Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Dev Discussion #7 - Toxicity

Glorious Ashes community - it's time for another Dev Discussion! Dev Discussion topics are kind of like a "reverse Q&A" - rather than you asking us questions about Ashes of Creation, we want to ask YOU what your thoughts are.
Our design team has compiled a list of burning questions we'd love to get your feedback on regarding gameplay, your past MMO experiences, and more. Join in on the Dev Discussion and share what makes gaming special to you!
Dev Discussion #7 - Toxicity
What are some things other games do to manage toxicity that you think work well? What would you like to see in Ashes of Creation?
Keep an eye out for our next Dev Discussion topic regarding MMO "stickiness"!

Other than that, people shouldn't get moderator for shit talking since that is going to be a core driving part of the game.
Talk too much shit, you're gonna get hit.
Or guild war
or declared Enemy of the State
or some other in game mechanic
12/10 agree!
Yes agree. If there will be a report button, the reports should be checked by a real person, because a guild can just report someone they do not like and he might a chat ban or something.
I remember, when a player in WoW still had a certain reputation.
Everyon knew the big tanks and healers on the server, or the best blacksmith etc.
All that went away with the growing number of servers, rename-tokens and server transfers sadly....
If someone is toxic, then I want everyone on the server be able to learn it in the forums/discord etc.
It would be really cool if we had per server a thread, where people could post events that happened on the server.
We have General Discussion, Announcements, NA Guilds, EUW Guilds etc, now we would need a "Server" place to create threads.
Hopefully there will an /ignore function.
Also having custom chat channels and a checkbox menu where you can decide what chats you want to see.
Formerly T-Elf
Outside of the PvP flagging, partial looting, and other commonly-known solutions that prevent some level of griefing (which usually results in toxicity one way or another), there's one big method of preventing a lot of toxicity: don't let players become bored. If players are constantly engaging in content, always have new challenges, and can't afford to waste time outside of game mechanics without losing an edge, only those who actively enjoy being toxic to others might seek toxicity out regularly and pay the opportunity cost to escape systems.
Also I'd like to see in-game chat moderators appointed from community because they got no life with zero accountability and powertrip permit
By the way, it would help to leak ban appeal info to the guild officers of person in question, so they can collectively influence him to stop his ways.
I know this is hard and a lot of developers feel compelled to act, but if you start handing out bans and other punishments all the time often this has the opposite effect and causes more problems. If this game ends up being as advertised, then the community will do most of the work for you. If someone is a dick too often in-game they will become known on their server and get blacklisted by the community. That is far more effective than the devs trying to punish them.
Obviously if someone is outright cheating like using bots, etc then of course hand out punishments, but for general bad behaviour, let the community deal with it unless absolutely necessary. The same goes for the forums. I have been on forums in the past where the moment someone says a bad word or starts an argument, the mods swoop down and intervene, handing out punishments and closing/deleting the thread.
PLEASE DON'T DO THIS! People are going to argue on these forums (it has already happened multiple times), and there will be heated discussions when differing opinions collide. That is ok. Again, the community members will deal with most of this ourselves. Of course if a thread gets completely out of hand then step in, but intervention from moderators should be a last resort in my opinion.
It may make the person a dick, but it's part of playing on a PvP game, I don't think any action should be taken against the player.
Open world PvP game.
The world isn't a safe place. Given the corruption system, if someone is willing to go that deep into corruption to keep killing must have done something.
So basically everything being said above.
Bounty hunting is going to be a thing. It's part of the corruption system.
If you repeatedly message bad stuff to player its harrassment but if you repeatedly PK them how it is not?
This is like saying that victim of harrassment asked for it
Look at games like DoTA (and MOBAs in general), they have some of the most toxic communities around, yet players flock to their games. Why? Because your community is a reflection of the quality of your game, not a reflection of how nice people are to one another.
Not to mention that that nature of supposed "toxicity" is highly variable to the person interpreting it. I'd argue that even if you did find some way to fairly apply punishments that exactly fit some universal rule of toxicity, you're more likely to lose a player over erroneously punishing them once, than you are to lose a player due to several bouts of that same player being flamed for accidentally letting their party die from a supposed toxic situation.
The ROI of solving this problem is ridiculously low. Do what you can with in-game systems to disincentive shitty people, and then just let the rest play out.
Forbidding people doing things quite often doesn't work well, but growing community that is encouraged to be kind will benefit even outside of AOC
A report system needs to be available for the more extreme things so players who legitimately need help with a serious issue can seek help, but otherwise a block function is perfectly acceptable.
As far as other games go there really isn't a game that has perfectly tackled the problem. You either have games that are a cesspit of toxicity, or the devs have such heavy moderation and chat censoring in place that people don't even bother talking in chat.
I think there are problems based on loot dispenser designs that caused people to get angry, some lent themselves to favoritism.
There's really a lot that can be helped by just tuning the design to not cause these peak problems. I hope the corruption system is enough to keep random frustrating high vs low level PKing from happening, but I'm not sure. The map design where players are all together throughout their leveling might cause random PKing to be more accessible and the corruption system might need tuned eventually down the road.
I look forward to seeing a good community foster, and the bad eggs leading us into some interesting player driven drama that pushes the game in a more dynamic direction. I hope you guys succeed in getting rid of the typical nonsense.
I hope there's enough role playing facilitators to hopefully make that fun, but if not I'll still try my own thing within the game, and hopefully we can keep the community diverse in range of what content people are hungry for and make for a diverse consumer market that doesn't just want cosmetics to drive the business.
Ah this is an interesting tangent I'm glad you brought up @kethatril , and I'd love to dig into this more too! Could you (or anyone else) provide examples of approaches similar to this that you like? (e.g. mentorship programs, other community engagement programs)
When I played LoL, a known toxic game, I just typed "/mute all" and enjoyed the game just fine. When people on my team banned the champion I picked to troll, I just dodged the match and waited 5 minutes.