Renamed Classes



  • XraelXrael Member
    edited July 2020
    noaani wrote: »
    This is why you make posts like this. You ask the community's opinion on the name changes. Since most of you don't want scout to be changed, i won't change it if i were to make a list next time. Even if i have a personal opinion on it, the opinion of others takes precedence.
    You're not getting it.

    None of us know what any of the classes are going to play like, and what they play like is the only factor that matters in determining what an appropriate name for them would be.

    This is a discussion that may have some merrit about half way through beta, but right now is literally just "I don't like this word, change it for another one!"

    Even if you take on opinions from other people, their opinions are still the same as that - as no one other than Intrepid have any information to make a comment that is any more informed than that.

    I admit, Illusionist, Naturalist, and Vigilante are name changes that depend on the class' playstyle and I shouldnt have made those changes.

    But almost all the others maintain the same meaning of the original name. Its just synonyms, using it avoids repetition even though you are conveying the same thing.
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Keith wrote: »
    Don't let him take the intellectual high ground CaptianChuck. Presenting your image of names for classes you think are more appropriate despite not having any inside knowledge to how the classes work is totally reasonable.

    It may be reasonable, but its a waste of time. Steven has said the class names won't change. Also Noanni is correct.
  • XraelXrael Member
    edited July 2020
    Keith wrote: »
    noaani wrote: »
    This is why you make posts like this. You ask the community's opinion on the name changes. Since most of you don't want scout to be changed, i won't change it if i were to make a list next time. Even if i have a personal opinion on it, the opinion of others takes precedence.
    You're not getting it.

    None of us know what any of the classes are going to play like, and what they play like is the only factor that matters in determining what an appropriate name for them would be.

    This is a discussion that may have some merrit about half way through beta, but right now is literally just "I don't like this word, change it for another one!"

    Even if you take on opinions from other people, their opinions are still the same as that - as no one other than Intrepid have any information to make a comment that is any more informed than that.

    An example of this would be the Spellshield. You renamed it to Hex Keeper - yet you and I have no idea at all if the class will even use hexes, nor even if the game will have hexes. How can you say you prefer this name for this class when you have literally no idea as to whether it is suitable or not?

    :*:*:*:* Don't let him take the intellectual high ground CaptianChuck. Presenting your image of names for classes you think are more appropriate despite not having any inside knowledge to how the classes work is totally reasonable. <3<3<3<3

    You've literally been typing senseless crap in this whole thread. If you can only use emojis and can't type your opinions on the changes, then don't type.

    If you look at any of the names that I used, most of them are just SYNONYMS. Synonyms are words with the SAME meaning, EXCEPT, they remove repetition.

    Did i make a few name changes that I shouldn't have because I have no idea how that class might play out? Yes, I did. I mentioned them above. That was my mistake. That's why I made this post, to see people what think and why they think so. Then you take the feedback, and you improve on it.
  • XraelXrael Member
    edited July 2020
    Keith wrote: »
    Keith wrote: »
    noaani wrote: »
    This is why you make posts like this. You ask the community's opinion on the name changes. Since most of you don't want scout to be changed, i won't change it if i were to make a list next time. Even if i have a personal opinion on it, the opinion of others takes precedence.
    You're not getting it.

    None of us know what any of the classes are going to play like, and what they play like is the only factor that matters in determining what an appropriate name for them would be.

    This is a discussion that may have some merrit about half way through beta, but right now is literally just "I don't like this word, change it for another one!"

    Even if you take on opinions from other people, their opinions are still the same as that - as no one other than Intrepid have any information to make a comment that is any more informed than that.

    An example of this would be the Spellshield. You renamed it to Hex Keeper - yet you and I have no idea at all if the class will even use hexes, nor even if the game will have hexes. How can you say you prefer this name for this class when you have literally no idea as to whether it is suitable or not?

    :*:*:*:* Don't let him take the intellectual high ground CaptianChuck. Presenting your image of names for classes you think are more appropriate despite not having any inside knowledge to how the classes work is totally reasonable. <3<3<3<3

    You've literally been typing senseless crap in this whole thread. If you can only use emojis and can't type your opinions on the changes, then don't type.

    If you look at any of the names that I used, most of them are just SYNONYMS. Synonyms are words with the SAME meaning, EXCEPT, they remove repetition.

    Did i make a few name changes that I shouldn't have because I have no idea how that class might play out? Yes, I did. I mentioned them above. That was my mistake. That's why I made this post, to see people what think and why they think so. Then you take the feedback, and you improve on it.

    :D:D:D I'm on your side! I think a rogue+tank being called void lord is incredible and i'm surprised none of the devs thought of it. ;)B):D:D

    ORGANIZE your opinions and type it out. I made the change simply because I was tired of seeing the word shadow repeated over and over again.

    Shadow Lord is a thing. Void is a synonym to Shadow. So yes, the devs did think about it. Stop typing, you're making yourself look stupid.
  • XraelXrael Member
    edited July 2020
    Keith wrote: »

    you're making yourself look stupid.

    :D:D People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. :D:D

    Nice dodge on my post. Wow, seems like i'm the only one who thought of Void Lord huh? The devs DEFINITELY didn't think about it and you DEFINITELY read all the class names. Why don't you quote the whole thing? Delete your post. That's what people like you are good at after all.

    I posted my thoughts on the class names and what I think they should be. People responded with their opinions on it. Look at the post, i specifically said, WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK?

    A person discussing his opinions with multiple people, to see what they think of it, is not stupid. The person posting emoji filled comments, without any feedback on the topic, is the one who is stupid.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited July 2020
    But almost all the others maintain the same meaning of the original name. Its just synonyms, using it avoids repetition even though you are conveying the same thing.
    What is wrong with repitition?

    How do you know that "Shadow" as an example is not a key specific term in the worlds lore?

  • AardvarkAardvark Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    My dude, you are really coming at this from an angle wholly derived from your own personal definitions of some of these words.

    And the way you respond to people who have different definitions, even if they are more technically correct, is not very conducive to constructive conversation about it.

    Are you serious? How is a vigilante a tank? I literally have no concrete personal opinion on any of these changes. If someone comes up with a name that sounds better than what I came up with, I tell them straight up (Read above). But there are standard definitions to every term. I followed those standard definitions when it came to the names i chose above. A vigilante CAN be a mercenary. Most vigilantes go rogue after taking justice into their own hands. They turn into mercenaries. They are however, NOT TANKS in any way, shape or form. I personally think its a better term than scout. Its just personal opinion, if you don't like it then come up with a better name than both scout and vigilante.

    Well, I think Scout is perfectly fitting for a ranger/rogue, as a woodsman/bow type character with some focus on travelling without being seen.

    Why exactly do you find that name lacking?


    "I followed those standard defintions... most vigilantes go rogue... turn into mercenaries."

    You literally contradict yourself from one sentence to the next by applying your own opinion/understanding/view about a word to the "standard definition" of the word.

    Batman is the purest expression of a vigilante and he doesn't do that at all. So...

    Batman lives in a sci fi world. We're talking about a fantasy medieval world here. Stop comparing it to Batman.

  • edited July 2020
    You should just add "Don't type" to your forum signature at this point, haha.

    You say it about 10 times a day, at least.
  • MomijiMomiji Member
    I vote for Bard/Bard to be renamed Jeffrey
  • I'll throw my two cents in here.

    Where you went with Shadow Priest (Cleric/Rogue), I would suggest Witch.
    For Apostle (Cleric/Ranger) I would've gone with Exorcist.
    For the Fighter/Bard, I would either go with Tactician or Champion/Gladiator
    And lastly, for the Mage/Guardian combo I would go with Abjurer.

    Really liked your 'virtuoso' suggestion in particular. Very thematic, and overall, I think your suggestions are on point, CaptainChuck.
  • XraelXrael Member
    edited July 2020
    Niraada wrote: »
    I'll throw my two cents in here.

    Where you went with Shadow Priest (Cleric/Rogue), I would suggest Witch.
    For Apostle (Cleric/Ranger) I would've gone with Exorcist.
    For the Fighter/Bard, I would either go with Tactician or Champion/Gladiator
    And lastly, for the Mage/Guardian combo I would go with Abjurer.

    Really liked your 'virtuoso' suggestion in particular. Very thematic, and overall, I think your suggestions are on point, CaptainChuck.

    Thankyou for the feedback, I appreciate it.

    As for witch, its a female name. Class names should be gender neutral so I disagree with this name.

    For exorcist, its a great name and it fits the theme of the class very well, but its another of those names that depend on the class' playstyle.

    I think you're referring to bard/fighter as fighter/bard is Bladedancer and I think its a perfect name for that class and doesn't require any change. Not sure how a bard/fighter would be a tactician or a champion/gladiator. Yes the name Bladesinger is somewhat repetitive, but it is an actual class in d&d, which I know Steven is a big fan of. Also it fits the theme of a bard/fighter very well.

    As for abjurer, great name. Fits very well with either mage/guardian or guardian/mage. I see you got this from d&d as well, insert lenny face.

  • FerenFeren Member
    The Archetype name Tank is one that bothers me a little.
    -I'm a Cleric, my role is support! What are you?
    -I'm a Tank, my role is... Tank...
    Idk just seems odd, maybe there is a reason for it.
    Everything else sounds really cool.
  • AardvarkAardvark Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2020
    Feren wrote: »
    The Archetype name Tank is one that bothers me a little.
    -I'm a Cleric, my role is support! What are you?
    -I'm a Tank, my role is... Tank...
    Idk just seems odd, maybe there is a reason for it.
    Everything else sounds really cool.

    Wait until the raid wants tank/tank then your class is tank wait that makes you a guardian...meaning post level 25 there will be no class "tank" just classes that have one of their choices as tank. There are 64 classes and none of them are mage or tank or cleric those are the building blocks you choose to make one of the 64 classes
  • Cant believe this thread got so many replies...
  • CaricCaric Member
    You don't know the lore in the game which should have a direct impact on the names of "classes". Nuff said.
  • XraelXrael Member
    Caric wrote: »
    You don't know the lore in the game which should have a direct impact on the names of "classes". Nuff said.

    Most of these names utilize synonyms. Synonyms are words with the same meaning but they get rid of repetition. So no, I don't need to know the lore or the playstyle of "most" of the classes that i renamed.
  • Steven said he wouldnt change the names years ago. The names have been a pain for me for a while. I dont mind most of them, but things like using singer for Bard combos, Night for Rogue combos, Spell for mage combos, etc. is too generic.

    I also saw that you dont like the name Druid because it is elven. Says who? You are applying Lore from some other game. Druids in real life didnt have anything to do with elves because elves dont exist. So having druids be outside of elves is fine.
  • FofferFoffer Member
    edited July 2020
    I just find the name "tank" a bit odd for a base class. Should be Guardian or Protector or some such. The concept of a tank is based on a the much later armored vehicle and does not fit the medieval fantasy theme.

    in my opinion
  • AardvarkAardvark Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2020
    Foffer wrote: »
    I just find the name "tank" a bit odd for a base class. Should be Guardian or Protector or some such. The concept of a tank is based on a the much later armored vehicle and does not fit the medieval fantasy theme.

    in my opinion

    again tank is not the class its the primary or 2ndary you combine with another to make a class. There are 64 classes after level 25 and none of them are "tank"
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