Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
What is everyone's take on the monthly cosmetics?

DO you think Intrepid should stop rolling out the monthly cosmetics until and appropriate time? ie. the game being in a better state like A1?

Formerly T-Elf
Formerly T-Elf
Example: The mounts and other items go on the same month each year, and if they make more skins for that month then both skins go on sale at that month. That way we dont loose the chance to EVER obtaining that specific skin (maybe you just didnt have the money at the time but really liked the skin etc.)
I would rather earn cosmetics than buy them, buying them does not make me feel like i accomplished anything.
We can earn cosmetics though...
The weapon skins from Apocalypse are accessible in the MMORPG later i think^^
They are really nice actually (armour skins look good, weapon skins are really good and I already have the fire phoenix skin for the griffon
Heroes of the People and Avatars of the Phoenix also get some exclusive aura for their characters. Because theyre in packages that cost 5-10 thousand dollars, i will be pretty damn annoyed if they release some "similar" auras for everyone else. I just dont want this game to turn into some shiny fashion show like path of exile.
I believe that steven confirmed that the costumes are one piece.
The monthly cosmetics are all one piece, there will be cosmetics in game that we will be able to mix and match to make unique sets.
Ill still continue to buy them just bc i plan on playing this game for years to come (hopfully it lasts that long) im willing to wait multiple years for this game to come, i just dont want it rushed and dropped 1 year later
Wouldn't bother me as much if we had many different news, posts or other things about the game. But for a very long time we only had monthly cosmetics and we still only have monthly cosmetics. At some point during the website changes, store was the only function of the website that was working properly as well. So it may be kinda worrying for a lot of players who has question marks on their heads about IS, that if cosmetics are always going to be the top priority, because that is how it looks like from the outside since we don't have anything else.
It shows Intrepid is making content, and allows them to showcase aspects of the game, art style, ect. It also helps build a sense if community in the way if exclusivity. We were all here at this time and could become one of the people to get THAT cosmetic.
On the other hand, it also shows a little window into what will be the additional cost if playing Ashes.
Yes there's a sub, so $15 to play, but there's always additional costs if you want extras (guacamole, bacon, cheese) and let's face it, we all want extras. So AoC is probably going to cost the average player more than $15 a month (except us Bravers and up!).
It's this "hidden cost" that gets people with poor impulse control in trouble. I honestly don't struggle for money, but if I bought everything month's cosmetics, it would impact my ability to stock my liquor cabinet. And that's bad.