If ONE system of AoC would fail or be very bad, which would it be?

MarzzoMarzzo Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
What do you think?


  • AardvarkAardvark Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    They absolutly have to get corruption right. It matters to much to people on both sides to not get exactly right
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Why must one fail?
    I don't understand the need to be negative.
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • BotagarBotagar Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Why must one fail?
    I don't understand the need to be negative.

    Don't understand enough about the game to comment on the OP, but blodprophet these kinds of questions get asked in a QA process to highlight critical and/or vulnerable parts of system. It's better to uncover things earlier in the development process rather than later.
    I don't find this to be negative at all. Something negative would be "AoC is going to fail because XYZ".
  • darthadendarthaden Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    None will fail. All will most likely need to be tweaked during alpha and beta. With the amount of players who will be testing the game between now and launch theres no reason any of the systems shouldn't be ironed out before launch.
  • MarzzoMarzzo Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Why must one fail?
    I don't understand the need to be negative.

    Multiple will fail. and multiple will succed. That is the way of life and you need to accept it or get ready for dissapointment.

    I wonder which one you would guess to fail! By answearing this, you will help the developers see problems they might have missed! In the end, giving devs insight, will make a better game.

    Stop being so negative about this post ;)
  • MarzzoMarzzo Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    darthaden wrote: »
    None will fail. All will most likely need to be tweaked during alpha and beta. With the amount of players who will be testing the game between now and launch theres no reason any of the systems shouldn't be ironed out before launch.

    Many systems will fail. Many will be removed, and many will be reworked. But, many will also succeed and improve! If you need to guess one system that will fail, which one would it be? Let the devs here it know so they might have a chance to prepare!
  • tugowartugowar Member, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Guys, it’s called critical failure points. It’s a very normal analysis.

    Fluid combat

    Virtue is the only good.
  • MarzzoMarzzo Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    tugowar wrote: »
    Guys, it’s called critical failure points. It’s a very normal analysis.

    Fluid combat

    Yea, fluid combat is extremly hard to get right. The problem is making it feel engaging, fun and challenging while still not feeling clunky or restrictive.
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Tough to say with out trying them out yet. But hybrid combat seems like a tall order making both sides work and be viable with out one side being useless or so bad the time invested in building them is wasted.
    But I think they have a lot of talent and experience and will figure it out.
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • AardvarkAardvark Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2020
    Well one real worry is I have never seen a mmo with 10 well balanced classes let alone 64. If they get 64 classes very well balanced they are the best devs in history
  • lunarskylunarsky Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    The subclass system actually feeling unique with 64 classes is probably my biggest concern as well as balancing that even for PVE group content. Hybrid combat is the second one.
    Future Py'rai (M) - Shaman, Enchanter, Soul Weaver, Templar, or Necromancer (Pending)
    Future Crafting Plans: Herbalism > Alchemy & Scribe or Mining > Metalworking > Jewel cutting (Pending)
  • NamilNamil Member
    For me classes are a pretty major thing, they need to feel like their own identity and actually have unique looking spells. For example, the augment difference on a spell between a Mage-Fighter and a Mage-Rogue shouldn't just be a switch from a red to a purple particle effect.
  • Lincoln HawkLincoln Hawk Member
    edited July 2020
    No such thing as perfectly balanced MMO that revolves around classes, Blizzard doesn't manage it with their huge budget.
    Something that people need to just accept.
    But yea class diversity and the augments actually adding enough difference to each primary class as Namil pointed out is something I really hope for.
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited July 2020
    I hope it doesnt, but I see the class augmentation system fail.
    I think the animations will be very generic and so the meta will be very prominent, with very few of the 64 combos being viable for anything other than RP and solo exp till lv 25-30.

    If I am not wrong, I rly hope to see a switch away from the combo system, in favour of solid classes with unique animations and identity, essentially adding another 7 classes to the 8 primiry, and scraping the 64 combinations, hopefully before A2.
  • No such thing as perfectly balanced MMO that revolves around classes, Blizzard dont manage it with their huge budget.
    Something that people need to just accept.
    But yea class diversity and the augments actually adding enough difference to each primary class as Namil pointed out is something I really hope for.

    Blizzard doesn't balance, and wouldn't know how even if they wanted to.
    Blizzard is famous for their inability to balance anything, ever.
    Entire classes and specs can remain totally broken and non-viable for years, in a game where you subscribe to play you're told to wait a few years it will be fixed next expansion, it's a joke. A disgusting joke.
    They're successful for the casual accessibility of their games, and their very talented artists.

    As for the 64 classes, I am expecting it to be more like 8 classes with just a lot of variety and customization.

    Perfect and permanent balance isn't possible, you're right, but balance is possible. It needs to be maintained, and it also depends what kind of balance we're going for. Balance around group content and rock/paper/scissors I think is a good way to go about it.
  • JubilumJubilum Member, Pioneer, Kickstarter
    This is something that we don't have a lot of information on just yet, but the economy is a failure the game could be doomed. Economy is kind of a catch all for gathering, crafting, and market. I am a Capitalist, all about supply and demand, but I have found that in most games the market ends up getting out of control. IS needs the ability to tweak the economy if a particular server starts to go wrong. Buy this I mean where on server 1, one piece of silver ore cost 1 gold, but on server 2 it is listed for 10K gold. This alone would cause me to start server hopping. They will need a full time employee to track every server for anomalies and adjust as needed.
  • NetoryNetory Member
    lunarsky wrote: »
    The subclass system actually feeling unique with 64 classes is probably my biggest concern as well as balancing that even for PVE group content. Hybrid combat is the second one.

    My expectations of how the subclass system will actually work:
    Fighter/Cleric swings sword = Shiny Golden Glow!
    Fighet/Mage swings sword = Fiery Sparky Effect!
    Fighter/Rogue swings sword = Shadowy Smoke stuff so scary!
  • rodzorrodzor Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One
    The combat is the big one that will make or break it all, all the other systems seem super solid as far as the design direction Sandal God is projecting.
  • If the game (or maybe even beta) comes before 2022. it will have unbalanced stuffs.
    AoC team should take as much time as possible to do all stuff right.

    "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." - Shigeru Miyamoto

    My guess is class balancing, not enough dungeon/raid instanced content (who knows maybe more will come later in patch-expansion), killable ground mounts, leveling time (it takes much time even for hardcore levelers). That's it for now.

    Cant wait for example archwizard (mage-mage) in sieges/zerg pvp to throw aoe skill at a group of players and obliterate them like a Thanos just because archwizard-mage was balanced around group-party PvPvE content.
  • Srdjan91Srdjan91 Member
    edited July 2020
    Tsukasa wrote: »
    Class diversity. Why?

    Look at all these basic and boring weapons.
    Which weapon would a bard even use? If they don't add more before implementing augmentation system, classes will lack diversity/originality.

    For example, A fighter might start as a boring warrior, but when he chooses Blade Dancer, I want it to not feel like a fighter anymore, but like Blade Dancer; mobile, fast and slippery. It's all about STYLE. If you like the older style, you simply pick fighter/fighter for an improved version of the same style. < this is what I hope for.
    Bards would use harp.

    Weapons are still in development - concept stage. More weapons will come later.
    Anyway game is still in pre alpha stage.
  • SamsonSamson Member
    Game performance optimization.

    It's imperative that the game run smoothly and with high FPS.
  • tugowar wrote: »
    Guys, it’s called critical failure points. It’s a very normal analysis.

    Fluid combat

    I hope it doesn't! :|
    "Magic is not a tool, little one. It is a river that unites us in its current."

    I heard a bird ♫
  • Wandering MistWandering Mist Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    This is kind of broad but so many Ashes systems rely on people's desire to change the state of the world. If we get to the 5 metros and nobody wishes to change that, then nobody is going to engage in caravans or sieges and the world becomes stagnant and boring.
  • Open world PvP.

    I am worried about player agency and PvP being compromised by all the anti-PvPers who consider non-consensual PvP griefing.

    Included in that, is instanced content. Worried it will be too rewarding without risk, since they are removed from the open world PvP component of the game and essentially (from a PvPers perspective) rendered invulnerable/godmode while still progressing. The way it is described now seems fine, but my worries are more long-term.
  • AardvarkAardvark Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2020
    Open world PvP.

    I am worried about player agency and PvP being compromised by all the anti-PvPers who consider non-consensual PvP griefing.

    Included in that, is instanced content. Worried it will be too rewarding without risk, since they are removed from the open world PvP component of the game and essentially (from a PvPers perspective) rendered invulnerable/godmode while still progressing. The way it is described now seems fine, but my worries are more long-term.

    Hopefully some dungens and raids will be and will not be instanced. Some each way would be best.

    And yes pvp for a reason is not generally griefing. But attacking someone because you just want to find someone anyone to piss off is.
  • Wandering MistWandering Mist Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Aardvark wrote: »
    Open world PvP.

    I am worried about player agency and PvP being compromised by all the anti-PvPers who consider non-consensual PvP griefing.

    Included in that, is instanced content. Worried it will be too rewarding without risk, since they are removed from the open world PvP component of the game and essentially (from a PvPers perspective) rendered invulnerable/godmode while still progressing. The way it is described now seems fine, but my worries are more long-term.

    Hopefully some dungens and raids will be and will not be instanced. Some each way would be best.

    And yes pvp for a reason is not generally griefing. But attacking someone because you just want to find someone anyone to piss off is.

    The majority of grouped content will be open world.
  • Aardvark wrote: »
    Open world PvP.

    I am worried about player agency and PvP being compromised by all the anti-PvPers who consider non-consensual PvP griefing.

    Included in that, is instanced content. Worried it will be too rewarding without risk, since they are removed from the open world PvP component of the game and essentially (from a PvPers perspective) rendered invulnerable/godmode while still progressing. The way it is described now seems fine, but my worries are more long-term.

    Hopefully some dungens and raids will be and will not be instanced. Some each way would be best.

    And yes pvp for a reason is not generally griefing. But attacking someone because you just want to find someone anyone to piss off is.

    It's 80% 20%, supposedly, with the instanced content being far less rewarding because it is meant for solo/small groups or to advance a story-line. At least, that's what I have had explained to me by various long time lurkers.

    This is okay, I just worry about it changing over time and stuff to drift from that.
  • AardvarkAardvark Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2020
    Aardvark wrote: »
    Open world PvP.

    I am worried about player agency and PvP being compromised by all the anti-PvPers who consider non-consensual PvP griefing.

    Included in that, is instanced content. Worried it will be too rewarding without risk, since they are removed from the open world PvP component of the game and essentially (from a PvPers perspective) rendered invulnerable/godmode while still progressing. The way it is described now seems fine, but my worries are more long-term.

    Hopefully some dungens and raids will be and will not be instanced. Some each way would be best.

    And yes pvp for a reason is not generally griefing. But attacking someone because you just want to find someone anyone to piss off is.

    The majority of grouped content will be open world.

    Which means every single dungeon run or raid will be a pvp griefing mess and pve progression will almost not exist in the pvx game. Open pvp in a dungeon or raid does not work well if you expect any kind of pve progression to be possible.

    I don't want to raid at 3am just because there 1000 people who can't complete it and want to make sure noone else can since they aren't good enough to be able to and are jealous.
  • Aardvark wrote: »
    Aardvark wrote: »
    Open world PvP.

    I am worried about player agency and PvP being compromised by all the anti-PvPers who consider non-consensual PvP griefing.

    Included in that, is instanced content. Worried it will be too rewarding without risk, since they are removed from the open world PvP component of the game and essentially (from a PvPers perspective) rendered invulnerable/godmode while still progressing. The way it is described now seems fine, but my worries are more long-term.

    Hopefully some dungens and raids will be and will not be instanced. Some each way would be best.

    And yes pvp for a reason is not generally griefing. But attacking someone because you just want to find someone anyone to piss off is.

    The majority of grouped content will be open world.

    Which means every single dungeon run or raid will be a pvp griefing mess and pve progression will almost not exist in the pvx game. Open pvp in a dungeon or raid does not work well if you expect any kind of pve progression to be possible.

    I don't want to raid at 3am just because there 1000 people who can't complete it and want to make sure noone else can since they aren't good enough to be able to.

    I mean if you arent flagged and a group comes in to kill you they still have to deal with corruption right??
  • AardvarkAardvark Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2020
    Aardvark wrote: »
    Aardvark wrote: »
    Open world PvP.

    I am worried about player agency and PvP being compromised by all the anti-PvPers who consider non-consensual PvP griefing.

    Included in that, is instanced content. Worried it will be too rewarding without risk, since they are removed from the open world PvP component of the game and essentially (from a PvPers perspective) rendered invulnerable/godmode while still progressing. The way it is described now seems fine, but my worries are more long-term.

    Hopefully some dungens and raids will be and will not be instanced. Some each way would be best.

    And yes pvp for a reason is not generally griefing. But attacking someone because you just want to find someone anyone to piss off is.

    The majority of grouped content will be open world.

    Which means every single dungeon run or raid will be a pvp griefing mess and pve progression will almost not exist in the pvx game. Open pvp in a dungeon or raid does not work well if you expect any kind of pve progression to be possible.

    I don't want to raid at 3am just because there 1000 people who can't complete it and want to make sure noone else can since they aren't good enough to be able to.

    I mean if you arent flagged and a group comes in to kill you they still have to deal with corruption right??

    Not until you are dead and then you have already been wiped...and they only get corruption if your raid group doesn't fight back. Raid on raid actively killing each other won't give corruption
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