Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
What is the one lesson you wish the Devs of AoC would learn from the MMO you currently play?

Got another question for y'all: if there was one system/thing that the Devs of AoC would implement in the upcoming game or one lesson you wished that the Devs of Ashes would learn from the MMO you currently play or last played, what would it be?

That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.
Every game goes down the same path. It starts with a vision and a design. People come and want to change it, more people will come if you make it more accessible to more people. More people come, you are rewarded with more money. That means what I did is GOOD and SUCCESSFUL right? (no) .. You continue to broaden your audience, attracting even more people and more money. No one can claim you're failing because you keep getting richer and more popular, but there you go ... another WoW clone, another false-MMO dead.
That's a huge one.
That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.
That's a good point too.
That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.
I see a lot of similarities and Im extremelly happy about the way he thinks of mmos (open world, risk/reward, no end game mentality but a player driven story).
Only the classes worry me. My advise is 15 solid classes
Holy tank
Dark tank
Basic mage
Dot Mage
Summoner (elements and mythical animals)
each class should have abilities that are based on 3 weapons, as well as theme abilities and finally function abilities (tank, heal, dps, buffer).
Then again, Ill play fighter/fighter or the meta fighter combo and Ill be ok.
So, you basically want them to butcher the entire idea of classes not being equipment bound and shoot themselves in the balls.
You currently have 8 classes with 8 flavors each and who knows how many styles within these flavors. You want to butcher that too.
Start over
My tone is fine. Not being able to take criticism on your ideas however... yikes.
Fanboysm doesnt contribute anything. So yeah. You annoy me with your generic "butcher" post. I rly dont want to be critisized by people with no real possition on subjects. Empty noise
The lesson is that "play as you want" ends up being the total opposite, with meta being the tyrrant
Better have real variety than artificial. Now go away.
So, you wanting to completely change the class and itemization systems of the game is me fanboying for the game. Oh god.
I have no vested interest to butcher anything. Fighter/fighter is fighter/fighter. I worry about how meaningful the other combos will be.
ESO has that policy and a lot of players follow it. It leads to a lot of really bad players, and builds but a significant portion of the population does do it. The only times people don't allow it is when a group is trying to play competitively.
That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.
RNG is realistically just 'luck' that exists!!! My mom had good rng when she had me after all!
But seriously rng is everywhere in games, mob spawns, loot tables and all of that are all rng, so sorta needs to be there.
Also there is an enchantment system. Rng there.
1) casual players with little exposure
2) forum crying
3) streamer bias
In terms of balance or game direction.
I dont want to see balance changes that, at the level of a relevant player, is so unwarranted, simply to keep people quiet.
I realise that sounds super elitist.
Im not going to be good at this game. At all. But i still hope they communicate with players that have a deep understanding of the game rather than the casual, here for some light fun after work, sort of player.
I have seen that happen to a few games but Steven doesnt seem like the type that would cave very easily. He has openly said that this game is his version of what the perfect MMO would be and that it might not be for everybody.
That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.
Alliances soon. No need to be salty about imbalance anymore.
I'd add the following:
I heard a bird ♫
Making stagnant items (wow legion legendary) where only the number increases will also be boring and I agree with the dailies. I never did them and don't consider them content tbh.
But I have to agree, dailies are a big no-no for me. They are the gateway drug to timegated content. A daily starts off with good intentions. YAY! You get to do a rewarding quest, every day! ... And it turns into, you HAVE to do the rewarding quest every day!! If you miss out you can never go back! You missed it!
Timegated content in that way is awful. It's one of the worst things about modern WoW. It turns an acceptable grindfest where I could just pull an all nighter and get heaps of rep grinding mobs, into an unacceptable grindfest where I just have to log in every day to do some quests because if I don't I am permanently behind in content. That's a chore. When a game becomes a chore, the developers have failed big time. The stockholders however have won.
New World got some harsh criticism for some of their proposed quests. They were quite regular quests just not described in line with current expectations.
Rather than the apparent meaningless; kill 20 soldiers for clan 200 pts..
Perhaps; your clan needs space to expand, clear X area of soldiers to futher the campaign.. (20 soliders is sufficient and equals 200 pts)
Not saying what I have written as the solution but perhaps how the same quest can be presented in a different way and generate a sense of need or purpose
Also Dragon Age got criticism for placing quests parts at distance for no other reason than to increase player play time..