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[NA] Knights of Ember | Relaxed | PvX | Active



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    XyphienXyphien Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Bullvinne wrote: »
    You know, this guild sounds pretty nifty. I definitely like the relaxed, play-as-you-can attitude. I hated finding guilds that required you to do events, etc.

    I will have to check out your website and maybe join up over the next few days!

    Glad to hear and yeah, gaming is suppose to be a get away from the stress and to have fun. Stressing over making times, events, etc. Defeats the whole purpose of playing and enjoying a game imo. Plus we all have lives and irl comes first or at least it should lol
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    Xyphien wrote: »
    Bullvinne wrote: »
    You know, this guild sounds pretty nifty. I definitely like the relaxed, play-as-you-can attitude. I hated finding guilds that required you to do events, etc.

    I will have to check out your website and maybe join up over the next few days!

    Glad to hear and yeah, gaming is suppose to be a get away from the stress and to have fun. Stressing over making times, events, etc. Defeats the whole purpose of playing and enjoying a game imo. Plus we all have lives and irl comes first or at least it should lol

    Question, I see the guild members are currently playing Rift? Is that now free to play? I havent thought about Rift in a long time lol. I could see giving it a whirl if it is.
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    color me interested by the logo itself lol Do you mind sharing who did the art for yall?

    i will mess with it on my break from work :)
    none of my close friends seem interested in ashes unfortunately and although i tend to have the ability to put in a lot of hours and meet the requirements of a hardcore guild i prefer more spontaneous activities over set time/day activities. Although having both happen is always nice so this guild sounds up my alley

    also an actual website and everything im like whoa its so professional i feel inadequate lmao [as mentioned in earlier posts the website also does mention discord although you are using the new thing now]
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    XyphienXyphien Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Savic wrote: »
    color me interested by the logo itself lol Do you mind sharing who did the art for yall?

    i will mess with it on my break from work :)
    none of my close friends seem interested in ashes unfortunately and although i tend to have the ability to put in a lot of hours and meet the requirements of a hardcore guild i prefer more spontaneous activities over set time/day activities. Although having both happen is always nice so this guild sounds up my alley

    also an actual website and everything im like whoa its so professional i feel inadequate lmao [as mentioned in earlier posts the website also does mention discord although you are using the new thing now]

    I own my own company and we have access to millions of assets so it was made by me through our assets.

    We will have planned events and spontaneous events they just won't be mandatory for the most part.
    I thought I removed all traces of discord from the site lol, guess I'll have to look through that if I can remember when Im not busy.
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    XyphienXyphien Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Bullvinne wrote: »
    Xyphien wrote: »
    Bullvinne wrote: »
    You know, this guild sounds pretty nifty. I definitely like the relaxed, play-as-you-can attitude. I hated finding guilds that required you to do events, etc.

    I will have to check out your website and maybe join up over the next few days!

    Glad to hear and yeah, gaming is suppose to be a get away from the stress and to have fun. Stressing over making times, events, etc. Defeats the whole purpose of playing and enjoying a game imo. Plus we all have lives and irl comes first or at least it should lol

    Question, I see the guild members are currently playing Rift? Is that now free to play? I havent thought about Rift in a long time lol. I could see giving it a whirl if it is.

    We actually don't play rift anymore. We did most of the limited content on there and now we're mostly doing WoW retail, some of us are on osrs, etc.
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    Ah ok, yeah I cant go back into WoW... but hey, if anyone is interested, i have been checking out Age of Conan. It sure brings back memories lol
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    Looking forward to playing with everyone
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    XyphienXyphien Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    We're always looking for more people to hop in and join!
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    I saw that New World is listed as one of your played games via Guilded. Is this accurate and if so, what faction are you aligned with, and on what server do you all play?
    3az4b166v5je.pngChristian. Family-Friendly. Community-Oriented. Click the banner to learn more.
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    XyphienXyphien Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Aaricia wrote: »
    I saw that New World is listed as one of your played games via Guilded. Is this accurate and if so, what faction are you aligned with, and on what server do you all play?

    Most of us stopped playing new world, there's a few of us still playing but that's something you'd have to ask them. As of now we don't have a set game being played, though there's a few people playing several MMOs.
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    XyphienXyphien Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    We are getting hyped again with Alpha 2 right around the corner! We're actively looking for members, we've been around since 2017 and would love some new people with microphones to join!
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    TacquitoTacquito Member
    A2 HYPE!
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    Great group of gamers! A2 Hype
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    XyphienXyphien Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One We're going to be trying and getting Guild Nights back up, in which we all hang out at a set date/time and either watch something, play a game, play a board game, etc.
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    We are getting hyped again with Alpha 2 right around the corner! We're actively looking for members, we've been around since 2017 and would love some new people with microphones to join! Come join us!
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