it will be a mix between the 2 characters and you can create that as a new character xD or a plain stupid npc that walks around
    Chronicles of Elyria
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited December 2018
    I'm personally not interested in this type of feature, but... what if the kids were a "home decoration" type of item, that changes over a set period of time, and can be moved around the home?
    For example:
    • Stage 1 - A baby in a crib
    • Stage 2 - A toddler in a playpen
    • Stage 3 - A small child sitting on the floor, playing with some toys
    • Stage 4 - A teenager sitting on a chair
    • Stage 5 - An adult standing by the door (can't be moved)
    At stage 5 you get a countdown timer on the adult.  If you click on them before the timer runs out, you get a choice of "farewell" dialogue, which randomly gives you a short "happy" story about what your child will be doing with their life out in the world.  And then they disappear.  But if you miss the countdown, they simply disappear, and there's a note left on the floor with a random "sad" story.  Eg., They felt unloved and left without saying goodbye.  Or they got mixed up with a gang of thieves, and are now on the run from authorities. :p
    If at any time you want to get rid of them (before the adult stage), there could be an option to click on them and select "send to orphanage".  But if you do this "X" amount of times, you can no longer have any more kids.
    Having kids shouldn't need to be tied to a wedding (or involve 2 people to have them).  Players should be able to do this individually, allowing them the opportunity to RP as a single parent (husband/wife left or died, or adopted from an orphanage, etc.).
    As for weddings, it would be nice if AoC provided a variety of "tools" for people to RP a wedding.  For example:
    • Crafted wedding cakes, that can be set down and shared
    • Fireworks
    • Wedding attire
    • Musical instruments that can be set down, and play various songs
    • Wedding rings
    • Other misc. crafted wedding decorations
    • Gift wrapping that turns any item into a "wrapped gift"
    Any "stats" should be purely fun/fluff effects.
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    Napkins to soak up the blood? One of my earlier livestream questions that was answered was if Ashes would have invite-only options for instances for weddings and other events and the answer was no. So prepare for lots of youtube and streamed outrage when people grief weddings, because there is always a percentage of the internet that just wants to watch the world burn, not their own, but others. If you think that people won't do it, I will leave you with the infamous WoW in-game memorial/funeral for someone that died irl.
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    @UnknownSystemError - If people are smart about organizing and setting a date for a wedding (ie., not announcing it on a public forum, or in-game "general" chat) I think Nodes may be relatively safe.  And the larger the Node, the better (more guards, more fellow citizens to come to the rescue, etc)?
    Also, I wonder if Freeholds could be a safe option?  The wiki says that there will be access lists (to mimic co-ownership), and that players who own the Freehold cannot be attacked inside the footprint of their Freehold. 
    But... exactly how may people can be on an access list?  And does the "no-attacking" apply to everyone on the list, or just the original owner?  Or just the original owner and one co-owner?  Is there "guest access", and if so, would guests be safe as well?
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    From the wiki.
    You can lock your door and they are still discussing the implementation of safe zones in Freeholds.[29][30]
    • Freeholds will have an access list that you can allow certain players different permissions. Co-ownership is planned but will need more work on the backend and will be different than access permissions.[35][36]
    So far, I cannot find any instance of the saying that players would be flag mechanic immune while on the "footprint" of a freehold. Also, people tend to try and have their events in famous "vista" spots for mood and atmosphere, so the limiting to freehold would for many be onerous. We will just have to wait and see, but like I stated before, if there is a way for someone to jump up, squat over, and take a dump in the punchbowl, it WILL happen.
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    Personally I think marriage should remain a RP element, with the only "reward" being cosmetics. Perhaps a wedding ring or both of your names on the door to your freeholds, maybe even a crest shared by the two individuals
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    @UnknownSystemError - The info I saw about players being safe (cannot be killed) while on the footprint of their Freehold was from a different wiki (scroll down to "Freehold security"):
    But even if it's doable on a Freehold, you're right... it would most likely be a very small affair, and not a viable option for large groups/guilds, or those who want a more lavish, scenic location.
    Sub-human trash in MMOs is just a sad reality that will never change.  But even if AoC doesn't provide "completely safe" areas for events, I do think it's possible to hold events with little to no drama, as long as people take precautions; quiet preparation, no blabbing in public about the location/time, and picking the "safest" location possible (with NPC guards, or even player-hired guards).  No fast travel (outside of a Scientific Node's ZOI) could also be a boon.
    Event crashing will definitely happen (no doubt about it), but I do think being smart about it will significantly lessen the chances.  But like you said, we'll just have to wait and see...  

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    This thread lasted longer than I thought it would before using name calling to validate points.

    @AutumnLeaf, I know we have both been in similar threads many times, I am still against any buffs given due to marriage. It doesn't make since and it encourages getting married just for the buff. I think there should be marriage and wedding options, but just because two characters 'love' each other there should not be any inherent advantages.

    As for the children, IS has said 'no ****' so even if children were a thing I guess that would mean baby straight to adult, which would be weird. Also, if children were NPC's they should be autonomous, so after baby turns into an adult it should just join the local citizenry and grant bonus dialogue options to the parents. If NPC's can be killed, it should also be able to be killed, since it's just another NPC to 99% of the players.

    You shouldn't be able to tell your 'child' what class they will be or determine their stats, that's not how reproducing and child rearing work.

    Of course, this is just my opinion. I would be okay with any IS does as long as getting married so characters can receive an advantage doesn't become part of the min/max arsenal.
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    Azathoth said:
    This thread lasted longer than I thought it would before using name calling to validate points.

    @AutumnLeaf, I know we have both been in similar threads many times, I am still against any buffs given due to marriage. It doesn't make since and it encourages getting married just for the buff. I think there should be marriage and wedding options, but just because two characters 'love' each other there should not be any inherent advantages.

    As for the children, IS has said 'no ****' so even if children were a thing I guess that would mean baby straight to adult, which would be weird. Also, if children were NPC's they should be autonomous, so after baby turns into an adult it should just join the local citizenry and grant bonus dialogue options to the parents. If NPC's can be killed, it should also be able to be killed, since it's just another NPC to 99% of the players.

    You shouldn't be able to tell your 'child' what class they will be or determine their stats, that's not how reproducing and child rearing work.

    Of course, this is just my opinion. I would be okay with any IS does as long as getting married so characters can receive an advantage doesn't become part of the min/max arsenal.
    Yeah personally I just don't mind if they get a small buff like your spouses food lasts for 10 sec longer etc. or matching skins or rings or whatever if they really want to but that's it absolutely no game changing things and if they get nothing then even better since like you said 2 characters being in 'love' should not offer advantages.

    Overall I think the child part is just really weird and personally can't find any sense in it either even for rp purposes 'w'
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    Azathoth said:
    This thread lasted longer than I thought it would before using name calling to validate points.
    I apologize for the civility here, I can compare you to various vermin if it helps.
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    Please, feel free. No need to apologize either.
    As my statement did not indicate, I rather enjoyed reading most of the most in this thread.

    I was referring to the feminazi/sub-human trash comments, just in case someone missed my point.
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    Marriage and kids are a gimmick we don't need.

    Every second of wasted effort adding that could be spent on making sure all enemies have different skins.
    making sure boss enemies have story, and a different look and more abilities.
    Making sure inns feel real and dangerous in rough areas.
    once they perfect every aspect of their MMO, then sure let rp kids marry and have pixel babies.

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    Marriage and kids are a gimmick we don't need.

    Every second of wasted effort adding that could be spent on making sure all enemies have different skins.
    making sure boss enemies have story, and a different look and more abilities.
    Making sure inns feel real and dangerous in rough areas.
    once they perfect every aspect of their MMO, then sure let rp kids marry and have pixel babies.

    For once I agree with you
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited December 2018
    nagash said:

    Marriage and kids are a gimmick we don't need.

    Every second of wasted effort adding that could be spent on making sure all enemies have different skins.
    making sure boss enemies have story, and a different look and more abilities.
    Making sure inns feel real and dangerous in rough areas.
    once they perfect every aspect of their MMO, then sure let rp kids marry and have pixel babies.

    For once I agree with you
    NOOOOOOO!!! NAGASH! How could you? Agreeing with that thing? Just because it finally shows a small amount of intelligence, does not mean you should agree with it. :(
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    nagash said:

    Marriage and kids are a gimmick we don't need.

    Every second of wasted effort adding that could be spent on making sure all enemies have different skins.
    making sure boss enemies have story, and a different look and more abilities.
    Making sure inns feel real and dangerous in rough areas.
    once they perfect every aspect of their MMO, then sure let rp kids marry and have pixel babies.

    For once I agree with you
    NOOOOOOO!!! NAGASH! How could you? Agreeing with that thing? Just because it finally shows a small amount of intelligence, does not mean you should agree with it. :(
    you have no idea how much it pained me but I have to give credit for logic. the pain
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    nagash said:

    Marriage and kids are a gimmick we don't need.

    Every second of wasted effort adding that could be spent on making sure all enemies have different skins.
    making sure boss enemies have story, and a different look and more abilities.
    Making sure inns feel real and dangerous in rough areas.
    once they perfect every aspect of their MMO, then sure let rp kids marry and have pixel babies.

    For once I agree with you
    NOOOOOOO!!! NAGASH! How could you? Agreeing with that thing? Just because it finally shows a small amount of intelligence, does not mean you should agree with it. :(

    Everything is I say is fact, or will be proven as fact soon enough.
    been playing MMOs for 20+ years, can you even fathom my knowledge and foresight on the subject of mmos after all that?
  • Options
    nagash said:

    Marriage and kids are a gimmick we don't need.

    Every second of wasted effort adding that could be spent on making sure all enemies have different skins.
    making sure boss enemies have story, and a different look and more abilities.
    Making sure inns feel real and dangerous in rough areas.
    once they perfect every aspect of their MMO, then sure let rp kids marry and have pixel babies.

    For once I agree with you
    NOOOOOOO!!! NAGASH! How could you? Agreeing with that thing? Just because it finally shows a small amount of intelligence, does not mean you should agree with it. :(

    Everything is I say is fact, or will be proven as fact soon enough.
    been playing MMOs for 20+ years, can you even fathom my knowledge and foresight on the subject of mmos after all that?
    At least you can say you tried not to walk into that wall . . . but you still managed to turn back in the direction of the wall and hit it square on. Good aim!
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited December 2018
    nagash said:

    Marriage and kids are a gimmick we don't need.

    Every second of wasted effort adding that could be spent on making sure all enemies have different skins.
    making sure boss enemies have story, and a different look and more abilities.
    Making sure inns feel real and dangerous in rough areas.
    once they perfect every aspect of their MMO, then sure let rp kids marry and have pixel babies.

    For once I agree with you
    NOOOOOOO!!! NAGASH! How could you? Agreeing with that thing? Just because it finally shows a small amount of intelligence, does not mean you should agree with it. :(

    Everything is I say is fact, or will be proven as fact soon enough.
    been playing MMOs for 20+ years, can you even fathom my knowledge and foresight on the subject of mmos after all that?
    I was going to agree with you and you ruined it. :(

    And I’ve likely been playing as long as you or longer since I’ve been playing since mid 90s.  I even played Meridian 59.  You’re not nearly as special as you pretend to be.
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    Lol that would never work, too many problems. Better of just allowing for hired NPC's or somen.
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited December 2018
    nagash said:

    Marriage and kids are a gimmick we don't need.

    Every second of wasted effort adding that could be spent on making sure all enemies have different skins.
    making sure boss enemies have story, and a different look and more abilities.
    Making sure inns feel real and dangerous in rough areas.
    once they perfect every aspect of their MMO, then sure let rp kids marry and have pixel babies.

    For once I agree with you
    NOOOOOOO!!! NAGASH! How could you? Agreeing with that thing? Just because it finally shows a small amount of intelligence, does not mean you should agree with it. :(

    Everything is I say is fact, or will be proven as fact soon enough.
    been playing MMOs for 20+ years, can you even fathom my knowledge and foresight on the subject of mmos after all that?

    you were so close but you blew it

  • Options
    nagash said:

    Marriage and kids are a gimmick we don't need.

    Every second of wasted effort adding that could be spent on making sure all enemies have different skins.
    making sure boss enemies have story, and a different look and more abilities.
    Making sure inns feel real and dangerous in rough areas.
    once they perfect every aspect of their MMO, then sure let rp kids marry and have pixel babies.

    For once I agree with you
    NOOOOOOO!!! NAGASH! How could you? Agreeing with that thing? Just because it finally shows a small amount of intelligence, does not mean you should agree with it. :(

    Everything is I say is fact, or will be proven as fact soon enough.
    been playing MMOs for 20+ years, can you even fathom my knowledge and foresight on the subject of mmos after all that?
    This is a community of MMO players, you aren't special.  We've all seen mistakes made by developers and publishers over the years, and we're all watch Intrepid Studios and wait for Ashes to come out and hoping and praying they don't make those same mistakes.
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    Eh just when you think he is starting to become a normal human being with reasonable opinions...
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    Eh just when you think he is starting to become a normal human being with reasonable opinions...
    IKR, I honestly havn't seen anyone hated this much since I played Tera on console (XBONE) a few months ago and this player named "Truth" (who I honestly think is grimseethe or they are like-minded twins) was universally hated by nearly everyone on the server because he constantly tried to scam people, thought he was right about everything (sound like someone?) when he clearly was not and proven wrong constantly, sucked at PVP but constantly would try to call anyone that beat him a cheater, attempted to start drama between guilds that he joined (he bounced guilds for the first 2-3 months of release), and decided to send a few death threats to guild leaders that refused to let him in because of all this nonsense. I am sure I am missing a few things in there, but you get the picture. I have a feeling Grimseethe will be just like "Truth" (This was his character name in-game), OR actually is him, but still does not realize that he will be PK'd till the end of time if he keeps this up because unlike Tera, OWPVP is a thing in AoC.
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    Am I the only one who pictures him yelling “MOM...MEATLOAF!!!” 

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    You stay away from me and my child 

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    Eh just when you think he is starting to become a normal human being with reasonable opinions...
    IKR, I honestly havn't seen anyone hated this much since I played Tera on console (XBONE) a few months ago and this player named "Truth" (who I honestly think is grimseethe or they are like-minded twins) was universally hated by nearly everyone on the server because he constantly tried to scam people, thought he was right about everything (sound like someone?) when he clearly was not and proven wrong constantly, sucked at PVP but constantly would try to call anyone that beat him a cheater, attempted to start drama between guilds that he joined (he bounced guilds for the first 2-3 months of release), and decided to send a few death threats to guild leaders that refused to let him in because of all this nonsense. I am sure I am missing a few things in there, but you get the picture. I have a feeling Grimseethe will be just like "Truth" (This was his character name in-game), OR actually is him, but still does not realize that he will be PK'd till the end of time if he keeps this up because unlike Tera, OWPVP is a thing in AoC.

    Tera is shit I barely played it.
    Why am I hated though?
    because I give facts and opinions that are also facts, even if most people cannot see why they are.
    I'm not going to feign modestly or act nice, I don't mine words.
    Opinions can be facts if someones logic is flawless.
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    You're not hated, we just don't understand how you don't see the logical flaws in your own arguments.

    ...because I give facts and opinions that are also facts...
    Opinions that are also facts..?
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    nagash said:
    Azathoth said:
    You're not hated, we just don't understand how you don't see the logical flaws in your own arguments.

    ...because I give facts and opinions that are also facts...
    Opinions that are also facts..?

    If an opinion has no faults, then yes its a fact.
    for example "Rapists should just be killed, they can no longer contribute to society"
    This is my opinon, but its also a fact as any other viewpoint would be wrong based on the vast argument I have for that opinion.
    I wonder if a emp would shut you up?

    Do no silence truth, encourage it.
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    "An opinion that has no faults is a fact" well comic relief character confirmed...
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