Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
@koltovince Players will ben able to acquire 'bounty hunter' title through a quest that is available only to citizens of military stage 4 nodes. The idea is that corrupted players (those who kill non combatants) will be hunted down by the bounty hunters. Corrupted players also have a chance to drop gear etc upon death as well as many other stuff they own which will be the bounty of the hunter. for more info: 👈
@Pmilhous24 Yes, mob AI will be responsive to your actions.Bosses especially will make decisions dynamically during fights for more info: 👈
@lifetree Yes! when you kill mobs they will drop relevant raw materials which then can be used in crafting, cooking alchemy etc. That stage is called 'processing' which is one of the artisan classes in Ashes. for more info: 👈
@iliya Unfortunately you won't be able to build and design the outer layer of your houses. Rather there will be blueprints you can buy.You can do a lot of decorating inside the house tho! for more info: 👈
@apok In Ashes, all stats will relate to a player's combat effectiveness in PvX. As a 'stat modifier' there is the enchanting system. For more info: 👈
E.g. Climbing up houses and going across roofs to avoid choke points and flank behind the enemy.
Also..any news on the long-anticipated religious node article?
Lots of love xoxo
For normal group content a game usually needs plenty of tanks but in raiding only a few are needed wich makes me think alot of tanks won't get to see the endgame at all.
That, or there will be way too few tanks for normal group content.
What are your plans to balance this? Will there be viable DPS or maybe support builds for Tanks?
Ex. something like BDO or Horizon Zero Dawn, or maybe more like GW2 or Skyrim just to give some ideas that are not limited to just MMOs.
Back in the olden days of Ultima Online for instance, with this skill, you were able to create/uncover treasure maps to hidden treasures spread throughout the world. Upon digging on the right spot you would uncover a chest with some goodies and sometimes some unfortunately monster spawns.
While I'm not sure that we need this exactly, it would be great to have something similar that will send adventurers exploring all corners of the world (outside of questing and sieging). Something to add more flavor.
I have a question about the "Freeholds"
It has been told that you have some amount of "slots" for different buildings for profession or for production. Are these slots filled with buildings supporting your own profession or can they be anything? Do they come with a base level npc to work in them, which would be nice for immersion, or are they only for players to use?
Can i be a gatherer and still have refinement and production buildings on my hold?
Does nimal breeding require the space of all slots or
And continues
Or can i have some farming and food production also.
All kind of info is wanted and thank you for all answers to all question beforehand..
Could questing be made so that all the questgivers have somekind of ingame flag infront of the house or marketstand or anywhere indicating that adventurers are needed for a job. When you have completed the quest you can see ingame that the flag is taken down.
The quests should be read from journal or from conversation and no other indicators. Sort of medium between wow and hc questing.
Like the fighter rush + mage teleport example but instead of both archetypes being dps roles, some examples where the secondary archetype is a tank or healer.
Eg, will there be a tank secondary augment school for increased threat ? Will there be a healer secondary augment school that heals others ?
Cheers JD